VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY – HO CHI MINH CITY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Curriculum 2020 ( VERSION 1) 1 Contents 1. .. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM- ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (B.Eng) .........3 2. Twinning Programs ................................................................................................................. 14 2.1. Twinning Program - University of Nottingham ................................................................. 14 2.2. University of the West of England ..................................................................................... 15 2.3. SUNY Binghamton ............................................................................................................ 16 3. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM-AUTOMATION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING (B.Eng) .............................................................................................................. 17 4. COURSE DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................... 25 2 1. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM- ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (B.Eng) The Electrical Engineering program requires at least 152 credits for graduation. In addition to these required credits, students have to take non-counting credits and extra-curriculum activities including two courses of Physical Training, Military Training, and English certificate. KNLNNVN IELTS TOEFL Level 4 61 iBT 5.5 TOEIC skills) 600 (4 Cambridge Exam First FCE BEC BULATS Busines Vantage 60 (CEFR B2) (*) List of General Elective Courses You must take 01 course from the following list Sub ID BA003IU BA006IU BA020IU BA116IU BA118IU BA117IU BA119IU BA123IU BA130IU BA167IU BA169IU BM007IU BM009IU BT158IU BTFT201IU AR009IU CH013IU IS019IU IS026IU IT063IU IT091IU IT094IU Subjects Principles of Marketing Business Communication Business Ethics Introduction to Social Science Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Microeconomics Introduction to Macroeconomics Principles of Management Organizational Behavior Introduction to Vietnamese Legal System Management Information Systems Introduction to Biomedical Engineering BME Capstone Design Course Introduction to Bioengineering Introduction to Food Science and Technology Aquatic Resources Management Analytical Chemistry Production Management Project Management Theoretical Models in Computing Computer Networks Information System Management Credit(s) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3+1 3 3 4 4 4 3 (**) List of ET Elective Courses You have to take at least 5 courses (18 credits) from the following list Sub ID EE061IU EE062IU EE094IU EE095IU EE105IU EE124IU EE075IU EEAC020IU EE063IU EE117IU EE066IU EE121IU EE104IU EE118IU EE070IU EE116IU EE119IU EE120IU EE072IU EE102IU EE103IU EE122IU EE123IU EE074IU EE125IU EE126IU EEAC008IU EE127IU EE128IU EE129IU EE133IU Subjects Analog Electronics Analog Electronics Laboratory Digital Electronics Digital Electronics Laboratory Antenna and Microwave Engineering Antenna and Microwave Engineering Lab Theory of Automatic Control Theory of Automatic Control Digital System Design Digital System Design Lab VLSI Design VLSI Design Lab Embedded Real-time Systems Embedded Real-time Systems Lab Wireless Communications Systems Wireless Communications Systems Lab Telecommunication Networks Telecommunication Networks Lab Computer and Communication Networks Stochastic Signal Processing Image Processing and Computer Vision Image Processing and Computer Vision Lab Special Topics in Electrical Engineering Digital Signal Processing Design RF Circuit Design RF Circuit Design Lab Sensors and Instrumentation Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things (IoT) Internet of Things Lab (IoT Lab) Emerging Engineering Technologies Credit(s) 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 4 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 4 Electrical Engineering Curriculum Freshman Physical Training 1 Sophomor Junior Physical Training 2 Engineering Ethics and Professional Senior General Elective ET Elective 3 Skills Philosophy of Each student has to select 5 elective courses Political economics Marxism and Leninism of Marxism and Leninism Physics 1 Physics 2 Note: History of VCP ET Elective 1 ET Elective 2 ET Elective 4 Ho Chi Minh s Physics 3 Physics 4 ET Elective 5 Thoughts Legend Prerequisite Military Training Calculus 1 Calculus 2 Calculus 3 Probability and Random Processes Applied Linear Differential Algebra Processes Equations Processes Co- requisite Lab Summer Internship Mandatory Courses Principles of Chemistry for Engineers Electromagnetic Theory Scientific Socialism Communications Introduction to Computer for Principles of EE2 Signals & Systems Engineers Academic English 1 Critical Thinking Principles of EE1 Academic English 2 Programming for Engineers Introduction to Electrical Engineering 17 credits 20 credits 5 credits Capstone Design 1 Electronics Devices Micro-processing Design Systems 22 credits Processing Capstone Design 2 Entrepreneurship Power Electronics Digital Logic 20 credits Digital Signal 19 credits 21 credits 3 credits Senior Project Thesis 15 credits 10 credits 5 Table EE.1: EE Program - Academic English Semester 1 MA001IU PH013IU CH011IU CH012IU PE015IU EN007IU EN008IU PT001IU EE050IU Semester 1 MA023IU PH015IU PH016IU EE051IU EE052IU EE053IU EE054IU EE057IU EE058IU Semester 1 EE088IU EE089IU EE083IU EE084IU EE130IU EE—IU PE020IU PE019IU EE112IU Semester 1 EE107IU EE—IU EE—IU EE—IU EE114IU Freshman Year (1st year) Semester 2 Calculus 1 4 MA003IU Calculus 2 Physics 1 (Mechanics) 2 MA027IU Applied Linear Algebra Chemistry for Engineers 3 PH014IU Physics 2 (Thermodynamics) Chemistry Laboratory 1 PE008IU Critical Thinking Philosophy of Marxism and Leninism 3 PE016IU Political economics of Marxism and Leninism Writing AE1 2 EN011IU Writing AE 2 Listening AE1 2 EN012IU Speaking AE2 EE049IU Introduction to EE Physical Training 1 0 PT002IU Physical Training 2 Total Credits 17 Total Credits Summer Semester Intro to Computer for Engineers 3 PE017IU Scientific socialism Total Credits Sophomore Year (2nd year) Semester 2 Calculus 3 4 MA024IU Differential Equations Physics 3 (Electricity & Magnetism) 3 MA026IU Probability& Random Process Physics 3 Lab 1 PH012IU Physics 4 (Optics & Atomics) Principles of EE 1 3 EE010IU Electromagnetic Theory Principles of EE 1 Lab 1 EE055IU Principles of EE 2 Digital Logic Design 3 EE056IU Principles of EE 2 Lab Digital Logic Design Lab 1 EE090IU Electronics Devices Programming for Engineers 3 EE091IU Electronics Devices Lab Programming for Engineers Lab 1 PE018IU History of Vietnamese Communist Party Total Credits 20 Total Credits Summer Semester Military Training Junior Year (3rd year) Semester 2 Signals & Systems 3 EE092IU Digital Signal Processing Signals & Systems Lab 1 EE093IU Digital Signal Processing Lab Micro-processing Systems 3 EE068IU Principles of Com. Systems Micro-processing Systems Lab 1 EE115IU Principles of Com. Systems Lab Capstone Design 1 2 EE131IU Capstone Design 2 ET Elective Course 01 4 EE—IU ET Elective Course 02 Engineering Ethics and Professional 3 EE079IU Power Electronics Skills Ho Chi Minh's Thoughts 2 EEAC003 Power Electronics Lab IU General Elective Total Credits 19 Total Credits Summer Semester Summer Internship 3 Senior Year (4 th year) Semester 2 Senior Project 2 EE097IU Thesis ET Elective Course 03 4 ET Elective Course 04 3 ET Elective Course 05 3 Entrepreneurship 3 Total Credits 15 Total Credits 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 0 20 2 5 4 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 2 22 3 1 3 1 2 4 3 1 3 21 10 10 Total: 152 credits 6 Table EE.2: EE Program - Intensive English 3 Semester 1 PH014IU PE016IU Freshman Year (1st year) Semester 2 MA001IU IE3 PH013IU CH011IU CH012IU PE015IU EN007IU EN008IU PT001IU EE049IU Total Credits 0 Summer Semester Physics 2 (Thermodynamics) 2 EN011IU Political economics of Marxism and 2 EN012IU Leninism MA003IU Calculus 1 Physics 1 (Mechanics) Chemistry for Engineers Chemistry for Engineers Lab Philosophy of Marxism and Leninism Writing AE1 Listening AE1 Physical Training 1 Introduction to EE Total Credits 4 2 3 1 3 2 2 0 3 20 Writing AE 2 Speaking AE2 2 2 Calculus 2 Total Credits Semester 1 MA023IU PH015IU PH016IU EE050IU EE051IU EE052IU EE053IU EE054IU MA027IU PT002IU Sophomore Year (2nd year) Semester 2 Calculus 3 4 MA024IU Physics 3 (Electricity & Magnetism) 3 MA026IU Physics 3 Lab 1 PH012IU Intro to Computer for Engineers 3 EE010IU Principles of EE 1 3 EE055IU Principles of EE 1 Lab 1 EE056IU Digital Logic Design 3 EE057IU Digital Logic Design Lab 1 EE058IU Applied Linear Algebra 2 PE008IU Physical Training 2 0 Total Credits 21 Summer Semester Differential Equations Probability& Random Process Physics 4 (Optics & Atomics) Electromagnetic Theory Principles of EE 2 Principles of EE 2 Lab Programming for Engineers Programming for Engineers Lab Critical Thinking 4 12 4 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 3 Total Credits 23 Total Credits 0 Military Training Semester 1 EE088IU EE089IU EE083IU EE084IU EE130IU EE090IU EE091IU PE017IU PE020IU EE112IU Semester 1 EE107IU EE—IU EE—IU Junior Year (3rd year) Semester 2 Signals & Systems 3 EE092IU Signals & Systems Lab 1 EE093IU Micro-processing Systems 3 EE068IU Micro-processing Systems Lab 1 EE115IU Capstone Design 1 2 EE131IU Electronics Devices 3 EE079IU Electronics Devices Lab 1 EEAC003I U Scientific socialism 2 PE019IU Engineering Ethics and Professional Skills 3 PE018IU Total Credits 19 Summer Semester Summer Internship 3 Senior Year (4th year) Semester 2 Senior Project 2 EE097IU ET Elective Course 01 4 EE—IU ET Elective Course 02 4 EE—IU General Elective 3 Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing Lab Principles of Com. Systems Principles of Com. Systems Lab Capstone Design 2 Power Electronics Power Electronics Lab 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 Ho Chi Minh's Thoughts History of Vietnamese Communist Party Total Credits 2 2 18 Thesis ET Elective Course 04 ET Elective Course 05 10 3 3 7 EE—IU EE114IU ET Elective Course 03 Entrepreneurship Total Credits 4 3 20 Total Credits Total: 152 credits 8 16 Table EE.3: EE Program - Intensive