Republic of the Philippines Bulacan State University College of Education City of Malolos, Bulacan LESSON PLAN for CLASSROOM OBSERVATION in SCIENCE IV Date: September 14, 2022 I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of… the different sources of water suitable for human consumption B. Performance Standards C. Learning Competencies / Objectives Write the LC code for each The learners should be able to… practice precautionary measures in planning activities The learners should be able to describe the importance of the water cycle. S4ESIVd-4 THE WATER CYCLE II. CONTENT III. LEANING RESOURCES A. References 1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 2. Learners’ Materials Pages Q.4, Chap 2 “Water in the Environment”, Lesson 61: The Importance of Water Cycle pp 267-269 3. Textbook Pages 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource portal (LR) Powerpoint Presentation: The water cycle B. Other Learning Resources IV. PROCEDURE A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting new lesson. (ENGAGE) TEACHER’S ACTIVITY PUPILS’ ACTIVITY “Before we start our new lesson for today, let us Student: Ma’am, we review first about what we have discussed about have discussed yesterday. matter. Does anyone remember what we have tackled?" “ Yes, that’s right. We have talked about matter. So, now let us try if you truly remember about matter.” Instructional Materials Used/ Teaching Strategies Multiple Intelligences Used / Pedagogies Employed VerbalLinguistic “Are you class ready to draw?” Students: Yes we are ready “Okay so now our activity is entitled as, ‘Draw my Faces’. Or simply you will draw an example of the 3 (The students will be Phases of matter we have allotted a time to talked about yesterday” perform the activity) Visual-Spatial VerbaLinguistic After students have drawn, the teacher will call 2-3 students to present their work and state their examples “So, it seems that you truly understand what matter is. In which matter occupies space and has mass. And it has three phases, namely: Solid, Liquid and Gas” B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson (ENGAGE) “Now, may I ask if anyone of you like to answer (Students raise their riddles?” hands) “Alright, so let us test if you can answer this riddle” (The students will try to guess the answer, until someone will answer “WATER”) “Very Good! The answer to this riddle is WATER” “Water is something that is around us, and us people cannot live without water” VerbalLinguistic Logical Naturalistic “So I think you now have an idea about what we are The students will answer going to talk about today.. It “WATER” about?-“ C. Presenting examples / instances of the new lesson (ENGAGE) “So now let us study and get know about the water around us" The teacher will then ask “Class, can you give me an The students will give example of water that you answers such as: see in your surroundings?” - Running water in the faucet - Water we use in shower - Rivers - Lakes - Ponds etc. “Very good! All your examples are correct. Truly that there so much water around us. Class, do you think how much water is on earth?” The students will answer about what they think how much water is on earth. Naturalistic Visual-Spatial NaturalisticLogicalMathematical Visual-Spatial “To find out, let us watch this video” The students will watch the video and know how 8 much water is on earth After the students watch the video presented, the teacher will then ask, “Based on the information “71% of Earth is water” you have watched; how much percent is the water on earth?” “That’s right. So, that’s a lot (The students answers of water, right? Now, how may vary) about the rain coming from above? Are you class curious where do rain come from, and how it is formed?” “Let’s find about that on the The students will watch next video about how rain is the video and find out formed” how the rain is formed. After the students watch the video presented, the teacher will then ask, “Based on what you have The students will VerbalLinguistic Visual-Spatial Naturalistic Logical Verbal Naturalistic watched, how do rain formed?” E. Discussing newconcepts and practicing newskills # 1 (EXPLORE) answer, “Through Water Cycle!” Using the materials readied by the teacher. The teacher will perform a short experiment with or in front the students Entitled: Let’s Make it Rain -clear plastic container -hot boiling water -plastic wrap -rubber band -snack size zip-closing bag -ice cubes Activity sheet: ent/d/1Tthuy9ni2eRGyxUzBC o05fX_ESlT06nx72Dgo2NCgo/ed it?usp=sharing Objectives • The students should be able to identify the processes of water cycle that make it rain. 1. Pour the hot water into the clear plastic container so it is about ¼ full. “This is a model of a lake or an ocean. “ 2. Place a piece of plastic wrap over the container. Ask for help and use a rubber band to hold the plastic wrap on the container. “This is a model of the level of the sky where most of the weather happens. “ 3. Put the ice cubes in a zip-closing plastic snack bag. Place the snack bag on the plastic wrap as shown. “This needs to be cold because the area of the sky where weather happens is cold. “ The students will do the experiment guided by the teacher. However, if the materials will not allow the students to handle such as hot water, the students will observe as the teacher will perform the experiment 4. If you have a lamp, follow your teacher’s instructions to shine it on your model. If you don’t have a lamp, carefully bring your model over to a window where it can receive light from outside. “The light is a model of the sun.” Let your model sis for about 15 minutes and observe. 