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Funded Trader's Metaphysical Market Approach

21yr Old Funded Trader Explains His Metaphysical Approach To The Markets
There were many times where I believed I've got it, but then I got humbled. It was only
when I started letting go of the concept of yes I've got it that I got it, and that's paradoxical,
because you have to let the market tell you what it wants to tell you.
This podcast is not financial trading or investing advice of any kind. Louis Kelly is a smart money
concept trader based in Bali who is heavily influenced by Dr. Joe Dispenza.
Before we jump into it, I want to remind you about the City Traders Imperium Competition which
is the Funded Traders World Cup 2022.
Lewis Kelly is in the house all the way over there in Bali, and he's going to be talking about his
new thing The Robot Lab Live, where he's going to build a trading robot from scratch with you
guys being part of the process.
Lewis was playing full-time semi-professional football back in the United Kingdom and had no
exposure to actually day trading. He was introduced to Crypto when he was about 16 and went
down the rabbit hole still in Xrp but only from an investment perspective.
I was playing full-time semi-professional football and we got to a point where Lockdown
happened. After that, I had this weird inherent feeling inside of my soul that I should be doing
something else, but I put it off to the side because I was so busy with football.
The universe worked funny and I couldn't play football anymore. I had to take new medical
procedures that didn't align with my personality. After losing my job, I decided to go to Bali with
a friend who was going to spend some time in Bali lifestyle. I spent a month in Dubai, but it was
still not my type of lifestyle.
I spent a month in Dubai learning to trade full-time with my friend, and then I came out to Bali
and the crypto market started booming, but I wasn't making any progress with the trading, so the
market crashed and I had no idea that it was crashing.
There were two things that really rocked my world: I didn't know what I was doing and I was
fascinated by macroeconomics. I came across the concept of smart money and I just went down
the rabbit hole, learning, failing, making mistakes, learning, failing, making mistakes.
Ray Dalio has this concept of pain plus reflection equals progress. And so when I failed and I
reflected on the failure, I made progress, and six nine months later here I am consistently
profitable trading.
He wasn't placing trades, he was manipulating, and he fooled me into believing he was an
amazing trader who wouldn't sell his strategy for less than a million dollars.
At the time nothing was working that I was looking for, so I found a mentor who introduced me to
Smart Money. What he was showing me worked, and I would come into the charts and see it like
at that time I couldn't build the narrative like I can now.
Price was tapping into areas of supply and demand and giving the reactions out exactly how he
was predicting it, which was a clear indication that he knew what he was doing. He also told me
about Richard Wyckoff, who created a lot of these concepts.
Smart Money is just one way in which to read the markets footprint. The biggest challenge was
coming completely from scratch, but at the same time that was a blessing because it forced me to
de-program belief systems about how the markets work to then reprogram new ones.
I didn't have the programming process, so I took the concepts of order flow, fractals, supply and
demand, liquidity inducement and started building something myself. The guy who taught me this
was meant Fx, and he had a quick conversation with me two years ago.
Tyson, a smart money trader, simplified the market cycle for me and gave me some new concepts
of liquidity to target, liquidity to take, and the Asian session range. The market is designed to
collect orders, and the purpose is to capture liquidity.
For you going in fairly fresh as well and it’s only not that long ago, how hard would you say it is
to understand and learn all this and then remember all to then apply it and then on top of that get
the right mindset?
So how difficult was it? It was definitely challenging at first, but I tried to take it one step at a
time and master the first lesson before moving on to the next.
Back testing was done on replay mode and then I would also do some case studies. If there was an
opportunity for me to get into any trades, I would then build an entire case study around it. A real
game changer was around that about order flows like this and structures like this. I've never heard
it called a term or a case study which is quite good to use.
When did you finally sort of go right with trading? It was only when I started letting go of the
concept of yes I've got it that I got it, and that's paradoxical because you never get it
because you know you might take a trade and see something different.
I've traded at least from my perspective because there's a narrative that you have to
build, and I personally built a story of where the banks were taking price, and how they were
delivering that price. It became somewhat intuitive to understand, and the more you did it, the
more you understood.
I like the fact that you said you know that the I've got it and having to let go of that
I've got it can be taught to a degree. I think I have it, but then the next day it all falls apart
and I'm like it's funny how the universe works because the minute you think you have
completed something is laughable because there is no complete there is no finish line it's
infinite life is infinite.
I don't know, back to that point, but I think it's very much like playing football, one week you
have a blinder and the next week you can't do anything right. The same training, same mental,
same concepts, same time, two different results.
We live in a quantum realm where you can cause and affect your reality. Your thoughts and
feelings dictate what actions you take and what results you get, so we all have unconscious
thought patterns and emotion patterns that are running unconsciously without us even knowing.
Prosperity Consciousness is a process where we take out limiting beliefs that limit our potential
and replace them with infinite beliefs that expand our potential. People with a prosperity
consciousness pick up trading and investing concepts way faster than people with a lack
Years ago I heard a story where a group of people were trying to change some kind of matter by
thinking certain things. The matter changed in some way, shape or form, and the group managed
to get through the wall and into the glass case.
We're going to find out about your trading stats now and then we're going to dive a bit
more into the mindset kind of stuff. So on average, you know, 30 of your trades will be winners
and your risk to reward is usually quite high.
You build a narrative on a higher time frame, then reverse engineer on a lower time frame, until
you understand where you are in relation to a higher time frame scenario, which is all you need to
know for intraday trades.
When looking at a high time frame scenario, I give myself two attempts to get into a trade. If the
first one gets induced as liquidity, I still have to take it because it meets the plan, and if it sweeps,
I usually just leave it out.
