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1221 presentation.docx

109305023 企三甲 劉文綺 Cheena
Marketers traditionally concentrate on 18-44-year-olds, concentrate on this fashionconscious, media-aware, comfortable with technology ,and responsive to advertising
generation. In contrast marketers tend to ignore the generation born between 19461964, so-called ‘baby-boomer’. These over 60-80-year-olds are generally ignored –
ignored by marketers. But can you believe that over-60s account for 20% of US
population? Can you believe that there are more Italians over 60 than under 20? Can
you believe that by 2025 more than 40% of Japanese will be over 60? 40%! So what’s
the point? The point is these over 60s have a lot of disposable income and a lot of
free time to spend it. Also they are living longer. In fact, The families headed by over
40s in USA account for 99% of country’s net worth. For these boomers, no one wants
to be treated like overgrown kids or like geriatrics. They are getting older, but they
aren’t getting old. And what’s the big opportunity behind this? The big opportunities
are their needs for travel and tourism, adventure holidays, luxury vehicles, health
and fitness, cosmetic and spare-part surgery. These things are what boomers missed
the first time round. Without a doubt, there is no one want to miss it again-no one.