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Tectonic Plates Assessment Tool Design

REQUIRED OUTPUT No. 1- Complete P.B.A Tool Design
1. Formulate your rubrics for Process and Product-Oriented P.B.A. tool design base on
your specific objectives/competencies.
2. Attach/Type here your completed Process and Product Performance-Based
Assessment Tool Design, from Assessment Purposes up to Rubric.
3. Write a Reflection Paper (citing a justification for the inclusion of each part) and give
your own Reflection Title with the following reflection guide:
Reflection Guide:
Your explanation/justification of everything about your work
Personal Reflection following the guide below
A. What did I think/feel about the lesson/activity? Why?
B. What did I learn? any virtue acquired?
C. What was particularly significant for me? Why?
D. How will I apply what I have learned to my future teaching profession?
Criteria in the rubric
1. Originality of the Task and Task design
2. Appropriateness and cohesion of the parts
3. Creativity and Innovativeness in the Task Design
4. Comprehensive Reflection
Product-Oriented Performance-Based Assessment Tool Design
Assessment Purpose: To track students’ growth and diagnose their strength and
weaknesses. To provide coaching and feedback to students. To
provide basis for grading involving criterion-referenced approach.
Target: Grade 10 students
Construct: knowledge on tectonic plate boundaries
General Objectives: Using recyclable materials, the students should be able to
create/produce functional models for 3 types of plate boundaries.
Specific Objectives: The plate boundaries models that the students will create must:
1. be a functional model for each type of tectonic plate boundaries.
2. be created using recyclable materials such as cartons, Styrofoam, papers,
sticks etc.
3. be in a functional mode in a way that it can show how plates move based on
its type.
4. be properly labeled and have proper description.
5. includes the type and as well as the arrows of movement direction
6. have each model be put in a 1/4 illustration board.
7. Cite at least one example of each tectonic plate boundaries.
8. possess a picture of the example beside the description of each model.
9. be neat and has a pleasant appearance with the inclusion of proper color on
parts of the model; and
10. depict team effort.
Functionality of
the models
The models’
functional mode
demonstrates the
right movement of
the different plate
The models’
functional mode
only demonstrates
some of the
movement of
different plate
The models’
functional mode
does not
demonstrate the
right movement
of the different
plate boundaries
Some parts of the
models were not
made of recyclable
materials; putted
on the wrong sizes
and type of board;
The models do
not utilize
presentation of
The models are
made up of
Appropriateness recyclable materials;
of materials
in right size of
illustration board
have attached
pictures of the
examples of each of
the plate boundaries
Correctness of
form and
Creativity and
The models depict
their understanding
of the topic through
proper labeling,
such as it has
complete description
of each type, correct
direction of arrows
according to each
movement, and
provided correct/
accurate examples
of each type of plate
The models are
creatively made and
has used
appropriate colors;
and are neat. The
overall appearance
is a result of careful
and meticulous
Submitted on or
before the deadline
only provided
some pictures of
the examples
the models, does
not provide
picture evidence
of the examples
The models were
labeled and has
descriptions and
examples, but
were incomplete
and needs
There are some
errors on the
arrows directions.
The models are
not labeled and
no descriptions.
Incorrect arrows’
direction and no
The models were
made right but
improvement on
the use of
appropriate colors
and neatness
The models were
dull and empty.
Showed little
evidence of effort
or planning.
Submitted one day
after the deadline
Submitted 2 days
and above after 10%
the deadline
Process-Oriented Performance-Based Assessment Tool Design
Assessment Purpose: To track students’ growth and diagnose their strength and
weaknesses. To provide coaching and feedback to students. To
provide basis for grading involving criterion-referenced approach.
Target: Grade 10 students
Construct: ability to show their competencies on presenting their knowledge and
understanding about plate boundaries
General Objectives: The students should be able to comprehensively explain and show
their understanding about the types of plate boundaries using their
functional models through a selling themed presentation
Specific Objectives: In the presentation, the students should be able to:
1. utilize their functional models of plate boundaries as their product to sell.
2. demonstrate the movements of the plate boundaries through the functionality
of their models.
3. comprehensively explain and discuss about each type of plate tectonic
boundaries without turning away from the theme
4. elaborate the causes of the movements of plate boundaries as well as the
effects in geology and people’s lives
5. gives real-life existing examples of each type of boundaries
6. depict their team effort through their own creativity and uniqueness of their
The presentation comprehensively explained/discuss the concepts without turning
away from the theme and demonstrate those concepts effectively through the
functionality of their models. Presented accurate and correct real-life examples.
