Calendar Thematic Plan for grade 5 within the framework of updating the secondary education content 2023-2024 academic year 1 2 3 4 № Units/ Changing lessons Theme Learning objectives Hours Date 1st term 41 hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Starter Unit: (6 hours) Entering test Checking the language level of students Starter Asking about names Asking about names Learn numbers Plurals Learn colors The plural forms of noun Greetings Days of the week Classroom language Textbook language Unit 1: Rooms and furniture Home and away Describing and writing about (16 hours) Furniture and Appliances Unusual buildings Talking about and describing houses Furniture and Appliances Practising joined up writing There is/there are 11 A/an some/any 12 Prepositions of place 13 Ordinal Numbers use speaking and listening skills for creative joint problem solving in groups; organize and clearly present information in a form understandable to others; develop intercultural understanding through reading and discussion; use imagination to express your thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings understand with support the sequence of commands in the classroom; understand simple questions on general and educational topics without support; identify with support the meaning from the context of a short conversation on some general and educational topics; determine the opinion of the speaker(s) in a simple, supportive conversation on some general and educational topics transmit basic information about yourself and others at the level of a sentence on some general topics; ask simple questions to get information within some general topics; respond with some flexibility at the suggestion level to unexpected comments within the framework of various general and educational topics; express thoughts clearly and clearly at the level of a sentence during a pair, group and work with the whole class; use specific vocabulary and syntax within some general topics understand the main points in some short simple texts on general and educational topics; understand, with little support, specific information and details in short, simple texts within some general and educational topics; determine the meaning from the context in short texts within the framework of familiar general and educational topics plan, write, edit and proofread works at the text level on some general and educational topics; write with support a sequence of sentences in a paragraph on some general and educational topics; write supporting factual data at the text level describing people, places and objects; combine sentences logically into a paragraph, with some support, using the basic words of the bundle on some familiar common topics; use with some support the appropriate format at the level of the text of some written genres on familiar general and some educational topics use appropriate calculable and uncountable nouns, including common phrases describing time and place, on some familiar general and educational topics; use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, when describing subjects on general and some educational topics, use simple monosyllabic and two-syllabic adjectives for comparison; use any, no each, every on general and some educational topics; use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing, anything for some familiar general and educational topics; use the forms of the future tense "will" for forecasts and "gather" in order to tell about certain plans for a limited circle of familiar and common educational topics; use be /look /sound / feel / taste / smell like on a limited range of familiar and common educational topics; 1 04.09 1 05.09 1 06.09 1 07.09 1 08.09 1 11.09 1 12.09 1 13.09 1 14.09 1 15.09 1 18.09 1 19.09 1 20.09 H/w use common correct and incorrect adverbs, simple and comparative forms, adverbs of frequency and adverbs of time: last week, yesterday on a limited circle of familiar and common educational topics; use prepositions to talk about time and place use prepositions to describe things and to designate topics use prepositions of the direction of movement to, into, out of, from, towards on some familiar and common educational topics 1 21.0922.09 25.09 1 26.09 Landmarks 1 27.09 18 Landmarks Summative assessment for the unit « Home and away» 1 28.09 19 The London Eye 1 29.09 20 An email about the new house 1 02.10 21 Edutaiment Language Review 1 1 03.10 2 04.1005.10 1 06.10 1 05.10 1 09.10 1 10.10 1 11.10 1 12.10 14 Are you home alone? 15 The Imperative 16 Everyday English 17 22 Unit 2: Living things (19 hours) Living things 23 Amazing Iron Man 24 Parts of the body 25 Have got/has got 26 Possessive Adjectives and Plurals 27 This/these that/those 28 Damir’s blog evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from other students; use feedback to set personal learning goals; organize and clearly present information in a form understandable to others; develop and reinforce a consistent argument in oral and written speech understand with support the sequence of commands in the classroom; understand simple questions on general and educational topics without support; understand with support the main points in a long conversation on general and educational topics; identify with support the meaning from the context of a short conversation on some general and educational topics transmit basic