When I said two or three, it was people like what it's like to be in no Man's land, so I
wouldn't touch them for another week.
When you first started out in crypto trading, how did you manage your initial deposit and grow
your initial deposit slash blow your account? Prop Firms: I inherited inherently a finance guy, so I
wouldn't put myself in a position where I could lose all of my money.
I definitely didn't pass the first time I tried because there's a part of you that thinks you've got it
too early and you just don't and I don't know anyone who did pass the first time because you have
to fail and that failure causes pain to reflect on why you failed.
I would say that if you are going to start your platform, start on small accounts and pass the
challenges, and then move on to larger capital.
Prop firms are definitely an advantage, but you actually want your own capital or private equity
because you are limited to what you can risk based on things like draw down and the max
drawdown you can have. It baffles me how people got started with thousand dollar accounts and
are still going today, but those are the ones that are really killing it.
Omar started off by saying that he didn't want to do this interview earlier than it currently is
because he spends a lot of the morning doing mindset related stuff. Do you want to walk us
through what you do personally and how you overcame the mindset side of trading?
I spend an hour to 90 minutes a day in meditation, where the subconscious is what actually creates
reality, and the conscious is your logic. So I spend 45 to 60 minutes in meditation in the morning.
A guy named Doctor Joe Dispenza has made people who couldn't walk and people who couldn't
see walk and see again through the power of their own mind.
When I wake up, I reprogramme my unconscious thoughts and emotions into the operating
After I've reprogrammed the mind, I spend time in nature, walking on the beach with my dog,
ocean beach like land water and just really tuning in to nature and like clarity and peace and
tranquility which are really some of my core principles of how to live.
If you check your phone first thing in the morning, you may be triggering people, or they may be
triggering you. The charts are a mirror of yourself, your beliefs, your emotions, all of those things,
and they will reflect back to you whatever you are thinking.
When I was 18 I started doing meditation, and now I’m 21. How did you do it in the UK?
When I was 18, I would meditate, put a pillow on the floor, sip up my door, and then go on a walk
with my dog. I wasn't trading at that time, so I was doing it for myself to be a better version of
I wasn't introduced to that, but in Bali everyone walks barefoot on the grass and anything because
it really does bring you back to yourself and ground you. It's so powerful and subtle, and it's hard
to believe you don't suffer from any of the common mindset issues.
Humans in a nature is not to trade because we don't want to lose money. Ai and robots are very
good at overcoming these psychological things.
When you understand the emotions of fear and greed, you can put yourself in your body and
understand what you're feeling. The highest possible emotion is enlightenment, followed by joy,
love, peace, etc. One huge thing is that meditation in the morning I’m reprogramming myself
because I’m taking myself out of those lower emotions and into higher emotions. This helps me
project higher level emotions onto the charts and so I’m not in a state of fear or greed.
Every morning I pull all of my energy out of the three lower ones into the higher ones, and this
limits my capacity to act out of fear and greed. I didn't have an easy upbringing. I was brought up
around drugs and gangs and that type of area and so I'm very relatable to a lot of people because
I'm still this old self.
Dr. Joe Dispenza has a guided meditation on Youtube called Breaking the Habit of Being
Yourself where you basically do what I just said for the first 15 minutes or 11 minutes and then
you let go of the old version of you and create the new version of you.
You take the energy out of your lower three centers, pull it up your spine, bring it out into these
creative centers, feel the elation of like bliss and peace, and then you bypass the analytical and go
into the subconscious mind where all your programs are stored.
You are not a victim to your reality, you are creating your reality. Think about the version of
yourself that you want to be and then do the things that that version of yourself does to create that
version of yourself.
Someone who works a day job and wants to do their trading in the evening or the morning might
want to consider implementing the mindset you just talked about.
To make a trading plan, you need to have a trading plan, and to execute your trading plan, you
need to take 15 minutes out of your day to meditate. I personally recommend Theta Brainwave
Frequency for this.
Ray Dalio accredited most of his success to the meditation that he does, and he says that you need
to put the reps in of meditation to just let go and those things can exist, but they don't have to be
When I was working, people were asking what I was listening to, and I said I was listening to
theta brainwaves, which were some kind of creativity enhanced thing.
If you don't think it works, try other things, and if you don't want to be in a room full of women,
try being in a room with one other guy.
A favorite entry setup is a 15 minute point of interest generated from a higher time frame
premium or discount level of the leg.
When the one minute has a break of structure, I move my stops to break even or take partials off
to break even, and then I leave some partials to run to the higher time frame.
Order Flow Legs: Your recommended trading book or resource the Market Makers Matrix, your
preferred broker and trading platform eight cap and empty buy, and your worst ever trade is any
trade that doesn’t follow your plan.
Joey would like to leave our listeners with one piece of advice: meditate. I think you've given me
new inspiration to at least download everything from Joey on Youtube and use it as a base.
Many people don't know why they should do hypnosis, but understanding how it works will give
you enough logic and inspiration to want to do it all the time.
After the interview with Lewis, we shot a video where he breaks down what he does on a price
chart. If you want to learn more about trading, check out the City Traders Imperium Funder
Trader World Cup and the Robot Lab Live.
21yr Old Funded Trader Explains
His Metaphysical Approach To The
Training that episode 191. So there were many times where I believed yeah, I've got it. and then
you get humbled. Yeah, I've got it. I'm a master. I know this. I've just done it. I know it. and then
you get humbled. And it was only when I started letting go of the concept of yes I've got it. Did I
get it And that's paradoxical it's like I had to let go of the idea that I've got this to get it the
market's going to do something your job is not to fight it. The market never ever runs away. It's
always there. That personal diary of trading will make you a much better trader than I could be.
