UI Pagination & Filtering Study - v1.0

Airbus Defence and Space Company Confidential
Swift Framework
Swift Framework
UI Pagination & filtering Study
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1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2. REFERENCES, ABBREVIATION AND DEFINITIONS ...................................................................... 5
2.1 Applicable documents (AD) ......................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Reference Documents (RD)......................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Internet references ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Definitions .................................................................................................................................... 6
3. DEFINITION ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Pagination .................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Sorting .......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Filtering ........................................................................................................................................ 7
4. DESIGN COMPARISONS .................................................................................................................. 8
4.1 Pagination & sorting ..................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Filtering ........................................................................................................................................ 9
5. MIX APPROACH ............................................................................................................................... 10
6. DESIGN CHOICE ............................................................................................................................. 14
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Swift Framework
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe the different options to design the pagination and filter
feature on front layer provided by Swift framework.
2.1 Applicable documents (AD)
The following publications form part of this document to the extent specified herein.
Applicable documents referenced within the text are annotated [AD/*], where * refers to the key number
in the table below.
2.2 Reference Documents (RD)
The following publications have been used in the preparation of this document. They provide
background information and do not form part of this specification.
Reference documents referenced within the text are annotated [RD/*], where * refers to the key number
in the table below.
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2.3 Internet references
Multiple parts of this document are copied or inspired by web articles. Here is the url reference to these
2.4 Abbreviations
This section provides an alphabetically ordered list of all abbreviations used throughout this document,
with associated meanings.
left-hand side
right-hand side
2.5 Definitions
Boilerplate Code
Sections of code that are repeated with little or no alteration.
A method of developing a software application as a suite of independently deployable, small,
modular services.
Pertaining to the REST standard.
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3.1 Pagination
The pagination feature is used to display on the screen a part of the data. Usually a table component is
used to display the data and at the bottom of this component a navigation bar is displayed.
Here is a screenshot of pagination feature with PrimeNG table component.
3.2 Sorting
The sorting feature is used to display on the screen the data sorted by a column value or multiple
column values.
Here is a screenshot of pagination feature with PrimeNG table component on multiple column:
3.3 Filtering
The filtering feature is used to filter data displayed on the screen by a column value or multiple column
The layout of a filtering feature could be really different from a component to another, here is an example
with PrimeNG table.
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As you can see, it is possible to filter table data with different type of filters:
Filter A: Text filter
The table data are filtered when the user set a value in this field.
Filter B: List filter
The user can select different value in a list. Note that it is also possible to search for filter value.
The filter values can also be filtering…
Filter C: Global filter
This is global filter, like a filter on all columns.
4.1 Pagination & sorting
This chapter details and compare different options to design the pagination feature.
4.1.1 Front layer pagination
On this design, the front layer gets all the data from the server side, store it in memory and display a
pagination bar on the table component.
When the user paginates, no requests are send to server side.
The sorting feature is linked to pagination and where the set of data is stored.
Performance are really good because the HTTP call to server side is done only one time.
Implementation is easier because it is supported by default by PrimeNG table component.
If the data set is too big, this design will have at minimum performance issue or not working
at all:
o Time out exception because server side need too much time to give the answer.
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Display of first page is very long because all the data need to be download. Note
that some workarounds are possible by download data of the first page and in back
end the data of others pages, but the implementation complexity depends of the UI
Memory issues because the browser memory is limited.
If the data are updated on server side, the UI continue to display it. A system of cache
expiration must be design, depending also of the context of displayed data: Refresh button,
expiration time, notification….
4.1.2 Server side pagination
On this design, the front layer load only the data displayed on the screen, so if the page 1 is displayed,
the server side returns only a small part of the data.
The sorting feature is linked to pagination and where the set of data is stored.
The data is always up to date with the server side, not need to deal with data expiration
Implementation is more complex than the front layer pagination, but PrimeNG library
supported this lazy load design, so it seems to be possible with low effort.
