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HBTU Student Format Guide: Greetings & Introductions

HBTU Formats
Format to tell your name and branch
Good morning/afternoon/evening respected ma’ams and respected sirs,
Respected ma’am/sir,
Jaanvi Chaudhary
1st B. Tech Computer Science and Engineering
Format to ask senior his/her name and branch
Good morning/afternoon/evening respected ma’ams and respected sirs,
Respected ma’am/sir,
May I have your single honour, double pleasure and triple delight to know your good and gracious
name and your honorable and divine branch Please Please Please respected ma’am/sir
When senior will tell his/her name, you will thank that senior
Thank you respected ma’am/sir
If a senior asks you to repeat his name then you will follow the given format
Respected Ms/Mr Senior’s name Ma’am/Sir
His/her year and branch
Format to tell the name of a senior
For female senior
Good morning/afternoon/evening respected ma’ams and respected sirs,
Respected Ms. Manvi Sharma Ma’am
2nd /3rd /Final B Tech
Her Branch name
For male senior
Good morning/afternoon/evening respected ma’ams and respected sirs,
Respected Mr. Mudit Mishra Sir
2nd /3rd /Final B Tech
His Branch name
Format to give Intro
Good morning/afternoon/evening respected ma'ams and respected sirs
Respected Ma'am/Sir
My name is Jaanvi Chaudhary
My father's name is respected Mr. Sahil Chaudhary
I belong to Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
I have passed my high school examination from St Paul Academy Ghaziabad in the year 2021 which is
affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education with an aggregate of 97 percentage
I have passed my intermediate examination from Delhi Public School Ghaziabad in the year 2023
which is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education with an aggregate of 95 percentage
My All India Joint Entrance Examination Main 2023 combined general rank is 31061
My Branch in Harcourt Butler Technical University is First B. Tech Computer Science & Engineering
My Student’s registration number is _____
My hobby is _____
(No Short forms are allowed and all the numeral values should be spoken as individual digits like
97 should be spoken as nine seven and not ninety-seven.)