Right about the direction, but wrong about the trade Don't Focus on the monetary side. Trying to
make too much money on a trade is what I have seen killed every trailer. Your losses offer you
some of the greatest insight you can find into your mistakes. Relax, learn the process. Candlestick
pattern training is a freaking trap. Don't Be in a rush to become a millionaire? Let the market tell
you what the market wants to tell you.
This podcast is not financial trading or investing advice of any kind. What's? Up Traders
Welcome to another installment of the Trading Nut Podcast I'm your host Cam Hawkins and
today we've got a trader by the name of Louis Kelly on the show Now Lewis Er is a smart money
concept trader based in Bali and if you're thinking does he know Lorenzo who was on the show a
couple of weeks ago Yes he does. Now he is heavily influenced by Dr. Joe Dispenza. you're going
to find out all about that and how it influences his trading and what he does differently to what a
lot of other traders do in later on in the show.
Now before we jump into it, just want to remind you of the City Traders Imperium Competition
which is the Funded Traders World Cup 2022. You can only enter if you are a funded trader if
you've passed funding challenges uh you can prove that you've done that but they've got some
massive prizes up for grabs so go and check that out links underneath the video or in the podcast
description or over there on Tradingnut.com
And whilst you're there guys whilst you're there please go and check out my new thing The Robot
Lab Live it's up there on the site it's a new thing we're doing here on Trading Out where we're
going to build a trading robot from scratch across the course of a few weeks or months and you
guys going to be part of that process. So go and check it out while you're over there on
Tradingnut.com Enough for me Let's get on with the show folks If you're looking for the skills to
get funded then the bank level trading strategy for all my sponsors, City Traders and Prm may be
the perfect solution for you. Now get this trades average one to five risk to reward with a forty to
fifty percent win rate. and the strategy combines the best of smart money concepts, wave theory
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more, click the link in the description below or the card above or visit Citytradersimperium.com
All right folks here we are on trading. We've got Lewis Kelly in the house uh all the way over
there in Bali.
Uh welcome to the show Lewis Thank you thank you for having me well look you're not the
you're not the first trader from Bali we've had on the show in recent times we've also had Uh
Lorenzo who actually recommended you and as one of your your mates over there. So um thank
you Lorenzo for that. Now we're gonna get you a story which I think is probably gonna be quite
useful for the guys that are just getting towards that tipping point of you know being able to um
say that they're trading for a living. So uh, do you want to start off before we get into that detail
around your story as to how you got here and you're in Bali now and and what brought you into
trading in the first place? Yeah sure. So um, just 18 months ago now I was playing full-time semiprofessional football back in the United Kingdom and had no exposure to actually day trading. I
was um in the crypto market a fair bit. Uh, I was introduced to Crypto when I was about 16 to a
project called Xrp and I just went down the rabbit hole still in Xrp but only from an investment
perspective. So nothing to do with trading really.
So I was playing full-time semi-professional football and we got to a point where
Lockdown? Yeah. and when locked down here, I was no longer able to play every day, We was
no longer able to go into training cam. There was no games, there was no fixtures. it was only
full-time professional teams that were actually allowed to, you know, train and play matches. And
before that, I had this weird like inherent feeling inside of my soul or whatever you want to call it
just inside my gut. this intuitive feeling that I should be doing something else. And this feeling
and this thought process had been nagging away at me. But I'd always just put it off to the side
because I was so busy with football, right? And you know I had a business on the side I was in
like E-commerce Um, so we had a nice brand where we sold these like Creative Air Forces. Um,
so that was interesting. So just enter I've been an entrepreneur since I was like a child. Literally.
So Entrepreneurship Football. No time really to think about what it was inside my soul. I was
saying you need to do something bigger or you need to do something where you're sharing.
um lo and behold like down here funny how the universe works and I couldn't play football and in
order to actually then play football again I would need to you know take the new medical
procedures that they were bringing out and stuff it didn't really align with me as a person so I
couldn't play football and that was it. It was devastating like a huge blow. I could no longer do the
thing I actually loved but a part of me knew that that's how it was supposed to be and so I had a
friend of mine who was shortly thinking about going out to Bali and going to spend some time in
Bali lifestyle. He was a trader himself and he invited me and it was at the time where like my
world was crashing and I was like you know what I'm just gonna do it. I'm trying to take the leap
um I'm living in the Uk I feel like I don't really belong here I feel like an anomaly no one
understands me. I'm different um and so I was like you know I'm gonna do it and so we actually
went out to Dubai like for a transitionary period because Bali was still closed So we went on such
a whim we was like okay let's just go here. this is not too far from Bali if it opens we'll just go and
so we ended up spending a month in Dubai which was great but still again not really my type of
lifestyle and I like peace and tranquility. The Dubai is a bit more like hectic.
um so yeah we spent a month in Dubai and then that's where I really started trading, learning to
trade full-time and my friend he was a trader and I was learning some things off him about like
Fibonacci retracements and you know a lot of these retail concepts of like support and resistance
and double tops or head and shoulders. these types of things. um that was really all pattern
recognition which there was a part of me that didn't believe that's how it really worked but
apartment it was like okay I know nothing else. this guy seems to know what he's doing let me
just follow along. So we ended up then coming out to Bali and just before we got out to Bali the
crypto market started booming which was amazing because everyone's a genius and a ballroom so
my you know my um fifteen twenty thousand dollars worth of savings. Now were all of a sudden
hundred thousand dollars Ninety thousand dollars. I was like great I can stay in Bali longer, I can
proceed, I can do this and then you know I wasn't really making any progress with the trading So
crypto market crashed and I had no idea that it was crashing right as a trader someone learned to
trade. I couldn't realize that the market was crashing or psychologically I was too greedy.