English 2 Semester 1 PH014IU PE016IU Freshman Year (1st year) Semester 2 MA001IU IE2 PH013IU IE3 CH011IU CH012IU PE015IU EN007IU EN008IU PT001IU EE049IU Total Credits 0 Summer Semester Physics 2 (Thermodynamics) 2 EN011IU Political economics of Marxism and 2 EN012IU Leninism MA003IU Calculus 1 Physics 1 (Mechanics) Chemistry for Engineers Chemistry for Engineers Lab Philosophy of Marxism and Leninism Writing AE1 Listening AE1 Physical Training 1 Introduction to EE Total Credits 4 2 3 1 3 2 2 0 3 20 Writing AE 2 Speaking AE2 2 2 Calculus 2 Total Credits Semester 1 MA023IU PH015IU PH016IU EE050IU EE051IU EE052IU EE053IU EE054IU MA027IU PT002IU Sophomore Year (2nd year) Semester 2 Calculus 3 4 MA024IU Physics 3 (Electricity & Magnetism) 3 MA026IU Physics 3 Lab 1 PH012IU Intro to Computer for Engineers 3 EE010IU Principles of EE 1 3 EE055IU Principles of EE 1 Lab 1 EE056IU Digital Logic Design 3 EE057IU Digital Logic Design Lab 1 EE058IU Applied Linear Algebra 2 PE008IU Physical Training 2 0 Total Credits 21 Summer Semester Differential Equations Probability& Random Process Physics 4 (Optics & Atomics) Electromagnetic Theory Principles of EE 2 Principles of EE 2 Lab Programming for Engineers Programming for Engineers Lab Critical Thinking 4 12 4 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 3 Total Credits 23 Total Credits 0 Military Training Semester 1 EE088IU EE089IU EE083IU EE084IU EE130IU EE090IU EE091IU PE017IU PE020IU EE112IU Semester 1 EE107IU EE—IU EE—IU Junior Year (3rd year) Semester 2 Signals & Systems 3 EE092IU Signals & Systems Lab 1 EE093IU Micro-processing Systems 3 EE068IU Micro-processing Systems Lab 1 EE115IU Capstone Design 1 2 EE131IU Electronics Devices 3 EE079IU Electronics Devices Lab 1 EEAC003I U Scientific socialism 2 PE019IU Engineering Ethics and Professional Skills 3 PE018IU Total Credits 19 Summer Semester Summer Internship 3 Senior Year (4th year) Semester 2 Senior Project 2 EE097IU ET Elective Course 01 4 EE—IU ET Elective Course 02 4 EE—IU General Elective 3 Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing Lab Principles of Com. Systems Principles of Com. Systems Lab Capstone Design 2 Power Electronics Power Electronics Lab 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 Ho Chi Minh's Thoughts History of Vietnamese Communist Party Total Credits 2 2 18 Thesis ET Elective Course 04 ET Elective Course 05 10 3 3 9 EE—IU EE114IU ET Elective Course 03 Entrepreneurship Total Credits 4 3 20 Total Credits Total: 152 credits 10 16 Table EE.4: EE Program - Intensive English 1 Semester 1 IE1 IE2 Freshman Year (1st year) Semester 2 IE3 Total Credits MA001IU PH013IU Calculus 1 Physics 1 (Mechanics) 0 Summer Semester 4 EN007IU 2 EN008IU 0 Total Credits Writing AE1 Listening AE1 Total Credits Sophomore Year (2nd year) Semester 1 Semester 2 MA003IU Calculus 2 4 MA024IU Differential Equations PT001IU Physical Training 1 0 MA027IU Applied Linear Algebra EN011IU Writing AE 2 2 PT002IU Physical Training 2 EN012IU Speaking AE2 2 CH011IU Chemistry for Engineers EE049IU Introduction to EE 3 CH012IU Chemistry for Engineers Lab PH014IU Physics 2 (Thermodynamics) 2 MA023IU Calculus 3 EE050IU Intro to Computer for Engineers 3 PH015IU Physics 3 (Electricity & Magnetism) EE051IU Principles of EE 1 3 PH016IU Physics 3 Lab EE052IU Principles of EE 1 Lab 1 PE015IU Philosophy of Marxism and Leninism Total Credits 20 Total Credits Summer Semester EE055IU Principles of EE 2 3 MA026IU Probability& Random Process EE056IU Principles of EE 2 Lab 1 Military Training Total Credits Junior Year (3rd year) Semester 1 Semester 2 EE053IU Digital Logic Design 3 EE083IU Micro-processing Systems EE054IU Digital Logic Design Lab 1 EE084IU Micro-processing Systems Lab EE057IU Programming for Engineers 3 EE092IU Digital Signal Processing EE058IU Programming for Engineers Lab 1 EE093IU Digital Signal Processing Lab PE017IU Scientific socialism 2 EE068IU Principles of Com. Systems PE016IU Political economics of Marxism and 2 EE115IU Principles of Com. Systems Lab Leninism EE088IU Signals & Systems 3 EE131IU Capstone Design 2 EE089IU Signals & Systems Lab 1 PE008IU Critical Thinking EE130IU Capstone Design 1 2 EE010IU Electromagnetic Theory PE020IU Engineering Ethics and Professional Skills 3 EE090IU Electronics Devices PH012IU Physics 4 (Optics & Atomics) 2 EE091IU Electronics Devices Lab Total Credits 23 Total Credits Summer Semester EE112IU Summer Internship 3 Senior Year (4 th year) Semester 1 Semester 2 EE107IU Senior Project 2 EE097IU Thesis PE019IU Ho Chi Minh's Thoughts 2 EE—IU ET Elective Course 04 EE079IU Power Electronics 3 EE—IU ET Elective Course 05 EEAC003 Power Electronics Lab 1 General Elective IU EE—IU ET Elective Course 01 4 EE114IU Entrepreneurship EE—IU ET Elective Course 02 4 PE018IU History of Vietnamese Communist Party 2 EE—IU ET Elective Course 03 4 Total Credits 22 Total Credits Total: 152 credits 11 0 2 2 10 4 2 0 3 1 4 3 1 3 21 3 7 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 3 3 3 1 24 10 3 3 3 3 22 Table EE.5: EE Program - Intensive English 0 Semester 1 IE0 IE1 MA001IU PH013IU Semester 1 MA003IU PT001IU EN011IU EN012IU EE049IU PH014IU EE050IU EE051IU EE052IU Calculus 1 Physics 1 (Mechanics) Freshman Year (1st year) Semester 2 IE2 IE3 Total Credits 0 Summer Semester 4 EN007IU Writing AE1 2 EN008IU Listening AE1 Calculus 2 Physical Training 1 Writing AE 2 Speaking AE2 Introduction to EE Physics 2 (Thermodynamics) Intro to Computer for Engineers Principles of EE 1 Principles of EE 1 Lab Principles of EE 2 Principles of EE 2 Lab Total Credits Total Credits Sophomore Year (2nd year) Semester 2 4 MA024IU Differential Equations 0 MA027IU Applied Linear Algebra 2 PT002IU Physical Training 2 2 CH011IU Chemistry for Engineers 3 CH012IU Chemistry for Engineers Lab 2 MA023IU Calculus 3 3 PH015IU Physics 3 (Electricity & Magnetism) 3 PH016IU Physics 3 Lab 1 PE015IU Philosophy of Marxism and Leninism Total Credits EE055IU EE056IU 0 20 Summer Semester 3 MA026IU Probability& Random Process 1 Military Training Total Credits Semester 1 EE053IU EE054IU EE057IU EE058IU PE017IU PE016IU EE088IU EE089IU EE130IU PE020IU PH012IU EE112IU Semester 1 EE107IU PE019IU EE079IU EEAC003IU EE—IU EE—IU PE018IU 2 2 10 4 2 0 3 1 4 3 1 3 21 3 Total Credits Junior Year (3rd year) Semester 2 Digital Logic Design 3 EE083IU Digital Logic Design Lab 1 EE084IU Programming for Engineers 3 EE092IU Programming for Engineers Lab 1 EE093IU Scientific socialism 2 EE068IU Political economics of Marxism and 2 EE115IU Leninism Signals & Systems 3 EE131IU Signals & Systems Lab 1 PE008IU Capstone Design 1 2 EE010IU Engineering Ethics and Professional 3 EE090IU Skills Physics 4 (Optics & Atomics) 2 EE091IU Total Credits 23 Summer Semester Summer Internship 3 Senior Year (4 th year) Semester 2 Senior Project 2 EE097IU Ho Chi Minh's Thoughts 2 EE—IU Power Electronics 3 EE—IU Power Electronics Lab 1 ET Elective Course 01 4 EE114IU ET Elective Course 02 4 History of Vietnamese Communist 2 0 7 Micro-processing Systems Micro-processing Systems Lab Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing Lab Principles of Com. Systems Principles of Com. Systems Lab 3 1 3 1 3 1 Capstone Design 2 Critical Thinking Electromagnetic Theory Electronics Devices 2 3 3 3 Electronics Devices Lab Total Credits Thesis ET Elective Course 04 ET Elective Course 05 General Elective Entrepreneurship 1 24 10 3 3 3 3 12 EE—IU Party ET Elective Course 03 Total Credits 4 22 Total Credits Total: 152 credits 13 22 2. Twinning Programs 2.1. Twinning Program - University of Nottingham Table TW1. Curriculum Distribution Freshman Year (1st year) Semester 1 MA001UN Calculus 1 PH013UN Physics 1 (Mechanics) CH011UN Chemistry for Engineers CH012UN Chemistry Laboratory EN007UN Writing AE1 EN008UN Listening AE1 EE049UN Introduction to EE Total Credits Sophomore Year (2nd year) Semester 1 MA023UN Calculus 3 PH015UN Physics 3 PH016UN Physics 3 Laboratory EE051UN Principles of EE 1 EE052UN Principles of EE 1 Lab EE053UN Digital Logic Design EE054UN Digital Logic Design Laboratory EE057UN Programming for Engineers (C) EE058UN Programming for Engineers Lab Total Credits 4 2 3 1 2 2 3 17 4 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 20 Semester 2 MA003UN MA027UN PH014UN PE008UN EN011UN EN012UN EE050UN Total Credits Semester 2 MA024UN MA026UN PH012UN EE055UN EE056UN EE090UN EE091UN EE010UN Calculus 2 Applied Linear Algebra Physics 2 (Thermodynamics) Critical Thinking Writing AE2 Speaking AE2 Intro to Computer for Engineers Differential Equations Probability& Random Process Physics 4 Principles of EE 2 Principles of EE 2 Laboratory Electronic Devices Electronic Devices Laboratory Electromagnetic Theory Total Credits 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 18 4 3 2 3 1 3 1 3 20 Total credits taken at IU for 2 years: 75 credits Transfer Conditions Finish the first 2 years at International University, Vietnam National University, HCM with accumulated GPA ≥ 60/100 Acquire an IELTS score of 6.0 overall (with constituent scores ≥ 5.5) in UK Campus. an IELTS score of 6.5 overall (with constituent scores ≥ 5.5) in Malaysia campus Transfer time: September ( Tuition Fees and Living Cost (update in 2019) First stage at International University: 61,000,000VND – 64,500,000VND/year Second stage at University of Nottingham: - Tuition fees in UK campus: 504,000,000 – 648,000,000 VND /year - UK Living cost: ~ 277,000,000VND/year - Tuition fees in Malaysia campus: 257,000,000 – 314,000,000VND/year - Living cost in Malaysia: ~ 90,000,000VND/year 14 2.2. University of the West of England Table TW2: Curriculum Distribution Semester 1 MA001WE PH013WE CH011WE CH012WE EN007WE EN008WE EE049WE Semester 1 MA023WE PH015WE PH016WE EE051WE EE052WE EE053WE EE054WE EE057WE EE058WE Freshman Year (1st year) Semester 2 Calculus 1 4 MA002WE Physics 1 (Mechanics) 2 MA027WE Chemistry for Engineers 3 PH014WE Chemistry Laboratory 1 PE009WE Writing AE1 2 EN011WE Listening AE1 2 EN012WE Introduction to EE 3 EE050WE Total Credits 17 Sophomore Year (2nd year) Semester 2 Calculus 3 4 MA024WE Physics 3 3 MA013WE Physics 3 Laboratory 1 PH012WE Principles of EE 1 3 EE055WE Principles of EE 1 Lab 1 EE056WE Digital Logic Design 3 EE010WE Digital Logic Design Lab 1 Programming for Engineers (C) 3 Programming for Engineers Lab 1 Total Credits 20 Calculus 2 Applied Linear Algebra Physics 2 Thermodynamics) Critical