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Political Science Research: Lecture Outline

POS-3713 / Berry
Lecture Outline
Introduction to Political Science Research
I. The Nature of Science
A. What is Science?
B. The Assumptions of Science
II. The Nature of Social Science
A. The Purposes of Social Science Research
1. Description
2. Explanation
B. Research is Required at Two Levels: Theoretical/Conceptual & Empirical
III. Theory and Concepts
A. Concepts
1. Functions in Social Science Research
2. How to Define Concepts
a. Conceptual Definitions
b. Operational Definitions
B. Theories
1. Normative vs. Empirical Theories
2. Inductive vs. Deductive Theory Building
IV. Key Terminology
A. Unit of Analysis
B. Variable
C. Independent and Dependent Variables
D. Hypotheses and Null Hypotheses
E. Positive and Negative Relationships