information about yourself and others at the level of a sentence on some general topics; respond with some flexibility at the suggestion level to unexpected comments within the framework of various general and educational topics; express thoughts clearly and clearly at the level of a sentence during a pair, group and work with the whole class; use specific vocabulary and syntax within some general topics understand the main points in some short simple texts on general and educational topics; understand, with little support, specific information and details in short, simple texts within some general and educational topics; read with little support some short texts of fiction and non-fiction; 2 1 13.1016.10 17.10 1 18.10 1 19.10 1 20.10 1 23.10 Mad about football 1 24.10 Mad about football Summative control work for the 1st term Edutainment Language Review 2 1 25.10 2 26.1027.10 1 06.11 1 07.11 1 08.11 1 09.11 29 Nationalities 30 Greetings, intoductions 31 Flags on the world 32 Flags on the world Project work 33 Project work Summative assessment for the Unit 2 “Living things” 34 Same or different 35 36 37 38 Unit 3: Values (18 hours) determine the attitude or opinion of the author in short texts on some general and educational topics; use familiar paper and digital resources with some support to verify the meaning and expand understanding; identify the difference between fact and opinion in short, simple texts on various general and educational topics write with support a sequence of sentences in a paragraph on some general and educational topics; write supporting factual data at the text level describing people, places and objects; use with some support the appropriate format at the level of the text of some written genres on familiar general and some educational topics; write correctly frequently used words on some common topics use appropriate calculable and uncountable nouns, including common phrases describing time and place, on some familiar general and educational topics; use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, when describing subjects on general and some educational topics; use simple monosyllabic and two-syllabic adjectives (in comparative and superlative degrees) for comparison; use simple present and simple past, correct and incorrect forms to describe procedures, habits and conditions on a limited range of familiar and common educational topics; use might, may, could to express an opportunity on some familiar and common learning topics; use common verbs with the infinitive verb /verb + ing in a limited range of familiar general and educational topics The Family Talking about family members and relationships and reading and writing about a grandparent. 39 Family and friends Describing and writing about friends. 40 Character adjectives 41 Family Tree Project Work 2nd term 40 hours use speaking and listening skills to provide feedback to classmates; use feedback to set personal learning goals; organize and clearly present information in a form understandable to others; use imagination to express your thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings understand with support the sequence of commands in the classroom; understand simple questions about providing personal information; understand stories with support, including a lengthy conversation on some general and educational topics; identify with support the meaning from the context of a short conversation on some general and educational topics to express an opinion at the proposal level within the framework of some general and educational topics; respond with some flexibility at the suggestion level to unexpected comments within the framework of various general and educational topics; try to interact at the basic level of information exchange within the framework of various general and educational topics; express thoughts clearly and clearly at the level of a sentence during a pair, group and work with the whole class; use specific vocabulary and syntax within some general topics 2 understand the main points in some short simple texts on general and educational topics; understand, with little support, specific information and details in short, simple texts within some general and educational topics; understand the details of the argument within the framework of some familiar general and educational topics; determine the attitude or opinion of the author in short texts on some general and educational topics plan, write, edit and proofread works at the text level on some general and educational topics; write with support a sequence of long sentences in a paragraph to convey personal information; write supporting factual data at the text level describing people, places and objects; to link sentences with the help of basic words bundles without support; use with some support the appropriate format at the level of the text of some written genres on familiar general and some educational topics; write correctly frequently used words on some common topics use appropriate calculable and uncountable nouns, including common phrases describing time and place, on some familiar general and educational topics; use many, much, a lot of, a few in a limited range of familiar general and educational topics; use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, when describing subjects on general and some educational topics, use