Thinking Writing AE2 Speaking AE2 Intro to Computer for Engineers Total Credits 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 18 Differential Equations Probability& Random Process Physics 4 Principles of EE 2 Principles of EE 2 Laboratory Electromagnetic Theory General Electives 4 3 2 3 1 3 3 Total Credits 19 Total credits taken at IU for 2 years: 74 credits Transfer Conditions • Finish the first 2 years at International University, Vietnam National University, HCM with accumulated GPA ≥ 50/100 • Acquire an IELTS score of 6.0 overall (with constituent scores ≥ 5.5) Transfer time: September ( • • First stage at International University: 61,000,000VND – 67,000,000VND/year Second stage at University of West England, UK: - Tuition fees: 380,000,000VND – 396,000,000VND/year - UK Living cost: ~277,000,000 VND/year 15 2.3. SUNY Binghamton Table TW3. Curriculum Distribution Semester 1 MA001SB PH013SB CH011SB CH012SB EN007SB EN008SB EE049SB PT001SB Semester 1 MA023SB PH015SB PH016SB EE051SB EE052SB EE053SB EE054SB EE057SB EE058SB Freshman Year (1st year) Semester 2 Calculus 1 4 MA003SB Physics 1 (Mechanics) 2 MA027SB Chemistry for Engineers 3 PH014SB Chemistry Laboratory 1 PE008SB Writing AE1 2 EN011SB Listening AE1 2 EN012SB Introduction to EE 3 EE050SB Physical Training 1 3 PT002SB Total Credits 20 Sophomore Year (2nd year) Semester 2 Calculus 3 4 MA024SB Physics 3 3 MA026SB Physics 3 Laboratory 1 PH012SB Principles of EE 1 3 EE055SB Principles of EE 1 Lab 1 EE056SB Digital Logic Design 3 EE083SB Digital Logic Design Laboratory 1 EE084SB Programming for Engineers (C) 3 Programming for Engineers Lab 1 Total Credits 20 Calculus 2 Applied Linear Algebra Physics 2 (Thermodynamics) Critical Thinking Writing AE2 Speaking AE2 Intro to Computer for Engineers Physical Training 2 Total Credits 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 21 Differential Equations Probability& Random Process Physics 4 Principles of EE 2 Principles of EE 2 Laboratory Microprocessor Systems Microprocessor Systems Lab 4 3 2 3 1 3 1 Total Credits 17 Total credits taken at IU for 2 years: 78 credits Transfer Conditions • Finish the first 2 years at International University, Vietnam National University, HCM with accumulated GPA ≥ 3.0/4.0 • Acquire a TOEFL iBT ≥ 80 or IELTS score of 6.5 overall (with constituent scores ≥ 5.5) Transfer time: September ( • • First stage at International University: 54,000,000 – 67,500,000VND/year Second stage at SUNY Binghamton, USA: - Tuition fees: 380,000,000VND – 396,000,000VND/year - USA Living cost: ~ 331,000,000VND/year 16 3. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM-AUTOMATION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING (B.Eng) The Automation and Control Engineering program requires at least 152 credits for graduation. In addition to these required credits, students have to take non-counting credits and extra-curriculum activities including two courses of Physical Training, Military Training, and English certificate. KNLNNVN IELTS TOEFL Level 4 61 iBT 5.5 TOEIC (4 skills) 600 Cambridge Exam First FCE BEC BULATS Busines Vantage 60 (CEFR B2) (*) List of General Elective Courses You have to take 01 course from following list Sub ID IS026IU IS033IU IS061IU IS045IU IS019IU BA003IU BA006IU BA020IU BA197IU BA130IU BA167IU BA169IU EE072IU IT094IU IT063IU Subjects Project Management Multi-Criteria Decision Making Information systems in Supply chain Leadership Production Management Principles Of Marketing Business Communication Business Ethics Introduction to Sociology Organizational Behavior Introduction to Vietnamese Legal System Management Information System Computer and Communication Network Information System Management Theoretical Models in Computing Credit(s) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 (**) List of AC Elective Courses You have to take at least 5 courses (16 credits) from following list: EE061IU EE062IU EEAC011IU EEAC012IU EEAC013IU EEAC014IU EEAC015IU EEAC016IU EEAC017IU Analog Electronics Analog Electronics Laboratory Automation Manufacturing System and Technique Automation Manufacturing System and Technique Lab Power System and Equipment Neuron Network and Fuzzy Logics Robotics Industrial Electronics Digital Control 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 17 EEAC009IU EEAC010IU EE104IU EE118IU EE102IU EE103IU EE122IU EEAC018IU EEAC019IU EE068IU EE115IU EE079IU EEAC001IU EE127IU EE133IU Electric Safety Electric Machine Embedded Real-time Systems Embedded Real-time Systems Laboratory Stochastic Signal Processing Image Processing and Computer Vision Image Processing and Computer Vision Laboratory Advanced Control Engineering System Diagnostic Principles of Communication Principles of Communication Laboratory Power Electronics Power Electronics Laboratory Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Emerging Engineering Technologies 2 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 18 Automation and Control Engineering Curriculum Freshman Physical Training 1 Sophomor Junior Physical Training 2 General Elective Scientific Socialism Senior AC Elective 1 Engineering Ethnics and Professional Skills History of VCP Physics 2 Calculus 1 Calculus 2 Materials Science and Engineering Differential Equations Probability and Random Processes Applied Linear Algebra Electromagnetic Theory Introduction to Computer for Engineers Academic English 2 20 credits Signals & Systems 19 credits Sensors and Instrumentation Capstone Design 2 Entrepreneurship PC Based Control and SCADA System Electronics Devices 22 credits Digital Signal Processing Summer Internship Capstone Design 1 Digital Logic Design 3 credits Theory of Automatic Control Principles of EE2 Programming for Engineers Introduction to Electrical Engineering 15 credits Mandatory Courses AC Elective 5 Principles of EE1 Academic English 1 Prerequisite AC Elective 4 Physics 4 Critical Thinking Political economics of Marxism and Leninism AC Elective 3 Military Training Maths for Engineers Philosophy of Marxism and Leninism Legend Co- requisite Lab Ho Chi Minh s Thoughts Physics 1 AC Elective 2 Micro-processing Systems PLC 22 credits 21 credits 3 credits Senior Project Thesis 17 credits 10 credits 19 Table AC.1: AC Program - Academic English Freshman Year (1st year) Semester 1 Semester 2 MA001IU Calculus 1 4 MA003IU PH013IU Physics 1 (Mechanics) 2 PH014IU PE015IU Philosophy of Marxism and Leninism 3 PE017IU EN007IU Writing AE1 2 EN011IU EN008IU Listening AE1 2 EN012IU PT001IU Physical Training 1 0 MA027IU PE016IU Political economics of Marxism and Leninism 2 EE049IU PE008IU PT002IU Total Credits 15 Summer Semester EE050IU Intro to Computer for Engineers 3 Total Credits 3 Sophomore Year (2nd year) Semester 1 Semester 2 EEAC001IU Materials Science & Engineering 3 MA026IU EEAC021IU Mathematics for Engineers 4 MA024IU EE051IU Principles of EE 1 3 PH012IU EE052IU Principles of EE 1 Lab 1 EE010IU EE053IU Digital Logic Design 3 EE055IU EE054IU Digital Logic Design Lab 1 EE056IU EE057IU Programming for Engineers 3 EE090IU EE058IU Programming for Engineers Lab 1 EE091IU PE018IU Total Credits 19 Summer Semester Military Training Junior Year (3rd year) Semester 1 Semester 2 EE088IU Signals & Systems 3 EE092IU EE089IU Signals & Systems Lab 1 EE093IU EE083IU Micro-processing Systems 3 EEAC004IU EE084IU Micro-processing Systems Lab 1 EEAC005IU Calculus 2 Physics 2 (Thermodynamics) Scientific socialism Writing AE 2 Speaking AE2 Applied Linear Algebra Introduction to EE Critical Thinking Physical Training 2 Total Credits 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 0 20 Probability& Random Process Differential Equations Physics 4 (Optics & Atomics) Electromagnetic Theory Principles of EE 2 Principles of EE 2 Lab Electronics Devices Electronics Devices Lab History of Vietnamese Communist Party Total Credits 3 4 2 3 3 1 3 1 2 22 Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing Lab PC Based Control and SCADA System PC Based Control and SCADA System Lab EEAC020IU Theory of Automatic Control 4 EEAC006IU Programmable Logic Control EE130IU Capstone Design 1 2 EEAC007IU Programmable Logic Control Lab General Elective 3 EEAC008IU Sensors and Instrumentation PE020IU Engineering Ethics and Professional Skills 3 EE131IU Capstone Design 2 PE019IU Ho Chi Minh's Thoughts 2 EEAC--IU AC Elective Course 01 Total Credits 22 Total Credits Summer Semester EE112IU Summer Internship 3 Senior Year (4 th year) Semester 1 Semester 2 EE107IU Senior Project 2 EE097IU Thesis EEAC--IU AC Elective Course 02 3 EEAC--IU AC Elective Course 03 3 EEAC--IU AC Elective Course 04 3 EE114IU Entrepreneurship 3 EEAC--IU AC Elective Course 05 3 Total Credits 17 Total Credits Total: 152 credits 20 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 4 21 10 10 Table AC.2: AC Program - Intensive English 3 Semester 1 PH014IU PE017IU Semester 1 EEAC001IU EEAC021IU EE050IU EE051IU EE052IU EE053IU EE054IU PT002IU MA027IU Semester 1 EE088IU EE089IU EE083IU EE084IU EEAC020IU EE130IU PE018IU PE020IU EE112IU Semester 1 EE107IU EEAC--IU EEAC--IU EEAC--IU EE114IU EEAC008IU Freshman Year (1st year) Semester 2 MA001IU Calculus 1 IE3 EN007IU Writing AE1 EN008IU Listening AE1 PE015IU Philosophy of Marxism and Leninism PE016IU Political economics of Marxism and Leninism PH013IU Physics 1 (Mechanics) EE049IU Introduction to EE PT001IU Physical Training 1 PE008IU Critical Thinking Total Credits 0 Total Credits Summer semester Physics 2 (Thermodynamics) 2 EN011IU Writing AE 2 Scientific socialism 2 EN012IU Speaking AE2 MA003IU Calculus 2 Total Credits Sophomore Year (2nd year) Semester 2 Materials Science & Engineering 3 MA026IU Probability& Random Process Mathematics for Engineers 4 MA024IU Differential Equations Intro to Computer for Engineers 3 PH012IU Physics 4 (Optics & Atomics) Principles of EE 1 3 EE010IU Electromagnetic Theory Principles of EE 1 Lab 1 EE055IU Principles of EE 2 Digital Logic Design 3 EE056IU Principles of EE 2 Lab Digital Logic Design Lab 1 EE090IU Electronics Devices Physical Training 2 0 EE091IU Electronics Devices Lab Applied Linear Algebra 2 EE057IU Programming for Engineers EE058IU Programming for Engineers Lab Total Credits 20 Total Credits Summer Semester Military Training Junior Year (3rd year) Semester 2 Signals & Systems 3 EE092IU Digital Signal Processing Signals & Systems Lab 1 EE093IU Digital Signal Processing Lab Micro-processing