So there were two things that really rocked my world because I really didn't know what I was
doing because if I had know what I was doing then I would have been out of the market and that
got me then thinking okay well how does this market stuff really work? How do these markets
work And I am inherently fascinated by like macroeconomics by people like Ray Dalia or Warren
Buffett or Charlie Munger. They're like my favorite people and I understand they have like
blueprints and frameworks for cyclical patterns, that kind of processes that always seem to play
out and I never hear them speak about like technical things or pattern recognition And so lo and
behold I'm searching for these like how to trade like how to read the markets And then I came
across this concept called smart Money right? And the theory of smart money resonated so deeply
with me that the idea that there is a predetermined algorithm that is controlled by the central banks
that it does have principles that are likened to universal principles such as course and effect and
supply and demand. and that just it just resonated with me and it felt right and it turned out to be
right. And so I just went down the rabbit hole and I just constantly diving in learning, failing
making mistakes learning failing making mistakes.
And um Ray Dalio has this concept. Just like pain plus reflection equals progress. And so when
you fail and you reflect on the failure, you will make progress. And so I was using that framework
time and time out. and lo and behold, six nine months later here I am consistently profitable
trading That concept that's fascinating story Now Um, what? What I want to know is about your
friend. So your friend who was a was trading at that time, was he making a living from training?
Or was he just a traitor who had a few things that he could do? Yeah, Well at that time like I was
completely new to the training world. So I was thinking like he is making a living from trading
because now I understand the actuality. we don't really speak now. but now I understand in
actuality what he was doing was portraying the idea he traded to bring people into his ecosystem
to sell them like um, [Music] uh, signals and then using like broker deals and then making
commissions off of the of the brokers, right? Okay, and so he wasn't. actually consistently
profitable, right? Okay, yeah, this one it took me. It took me a decent while to the peninsula and
be like oh you're not actually trading right? So and was he actually trading
Or he wasn't even placing trades He was literally just no. He was. He was like, and he was So He
was so convincing and so manipulative that he was able to fool me into believing like he's this
amazing trader who like wouldn't sell his strategy for less than a million dollars and it wasn't
actually even yeah Crazy. Okay okay so so um hence why okay I don't need to ask the ticking
question which was like um is he still making money over there and barley he's not he's not here
in Bali Now
Okay so you so you dove into the Smart Money concept Now talk us through that sort of rabbit
hole and how in the ins and outs of it because I know a lot of guys listening. Uh, have probably
found the show because of Smart Money concepts because there are quite a few episodes and
we've got guys doing live streams and stuff on it as well so they probably you know some people
dip their toe in the water, some people dive straight in head first. how did it work for you? Well at
the time nothing was working that I was looking for and I found a mentor who introduced me to
Smart Money and what he was showing me worked and I would come into the charts and see it
like at that time Don't get me wrong I didn't I wasn't able to build the narrative like I can Now like
the whole framework story um I've and really understanding order, flow and things like that like
now it's crystal clear but at the time I couldn't understand but he was showing me things like um
liquidity and supply and demand The two main ones um because order flow and structure most
people know but we'll get into that.
um so yeah I've seen these things called you know order blocks which are essentially just areas of
supply and demand being respected time and time again. Price was tapping into these areas and
giving the reactions out exactly how he was predicting it and so that to me was a clear indication.
Okay this guy's not like this guy knows what he's doing and it's working and I like the framework
and the concept behind it and he also told me about a guy named Richard Wyckoff where a lot of
these concepts had started from and so I you know done a bit of a deep dive into Richard Wyckoff
and you know this Wall Street mogul and that was like okay like if he's created these concepts and
he's saying this is how the market works then okay this is how the market works and I've been in
that framework ever since and I've been able to detach my ego a lot more.
Now to the point where I'm like because before when I first figured it out and I was able to read
the crypto market then and get out when I needed to and get in when I needed to. Oh like
everyone else around me in Bali because there's a lot of crypto guys here. um but none of them
actually understand how the markets work and like there was a level of ego within me that was
like i know and you don't type of thing and I've been able to drop that. Now to not saying that you
know smart Money is absolutely how the markets work It's like the markets work how they work.
Smart Money is just one way in which to read that footprint. What? What were some of the sort of
challenges around getting an understanding of it all and uh, and you know, can you reveal who
your mentor was as well? Yeah, so from um, [Music] the big challenge was coming completely
from scratch. but at the same time that was a blessing because a lot of people that go through
Smart Money concepts they actually have to de-program belief systems about how the markets
work to then reprogram new ones.
And so I actually didn't. have the programming process and so for me it was just like all new
information because I was consuming a lot of information about like previously about support and
resistance or head and shoulders or Fibonacci et cetera, but on a like, on a subconscious level. I
knew none of it worked right? So there was. It was so easy for me to throw that framework out
there and be like okay, cool next, okay cool next. And so when smart many concepts here it was
just A it was a game changer and the the guy which we actually first discovered his name was
meant Fx. Oh yeah I've had a quick very quick conversation with to see if you could come on the
show. uh probably two years ago now. So okay yeah so you you found Mint? Yeah yeah and then
like I took um I took men's concepts and um like I use a lot of them now but I don't use white off
and he has these some other concepts like uh this three box thing which like didn't resonate with
me. I just kind of took the pure concepts of just literally order flow, fractals, supply and demand,
liquidity inducement and then started building something myself.
and then I I found a another smart money trader his name was Tyson, he was killing it and he
[Music] he simplified it for me um he gave me some new concepts of like liquidity to target
liquidity to take type of thing and then I got into the whole um [Music] Asian session range where
you understand the sessions and kind of the the market cycle in in the way in which you know
each session takes a level of liquidity from the other session and if it doesn't take the level of
requirement from the other session then the liquidity will be taken from both sides and if all the
liquidity has been taken to the buy side then more than likely The market's going to go to the sell
side because that's where the liquidity is and the purpose of the market is just to capture liquidity.
