QUESTION BANK PAPER-18: ADVERTISING AND BRAND MANAGEMENT 1. What is the meaning of Advertising? Explain the importance of advertising. 2. Give 5 characteristics of Natures of advertising. 3. What are various objectives of Advertising? Explain with the help of examples. 4. What are the considerations used to set objectives of advertising? 5. What are the factors influencing choice of media? 6. What are essential features of a scientifically drafted copy of advertising? 7. What are different types of advertising copy? 8. How to decide testing of an advertising copy? 9. What are causes of waste in advertising? 10. What various functions are performed by an advertising agency? 11. How to select an advertising agency? 12. List down various advertising media. 13. What is Index Number? What is its Formula? 14. What are the elements of advertising copy? 15. Write a note on legal aspects of advertising. 16. What are the different major media types? Explain their merits and demerits. 17. What do you understand by Message Appeal? Explain different message appeals with the help of examples. 18. Explain the different methods of determining advertising budget along with their merits. 19. Go to You Tube and download ads with patriotic, educational and health appeals. 20. What are the various types of advertising? 21. Distinguish between Advertisement and Publicity 22. What is an Advertisement copy? Describe its elements 23. Describe your advertising media choice for: a. Toothpaste b. Washing Machine 24. How would you measure advertising effectiveness? 25. What are the types of advertising agencies? 26. What is Ethical Advertising? Explain with examples 27. Write a short note on target audience BRANDING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Why is branding important? Discuss briefly categories of Brand Personalities. What are the attributes of Brand Identity? Why and why not should one create a brand? Write about major branding strategies. How is a brand created? How is a brand’s personality developed? Explain the major branding decisions. What is Branding? Explain Brand Equity 10. How would you select brand name? 11. Define Brand Positioning. How would you undertake it? 12. Examine the role of a) sponsorship and b) Event Management in enhancing brand image 13. Examine the modern challenge of Brand Building through Internet 14. Write a detailed note on Advertising challenges in Globalisation era