Systems 3 EEAC004IU PC Based Control and SCADA System Micro-processing Systems Lab 1 EEAC005IU PC Based Control and SCADA System Lab Theory of Automatic Control 4 EEAC006IU Programmable Logic Control Capstone Design 1 2 EEAC007IU Programmable Logic Control Lab History of Vietnamese Communist Party 2 PE019IU Ho Chi Minh's Thoughts Engineering Ethics and Professional 3 EE131IU Capstone Design 2 Skills General Elective Total Credits 19 Total Credits Summer Semester Summer Internship 3 Senior Year (4 th year) Semester 2 Senior Project 2 EE097IU Thesis AC Elective Course 01 4 EEAC--IU AC Elective Course 04 AC Elective Course 02 3 EEAC--IU AC Elective Course 05 AC Elective Course 03 3 Entrepreneurship 3 Sensors and Instrumentation 3 Total Credits 18 Total Credits Total: 152 credits 21 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 0 3 21 2 2 4 12 3 4 2 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 24 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 19 10 3 3 16 Table AC.3: AC Program - Intensive English 2 Semester 1 PH014IU PE017IU Semester 1 EEAC001IU EEAC021IU EE050IU EE051IU EE052IU EE053IU EE054IU PT002IU MA027IU Semester 1 EE088IU EE089IU EE083IU EE084IU EEAC020IU EE130IU PE018IU PE020IU EE112IU Semester 1 EE107IU EEAC--IU EEAC--IU EEAC--IU EE114IU EEAC008IU Freshman Year (1st year) Semester 2 IE2 MA001IU Calculus 1 IE3 EN007IU Writing AE1 EN008IU Listening AE1 PE015IU Philosophy of Marxism and Leninism PE016IU Political economics of Marxism and Leninism PH013IU Physics 1 (Mechanics) EE049IU Introduction to EE PT001IU Physical Training 1 PE008IU Critical Thinking Total Credits 0 Total Credits Summer semester Physics 2 (Thermodynamics) 2 EN011IU Writing AE 2 Scientific socialism 2 EN012IU Speaking AE2 MA003IU Calculus 2 Total Credits Sophomore Year (2nd year) Semester 2 Materials Science & Engineering 3 MA026IU Probability& Random Process Mathematics for Engineers 4 MA024IU Differential Equations Intro to Computer for Engineers 3 PH012IU Physics 4 (Optics & Atomics) Principles of EE 1 3 EE010IU Electromagnetic Theory Principles of EE 1 Lab 1 EE055IU Principles of EE 2 Digital Logic Design 3 EE056IU Principles of EE 2 Lab Digital Logic Design Lab 1 EE090IU Electronics Devices Physical Training 2 0 EE091IU Electronics Devices Lab Applied Linear Algebra 2 EE057IU Programming for Engineers EE058IU Programming for Engineers Lab Total Credits 20 Total Credits Summer Semester Military Training Junior Year (3rd year) Semester 2 Signals & Systems 3 EE092IU Digital Signal Processing Signals & Systems Lab 1 EE093IU Digital Signal Processing Lab Micro-processing Systems 3 EEAC004IU PC Based Control and SCADA System Micro-processing Systems Lab 1 EEAC005IU PC Based Control and SCADA System Lab Theory of Automatic Control 4 EEAC006IU Programmable Logic Control Capstone Design 1 2 EEAC007IU Programmable Logic Control Lab History of Vietnamese Communist Party 2 PE019IU Ho Chi Minh's Thoughts Engineering Ethics and Professional 3 EE131IU Capstone Design 2 Skills General Elective Total Credits 19 Total Credits Summer Semester Summer Internship 3 Senior Year (4 th year) Semester 2 Senior Project 2 EE097IU Thesis AC Elective Course 01 4 EEAC--IU AC Elective Course 04 AC Elective Course 02 3 EEAC--IU AC Elective Course 05 AC Elective Course 03 3 Entrepreneurship 3 Sensors and Instrumentation 3 Total Credits 18 Total Credits Total: 152 credits 22 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 0 3 21 2 2 4 12 3 4 2 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 24 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 19 10 3 3 16 Table AC.4: AC Program - Intensive English 1 Freshman Year (1st year) Semester 2 Semester 1 IE1 IE2 MA001IU PH013IU Semester 1 MA003IU EE049IU MA027IU PT001IU EN011IU EN012IU EE050IU EE051IU EE052IU MA026IU Semester 1 EEAC001IU EE088IU EE089IU EE057IU EE058IU EE010IU EE090IU EE091IU EE130IU PE018IU PE017IU EE112IU Semester 1 EE107IU EEAC--IU EEAC--IU EEAC--IU EEAC008IU EE114IU PE008IU PE020IU Calculus 1 Physics 1 (Mechanics) Calculus 2 Introduction to EE Applied Linear Algebra Physical Training 1 Writing AE 2 Speaking AE2 IE3 Total Credits 0 Summer semester 4 EN007IU 2 EN008IU Total Credits 0 Writing AE1 Listening AE1 2 2 Total Credits 10 Sophomore Year (2nd year) Semester 2 4 PT002IU 3 MA024IU 2 EE053IU 0 EE054IU 2 PH012IU 2 PE016IU Physical Training 2 Differential Equations Digital Logic Design Digital Logic Design Lab Physics 4 (Optics & Atomics) Political economics of Marxism and Leninism Intro to Computer for Engineers 3 PH014IU Physics 2 (Thermodynamics) Principles of EE 1 3 EEAC021IU Mathematics for Engineers Principles of EE 1 Lab 1 PE015IU Philosophy of Marxism and Leninism Total Credits 20 Total Credits Summer semester Probability& Random Process 3 EE055IU Principles of EE 2 EE056IU Principles of EE 2 Lab Military Training Total Credits Junior Year (3rd year) Semester 2 Materials Science & Engineering 3 EE092IU Digital Signal Processing Signals & Systems 3 EE093IU Digital Signal Processing Lab Signals & Systems Lab 1 EEAC004IU PC Based Control and SCADA System Programming for Engineers 3 EEAC005IU PC Based Control and SCADA System Lab Programming for Engineers Lab 1 EEAC006IU Programmable Logic Control Electromagnetic Theory 3 EEAC007IU Programmable Logic Control Lab Electronics Devices 3 PE019IU Ho Chi Minh's Thoughts Electronics Devices Lab 1 EE131IU Capstone Design 2 Capstone Design 1 2 EEAC020IU Theory of Automatic Control History of Vietnamese Communist Party 2 EE083IU Micro-processing Systems Scientific socialism 2 EE084IU Micro-processing Systems Lab Total Credits 24 Total Credits Summer Semester Summer Internship 3 Senior Year (4th year) Semester 2 Senior Project 2 EE097IU Thesis AC Elective Course 01 4 EEAC--IU AC Elective Course 04 AC Elective Course 02 3 EEAC--IU AC Elective Course 05 AC Elective Course 03 3 General Elective Sensors and Instrumentation 3 Entrepreneurship 3 Critical Thinking 3 Engineering Ethics and Professional Skills 3 Total Credits 24 Total Credits Total: 152 credits 23 0 4 3 1 2 2 2 4 3 21 3 1 7 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 4 3 1 24 10 3 3 3 19 Table AC.5: AC Program - Intensive English 0 Freshman Year (1st year) Semester 2 Semester 1 IE0 IE1 MA001IU PH013IU Calculus 1 Physics 1 (Mechanics) IE2 IE3 Total Credits 0 Summer semester 4 EN007IU 2 EN008IU Calculus 2 Introduction to EE Applied Linear Algebra Physical Training 1 Writing AE 2 EN012IU EE050IU EE051IU EE052IU Speaking AE2 Intro to Computer for Engineers Principles of EE 1 Principles of EE 1 Lab MA026IU Total Credits 20 Summer semester Probability& Random Process 3 EE055IU EE056IU Military Training EE112IU Semester 1 EE107IU EEAC--IU EEAC--IU EEAC--IU EEAC008IU EE114IU PE008IU PE020IU Writing AE1 Listening AE1 2 2 Total Credits 10 Sophomore Year (2nd year) Semester 2 4 PT002IU 3 MA024IU 2 EE053IU 0 EE054IU 2 PE016IU Semester 1 MA003IU EE049IU MA027IU PT001IU EN011IU Semester 1 EEAC001IU EE088IU EE089IU EE057IU EE058IU EE010IU EE090IU EE091IU EE130IU PE018IU PE017IU Total Credits 0 2 3 3 1 Physical Training 2 Differential Equations Digital Logic Design Digital Logic Design Lab Political economics of Marxism and Leninism PH012IU Physics 4 (Optics & Atomics) PH014IU Physics 2 (Thermodynamics) EEAC021IU Mathematics for Engineers PE015IU Philosophy of Marxism and Leninism Junior Year (3rd year) Semester 2 Materials Science & Engineering 3 EE092IU Signals & Systems 3 EE093IU Signals & Systems Lab 1 EEAC004IU Programming for Engineers 3 EEAC005IU Programming for Engineers Lab 1 EEAC006IU Electromagnetic Theory 3 EEAC007IU Electronics Devices 3 PE019IU Electronics Devices Lab 1 EE131IU Capstone Design 1 2 EEAC020IU History of Vietnamese Communist Party 2 EE083IU Scientific socialism 2 EE084IU Total Credits 24 Summer Semester Summer Internship 3 Senior Year (4th year) Semester 2 Senior Project 2 EE097IU AC Elective Course 01 4 EEAC--IU AC Elective Course 02 3 EEAC--IU AC Elective Course 03 3 Sensors and Instrumentation 3 Entrepreneurship 3 Critical Thinking 3 Engineering Ethics and Professional Skills 3 Total Credits 24 0 4 3 1 2 2 2 4 3 Total Credits 21 Principles of EE 2 Principles of EE 2 Lab 3 1 Total Credits 7 Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing Lab PC Based Control and SCADA System PC Based Control and SCADA System Lab Programmable Logic Control Programmable Logic Control Lab Ho Chi Minh's Thoughts Capstone Design 2 Theory of Automatic Control Micro-processing Systems Micro-processing Systems Lab Total Credits 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 4 3 1 24 Thesis AC Elective Course 04 AC Elective Course 05 General Elective 10 3 3 3 Total Credits 19 Total: 152 credits 24 4. COURSE DESCRIPTION ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM MA001IU - Calculus 1 (4 credits) Functions; Limits; Continuity; Derivatives, Differentiation, Derivatives of basic elementary functions, differentiation rules; Application of Differentiation: L’Hopital’s rule, Optimization, Newton’s method; Anti-derivatives; Indefinite integrals, definite integrals; Fundamental theorem of calculus; Technique of integration; Improper integrals; Applications of integration. MA003IU - Calculus 2 (4credits) Sequence and series; Convergence tests; Power series; Taylor &Maclaurin series; Cartesian Coordinates; Lines, Planes and Surfaces; Derivatives and integrals of vector functions; Arc length and curvature; parametric surfaces; Functions of several variables; Limits, continuity, partial derivatives, tangent planes; Gradient vectors; Extrema; Lagrange multipliers; Multiple integrals: double integrals, triple integrals, techniques of integration; Vector fields, line integrals, surface integrals. Prerequisite : MA001IU (Calculus 1) MA023IU - Calculus 3 (4 credits) Complex numbers, complex series, complex functions, complex derivatives; Laplace transform; z- transform; Fourier series, Fourier transform, the inverse transform, transforms of derivatives and integrals; first-order differential equations, second-order differential equations, difference equations, applications to electrical circuits and signal processing. Prerequisite: MA003IU (Calculus 2) MA027IU - Applied Linear Algebra (2 credits) Matrices; Linear independence, Rank of a matrix, linear systems of equations, Gauss elimination, Solutions of linear systems: Existence, uniqueness, determinants, Cramer’s