Giving a database schema: - Sailors(sid: integer, sname: string, rating: integer, age:real) - Boats(bid:integer , bname: string, color: string) - Reserves(sid: integer, bid: integer , day: date ) Sid 22 29 31 32 58 64 71 74 85 95 Sname Dustin Brutus Lubber Andy Rusty Horatio Zorba Horatio Art Bob Rating 7 1 8 8 10 7 10 9 3 3 Age 45.0 33.0 55.5 25.5 35.0 35.0 16.0 35.0 25.5 63.5 Sid 22 22 22 22 31 31 31 64 64 74 Bid 101 102 103 104 102 103 104 101 102 103 Day 10/10/08 10/10/08 10/08/08 10/07/08 11/10/08 11/06/08 11/12/08 9/05/08 9/08/08 9/08/08 Bid 101 102 103 104 Bname Interlake Interlake Clipper Marine Boats Sailors Reserves Using relational algebra expression to answer below queries 1. Find the names of sailors who have reserved boat 103 πSname(σbid=103 (Sailor ⋈ Reserves)) 2. Find the names of sailors who have reserved a red boat πSname(σColor=103 (Sailor ⋈ Reserves ⋈ Boat)) 3. Find the colors of boats reserved by Lubber. πColor(σSname=”Lubber” (Sailor ⋈ Reserves ⋈ Boats)) 4. Find the names of sailors who have reserved at least one boat. πSname(Sailor ⋈ Reserves) 5. Find the names of sailors who have reserved a red and a green boat πSname(σColor=”Red” or “Green”(Sailor ⋈ Reserves ⋈ Boats)) 6. Find the sids of sailors with age over 20 who have not reserved a red boat πSid (σAge>20 AND Color ≠ “Red” (Sailor ⋈ Reserves ⋈Boats)) 7. Find the names of sailors who have reserved all boats πSname(σBid=101(Sailor ⋈ Reserves)) ∩ πSname(σBid=102 (Sailor ⋈ Reserves)) ∩ πSname(σBid=103 (Sailor ⋈ Reserves)) ∩ πSname(σBid=104(Sailor ⋈ Reserves)) 8. Find the names of sailors who have reserved all boats called Interlake πSname(σBid=101 (Sailor ⋈ Reserves)) ∩ πSname(σBid=102 (Sailor ⋈ Reserves)) 9. Find the names of sailors who have reserved at least two boats πSname (Sailor⋈(σReserves.Sid = R2.Sid and Reserves.Bid != R2.Bid (Reserves ><pR2(Sid, Bid, Day)(Reserves)))) Color Blue Red Green Red