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ME315 Homework: Strain & Deformation Problems

Homework Problem Set #3
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Due date: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at the beginning of class
1. The square seen in the figure below is uniformly deformed into a parallelogram. All edges are length
1 (units are irrelevant) and remain the same after deformation. Compute the strain of both diagonals,
εAC and εBD, after deformation.
2. A rubber isolation pad is attached to a fixed base plate and a moveable plate, as seen in the figure
below. The moveable plate is moved 1/32” to the left, as shown by the red arrow. What is the shear
strain in the rubber isolation pad?
Extra credit) A solid aluminum cylinder with an initial diameter of d = 10mm is under a tensile load P =
16 kN. Determine (a) the change in diameter of the rod, Δd, and (b) the elongation per 100mm length of
the rod. Let E = 70 GPa and ν = 0.33.