rule, inverse of a matrix, Gauss-Jordan elimination, vector spaces, inner product spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, applications; Symmetric, Skew-symmetric, and orthogonal matrices, Eigenbases, diagonalization; Quadratic forms, complex matrices and forms. MA024IU - Differential Equations Processes (4 credits) First-order differential equations; second-order linear differential equations, undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters, applications, higher-order linear differential equations, systems of first-order linear equations, elementary partial differential equations and the method of separation of variables. This course also provides the laboratory by using Maple and Matlab to solve many different types of differential equations. Prerequisite: MA003IU (Calculus 2) MA026IU - Probability & Random Processes (3 credits) Probability: sample space and events, Venn Diagram and algebra of events, probability of event, additive rules, conditional probability, Bayes rules, random variables and their distributions, mathematical expectation, some discrete probability distributions, some continuous probability distributions, functions of random variables, independence. Mathematical Statistics: Sampling distributions and data descriptions, estimation problems, hypothesis tests, linear regressions, analysis of variance, nonparametric statistics, simulation. Prerequisite: MA003IU (Calculus 2) PH013IU - Physic 1 (Engineering Mechanics) (2 credits) An introduction to mechanics including: planar forces, free body diagrams, planar equilibrium of rigid bodies, friction, distributed forces, internal forces, shear force and bending moment diagrams, simple stress and strain and associated material properties, kinematics and kinetics of particles, work and energy, motion of rigid bodies in a plane. 25 PH014IU - Physic 2 (Thermodynamics) (2 credits) This course provides students basic knowledge about fluid mechanics; macroscopic description of gases; heat and the first law of thermodynamics; heat engines and the second law of thermodynamics; microscopic description of gases and the kinetic theory of gases. PH015IU - Physics 3 (Electricity & Magnetism) (3 credits) To provide a thorough introduction to the basic principles of physics to physics and engineering students in order to prepare them for further study in physics and to support their understanding and design of practical applications in their fields. Content: Electrostatics, particles in electric and magnetic fields, electromagnetism, circuits, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic radiation. Prerequisite: PH013IU (Physic 1) Co-requisite:PH016IU (Physics 3 Laboratory) PH016IU - Physics 3 Laboratory (1 credit) This laboratory includes the topics on vector and uncertainties; electrostatic; Ohm’s law; magnetic force; ampere law; faraday law and RLC circuits. Co-requisite:PH015IU (Physics 3) PH012IU - Physics 4 (Waves and Optics) (2 credits) Waves and optics, relativity, quantum properties of electrons and photons, wave mechanics, atomic, solid-state, nuclear and elementary particle physics. Prerequisite: PH013IU (Physic 1) CH011IU - Chemistry for Engineers (3 credits) This course is designed for non-chemistry majors, as it is intended for students pursuing a degree in information technology and electrical engineering. The course is designed to provide a strong background in the fundamentals of chemistry, preparing students for further study in their major field. Topics include important principles, theories, concepts of chemistry, and chemical calculations necessary for a comprehension of the structure of matter, the chemical actions of the common elements and compounds. The impact of chemistry on everyday life and on the environment is also introduced wherever possible. Co-requisite: CH012IU (Chemistry for Engineers Laboratory) EN007IU & EN008IU - Academic English 1 (4 credits) This course concentrates on academic English listening and writing skills. Strategies for Academic Listening, Note-taking, and Discussion will help the student face the challenges of learning English in an Academic environment. The student will learn to do all the things that successful international college students do – listen actively to lectures, take effective notes, and participate confidently in discussions about the lecture with classmates and the lecturer. While learning these strategies, you will also learn and use common academic vocabulary as well as useful idioms. Writing skills are developed for pre-advanced academic writers. It focuses on composition writing using Writing process, Building Framework, Description, Opinion, Process, Comparison-Contrast, Cause-Effect, ProblemSolution, and Argument. Students will have writing practice in “Real-World Writing” formats. EN011IU & EN012IU - Academic English 2 (4 credits) This course concentrates on academic English speaking and writing skills. Speaking subject provides students with the skills to be able prepare and deliver effective formal, structured presentations that are 26 appropriate to the specific environment and audience. Writing subject provides an overview of the organizational format for a research paper and assists students in completing research projects in any content area course by providing assistance in writing effective research papers using a step-by-step process approach. Course content includes the components of a research paper, and techniques of selecting and narrowing topics; writing thesis statements; outlining; locating and documenting sources; taking notes; writing introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions; and writing rough and final drafts. Students work with projects relating to their content area courses. Prerequisite: EN007IU & EN008IU (Academic English 1) PE008IU - Critical Thinking (3 credits) This course provides students the fundamental knowledge of critical thinking concept. This is a general thinking skill that is useful for all sorts of careers and professions. The course covers an introduction to critical thinking; meaning analysis and argument analysis; basic logic, sentential logic (SL) and predicate logic; Venn diagrams; scientific reasoning; basic statistics; strategic thinking; values and morality; fallacies & biases; and introduction to creative thinking. EE049IU - Introduction to Electrical Engineering (3 credits) This course is an introduction to engineering processes for future electrical engineering. This course provides the students with the fundamental concepts of the electrical engineering profession. In addition, the students will learn the proper usage of engineering tools, including computers and measurement equipment. Students will also perform statistical analysis of experimental data, define engineering requirements, and implement simulation. EE050IU - Introduction to Computer for Engineers (3 credits) This course is an introduction to solving engineering problems through the use of the computer. It introduces general problem-solving techniques including the concepts of step-wise refinement applied to the development of algorithms. This course will cover elementary programming concepts using the programming language Matlab and apply those concepts towards the solution of engineering problems. EE051IU Principles of Electrical Engineering 1 (3 credits) This course is an introduction to basic circuit elements; independent sources; dependent sources; circuit analysis in DC and AC steadystate; network theorems; operational amplifiers; and power computations. Prerequisite: MA001IU (Calculus 1) Corequisite: EE052IU (Principles of EE 1 Laboratory) EE052IU - Principles of Electrical Engineering 1 Laboratory (1 credit) This course provides experimental exercises in use of laboratory instruments; voltage, current, impedance, frequency, and waveform measurements; rudiments of circuit modeling and design. Co-requisite: EE051IU (Principles of EE 1) EE055IU Principles of Electrical Engineering 2 (3 credits) This course includes the following topics: transient analysis by classical methods and by Laplace transform analysis, step and impulse response, three-phase circuit and two-port 27 networks. Passive and active filter circuit design, Butterworth filter design. Introduction to Fourier series. Prerequisite: EE051IU (Principles of EE 1) MA023IU (Calculus 3) for EE EEAC002IU (Mathematics for Engineers) for AC Co-requisite: EE056IU (Principles of EE 2 Laboratory) EE056IU - Principles of Electrical Engineering 2 Laboratory (1 credit) This laboratory includes topics on transient analysis; frequency response; filters design; two port network and Fourier series. Co-requisite: EE055IU (Principles of EE 2) EE053IU - Digital Logic Design (3 credits) This course introduces the basic tools for design with combinational and sequential digital logic and state machines. To learn simple digital circuits in preparation for computer engineering. Main content: Binary arithmetic, Boolean algebra, K-maps, Combinational circuit synthesis, Combinational MSI circuits, Sequential logic, Synchronous state machine design, Sequential MSI circuits. Co-requisite: EE054IU (Digital Logic Design Laboratory) EE054IU - Digital Logic Design Laboratory (1 credit) This laboratory includes topics on combinational SSI and MSI circuits; four bit arithmetic circuit; sequential circuits; state machine analysis and state machine synthesis. Co-requisite: EE053IU (Digital Logic Design) EE057IU - Programming for Engineers (3 credits) This course provides the basics of programming and data structures in C++ include: basic data types: loops, arrays, recursion, and pointers; object-oriented design: classes, inheritance, overloading, and polymorphism; abstract data types: lists, linked lists, stacks, and queues; introduction to algorithm analysis: O notation, searching and sorting. Co-requisite: EE058IU (Programming for Engineers Laboratory) EE058IU - Programming for Engineers Laboratory (1 credit) This is a co-requisite course with EE057IU (programming for engineers). Co-requisite: EE057IU (Programming for Engineers) EE010IU - Electromagnetic Theory (3 credits) Electrical conduction theories, conducting materials and insulators, magnetic and dielectric properties and materials, electrostatics and magneto-statics, steady electric currents, the magnetic field of steady electric