It's just to collect orders. That's it an algorithm designed to collect orders period and so so it's I
mean like for the for the non uh versed and smart money or or even a newbie trader or someone
who's just listening to the show for the first time they're gonna be going what the hell I've got no
idea what you've just talked about there with all any of these concepts I don't understand it.
I mean for you going in fairly fresh as well and it's only not that long ago I mean how how hard
would you say it is to understand and learn all this and then remember all to then apply it and then
on top of that get the right mindset. So I like to use the word it's a challenge because I mean hard
is you know it's relative and by seeing something as hard and difficult you're going to impress on
your subconscious mind that it's hard and difficult and you're going to have a harder and difficult
process of learning and so I I see everything through the lens of okay this is a puzzle, how can I
solve the puzzle and what that does is it makes things more fun, more enjoyable and it takes the
friction away from the learning process which I do also believe is why I'm able to like learn
something and it stick a little bit quicker because I don't see it as like it's not resistant it's just more
of a flaw.
So how difficult was it? It was definitely challenging like I would. I would have the concept and
I'd be drawing the concepts in the book of like uh, order flow and fractals and supply and demand
and my book would look amazing like my physical handwriting book amazing and I'll come to the
charts and be like okay now what what's this point and that point and like it just becomes a mess
and and so um I'm like okay that's the drawing board and I was like okay why Don't I just try one
thing at a time why Don't I just master the first lesson and Don't move on until I understand it on
the charts and so then I started going from here to here I was like okay I can see something now
I'm like okay here to here and that back and forth really instilled it into me easier and then it's just
like anything the more reps you do the easier it gets right.
And so so that was was that how did you do your back testing We were you doing it like on a on a
back testing bit of software or you just looking at a completed chart or how were you doing it
trading view, just writing view? Yeah yeah. Replay Yeah yeah yeah. um so my back tests were on
replay mode and then I'd also do some case studies. Um so for example I would look at
yesterday's price action whilst already knowing everything that had happened and I'll go okay,
how does this fit into what I know? Yeah and then I'd build a case study around it and okay was
there an opportunity for me to get into any trades? if yes, why and then build an entire case study
But oh around that about like order flows like this and structures like this. um that was like a real
game changer. I mean that's Funny, funny you say that because that's something I do but I've
never heard it called a term or or like as a case study which is quite good. It's quite a good term to
use. I mean I've heard of back testing and stuff and most people will jump on a back tester but
what I'll tend to do is have a look at yeah, go back and have a look at yesterday and then go
straight through it all and see what what actually would have played out in hindsight and then
what I did and go where'd it all fall apart. you know that sort of things.
Yeah, um so you so it and that that I find more useful than going through and doing your back
tester as you've already said there. um okay. cool.
So so when did you finally sort of go right? This thing has clicked for me massively. I've cracked
it and then were you able to sustain that forever in a day? Or did it? Do you get a sit back in there
Along the way there were many times where I believed yeah, I've got it and then you get humbled.
Yeah, I've got it. I'm a master. I know this, I've just done it. I know it. and then you get humbled.
And it was only when I started letting go of the concept of yes I've got it. Did I get it And
that's Paradoxical It's like I had to let go of the idea that I've got this to get it. Yeah, which is like
um the philosophical in a way and so yeah. and it's an ongoing process and that's something I had
to accept it's like you never get it because you know you you might take a trade and be like oh I
now in hindsight I see this and this and so and with smart many concepts it's like it's definitely
practical and manual and somewhat robotic. but there's also a level of intuition that goes into this
I've traded at least from my perspective because there's a narrative that you have to build it's a
story on what's actually happening in the markets It's I I personally built a story of okay um where
are the banks taking price and how are they delivering that price and so it becomes somewhat
intuitive to understand. okay what this area looks very clearly like liquidity versus you know a
trend line It's like okay it's not a trend line or it is a trend line so it's a it's a a little bit less like yes
and no it's a little bit more like you know fluid that makes sense Yeah yeah you see I mean it
sounds from from my perspective it's more like almost you you the more you do it the more things
you understand that you can't really be taught if you know what I mean yeah yeah oh that that
happened for sure because you can teach the concepts um very easily and like I can show you
some things if we do get onto some charts of order, flow and structure and supply and demand.
but then there's just other things like knowing you know why this zone and not that zone right?
Yeah yeah and that that can be taught to a degree but you have to see it time and time again to
understand I've seen you before you're Liquidity Yeah I'm avoiding you and see you later and I
like the fact you said you know that the I've got it and having to let go of that I've got it because
I swear I've said to my daughter maybe a dozen times I've cracked that I've got it and then literally
as soon as I say that it's like the nail in the coffin the next day it all falls apart and I'm like it's
funny it's so funny how the universe works because like how I see life is an ever ongoing
evolutionary process and so the minute you think you've complete something is laughable because
there is no complete there is no finish line it's infinite life is infinite and so the minute you think
you've got it I know it I swear it's like the universe comes around it's like oh you think you've got
it huh Learn this now now this, now this and like even me to to this point it's like uh from where I
was to where I am is like unrecognizable literally but there are still times where you get humbled.
um I'm I'm using the phrase humbled in such a way you think you know and you don't as the
reference to humble and that's great um yes trading is such a mirror Yeah it's
I don't know back to that point I mean it is very much like uh I mean I sort of the other day even
just related it back to some you know I'll play a game of football one week you know you play for
why play football and one week I'll have an absolute blinder and nothing's changed from the one
week to the next. The next week I can't do anything right and I'm like well hang on a sec I've been
playing this game for like 20 They'll probably 30 odd maybe 40 years, 40 odd years, 30 odd years,
39 years or something. So how can I have a good day and a bad day? It doesn't make sense. So
surely I should be on a constantly constant level or ever increasing. But it's the same as trading,
right? Yeah yeah, Same training. Which really gets me to the point of let's use the analogy right.
