Uploaded by Hezekiah Davidson

Crusade songs

Crusade songs
1. Welcome Holy Spirit
2. Sweet Holy spirit
3. Holy Ghost do it again
4. Hail King Jesus
5. Surely, the presence of the Lord
6. The blood that Jesus shed.
7. Anointing rise in me.
8. Oh, the Glory
9. Jesus, oh Jesus
10. You are my hiding place.
11. Jesus, Holy and Anointed one. Your name is like honey.
12. Let me be sweet incense.
13. Come to the river of life, you will find healing there.
14. Breathe on me, holy Ghost fire.
15. Don't try to tell me God is dead; he woke me up this morning.
16. There is healing in this place.
17. Worthy is the lamb, you are Holy.
18. He touched me.