Amir Safaeian/ R10228003 Professor: Anny Fong Human Resources Management Individual Assignment: Research Essay Research Topic: Mental health in the workplace Following the rules of mental health prevents conflicts and mental discomforts such as anxiety and depression, and fosters a person's adaptability, sense of security, contentment, and overall mental health and self-actualization. The capacity for logical, fair, and acceptable dispute resolution as well as the ability to adjust and modify one's personal and social surroundings are all indicators of mental health. Therefore, individual attitudes and beliefs, as well as the characteristics of the environment surrounding people, are effective in benefiting from optimal mental health. The mental health of the work environment also means resistance to the occurrence of mental distress and behavioural disorders in the organization's employees and a healthy work environment. In fact, the goal of mental health in the workplace is to create conditions that do not lead to mental disorders in the employees, the employees of the organization are able to create favourable relationships with the work environment and the factors present in it, the employees feel satisfied and are interested in continuing to work in that organization. And every employee should have a positive feeling towards himself, his bosses, his colleagues and his place in the organization. Many human needs are dependent on social relationships, and the mental health of a person is somewhat dependent on the quality of his relationships with others. In the workplace, communication problems cause job loss, lack of motivation, disappointment, absenteeism, lack of work, lack of cooperation to perform tasks, carelessness, mood instability, etc. In fact, the way of communication and the personality and goals of the person in the work environment plays an important role in the mental health of the person and his level of satisfaction with the work environment (Academic.oup.Com). Anxiety, depression, boredom and fatigue caused by work have a negative effect on the level of attention and accuracy of employees. Employee anxiety can reduce their attention and intellectual concentration, disrupt their memory and increase the number of accidents and incidents at work. For this reason, a knowledgeable manager in order to improve the mental health of the workplace provides reasons so that the work environment is not anxiety-provoking for his employees, they feel a sense of job security and avoid any conflict and unnecessary anger in the work environment. Another principle of mental health is to be aware of one's own and others' limitations and to accept them. Human's lack of adaptation to his limitations, whether material, physical or mental, can lead to diseases. Therefore, a person who is looking for mental health should have goals in accordance with his abilities. Unrealistic goals lead to failure, and as a result, internal conflict and inconsistency will follow. Job satisfaction is one of the indicators of mental health in the workplace. Job satisfaction improves productivity, lowers absenteeism, lowers workplace mishaps, etc. According to research, job dissatisfaction and work performance are directly related. Employees who are unhappy at work are more susceptible to physical, psychological, or absence syndromes (WWW.Taylorfrancis.Com). Those who have low self-esteem are not confident in their talents and do not value themselves very much. A person with high self-esteem takes a lot of risks in his work and looks for high-level jobs in the work hierarchy or searches for jobs that require a lot of competition. High self-esteem has the effect that a person is not too sensitive to the criticism of others, sets high goals for himself and works hard to achieve those goals. Both physical and human factors have a positive and negative impact on mental health in the workplace. Discrimination violation of others' rights, breaking the rules, labelling, physical hazards, type of work, extremes in work, how well a person fits into the workplace, and the conflict between family and work, for instance, sometimes employees cannot have enough time to spend with their family, sometimes even they don't go back home for a couple of days in a row because they have to work for the company which they would be paid more or some companies send their employees to business trips for few days so they can go to a business meeting or participate in a seminar (Link.Springer.Com). Also, the fear of losing a job, not having a job promotion, not participating in teamwork and being ridiculed by colleagues can cause serious damage to a person's mental health. High mental pressure and inability to adapt to the work environment can cause inefficiency and unfavourable performance in order to achieve goals and cause symptoms of anxiety and depression in a person, For example, the low level of job duties compared to personal abilities causes unfulfilled expectations and unhappiness due to not achieving valuable personal goals, the high workload can stress a person and cause behavioural changes which may cause the employee to ignore secondary aspects in order to focus on the main task. Mental health in the workplace means resisting the emergence of mental distress and behavioural disorders in employees, that is, improving the psychological environment of the work, so