5. Remove the plastic bag with ice from the plastic wrap on the top of the container. Observation: The teacher will ask the following questions: 1. When you look at the eater cycle model after Students answer: about 15 minutes, what do “There are water drops you notice about the on it” inside of the plastic wrap? 2. Where do you think these Students answer: water drops came from? “From the water below through evaporation” 3. Since evaporation is not visible, how do you know that evaporation was occurring? Students answer: “Since the water is hot in temperature, the vapor rose” 4. Was Condensation visible? How? Students answer: “Yes, water droplets formed on the plastic wrap” 5. What particular event in Students answer: the activity that modeled “As the water droplets the precipitation? become larger, they began to fall back into the pool of water in the container” The teacher will now discuss G. Developing Mastery about further information (Leads to Formative and about the water cycle Assessment 3) (EXPLAIN) Water Cycle Shows the continuous movement of water within the Earth and atmosphere Water Cycle has 4 processes or stages: 1. Evaporation -is the process by which a liquid turn into gas when heated. The water turns into gas in the form of water vapor. Explore this: s/en/education/resources/k8/inquiryinaction/fifthgrade/evaporation.html 2. Condensation -is the process by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water. As the water vapor rises higher into atmosphere, it cools and condenses. Explore this: s/en/education/resources/k8/inquiryinaction/fifthgrade/condensation.html 1. Precipitation -the product of condensation, where the liquid that forms in the atmosphere falls back into The students will listen to the discussion and answer the teacher’s questions in between the discussion Earth. Explore this: R2aKrb8qoj2Pq9 2. Collection -when water falls back to earth as precipitation, it may fall back and be collected in the ocean, rivers, lakes and streams Explore here: pXN13fPrSnsC66 H. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living (ELABORATE) This time the teacher will (Student’s answers may ask where they can observe vary) the process of water cycle in One example answer is their everyday lives Dyring of clothes I. Making As for generalization, generalizations and abstraction about the another question will be (Students’ answers may vary) lesson(ELABORATE) asked by the teacher. “Do you think the amount of water on earth decreases since its existence?” The teacher may do it by letting the students to raise their hands whether they agree or not if the water decreases over time After the discussion of arguments and answers the teacher will now state the answer. “The amount of water on earth does not decrease, but the amount of freshwater/clean water are slowly decreasing on earth due to pollution and other factors that affects the water resources” “That is why we need to do something about that. And that’ll be your assignment” The students will exchange their thoughts and defend their answers in the class J. Evaluating Learning (EVALUATE Test Yourself! The students will label A. Label the parts the parts as shown in the Label the following processes picture below. or stages of water cycle. B. Game-Based Quiz /6265ed562051db001e633c3 0/start?studentShare=true K. Additional Activities for application or remediation Assignment: What Can I Do? Instruction: Make a simple home-based program that you can implement together with your family in order to conserve water in your house. The students will upload their program proposals in their google classwork. V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment B. No. of learners who require additional activities forremediation C. Did the remedial lessons worked?No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson. D. No. of learners who continue torequire remediation E. Which of my teaching strategies workedwell? Why did this work? F. What difficultiesdid I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use, discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Prepared by: Ratee: RACHEL GRACE LUPANGO Student Teacher Noted: Cooperating Teacher Principal III