simple monosyllabic and two-syllabic adjectives (in comparative and superlative degrees) for comparison; use questions, including questions with who, how often, how long in an expanded range of familiar general and educational topics; use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing, anything for some familiar general and educational topics; use simple perfect forms of simple verbs to express what happened [indefinite time] on a limited range of familiar and common educational topics; use might, may, could to express an opportunity on some familiar and common learning topics; use the conjunctions so, if, when, where, before, after to connect parts of sentences in small texts in a limited range of familiar general and educational topics; use adjuncts with when to describe simple present and past actions on personal and familiar topics 1 10.11 1 13.11 1 14.11 1 15.11 1 16.11 1 17.11 2 20.11 1 21.11 1 22.11 1 23.11 Email about your best friend 1 24.11 53 Edutaiment 1 27.11 54 Unit Revision Language Review 3 1 28.11 1 29.11 1 30.11 42 Present Simple Affirmative 43 Talking about daily routines 44 Present Simple Negative and Interrogative 45 Like, love, hate +ing form 46 Friends forever 47 Friendship Day 48 Telling the time 49 Celebration 50 Across the Cirriculum A family 51 Across the Cirriculum A family Summative assessment for the Unit 3 «Values» 52 55 56 Unit 4: The world of work (22 hours) Professions and jobs Finding out about jobs, talking and writing about jobs. My fun job use speaking and listening skills to provide feedback to classmates; evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from other students; develop and reinforce a consistent argument in oral and written speech; develop intercultural understanding through reading and discussion understand with support the sequence of commands in the classroom; understand with support most of the specific information and details in a short conversation on a variety of educational topics; identify with support the meaning from the context of a short conversation on some general 57 Job qualities Preparing to interview two workers, interviewing them and writing about the interviews. 58 Subject and object pronouns 59 Question words 60 Have to/ don’t have to rules 61 A professional look-alike 62 Talking about people’s jobs 63 Asking for/Giving personal Information 64 Across Cultures All in day’s work 65 Teen jobs in Kazakhstan and the UK 66 Project work . Popular part-time jobs in my country 67 Amazing ants 68 Who’s your favourite singer? and educational topics; determine the opinion of the speaker(s) in a simple, supportive conversation on some general and educational topics ask simple questions to get information within some general topics; to express an opinion at the proposal level within the framework of some general and educational topics; respond with some flexibility at the suggestion level to unexpected comments within the framework of various general and educational topics; express thoughts clearly and clearly at the level of a sentence during a pair, group and work with the whole class; use specific vocabulary and syntax within some general topics read with little support some short texts of fiction and non-fiction; determine the meaning from the context in short texts within the framework of some familiar general and educational topics; determine the attitude or opinion of the author in short texts on some general and educational topics; determine the characteristic properties of a word, sentence and text within some written genres write supporting factual data at the text level describing people, places and objects; combine sentences logically into a paragraph, with some support, using the basic words of the bundle on some familiar common topics; use with some support the appropriate format at the level of the text of some written genres on familiar general and some educational topics; write correctly frequently used words on some common topics; use punctuation marks in written works with moderate literacy at the text level on some familiar common topics use appropriate calculable and uncountable nouns, including common phrases describing time and place, on some familiar general and educational topics; use many, much, a lot of, a few in a limited range of familiar general and educational topics; use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing, anything for some familiar general and educational topics; use simple present and simple past, correct and incorrect forms to describe procedures, habits and conditions on a limited range of familiar and common educational topics; use the forms of the present long time with the present and future meaning for a limited range of familiar and common educational topics; use prepositions to talk about time and place use prepositions to describe things to designate a topic, use prepositions of the direction of movement to, into, out of, from, towards on some familiar and common educational topics; use the conjunctions so, if, when, where, before, after to connect parts of sentences in small texts in a limited range of familiar general and educational topics; use adjuncts with when to describe simple present and past actions on personal and familiar topics 1 01.12 2 04.1205.12 06.12 1 1 07.1208.12 11.12 1 12.12 1 13.12 1 14.12 1 15.12 1 18.12 1 19.12 1 20.12 2 Who’s your favourite singer? 