Two traders, same mental, same concepts, same time. How does one produce one result and
another produced another result instantly? From that data, you have to go okay there's. a different
variable and that variable is this it's it's it's your mind it's your programs it's your psychology and
that that gets me into things like prosperity consciousness. If you've heard of that uh not that
particular term. no I know your youtube channel is called Prosperity. Something isn't it or yeah
yeah yeah. Prosperity Academy.
Um so essentially like if I can put it in as much of a nutshell as possible without going like too
confusing or too deep. Um, it's been scientifically proven that we live in a quantum realm which
essentially means we've moved out of the Newtonian model of reality which is just cause and
effect like you are a victim to your reality into a new model of reality where you can cause and
affect so you can create your reality right? So it's Essentially the creation of this thing is through
the thoughts and the feelings that you have. And those thoughts and feelings dictate what actions
you take and those actions dictate what results you get. So we all have these unconscious thought
patterns and emotion patterns that are running unconsciously without us even noticing that they're
running. And they're without even knowing dictating all of our decisions. And so one person has a
unconscious programmed belief system that money is the root of all evil because it was passed
down from generation to generation. Now that that belief is contrary to their goals because they
want to get rich, but on the other hand, subconsciously they believe that money is the result or
evil. And so that's where they will self-sabotage themselves, their goals for where they're at does
that make sense? Yeah, yeah yeah.
And so Prosperity Consciousness is a process where we go into the operating system which is the
mind where all of this is stored and we take out limiting beliefs that limit our potential and we
replace them with infinite beliefs that expand our potential. and that's the concept of Prosperity
Consciousness and it's something that I've worked with a lot of traders as a mentor because like I
said before, I had this innate calling in me that I needed to do something else and I know that
that's something else is teaching. I love to share my knowledge, my wisdom, my expertise where
no matter what it is like, I was always destined to teach whether it's teaching trading or investing
or spirituality or whatever I was supposed to teach. So I teach to a lot of people and that's
something I've learned time and time again. It's the people that have the uh, prosperity
consciousness pick it up way faster and they're just way quicker to be able to get it versus the
people that have more of a lack consciousness because they'll sabotage themselves without even
knowing. um so yeah that's A that's a very interesting um that most people don't really talk about
in the trading industry but it's it's a real thing it's funny because my uh well my mindset mentor uh
Andy Murphy who's been on the show i know on his podcast.
years ago I heard a story where uh I can't remember he related or it was a recording of whatever
the story was or he read an article but they had in a separate room some kind of matter and I can't
remember what the matter was and then in another room um they had a bunch of people doing this
special kind of thinking which was trying to affect the matter and what how whatever they did. I
mean they managed to get through the wall and into this glass case and the thing on the other side
did this thing. whatever it was it like exploded it didn't explode it it changed in some way. shape
or form right? Yeah yeah that's the point it's like you can change matter. Yeah that was it. There it
was. It was a case of like they were thinking certain things and with you know so that's expect go
and look in Forbes or some other sort of journal like that. I think you'll find it in there now talking
about um or going back into your trading.
but we're going to find out about your trading stats now and then we're going to dive a bit more
into the mindset kind of stuff. So do you want to sort of relay what your you know your overall
trading stats look like at the moment? You know average winners, risk to reward that sort of thing.
Yeah so so I would say I have two systems. I have one swing and one more intraday and so the
swing is like more reliable but less trades and lower reward whereas the intraday is less reliable.
more trades, more award. So that's the first point to differentiate Um but on average I would say in
around a 30 strike rate so 30 of my trades will be winners. Okay now yeah and in risk to reward
what would they on a risk reward usually minimum one seven right? so quite high. but yeah up to
up to you know um 15, 20, 25, 30 and then there's some scenarios and where I'll leave partials
running and I'll give like an explanation of how it works because it seems crazy to some people
but like one to sixties and one to seventies.
Um, and so what? Like always, what time frames? What time frames would you be entering in for
that kind of risk to reward One minute time frame? One minute. Okay and and obviously your
targets are on higher time frames or based on the smart money. Yeah, so it's like you build the
higher time frame narrative because the higher time frame is the strongest data reference to where
price is going and then you reverse engineer And so when you go into a lower time frame, all
you're perceiving on that lower time frame is a fractal version of the higher time frame. So
imagine you have a higher time frame scenario and where you are right now is just where you are
in relation to that scenario. And so by understanding the higher time frame scenario, you
understand where you are much clearer because now you know where you're going on the higher
time frame and where you are in relation to where you're going which is all you need to know and
for the so I'm guessing is your are your intraday trades The one minute trades
Yeah and how many times would you try and get into a trade before you know with your 30 win
rate would you before you sort of go? Okay well this one's now invalid or is it a one-time hit It
either works or it doesn't So each each poi which is just means point of interest which is an area
on the high time frame that I'll take trades out of. I'll give myself two attempts right because the
first one can get induced as liquidity but I still have to take it because it meets the plan and then it
can sweep it and then give another one right but then like sweeping the third time I'm usually just
like it's an over yeah okay okay cool and how many uh markets are you looking across? um two or
three. So it depends because I already know kind of what the higher time frame scenarios are. So
when I have for example Uj because the three that I look at is E u G U and U J but let's say one of
those markets which is usually Ug is just in No Man's land and there's just like nothing there for
me I don't not interested in really getting involved I'll just leave it out
and so when I said two or three it's people like what it's even two or three it's like well sometimes
like they're in no Man's land and I'll just like no I'm not touching you for another like week I'll see
where you're at where you've evolved to in a week yeah um so yeah usually two and G U and Eu
they move pretty similarly. Um so yeah that's that's it.