The performance execution is unique and original. The audience were highly
engaged and focused on the presentation
The presentation averagely discussed the concepts and has utilized their models’
functionality without turning away from the theme. Presented some real-life
examples. The performance is averagely good and unique. The audience are
focused and listening.
The presentation only discussed minimal information about the concept and does
not properly utilize the functionality of their models. The theme was sometimes
forgotten. Presented minimal examples. The performance may contain errors and
the audience’ attentions are not hooked.
The presentation gives a very limited explanation about the concepts and the
functionality of models were not utilized. Theme is often neglected. The
performance was disorganized and is dull.
Task Design:
GOAL: This activity will determine the understanding of the students about different types of
tectonic plate boundaries through creating functional models and presenting real-life examples.
This will develop the student’s creativity, collaboration, and presentation skills.
To accomplish the activity, the students will be grouped consist of 3-5 member per
group. They will be tasked to produce or create a functional model for each type of tectonic
plate boundaries. The students will be given an enough amount of time to finish the project. The
functional models should have the following specifications:
It should be made up of recyclable materials.
It should rightfully show the type of the plate boundaries through its functionality
It should be properly labeled and have proper description.
It should have a neat and pleasant appearance.
After they have produced/created their functional model, each group of students will present
their models in front of the class.
ROLE: The students as an online seller or salesman.
AUDIENCE: The teacher and classmates as the customers
SITUATION: In your presentation, suppose that you are an online seller or a salesman trying to
promote your product. Using the functional model of tectonic plate boundaries that you have
created, try to promote, and sell those models in your own creative ways. Your promotion
should include the description about the different plate boundaries, their cause and effects on
geology and people, as well as the real-life example of each type. Your functional models and
presentation will be judged by your classmate through rating basis depending on the
presentation impact and their preferences. Thus, your overall output and presentation will be
graded through the criteria given.
PRODUCT: The students will produce a functional model of different tectonic plate boundaries.
“What a Fulfilling Experience”
The careful and effective formulation of performance task is an essential skill and
knowledge that every educator should possess. And as a future educator like me, this activity
helped me to develop such skills.
I have made a performance task about the topic of plate boundaries under the grade 10
MELCs at the first quarter. I have also made that the product-oriented based and processoriented based performance task is set to be successive. Wherein, the students were first
tasked to provide or create a product (product-oriented based task) which is to create a
functional model of each type of the plate boundaries, then they will present their functional
models (process-oriented based task) with a particular theme of ‘selling product’, in front of the
Each tool design has their own rubrics. For the product-oriented task, I have utilized the
analytic rubric to score or grade the students’ work. This is because the assessment purpose of
this product-oriented task is to diagnose the strength and weaknesses of the students’
understanding about the concept or topic. Wherein those characteristics would be reflected on
the product they will produced and is to be evaluated using the provided analytic rubric. On the
other hand, I have used a holistic rubric to evaluate the process-oriented performance task.
That is because the process-oriented task is a performance or presentation, in which should be
graded/evaluated as a whole. Where in it particularly judging the quality of the overall
achievement of the presentation and not just by assessing individual characteristics or criteria.
And through these two rubrics, I believe that it will justify and prove the effectiveness of this task
design and will be able to affectively evaluate the students’ performance.
In this activity, if I were to be honest, I really do have a difficulty on thinking what
appropriate task that should be given on the students during that topic. Considering that is
should be authentic and doable. However, once I have come up with the right idea, I honestly
enjoyed doing it, though there are times and circumstances that I don’t know what I should
write, or the terms I want to express while doing it suddenly leave my mind. But I am thankful
that I am well guided, by the discussion we have and by the materials available. And that abled
me to finish this activity.
Upon doing these activities, part by part, I learned that a teacher should be really a
critical thinker and always thinking outside the box. Aside from the knowledge, a teacher should
be a creative and critical thinker to formulate or create an effective product and task that can
help students to improve. And the skill in doing so is also important, which I can say that I have
acquired that upon doing this activity.
I think after I have fully finished this activity, and now that I am writing my reflection, I felt
a sense of fulfillment or achievement right now. That I am now able and capable on doing things
that I find difficult before and is the things that I will surely do in the future. I will always
remember and go back to that feeling of thinking what appropriate task should be in a particular
topic and how, ‘as a teacher’ to carry that out on the students. And that is something that would
be always a part of me as I walk on my path on becoming a future educator.