69 1 21.12 1 22.12 1 25.12 71 Summative assessment for the Unit 4 «The world of work » Group project work “How to work well” Edutainment 72 Working well 1 26.12 73 Working well Summative control work for the 2nd term 1 27.12 74 Unit revision Language Review 4 1 28.12 2 08.0109.01 1 10.01 1 11.01 1 12.01 1 15.01 1 16.01 70 3d term 54 hours 75 Unit 5: Creativity (26 hours) Mythical Creatures Vocabulary 76 Types of films 77 Agreeing and disagreeing 78 Adjectives 79 Was/were 80 Talking about the past respect different points of view; evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from other students; use feedback to set personal learning goals; use imagination to express your thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings; use oral or written speech to analyze and study a wide range of opinions and views on the world understand with support the sequence of commands in the classroom; understand with support the main points in a long conversation on general and educational topics; understand with support most of the specific information and details in a short conversation on a variety of educational topics; identify with support the meaning from the context of a short conversation on some general and educational topics; understand stories with support, including a lengthy conversation on some general and educational topics transmit basic information about yourself and others at the level of a sentence on some general topics; to express an opinion at the proposal level within the framework of some general and educational topics; respond with some flexibility at the suggestion level to unexpected comments within the framework of various general and educational topics; express thoughts clearly and clearly at the level of a sentence during a pair, group and work with the whole class; use specific vocabulary and syntax within some general topics; retell simple stories and events on various general and educational topics understand the main points in short, simple texts on general and educational topics; understand, with little support, specific information and details in short, simple texts within some general and educational topics; understand the details of the argument within the framework of some familiar general and educational topics; determine the attitude or opinion of the author in short texts on some general and educational topics plan, write, edit and proofread works at the text level on some general and educational topics; write supporting factual data at the text level describing people, places and objects; write with support for a sequence of long sentences in a paragraph to convey information; combine sentences logically into a paragraph, with some support, using the basic words of the bundle on some familiar common topics; use with some support the appropriate format at the level of the text of some written genres on familiar general and some educational topics use appropriate calculable and uncountable nouns, including common phrases describing time and place, on some familiar general and educational topics; use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, when describing subjects on general and some educational topics, use simple monosyllabic and two-syllabic adjectives for comparison use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing, anything for some familiar general and educational topics; use the forms of the present long time with the present and future meaning for a limited range of familiar and common educational topics; use the conjunctions so, if, when, where, before, after to connect parts of sentences in small texts in a limited range of familiar general and educational topics 1 17.01 1 18.01 1 19.01 1 22.01 1 23.01 1 24.01 1 25.01 Past Simple (Interrogative) 1 26.01 89 The lost Island of Atlantis 1 29.01 90 The Compehension Questions 1 30.01 91 There was/there were 1 31.01 92 Past Simple Irregular Verbs 1 01.02 93 Talking about the past 1 02.02 81 Had Affirmative/Negative/Interrog ative 82 Could Affirmative/Negative/ Interrogative 83 Talking about past abilities 84 The Samuruk Reading and listening to a story about Samuruk magical bird 85 Reading years 86 Past Simple (Affirmative) Regular verbs 87 Past Simple (Negative) 98 94 Descrining the past event 1 05.02 95 Across the Cultures Northern Ireland & Spain Talking anout the famous people in Northern Ireland and Spain Famous people in Kazakhstan Project Work 1 06.02 1 07.02 Across the Cirriculum Music 1 08.02 96 97 Summative assessment for the unit «Creativity» 98 An email about an event you attended 1 09.02 99 Edutainment Appreciate Art Language Review 5 1 12.02 1 13.02 2 14.0215.02 2 16.0219.02 1 20.02 100 Unit 6: Reading for Pleasure (10 hours) Types of Literature Different activities, based on the content of the books 101 The fisherman and the fish 102 Robin Hood 103 The Pearl of Kazakhstan evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from other students; use feedback to set personal learning goals; develop and reinforce a consistent argument in oral and written speech; develop intercultural understanding through reading and discussion; use imagination to express your thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings understand simple questions on general and educational topics without support; understand with support the main points in a long conversation on general