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Greek Culture & Art Worksheet: Listening & Reading Comprehension

Task 1
Task 2
ANALYZE the image below for 5 minutes. Then for the next five minutes,
answer the questions that follow. Keep your answers brief and concise.
READ the texts about Listening and Reading Effectively SILENTLY. Then
complete the statements that follow.
1. Listening, ___________, reading, and ___________ are the four
major activities of students to excel in their studies.
2. Listening is an exercise in ____________.
3. Effective reading is reading with ____________ and ____________.
4. If you are reading to prepare for a test, you read more ___________.
5. ___________ are certain expressions used by speakers to signal the
listeners to the material that the speaker will say next.
1. What is the picture all about?
2. What can be reflected in the picture in terms of Greek culture?
3. What are art forms that can be seen in the picture? Give 5.
Task 3
Task 4
LISTEN to your leader as she reads to you a short description of Homer’s life
on page 12. You are not allowed to read the mentioned text. Note important
information while listening. Then, complete the statements that follow.
Let someone READ the text on page 13 about the Mythological Background
of the Iliad ONCE ALOUD. Enumerate the names of the characters that will
be mentioned.
Homer was called the _______ poet of Greece.
His two epics were the ________ and the ________.
The first epic shows love and ___________.
The second speaks of great ___________.