currents, Ampere’s law and its applications, electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s law and its applications, electromagnetism, simple transmission lines, magnetic circuits, permanent magnets, inductors, transformers, introduction to electrical machines. Prerequisite: Calculus 3 (MA023IU) EE090IU - Electronic Devices (3 credits) Fundamentals of semiconductor devices and microelectronic circuits, characteristics of p-n, Zener diodes, and analog diode circuits. Principles of MOSFET and BJT operation, biasing, transistor analysis at mid-band frequencies. Prerequisite: EE051IU (Principles of EE 1) Co-requisite: EE055IU (Principles of EE 2) EE091IU (Electronic Devices Laboratory) EE091IU - Electronic Devices Laboratory 28 (1 credit) Laboratory experiments in microelectronic circuits using semiconductor devices, including diodes, MOSFETs, and BJTs. Employing a learn-by-doing approach, emphasizing hands-onexperimental experiences and computer simulation. Co-requisite: EE090IU (Electronic Devices) EE094IU - Digital Electronics (3 credits) Principles of digital electronics, implementation of logic gates with MOSFETs and BJTs. Understanding and analysis of different logic families including NMOS CMOS, TTL, and ECL. Fundamentals of digital memory circuits. Prerequisite: EE090IU (Electronic Devices) Corequisite: EE095IU (Digital Electronics Laboratory) EE095IU - Digital Electronics Lab (1 credit) Laboratory experiments in transistor-level realization of CMOS, BiCMOS, TTL and ECL logic gates. Employing a learn-by doing approach, emphasizing the hands-onexperimental experiences and computer simulation. Co-requisite: EE094IU (Digital Electronics) EE083IU - Micro-processor Systems (3 credits) This course provides students the fundamentals of microprocessors and microcomputers; data flow; machine programming; assembly languages, architectures and instructions sets; stacks, subroutines, I/O, and interrupts; interfacing fundamentals; designing with microprocessors, and applications of microprocessing systems to some practical problems. Prerequisite: EE053IU (Digital Logic Design) Co-requisite: EE084IU (Micro-processor System Laboratory) EE084IU - Micro-processor Systems Lab (1 credit) This is a co-requisite course of EE083IU. The laboratory includes location and description the components on the 32-Bit Microprocessor circuit board; demonstration of basic data transfer operations, memory transfers and describe memory control signals, the signals needed to transfer data between the CPU and its components, how the CPU processes hardware and software interrupts, addressing modes of the 80386 CPU; Use machine codes to write instruction for use in memory test programs and real-world applications. Prerequisite: EE053IU (Digital Logic Design) Co-requisite: EE083IU (Micro-processor System) EE088IU - Signals & Systems (3 credits) Introduction to continuous- and discrete-time systems and signals, basis function representation of signals, convolution, Fourier Series, Fourier, Laplace, Z-transform theory, state space variable analysis of linear systems, basic feedback concepts. Prerequisite: EE055IU (Principles of EE 2) Corequisite: EE089IU (Signal & Systems Laboratory) EE089IU - Signals & Systems Lab (1 credit) Experimental exercises via simulation using MATLAB to get understanding of frequency and time-domain analysis of linear dynamic systems and corresponding signals. Finding the response of continuous- and discrete-time linear systems via simulation. Co-requisite: EE088IU (Signal & Systems) EE092IU - Digital Signal Processing (3 credits) Introduction to digital signal processing, sampling and quantization, A/D and D/A converters, discrete time systems, convolution, ztransforms, transfer functions, digital filter 29 realizations, fast Fourier transforms, filter design, and digital audio applications. Prerequisite: EE088IU (Signal & Systems) Co-requisite: EE093IU (Digital Signal Processing Laboratory) EE093IU - Digital Signal Processing Lab (1 credit) To carry out software and hardware experiments illustrating the basic principles and techniques of digital signal processing and to illustrate some concrete applications, such as filtering for noise reduction and digital audio effects. Prerequisite: EE088IU (Signal & Systems) Co-requisite: EE092IU (Digital Signal Processing) EE068IU - Principles of Communication Systems (3 credits) To understand basic analog and digital communication system theory and design, with an emphasis on wireless communications methods. Main content: Analog Communication, Random processes and Noise, Quantization, Digital Communication. Prerequisite: EE088IU (Signals and Systems) MA026IU (Probabilities, Statistics and Random Processes) Co-requisite: EE115IU (Principles of Communication Systems Laboratory) EE115IU - Principles of Communication Systems Laboratory (1 credit) This course provides experiments dealing with basic fundamental concepts of communication systems. It includes the following topics: Amplitude Modulation/Demodulation; Angle Modulation/Demodulation; Sampling, Holding and Reconstruction of PAM signals; Pulse Code Modulation; Amplitude Shift Keying, Phase Shift Keying. Co-requisite: EE068IU (Principles of Communication Systems) EE114IU Entrepreneurship (3 credits) In this course, the student will learn the essential skills needed to start and manage a successful new business venture. Topics will cover: the challenge of entrepreneurship, building a business plan, marketing and financial issues with a start-up company, and how to gain the competitive advantage. EE107IU - Senior Project (2 credits) In the field of Electrical Engineering, the senior focuses on design projects related to the EE field. In addition to the accumulation of theoretical knowledge, the thesis requires solving difficulties encountered in practice as well as addressing safety issues and ethics. EE097IU – Thesis (10 credits) These are industry type projects, designed to ensure students have mastered their studies in the program. All projects are based on “Real projects” provided by the industry for students to work on developing skill and applying knowledge gained from all courses throughout the program. Students will work in teams to develop requirements, design, implementation, and provide a solution to business problems. Students may follow any suitable process model, must manage the project themselves, following all appropriate project management techniques. The success of the project is determined in large part, by whether students have adequately solved their customer’s problem. Students will be expected to deliver the final products along with all artifacts appropriate to the process model they are using (i.e.: project plan, requirements specification; system and software architect documents, design documents, test plans, source code, and installable software products). Prerequisite: EE107IU (Senior Project) 30 EE130IU - Capstone Design Project 1 (2 credits) This course is an introduction to the engineering design process. This course consists of two semesters of lecture and design. This course requires students to develop a project based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier coursework and integrate their technical knowledge through practical design effort. Students will work in multidisciplinary teams to complete an approved engineering design projects that are fully documented and prototyped. In the Capstone Design Project 1, students will learn to define a problem, conduct research to propose the solutions, determine the realistic constraints, prepare project scheduling, and create a planned budget for the project. The work will be performed as a team in accordance with ABET requirements. Each team is comprised of two to four students EE131IU - Capstone Design Project 2 (2 credits) This course is the second course of an introduction to the engineering design process. This course consists of two semesters of lecture and design. This course requires students to develop a project based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier coursework and integrate their technical knowledge through practical design effort. Students will work in multidisciplinary teams to complete an approved engineering design projects that are fully documented and prototyped. In the Capstone Design Project 2, students will learn to follow the design process and to develop the prototype based on the design specifications from Capstone Design Project 1. The work will be performed as a team in accordance with ABET requirements. Each team is comprised of two to four students EE061IU - Analog Electronics (3 credits) Feedback amplifier analysis, frequency response of BJT and FET amplifiers, and frequency response with feedback stability, power amplifiers, filters, and tuned amplifiers, signal generator and waveform-shaping circuits. Prerequisite: EE090IU (Electronic Devices) Corequisite: EE062IU (Analog Electronics Laboratory) EE062IU - Analog Electronics Laboratory (1 credit) This laboratory includes topics on differential transistor amplifiers; cascode amplifiers; the constant current source; current mirrors; high frequency transistor amplifiers; feedback amplifiers; stability of feedback amplifiers and feedback compensation. Co-requisite: EE061IU (Analog Electronics) EE105IU - Antenna and Microwave Engineering (3 credits) The course provides students the understanding of radiation fundamentals, linear antennas, point source arrays, aperture antennas, antenna impedance, antenna systems. Basic concepts of microwave engineering such as transmission lines, Smith plot, microwave circuits, analysis techniques, design, and applications. Pre-requisite: EE010IU (Electromagnetic Theory) Co-requisite: EE124IU (Antenna & Microwave Engineering Laboratory) EE124IU - Antenna and Microwave Engineering Laboratory (1 credit) Antenna & Microwave Engineering Practical Workbook covers a variety of experiments that are designed to aid students in their profession and theory. They include a variety of topics which include antennas, transmission lines, and microwave waveguides. A practical exposure to such equipment is necessary as it builds on the theory taught to students. 