and educational topics; identify with support the meaning from the context of a short conversation on some general and educational topics; understand stories with support, including a lengthy conversation on some general and educational topics; determine the opinion of the speaker(s) in a simple, supportive conversation on some general and educational topics ask simple questions to get information within some general topics; to express an opinion at the proposal level within the framework of some general 104 The Two Giants 105 Unit revision Summative assessment for the unit «Reading for Pleasure» and educational topics; express thoughts clearly and clearly at the level of a sentence; use specific vocabulary and syntax within some general topics; retell simple stories and events on various general and educational topics understand the main points in short simple texts on general and educational topics; understand with little support specific information and details in simple texts within some general and educational topics; understand the details of the argument within the framework of some familiar general and educational topics; read short texts of fiction and non-fiction with little support; determine the meaning from the context in short texts within the framework of some familiar general and educational topics; determine the attitude or opinion of the author in short texts on general and educational topics; determine the characteristic properties of a word, sentence and text within some written genres; identify the difference between fact and opinion in short, simple texts on various general and educational topics plan, write, edit and proofread works at the text level on general and academic topics; write with support a sequence of sentences in a paragraph on general and educational topics; write supporting factual data at the text level describing people, places and object; write with support a sequence of long sentences in a paragraph to convey personal information; to link sentences with the help of basic words bundles without support; combine sentences logically into a paragraph, with some support, using the basic words of the bundle on some familiar common topics; use with some support the appropriate format at the level of the text of some written genres on familiar general and some educational topics 1 21.02 1 22.02 106 Edutainment Why we should read? 1 23.02 107 Language Review 6 1 26.02 1 27.02 1 28.02 108 109 Unit 7: Fantasy world (18 hours) Animals Describing and talking and writing about them. The ghost of the mountains evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from other students; develop and reinforce a consistent argument in oral and written speech; develop intercultural understanding through reading and discussion; use oral or written speech to analyze and study a wide range of opinions and views on the world understand with support the sequence of commands in the classroom; understand with support the main points in a long conversation on general and educational topics; identify with support the meaning from the context of a short conversation on some 110 Parts of animals Describing and talking and writing about them 111 Adverbs of frequency Talking about habits 112 Prepositins of time 113 Comparative and Superlative Adjectives 114 Adverbs of degree 115 Adverbs of manner 116 Escape to Narnda 117 Questions with “How” 118 Summative assessment for the unit «Fantasy world» Expressing fear 119 Across the Cultures Mythical Creatures in Australia and Kazakhstan 120 Across the Cirriculum Summative control work for the 3d term general and educational topics determine the opinion of the speaker(s) in a simple, supportive conversation on general and educational topics to express an opinion at the proposal level within the framework of some general and educational topics; try to interact at the basic level of information exchange within the framework of various general and educational topics; express thoughts clearly and clearly at the level of a sentence during a pair, group and work with the whole class; use specific vocabulary and syntax within some general topics understand the main points in short simple texts on general and educational topics; understand, with little support, specific information and details in short, simple texts within the framework of general and educational topics; understand the details of the argument within the framework of some familiar general and educational topics; determine the attitude or opinion of the author in short texts on some general and educational topics write with support a sequence of sentences in a paragraph on general and educational topics; supporting factual data at the text level describing people, places and objects; combine sentences logically into a paragraph, with some support, using the basic words of the bundle on some familiar common topics; write correctly frequently used words on some common topics; use punctuation marks in written works with moderate literacy at the text level on some familiar common topics use appropriate calculable and uncountable nouns, including common phrases describing time and place, on familiar general and educational topics; use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, when describing subjects on general and some educational topics, use simple monosyllabic and two-syllabic