that none of the employees will suffer from mental disorders due to the factors present in the workplace, each of the employees from the activity and their place of work feel satisfied and interested in that place, all employees are able to create favourable relationships with the work environment and the factors present in it, and each of the employees towards themselves, bosses, colleagues and in general towards the environment have a positive feeling about their work and especially about their position in that company or organization. The mental health of employees in any organization and company is one of the important issues that must be paid attention to, and managers must pay attention to human resources and the provision of welfare facilities, their wishes and needs as a factor to increase efficiency and productivity. Managers of an organization are more exposed to stressful events than others due to the responsibility they have in their jobs, and for this reason, they should be more careful about their nervous and mental states. Therefore, managers and employees should be aware of the level of tolerance for their level of stress and apply practical solutions to increase their individual tolerance and pressure and move in the direction of a healthy environment and promotion of organizational mental health, so that the energies that are unintentionally spent on stress workplaces can be used to improve the quantity and quality and achieve the goals of the relevant organization (Link.Springer.Com). Compliance with the principles of mental health in the workplace can prevent tension to a large extent. Identifying, evaluating and controlling harmful factors in the work environment, creating an atmosphere of intimacy, empathy, honesty, cooperation and mutual respect among employees, avoiding the use of methods based on force and coercion in the work environment, identifying the potential talents of employees and providing conditions for The actualization and growth and flourishing of these talents to the extent of the capacity and possibilities of the work environment, the correct use of the thoughts and opinions of employees in making decisions, informing about the performance report and future plans of the organization, avoiding superficial judgments based on prejudice in The case of work and the basis of employees' behavior, identifying the real reasons for underwork and absenteeism, boredom and disinterest in work, lack of attention and carelessness of employees by the manager or boss, attention to personal and family problems and issues of employees, familiarizing employees with The reality of the work environment, providing the conditions for scientific and practical improvement in the activity they are engaged in, explaining the goals and policies of the organization and removing those criteria and organizational factors that are not considered correct in terms of moral, human and organizational culture, lack of Discrimination in the workplace, not issuing conflicting orders, taking into account the opinion of employees When transferring or changing positions, getting advice in case of problems, not being embarrassed to use encouragement on time, having sufficient knowledge of the type of work of each employee and their level of skill and expertise, coordinating work and responsibilities and avoiding taking administrative tasks to others. Home, timely use of leave especially after the peak of work pressure, giving necessary rest to employees when they are tired, access and referral to the organization's consultant or psychologist if needed, etc. can create a pleasant and stimulating work environment. In conclusion, the ability to adapt, feel secure, and be content are all benefits of adhering to the norms of mental health. They also promote a person's overall mental health and selfactualization. Mental health can be determined by one's potential for rational, equitable, and acceptable conflict resolution as well as by their power to transform their social and personal environments. As a result, both personal attitudes and beliefs as well as the features of one's environment can contribute to having excellent mental health. A healthy workplace and resistance to the onset of mental discomfort and behavioural problems in the organization's employees are also indicators of the mental health of the work environment. The objective of workplace mental health is to foster environments where employees do not experience mental disorders, where staff members are able to form positive relationships with coworkers and external factors, and where staff members feel satisfied and motivated to stay with the company. Additionally, each employee should feel good about himself, his superiors, his coworkers, and his position within the company. Work Cited: Person, Timothy A., S. (C., & Judge, Z. (2020, December 21). Job satisfaction: 11: Essentials of job attitudes and other Workplac. Taylor & Francis. Retrieved October 17, 2022, from Stuber, F., Seifried-Dübon, T., Rieger, M. A., Gündel, H., Ruhle, S., Zipfel, S., & Junne, F. (2020, October 4). The effectiveness of health-oriented leadership interventions for the improvement of mental health of employees in the Health Care Sector: A Systematic Review - International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. SpringerLink. 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