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SPC Steps: Quality Control Guide

SPC STEPS with Example
Step 1: Define Objectives and Scope
Objective: Ensure consistent product quality and minimize defects in the
assembly of crushers and screeners.
Scope: Implement SPC for critical quality characteristics in the assembly process,
such as crusher output capacity and eccentric shaft alignment.
Step 2: Select Key Quality Characteristics (KQCs)
Example KQCs:
1. Crusher Output Capacity: The number of tons of material crushed per hour.
2. Eccentric Shaft Alignment: The precision of alignment of the eccentric shaft
in crushers.
Step 3: Data Collection
Crusher Output Capacity: Collect data on the hourly production rates for crushers.
Record the number of tons processed per hour.
Eccentric Shaft Alignment: Conduct alignment checks during the assembly
process using alignment tools and record the measurements.
Step 4: Data Analysis and Presentation
Analyse the collected data using statistical tools like control charts, histograms,
and scatter plots. Visualize the data to identify trends and variations in the
assembly process.
Step 5: Establish Control Limits
Calculate control limits for each KQC. These limits can be based on historical
data, industry standards, or customer requirements. For example, for Crusher
Output Capacity, set upper and lower control limits that represent acceptable
production rates.
Step 6: Implement Control Charts
Create control charts for each KQC. For Crusher Output Capacity, we might use
an X-bar and R chart. Use appropriate control charts for other KQCs as well.
Step 7: Monitor and Control the Process
Continuously collect data for the selected KQCs and update the control charts at
regular intervals (e.g., hourly, daily, or per shift). Check for any data points that
fall outside the control limits or exhibit non-random patterns.
Step 8: Investigate and Address Variations
When we detect variations or signals of non-random patterns, investigate the root
causes. For instance, if Crusher Output Capacity falls below the lower control
limit, determine whether it's due to variations in component quality, wear and tear
of parts, or assembly errors. Take corrective actions based on findings.
Step 9: Document and Report Findings
Maintain detailed records of SPC data, investigations, and corrective actions
taken. Report we findings and progress to relevant teams, including production,
quality control, and management, on a regular basis.
Step 10: Continuous Improvement
Continuously monitor the assembly process and look for opportunities to improve
efficiency and reduce defects. Use SPC insights to drive process optimization
efforts, such as improving the alignment process for eccentric shafts or optimizing
screen mesh installation procedures.
Step 11: Training and Education
Ensure that we assembly team is trained in SPC principles, data collection
methods, and problem-solving techniques. Provide ongoing training to keep the
team informed and engaged in the SPC process.
Step 12: Review and Audit
Periodically review the effectiveness of we SPC program. Conduct internal audits
to ensure consistent application and identify areas where SPC can be further
integrated into the assembly process.