Performance is definitively lower that front layer pagination because a HTTP call is done
every time the user moves to another page. Note that a system of cache can be
implemented, but in this case an complex expiration design must be because the cache
doesn’t synchronize all data with one request, but only some part of the data with multiple
4.2 Filtering
4.2.1 Front layer filtering
On this design, the front layer need to gets all the data from the server side and stores it in memory.
This implementation is working only with the front layer pagination.
The filtering feature is applied directly by the component to filter displayed data.
When the user modifies filtering values, no requests are send to server side.
Similar to front layer pagination
Similar to front layer pagination
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4.2.2 Server side filtering
On this design, the front layer load only the data displayed on the screen, so the server side returns
only a part of the data.
Note that the size of data returns by the server side depends of the filter type and filter value, there is
no guarantee that the data size is not too big. (Example: Return all people on earth or “only” all men
people on earth make no difference in term of memory issue…)
This implementation is working with front layer and server side pagination, but there are no benefits to
use it with front layer pagination, so it must be used only with server side pagination.
The filter type A & B described in chapter 3.2 can be implemented with this design, but the filter type
C is more complex and not yet supported by Swift.
The data is always up to date with the server side, not need to deal with data expiration
Implementation is more complex than the front layer pagination, but PrimeNG library
supported this lazy load design, so it seems to be possible with low effort.
Performance is definitively lower that front layer pagination because a HTTP call is done
every time the user moves to another page. Note that a system of cache can be
implemented, but in this case an complex expiration design must be because the cache
doesn’t synchronize all data with one request, but only some part of the data with multiple
As we can see with the previous analysis, there benefits and drawback for the both design, but it is
possible to take benefit of the both approach by a custom implementation which can cache data on
front layer and call the server side only when it is required.
Take as example that an application displays a list of city, and the user have the possibility to filter the
cities by name.
The user filters the first result by city which start with “san”, so the result come back with the following
San Francisco
San Antonio
San Diego
San Miguel
The front layer stores the 4 cities in a cache and store also the filter context which is a string “San”.
Now the user changes his filter value:
Option A: The new filters are stricter than the previous ones, there is no need to reload the
data from the web server, the target result is a subset of original result and so only the
previously loaded data are locally filtered resulting in a quick display. (Example: “San Fr”)
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Option B: The new filters are less strict and should display more data than previously
displayed: the web server is called to get the new filtered data.
The implementation of this cache must be a component independent of the PrimeNG component, it
must be an API which is called by the table.
To be more explicit, here is a design which can be used to implement this component:
The ActiveDataSet is the component which stores the element to displays by page.
totalElts: The number of total elements of the table, used by table component to dislay th
navigation bar.
eltsByPage: List elements to display by page number.
filterElts: List all elements of table. It is only used when the datamodel is loaded to get a subset
of the datamodel after filtering.
The DataModel is the cache of the system. When the system decides to load all elements of a request,
it stores the result here:
 loaded: flag which indicates if the dataModel stores or not data.
 Elts: All elements retrieve from the server side.
 filterContext: Store the filterContext fo the request. Useful to know if the system need to reload
the data or not when the filter parameters are updated.
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The objective of these components is to optimize the request for the common use case, keep a robust
and simple implementation, without need complex configuration.
Here is a simple algorithm which can be used to populate the ActiveDataSet and the DataModel.
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So which design must be chosen for your use case?
Front layer pagination & filtering?
When the number and size of elements is not too big and this number can’t increase in the future, this
is the best and simple choice.
Server side pagination & filtering?
If the number of elements are too big, and the user don’t need to update his filter values multiple time
to navigate through the result, this option is a valid one. Note that the UX will be probably different in
the way that a button “apply filter” must be probably use instead of dynamically update the result table
when the user defined the filter.
Mix approach?
If the number of elements without any filter is too big to load all of them on front layer, but this number
decrease quickly with few filter values, this option is the best one. The display will become quicker when
the user starts to filter result.
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