31 Pre-requisite: EE010IU (Electromagnetic Theory) Co-requisite: EE105IU (Antenna & Microwave Engineering) EEAC020IU - Theory of Automatic Control (4 credits) This course is intended to introduce students to concepts and techniques of classical control and to briefly introduce some concepts of modern control and discrete-time. The main goal is to enable students to analyze, design, and synthesize linear control systems. Students will become familiar with analytical methods and will be exposed extensively to the use of computers for analysis and design of control systems. Pre-requisite: EE055IU (Principles of EE2) EE063IU - Digital System Design (3 credits) This course introduces methodology and techniques to design digital systems. The topics including the basic concepts, analysis, and system design with hardware description languages (HDL). The course provides an insight into the design of asynchronous sequential circuits and complex synchronous systems. The design process is introduced by concepts, documents, and simulation. Pre-requisite: EE053IU (Digital Logic Design) Co-requisite: EE117IU (Digital System Design Laboratory) EE117IU - Digital System Design Lab (3 credits) This lab helps students understand better about techniques to design digital systems. This lab includes software and hardware topics: Introduction to Maxplus II software, Counter, Introduction to VHDL in Maxplus II, Digital Clock. Pre-requisite: EE053IU (Digital Logic Design) Co-requisite: EE063IU (Digital System Design) EE066IU - VLSI Design (3 credits) This course provides an introduction to digital VLSI chip design based on CMOS technology and including dynamic clocked logic, analog MOSFET timing analysis, and layout design rules. The course develops the use of computer-aided design software tools and cell library construction as well as an understanding of elementary circuit testing. Prerequisite: EE053 (Digital Logic Design) EE094 (Digital Electronics) Co-requisite: EE121IU (VLSI Design Lab) EE121IU - VLSI Design Lab (1 credit) This laboratory provides an introduction to digital VLSI chip design based on the use of VLSI design tools to design a MIPS microprocessor chip. The laboratory employs a learning-by-doing approach, emphasizing handson practical design experiences and computer simulations. Prerequisite: EE053 (Digital Logic Design) EE094 (Digital Electronics) Co-requisite: EE066IU (VLSI Design) EE079IU - Power Electronics (3 credits) This course introduces the application of electronics to energy conversion and control. Topics cover modeling, analysis, and control techniques; design of power circuits including inverters, rectifiers, and DC-DC converters; analysis and design of magnetic components and filters; and characteristics of power semiconductor devices. Numerous application examples will be presented such as motion control systems, and power supplies. Prerequisite: Electronic Devices (EE090IU) Co-requisite: Power Electronics Laboratory EEAC003IU - Power Electronics Lab (1 credit) This course assists the theoretical course (Power electronics) involving energy conversion and control. It covers the building and measuring rectifiers, inverters, and DC/DC converters; Analyzing and measuring filters; investigating 32 into current-voltage characteristics of power semiconductor devices. Prerequisite: Electronic Devices (EE090IU) Co-requisite: Power Electronics EE104IU - Embedded Real-time Systems (3 credits) This course covers the application and design assembly and C language programming for AVR microprocessors. Topics include system timing, bus cycles, interrupts, stacks and subroutines. Upon completion, students should be able to design, program, verify, analyze, and troubleshoot AVR assembly and C language programs Prerequisite: EE083IU (Microprocessor Systems) Co-requisite: EE118IU (Embedded Real-time System Laboratory) EE118IU - Embedded Real-time Systems Lab (1 credit) This course Integrates microprocessors into digital systems. The course Includes hardware interfacing, bus protocols and peripheral systems, embedded and real-time operating systems, real-time constraints, networking, and memory system. Prerequisite: EE083IU (Microprocessor Systems) Co-requisite: EE104IU (Embedded Real-time System) EE070IU - Wireless Communication Systems (3 credits) This course introduces: Radio Propagation, Cochannel Interference, Spectral Efficiency and Power Efficiency, Diversity Schemes, Multiple Access Interference, Radio Resource Management, Performance of TDMA, CDMA and WiFi Systems. Prerequisite: EE068IU (Principles of Communication Systems) Co-requisite: EE116IU (Wireless Communication Systems Laboratory) EE116IU - Wireless Communication Systems Laboratory (1 credit) Radio Propagation, Co-channel Interference, Spectral Efficiency and Power Efficiency, Diversity Schemes, Multiple Access Interference, Radio Resource Management, Performances of TDMA, CDMA and Wi-Fi Systems. Prerequisite: EE068IU (Principles of Communication Systems) Co-requisite: EE116IU Communication Systems Laboratory) (Wireless EE072IU - Computer and Communication Networks (3 credits) Network protocol design principles, reliable transport protocols, routing, quality of service, multimedia networking, Internet telephony, wireless networks. Prerequisite: MA026IU (Probability and Random Processes) EE119IU - Telecommunication Networks (3 credits) This course provides the principles underlying telecommunication networks. Using a top-down approach and emphasizing data and computer communication within the framework of the OSI layers, the course will cover topics in the application, transport, network and link layers of the protocol stack. Topics include TCP/IP protocol architectures, circuit-switching and packet-switching, network management, data link protocols including HDLC, routing flow control, file transfer protocols, cryptography, and text compression. It also introduces important merging technologies, such as: integrated voice and data networks (VOIP) and the integration of wireless and wired networks. Prerequisite: EE088IU (Signals & Systems) EE068IU (Principle of communication systems) Co-requisite: EE120IU Networks Lab) (Telecommunication 33 EE120IU - Telecommunication Networks Laboratory (1 credit) Experimental exercises via simulation and hardware to get an understanding of data communications and networking. Prerequisite: EE088IU (Signals & Systems) EE068IU (Principle of communication systems) Co-requisite: EE119IU (Telecommunication Networks) EE103IU - Image Processing and Computer Vision (3 credits) The course begins with one-to-one operations such as image addition and subtraction and image descriptors such as the histogram. Basic filters such as the gradient and Laplacian in the spatial domain are used to enhance images. The 2-D Fourier transform is introduced and frequency domain operations such as high and low-pass filtering are developed. It is shown how filtering techniques can be used to remove noise and other image degradation. The different methods of representing color images are described and fundamental concepts of color image transformations and color image processing are developed. The concepts of image redundancy and information theory are shown to lead to image compression. Lossless and lossy image processing algorithms such as LZW will be covered and related to image compression standards such as JPEG. Programming assignments will use MATLAB and the MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox. Prerequisite: EE088IU (Signals and Systems) MA026IU (Probability and Random Processes) Co-requisite: EE122IU (Image Processing Lab) EE122IU - Image Processing and Computer Vision Laboratory (1 credit) Experimental exercises via simulation using MATLAB to get understanding of digital image processing and basic concepts of computer vision: image enhancement in time domain and frequency domain, morphology and segmentation Co-requisite: EE103IU (Image Processing) EE102IU - Stochastic Signal Processing (3 credits) Introduction to the theory and algorithms used for the analysis and processing of random signals (stochastic signals) and their applications to communications problems. Prerequisite: EE092IU (Digital Signal Processing) EE123IU - Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (2 credits) This course provides students a broad understanding of the following topics: Optical Communication Systems, Satellite Communications, Wireless Sensor Networks, OFDM System, Microelectronics, Multimedia Signal Processing, Computer vision, and Biomedical Engineering. EE074IU - Digital Signal Processing Design (3 credits) Applications of DSP algorithms in the areas of speech processing, image processing, communications, and adaptive filtering using software implementations applied to realistic signals. Prerequisite: EE092IU (Digital Signal Processing) EE125IU - RF Circuit (3 credits) The course focuses on the analysis and design of Radio Frequency circuits. It covers the design of passive and active RF circuits, including: impedance matching networks, RF filter design, power amplifier, mixers, RF Oscillator, low noise amplifier (LNA) Prerequisite: EE090IU (Electronics Devices) 34 Co-requisite: EE126IU (RF Circuit Lab) EE126IU - RF Circuit Lab (1 credit) The course enables the student to get hands-on experience in RF circuit design through the use of computer-aided design tools to simulate and analyze RF-circuits, and perform measurements in the lab using network and spectrum analyzers. Prerequisite: EE090IU (Electronics Devices) Co-requisite: EE125IU (RF Circuit) EE127IU - Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (3 credits) Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning has given us selfdriving cars, practical speech recognition, effective web search, and a vastly improved understanding of the human genome. Machine learning is so pervasive today that you probably use it dozens of times a day without knowing it. Many researchers also think it is the best way to make progress towards human-level AI. In this class, you will learn about the most effective machine learning techniques, and gain practice implementing them and getting them to work for yourself. More importantly, you'll learn about not only the theoretical underpinnings of learning, but also gain the practical know-how needed to quickly and powerfully apply these techniques to new problems. Prerequisite: EE088IU (Signals and Systems) EE128IU - Internet of Things (3 credits) Students will understand the concepts of the Internet of Things