And when you first started out like in the you know, so you've gone from crypto to trading. uh the
currencies, How did you? How did you manage your sort of initial deposit and grow your initial
deposit slash blow your account? Um yeah yeah. Prop Firms Okay, that's right. So you're I've
never never blown an account which is rare. Yeah, this is really common. Yeah, common thing
[Music] um, risk management. Like I said, I've inherited like um, inherently a finance guy I
believe. So like even before that entrepreneurship and investing it's like I would never put myself
in a position where I could lose all of my money. That's not good risk management it's interesting
because the prop firms didn't I suppose when you started there were plenty of platforms to choose
from, right? whereas guys who started five years ago probably didn't have anything. Um, so I
mean it's a massive advantage in this day and age.
Uh, so so how many did were you able to like? Complete and pass the prop firm challenges
straight away. Is that how you sort of went into it or did you have many teams and what was your
approach to this? I definitely didn't pass the first time. Um, which I don't I don't know anyone who
who did pass first time it because there's there's a part of you that thinks you've got it too too early
and you just don't and I just don't know anybody who because you have to fail and that failure
causes pain to then reflect on why you failed and that's how you progress and so you don't know
until you try you miss every shot you don't Shoot so everyone's gonna take challenges
inexperienced and if I could give any advice I would say don't allow your ego to take over and go
straight for a 200k challenge because you're so caught up in greed. Yeah and you think you're
gonna make six figures in your first ever trading month? Yeah because that's what I did.
Yeah and I would say like if you are going to start your platform, start on small accounts like you
know it's literally the smallest you can get to make sure you can pass the challenge and then start
moving on to to larger capital. Um because yeah I failed many like four or five challenges before I
got one right and then sorry, go on, go on and then I lost one right and then you'd go on back and
then you would you know get payouts and then lose one again and so it's just all a part of the
Um and the thing with prop firms is that there are they're Definitely an advantage. Um like
without a shadow of a data an advantage. but they're not the be All and all you actually want
private. you actually want your own capital or private equity because you are limited to [Music] if
you know your numbers you're kind of limited to what you can risk based on the things like draw
down and the um you know the max drawdown you can have and stuff like that and I use ment
funding and you know you can only lose five percent. so you're very limited to what you can risk
but oh without shadow of that they are game changing because I I can imagine like at the start of
trading when there wasn't problems to be motivated enough to start like a thousand because most
people are coming from nine to fives right? and it's very difficult to get private equity for those
types of investments from people to invest into your trading account so very few had that. You
might get lucky in penny stocks or something like that. but yeah it's it's It baffles me how people
actually got started with like a thousand dollar accounts and two thousand dollar accounts and
were able to just persist and are still going today and and those are the ones that are you know like
really really killing it and they might have multi-millions now because they've been through all
the psychological programming and conditioning to get there that fascinates me.
It's funny I'm A a guy who'd been on the show before Omar I saw on his twitter the other day
saying that and I don't know how true this is but it sort of can't could be true Where it was like if
you've got to make 10 percent at a prop firm um with 10 percent like even Tim's in risk, then you
essentially doubling A Was it doubling a Um or 10xing a thousand dollar account or doubling a
thousand dollar account or something like or a hundred dollar account? Something to that effect
It's just just sort of put it into perspective. Uh, right, let's carry it Let's crack on with uh, some of
the mindset stuff. So you started off um, our conversations actually before this show with the fact
that you didn't want to do this interview earlier on than it currently is because you spend a lot of
the morning doing uh, mindset related uh stuff. Do you want to walk us through what you do
personally and then also how you overcame the mindset side of of trading?
Yeah, um so a big thing for me is to keep it like a child doesn't keep it same as possible is the
quantum model of reality. So I'm not going to go into what that is and all that sort of stuff. It's just
essentially understand that we create our own reality. What I've already said, we create our own
reality based off our thoughts and emotions and so of course I spend a lot of my time um, in
meditation and so I I will spend an hour 90 minutes a day in meditation. Where and not every
single day. But I try to do as consistently as possible. Where I'm going into the operating system
because we have two levels of the mind. We have the conscious and we have the subconscious,
the conscious, the masculine, the subconscious, the feminine. So the subconscious is what actually
creates reality and the conscious is your logic. So I will spend you know 45 to 60 minutes in the
morning in meditation. first thing whilst my brain waves are still in Slater. First thing I'm going
into meditation with a name a guy named Doctor Joe Dispenza. Oh yeah everyone who's
interested to kind of understand where this framework of you know um quantum mechanics
comes from. Go and check out Dr. Joe Dispenza Incredible guy He's like made people who
couldn't walk and people who couldn't see he was able to make them walk again He was able to
make them see again through the power of their own mind.