adjectives for comparison; use any, no each, every on general and some educational topics; use questions, including questions with who, how often, how long in an expanded range of familiar general and educational topics; use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing, anything for some familiar general and educational topics; use simple perfect forms of simple verbs to express what happened [indefinite time] on a limited range of familiar and common educational topics; use the forms of the future tense "will" for forecasts and "gather" in order to tell about certain plans for a limited circle of familiar and common educational topics; use simple present and simple past, correct and incorrect forms to describe procedures, habits and conditions on a limited range of familiar and common educational topics; use prepositions to talk about time and place, use prepositions to describe things and to designate a topic, use prepositions of the direction of movement to, into, out of, from, towards on familiar and common educational topics; use the conjunctions so, if, when, where, before, after to connect parts of sentences in small texts in a limited range of familiar general and educational topics; use adjuncts with when to describe simple present and past actions on personal 1 29.02 1 01.03 1 04.03 2 05.0306.03 1 07.03 1 08.03 1 09.03 1 11.03 1 12.03 2 13.0314.03 1 15.03 121 It’s a bird life 122 A review of a film The Jungle book Language Review 7 and familiar topics 1 18.03 2 19.0320.03 1 01.04 1 02.04 1 03.04 1 04.04 1 05.04 1 08.04 1 09.04 1 10.04 1 11.04 4th term 40 hours 123 Unit 8: Sports (20 hours) Sports and Activities Comparing different sports and talking and writing about them. 124 Glasgow School of sport 125 Sports and Equipment Interviewing a well-known sports person. A/an, some/any 126 127 How much/How many -A lot of 128 The -ing form Learning about using the -ing form in the sentence 129 The- zero article 130 Modal verb “Can” Ability 131 Sports in Kazakhstan use speaking and listening skills for creative joint problem solving in groups; use speaking and listening skills to provide feedback to classmates; respect different points of view; organize and clearly present information in a form understandable to others; develop and reinforce a consistent argument in oral and written speech understand with support the sequence of commands in the classroom; understand simple questions about providing personal information; understand simple questions on general and educational topics without support; understand with support the main points in a long conversation on general and educational topics; understand stories with support, including a lengthy conversation on some general and educational topics transmit basic information about yourself and others at the level of a proposal on general topics; ask simple questions to get information within some general topics; respond with some flexibility at the suggestion level to unexpected comments within the framework of various general and educational topics; express thoughts clearly and clearly at the level of a sentence during a pair, group and work with the whole class; use specific vocabulary and syntax within some general topics understand the main points in short simple texts on general and educational topics; understand, with little support, specific information and details in short, simple texts within the framework of general and educational topics; read with little support some short texts of fiction and non-fiction; determine the attitude or opinion of the author in short texts on general and educational topics; determine the characteristic properties of a word, sentence and text within the written genres write, edit and proofread works at the text level on general and academic topics; write with support a sequence of long sentences in a paragraph to convey personal information; combine sentences logically into a paragraph, with some support, using basic copula words on familiar common topics; write correctly frequently used words on some common topics use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns, including general phrases 21.04describing time and place on general and educational topics; use many, much, a lot of, a few in a limited range of general and educational topics; 132 Human body and exercise Listening and watch about sports and marathons and planning a video about sports in Kazakhstan. 133 Making arrangements 134 Across Cultures Sports in Kazakhstan & The UK 135 Across the Curriculum Safe splashing Talking about and writing rules for swimming. Must/ mustn’t 136 use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, when describing subjects on general and some educational topics, use simple monosyllabic and two-syllabic adjectives for comparison; use any, noeach, every on general and some educational topics; use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns some, any, something, nothing, anything for familiar general and educational topics; use the forms of the future tense "will" for forecasts and "gather" in order to tell about certain plans for a limited circle of familiar and common educational topics; use the forms of the present long time with the present and future meaning for a limited range of familiar and common educational topics; use common correct and incorrect adverbs, simple and comparative