See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: A short review of foreign policy analysis and why it matters? Article · March 2019 CITATIONS READS 0 9,300 1 author: Emmanuel Solomon John Tallinn University 5 PUBLICATIONS 4 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries View project All content following this page was uploaded by Emmanuel Solomon John on 25 March 2019. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. A Short Review A short review of foreign policy analysis and why it matters? Foreign policy involves totality of the country’s policies toward and interactions with the environment beyond its borders. However, it has been the maintenance and enhancement of a country’s power and security ranging to an economic relationship with other countries and the country’s integrity. However, foreign policy analysis explains how states, institutions and peoples engage with one another within a dynamic international system. Therefore, foreign policy can be coined as the shaping of domestic and foreign politics and external environments using various methods ranging from diplomacy, sanctions and even new media based on state interests. Hence, it involves the study of the conduct and practice of relations between different actors, primarily states, in the international system. Foreign policy between international actors or countries involves diplomacy, intelligence, trade negotiations and also cultural exchanges. The foundational level of foreign policy analysis can be attributed to international relations. And the explanation of single or group / collective decision is what characterised foreign policy analysis because the decision most cases directly target external entities in a form of influence. It can also target domestic entities but have an indirect connection to external entities (Hudson, V. M. 2013). And examined decisions taken by human decisionmakers in a position of authority, covering the stages involves in the making of such decisions ranging from problem recognition, framing, planning, the perception of the decision makers and the outcome or consequent of a certain decision toward the resource of a nation-state. Foreign policy analysis critically is tools or instrument that aim at investigating the interplay between national and sub-national factors, systemic, actors and processes and even includes bureaucracies, public opinion and individual decision making. It has also given significant attention to the decision-making process in general and their outcome and has included leadership style. It has been adopted to aid the task of understanding the complex arena of the country’s foreign policies and relationship with other countries at international levels (Brian White, 1999). Foreign policy analysis today occupy a position in our society. Country’s collaboration and interaction with other countries, it essential because politicians in the past have made several policies/ decisions that created short term or even long term consequence, that has plunged some countries into major crisis or war. Analysing of country’s foreign policy was given much important during and after WW1 (Chris Alden & Amnon Aran, 2012), in which country’s seat down to introduce various policies to gain support from other countries that also contributed massively to the fall of the powerful Soviet Union. It matters the most because of the numerous quest to understand not just why politicians/leaders make the choice they do but also why and how has domestic and international influence in its constraints and opportunities affected their choices. As an instrument, Foreign policy analysis is providing answers to various questionable actions behind decisions or policies taken or made by politicians/leaders, it gives knowledge on how foreign policy decisions are made, why it made, why a country engaged in a specific kinds of foreign policy behaviours and opportunities and constraints presented by international system during the decision making processes. China as a nation introduce policies in which they can use to gain more power in the international arena and lesser the existing influence of western countries on its side. According to Breuning, the major task or aim of the foreign policy is to move beyond intuitive knowledge to explicit knowledge, because explicit knowledge helps us reexamine our assumptions and question the lessons derived from an experience thereby aiming at making systematically contrast and comparison (Breuning, 2007). The introducing/ establishing of foreign policy analysis has put an end to the superficial assumptions on reasons behind country policies with one another even though, most decision makers derived most of their knowledge from experience which is often interpreted narrowly. However, it produced an integrated explanation of foreign policy decisionmaking in particular cases without exclusion of various component ranging from the personalities of the decisionmakers, small group effects/ large group effect, culture, domestic politics, national attributes and systemic influences. Moreover, it provides answers to numerous unanswerable questions which involves whether the goal of foreign policy is clear, and how other countries at the international level see such policy and the retaliation or consequent of the policy. Although, it provides a structured explanation of the role occupied by the three prominent elements of foreign policy (actors, issues and interest) in an already implemented policy that guides a country relationship with other countries at the international level. Finally, it has significantly enhanced our understanding of foreign policy making and its implementation. Reference Brian White (1999). The European Challenge to Foreign policy Analysis. Hudson, V. M. (2013). Foreign policy analysis : Classic and contemporary theory. Retrieved from Webber, M., & Smith, M. (2014). Foreign policy in a transformed world. Retrieved from Chris Alden & Amnon Aran (2012). Foreign Policy Analysis: New approaches. View publication stats