Uploaded by David Markossian

English Assignment: What is Success?

Engelsk – Grundforløb 2022
What is success?
Complete both assignment A and B
Assignment A:
Account for the various perceptions of the term success as described in the two texts below.
Write between 500-600 words.
Text I: From welfare to one of the world's wealthiest women — the incredible rags-to-riches story of J.K.
Rowling, Business Insider, 2015
Text II: Success, directed by Lara Lee and Hannah Jacobs, School of Life, Vimeo, 2015
The two texts have been uploaded as attachments to this assignment.
Assignment B:
From your own account, find two sentences using adjectives. Mark the adjectives and the word they describe.
Sentence 1
Sentence 2
Upload in Lectio in a Word document.
To account for means to explain something. Therefore, when you have to account for something you explain the
subject in question objectively and how it is presented in the material given to you.
The English Handbook, Systime
Start with a very short introduction to the topic, followed by your account, and a short sum up in the end.
Remember to present the texts and their viewpoints in your account (e.g. type of text, title, names).
You may want to quote important points, but do not use overly long quotations. Short phrases and keywords will suffice.
Words and phrases, which you might want to use:
According to…
Furthermore, she/he states that…
In conclusion…
Grammatical focus: Think especially about concord (subject-verb agreement; kongruens) for this assignment.
Layout: Write in a Word-document, use standard text size e.g. Calibri 11 (do not change the setting), use 1,5 spacing, write your text
in a few paragraphs (afsnit), and, again, remember to refer to the text material in footnotes.