forms, adverbs of frequency and adverbs of time: last week, yesterday on a limited circle of familiar and common educational topics; use might, may, could to express an opportunity on some familiar and common learning topics; use prepositions to talk about time and place, use prepositions to describe things and to designate a topic, use prepositions of the direction of movement to, into, out of, from, towards; use common verbs with the infinitive verb /verb + ing in a limited range of familiar general and educational topics; use the conjunctions so, if, when, where, before, after to link parts of sentences in small texts in a limited range of general and educational topics 1 12.04 1 15.04 1 16.04 1 17.04 18.04 137 My favourite sport Using of and, or, but Talking about and writing about favourite sports. Using and, or, but in the sentences 1 18.04 138 Rules and respect 1 19.04 Summative assessment for the unit «Sports» 139 Edutainment Unit 8 1 22.04 140 What do sports teach us? 1 23.04 . 141 I love sports 1 24.04 142 Unit revision Language Review 8 1 25.04 1 26.04 1 29.04 1 30.04 1 01.05 143 Unit 9: Holidays (20 hours) Seasons and months Talking about the seasons and months 144 The weather Talking about the weather 145 In all weathers Reading the stories and answering the questions 146 Activities Making suggestions 147 Talking about the weather 148 Present Continuous Affirmative & Negative Learning the usage of Present Continuous . 149 Present Continuous Interrogative & Short answers 150 Present Continuous and Past Simple use speaking and listening skills for creative joint problem solving in groups; respect different points of view; evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from other students; develop intercultural understanding through reading and discussion understand with support the sequence of commands in the classroom; understand simple questions about providing personal information; understand simple questions on general and educational topics without support; understand stories with support, including a lengthy conversation on some general and educational topics ask simple questions to get information within some general topics; to express an opinion at the proposal level within the framework of some general and educational topics; respond with some flexibility at the suggestion level to unexpected comments within the framework of various general and educational topics; express thoughts clearly and clearly at the level of a sentence during a pair, group and work with the whole class understand the main points in short simple texts on general and educational topics; understand, with little support, specific information and details in short, simple texts within the framework of general and educational topics; understand the details of the argument within the framework of some familiar general and educational topics; read with little support some short texts of fiction and non-fiction; determine the attitude or opinion of the author in short texts on some general and educational topics write supporting factual data at the text level describing people, places and objects; write with support a sequence of long sentences in a paragraph to convey personal information; combine sentences logically into a paragraph, with some support, using the basic words of the bundle on some familiar common topics; use with some support the appropriate format at the level of the text of some written genres on familiar general and some educational topics use simple present and simple past, correct and incorrect forms to describe procedures, habits and conditions on a limited range of familiar and common educational topics; use the forms of the present long time with the present and future meaning for a limited range of familiar and common educational topics; use common correct and incorrect adverbs, simple and comparative forms, 02.05 1 03.05 1 06.05 1 08.05 adverbs of frequency and adverbs of time: last week, yesterday on a limited circle of familiar and common educational topics; use might, may, could to express an opportunity on some familiar and common learning topics use prepositions to talk about time and place, use prepositions to describe things and to designate a topic, use prepositions of the direction of movement to, into, out of, from, towards on some familiar and common educational topics; use the conjunctions so, if, when, where, before, after to connect parts of sentences in small texts in a limited range of familiar general and educational topics; use adjuncts with when to describe simple present and past actions on personal and familiar topics 1 09.05 1 10.05 What a/an + adjective 1 13.05 154 Commenting on a place 1 14.05 155 Buying souvenirs 1 15.05 151 Holidays in Kazakhstan Reading about the places in Kazakhstan and answering the questions 152 Expressing likes and dislikes Exclamation 153 Summative assessment for the unit «Holidays» 156 Across Cultures Souvenirs around the World 1 16.05 157 Across the Curriculum The four season 1 17.05 158 Present Continuous in the Future meaning 1 20.05 1 21.05 Summative control work for the 4th term 159 Writing postcards to friends Project Work 160 Edutainment Travel 1 22.05 161 Happy all year round 1 23.05 162 Language Review 9 1 24.05 Total: 175 Annotation: Summative control work for the Unit -20 minutes Summative control work for the Term – 45 minutes 5