Uploaded by Jennie Kim


Personally, do you believe in Kantian Ethics or Utilitarian Ethics?
I believe in Kantian and Utilitarian Ethics but I do not approve it happening. I understand
Utilitarian Ethics as to doing unethical things in the process to have a better outcome, I believe
in this because this is how life works sometimes people have punishments that is unethical in
order for us to be in peace. I believe this because I see it happen in my own country but I don’t
approve this specially if the process is too much like killing. For example, the prisoners for me it
is unethical to lock a person in a cell but this unethical thing needs to be done so it will be more
peaceful and to teach the prisoner a lesson. As for Kantian Ethics this means the process of
doing something should be ethical and do not care about the effect. I believe that this ethic also
happens in the world but I do not approve this. We people should be ethical but we should also
think of the outcome of our actions because it may affect the people in our surroundings.
How do you intend to apply the Principalia Ethics in your future life?
Pricipalia ethics is much better to apply in our life than Kantian and Utilitarian Ethics
because unlike the two mentioned Ethics Principalia Ethics is different because it cares about
the process and the outcome of the action both should be ethical. I can apply Pricipalia Ethics in
my everyday life by always considering other people before doing an action. I will always think
of the effect of my actions so I can always come up with an action that is ethical to do and at the
same time not harm other people. In that way I can maintain a good ethical life and also a good
relationship with other people.