and can able to build IoT applications. This course provides an overview of IoT tools and applications including sensing devices, actuation, processing, and communications. The course also introduces hands-on IoT concepts including sensing, actuation, and communication through lab experiments with IoT development kits. Prerequisite: EE083IU (Micro-processing Systems) Co-requisite: EE129IU (Internet of Things Laboratory) EE129IU - Internet of Things Laboratory (1 credit) In this course, the students will study and do experiments IoT development KIT. Student will be able to practice with the following topic: Design IoT applications in different domain and be able to analyze their performance, Implement basic IoT applications on an embedded platform. Prerequisite: EE083IU (Micro-processing Systems) Co-requisite: EE128IU (Internet of Things) 35 AUTOMATION CONTROL PROGRAM EEAC021IU - Mathematics for engineers (4 credits) This course develops a synthetic view of mathematic knowledge and skills in analyzing and modeling Signals and Systems. Covers review of fundamental harmonic analysis, with applications in Electronics, Control, Communications, and Signal processing. Prerequisite: Calculus 2 (MA003IU). inverters, rectifiers, and DC-DC converters; analysis and design of magnetic components and filters; and characteristics of power semiconductor devices. Numerous application examples will be presented such as motion control systems, and power supplies. Prerequisite: Electronic Devices (EE090IU) Corequisite: Power Electronics Laboratory (EEAC003IU) EEAC002IU - Materials Science and Engineering (3 credits) Structure, properties, and processing of metallic, semiconductor, polymeric, ceramic, and composite materials. Perfect and imperfect solids; phase equilibria; transformation kinetics; mechanical behavior; material degradation. The approach involves both materials science and materials engineering components EEAC003IU - Power Electronics Lab (1 credit) This course assists the theoretical course (Power electronics) involving energy conversion and control. It covers the building and measuring rectifiers, inverters, and DC/DC converters; Analyzing and measuring filters; investigating into current-voltage characteristics of power semiconductor devices. Prerequisite: Electronic Devices (EE090IU) Co-requisite: Power Electronics (EE079IU) EEAC020IU - Theory of Automatic Control (4 credits) This course is intended to introduce students to concepts and techniques of classical control and to briefly introduce some concepts of modern control and discrete-time. The main goal is to enable students to analyze, design, and synthesize linear control systems. Students will become familiar with analytical methods and will be exposed extensively to the use of computers for analysis and design of control systems. Pre-requisite: Differential Equations Processes (MA024IU) EE079IU - Power Electronics (3 credits) This course introduces the application of electronics to energy conversion and control. Topics cover modeling, analysis, and control techniques; design of power circuits including EEAC004IU - PC Based Control and SCADA System (3 credits) PC Based Control and SCADA system course provides students with knowledge of implementing control and measurement using PC, A/D, knowledge of DA converters, peripheral devices, the electronics that go along with sensors to refine and condition their outputs. The knowledge of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, as well as the SCADA commercial software will be included Prerequisite: Microprocessor Systems (EE083IU) Co-requisite: PC Based Control and SCADA System Laboratory (EEAC005IU). EEAC005IU - PC Based Control and SCADA System Lab (1 credit) 36 This course is designed to provide the student with practical implementations of writing control programs using PC to supervise and acquire data through peripheral devices, exploring the sensors and various types of analog to digital converters Prerequisite: Microprocessor Systems (EE083IU) Co-requisite: PC Based Control and SCADA System (EEAC004IU). EEAC006IU - Programmable Logic Control (PLC) (3 credits) Provide the student with fundamental concepts of PLC and PLC systems: the PLC architecture, PLC programming languages, the basic knowledge of the industrial communication network, methods of analysis, and design. Prerequisite: Digital Logic Design (EE053IU) Co-requisite: Programmable Logic Control Laboratory (EEAC007IU). EEAC007IU - Programmable Logic Control Laboratory (1 credit) This course is designed to provide the student with experimental knowledge of the S7- 1200 PLC from Siemens as well as S7-1200 PLC systems through lab manuals: write control programs, choose hardware for a control system such as I/O modules, communication modules, A/D, D/A modules… Prerequisite: Programmable Logic Control (EEAC006IU). EEAC008IU - Sensors and Instrumentation (3 credits) This course introduces students to the state-ofthe-art practice in electronic instrumentation systems, including the design of sensor/transducer elements, their respective interface electronics, and precision measurement techniques. Students will be familiarized with techniques used in the acquisition, processing, and presentation of sensor signals: transducers, Fourier analysis, flow measurement, amplifiers, and bridge circuits. Prerequisite: Principle of EE 2 (EE055IU). EEAC011IU - Automation Manufacturing System and Technique (3 credits) This course is designed to highlight the major automation-related subjects within the scope of manufacturing system. Special emphasis will be given on industrial robotics, robot programming and flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). This course also transfers to student facts in real manufacturing production lines from the experiences of lecturers and visiting speakers. Co-requisite: Automation Manufacturing System and Technique Lab (EEAC012IU) EEAC012IU - Automation Manufacturing System and Technique Lab (1 credit) This course is designed to allow students to practice on the major automation-related subjects within the scope of the manufacturing system. Special emphasis will be given on industrial robotics, robot programming and flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). This course also transfers to student facts in real manufacturing production lines from the experiences of lecturers and visiting speakers. Co-requisite: Automation Manufacturing System and Technique (EEAC011IU) EEAC013IU - Power System and Equipment (3 credits) Provide the student with fundamental knowledge of electric power systems and components of power system such as: electrical generators, electric motors, relays, contactors, circuit breakers and measurement devices. EEAC014IU - Neural Networks and fuzzy controls (3 credits) This course exposes the student to the fundamental issues related to the neural networks 37 and some training techniques and fuzzy logics with applications to design an intelligent control system. The course also introduces some industrial applications. Prerequisite: Theory of Automatic Control (EEAC020IU) EEAC015IU - Robotics (3 credits) This course introduces fundamental concepts in Robotics. Basic concepts will be discussed, including coordinate transformation, kinematics, dynamics, equations of motion, feedback and feed-forward control, and trajectory planning. Applying the theoretical knowledge to various motor systems, including manipulators, and mobile robotics. Prerequisite: Theory of Automatic Control (EEAC020IU) EEAC016IU - Industrial Electronics (3 credits) Fundamentals of electronics and semiconductor devices, including basic device principles. Application of electronic devices for electric power conversion, control and operation of industrial equipment. Prerequisite: Third-year student who have completed all engineering physics, chemistry and calculus courses EEAC017IU - Digital Control (3 credits) The aim of this course is to introduce the students to the basic of control discrete-time systems. The course presents the representation of physical system in discrete-time with special emphasize on sampling theory, z-transform, equivalent of continuous and discrete-time systems. The stability is also discussed. The several methods for design and synthesis of feedback controllers such as direct, Bode and feedforward method are respectively represented. Prerequisite: Theory of Automatic Control (EEAC020IU) EEAC009IU - Electrical Safety (3 credits) The course is oriented to the understanding of electrical hazards to prevent it. Firstly, it introduces the student to the knowledge of how to recognize, evaluate and control electrical hazards. Some guidance regarding how to proceed in case of an emergency is also covered. Then, it provides students the safety rules and regulations for electricians, precautions for electrical and mechanical hazards on the job, tool and equipment safety, first aid, CardioPulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), bloodborne pathogens, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) mandated lockout/tag-out, personal protective equipment, right to know, and confined space entry procedures. EEAC010IU- Electric Machine (3 credits) This course exposes the student to the fundamental of electromagnetic circuits, principle of Electro-mechanical – Energy – Conversion and its applications in AC electric motors. This course provides also the knowledge and structure of different AC machines Prerequisite: Principle of Electrical Engineering 2 (EE055IU) EEAC018IU - Advanced Control Engineering (3 credits) The aim of this course is to introduce the student the advanced topics on control engineering. Based on state space representation in both continuous and discrete-time, the problematic of observer-based control is discussed. Then principle of optimal control is followed. The topic on non-linear control is also covered. Prerequisite: Theory of Automatic Control (EEAC020IU) Digital Control (EEAC017IU) EEAC019IU - System Diagnostic 38 (3 credits) The aim of this course is to introduce the student the initiative of fault detection, isolation and localization in physical systems. The concepts of residue and parity space in both static and dynamic case are discussed. The method for detection and isolation the abnormal sensors using state observer and state estimation is also introduced. 39