So in the morning first thing I'm doing when I wake up is I'm going into the operating system
where all of my unconscious thoughts and emotions are and I'm reprogramming them like a like
you would a computer software program it's the same thing I'm in the operating system I'm
reprogramming the map.
So after I've reprogrammed the mind, then I'm going out and spending time in nature, walking on
the beach with my dog, ocean beach like land water and just really tuning in to nature and like
clarity and peace and tranquility which are like really some of my core principles of how to live
and especially the trailer there's so much noise um there's your routine speaks massively of kind of
the results you're going to get because if you wake up in the morning and you know the first thing
you do is kind of go on your phone and you're just going to be instilled with all of these other
people's thought, process and lifestyle and belief systems unconsciously you're tapping into other
people's realm their energy field and you're going to be getting the thoughts, they think, the
beliefs, they have, emotions they feel because that's we that's the world we actually live in. um
just how information travels instantly anywhere so does our thoughts and our emotions.
Very interesting things like have you ever had it where you've thought of someone and then
they've called you right after yeah I've literally happens all the time I'll think oh why isn't that
person responding to me and literally a minute later they'll respond to me on email or twitter or or
telegram or something like that it's like I've just called it out yeah yeah because either you've
either you thinking of them has triggered them and they've thought of you because it's the same or
they've thought of you know I need to call him back and you're like why am I cool with that Yeah
because he's triggered you by thinking about you Yeah so if you the first thing you do in the
morning you check your phone you're doing that with so many other people and then trying to go
onto the charts because I see the charts as a mirror when I'm in here it's a mirror of myself, my
beliefs, my emotions, all of those things and it's going to mirror back to me Whatever I'm
So to start the day a decluttering the mind and being in tranquil nature that brings you to peace.
and if I'm at peace with the markets then it's like the best framework I've found to get the results
out of the market.
Now when did you start doing this like hour-long meditation in the morning? And when I was
when I was 18 I was introduced to it. when I was 19 I really started doing it and now I'm 21. and
how did you do that when you were in the Uk? what did you do as an alternative?
Yeah so um I was living at home with my mom at like 18 19. so I would just eventually air pods
in or wired earphones in and close my door, put a pillow on the floor, sip up my door, and
meditate like that. And then after my meditation. we lived in Tamworth where I played football
and I would go on go on a walk. It was relatively in nature because we lived like kind of in the
countryside. kind of not so I would just go on a walk. We had this like this farm area I'd walk
around the farm area with my dog and there was a little river there so I was like so blessed to have
that because I I had that space and I was but I wasn't trading at that time so I wasn't translating
into my trading but I was doing it for myself to be a best the better version of myself and were
you? I mean have you got any sort of um and this is something I've done like this I'd probably do
more often than I would in in the summer than winter but um around grounding yourself or like
you know, getting the shoes off and was that part of it or um not in the Uk really?
I wasn't really introduced to that. well I was introduced to it but didn't take it seriously but in Bali
like oh every day every day no shoes, no socks, just like grass and anything because it really has
an impact on you like it really does bring you like you're grounded you're centered you're back in
yourself. um it's so powerful and so subtle. Also to notice the difference is so subtle but such a big
effect it has no doubt. Yeah so so going into sort of minutia around and I'm guessing I mean I I
let's say I find it hard to believe that you are able to dive into the charts and not suffer from any of
the sort of common mindset or psychological issues that most traders suffer. Like you know,
revenge trading? Uh, fear of missing out that sort of thing. I mean how did you? How did you
overcome those that are sort of like more of a you know you're in front of the screens now kind of
challenge. Yeah, so I mean we all have it. Like, without a doubt everybody has it and I too do
have it.
Um, Revenge trading? I don't Really [Music] have the most of um but ways to overcome them.
Essentially, you have to understand them. What are they right? What is revenge trading? What is
fear of missing out? You know what are cutting your losses? Like what are these psychological
things? What Are they at their deepest level and their emotions? Their emotions of fear or greed?
Humans in a nature is not to trade because we don't want to lose money. We we see that as dying.
Literally, The ego sees losing money as a death, right? So we was never supposed to be doing this,
which is why Ai and robots are very good.
Um, so yeah when you understand that when you understand what they are, the emotions of fear
and greed. what I am able to do through a lot of you know work on meditation and consciousness
is I'm very able to put myself my awareness in my body and understand what I'm feeling uh it
makes sense. yeah yeah it makes sense and so there's A there's a scale of consciousness and every
and this consciousness thing is emotions and so there's there's an emotional scale and the highest
possible emotion is enlightenment. then like look, then joy, love, peace, etc. and the lowest of
lows you have shame, guilt, anger, fear, jealousy, hatred, and so like. One huge thing is that
meditation in the morning I'm reprogramming myself because I'm taking myself out of those
lower emotions and into higher emotions. And so when I'm coming into the charts, I'm projecting
higher level emotions onto the charts and so I'm not in a I'm not in a state of fear or or greed. I'm
in a state of abundance and joy and so that framework has been huge and one thing I will say is
like I know without going to woo-woo we have literal energy centers in our body and we call
them chakras and not like I'm not woo-woo like yoga, yogi, sit in the mountains type of person.
I'm practical I'm materialist like I'm down to earth but we have these lower three energy centers.
They're just centers where we store energy and the lower free are governed by survival which is
the ego It's like survival it's do I have a like shelter, food and sex and then our higher ones are
creation and that's where abundance comes from
And so every morning I'm for 15 minutes pulling all of my energy out of the three lower ones into
the higher ones like literally as an energetic practice with Dr. Joe Dispenza. And so there are real
phys like tangible things that you can do with your energy that put you in a state of being that
enables you to limit the capacity in which you act out of those lower vibrational emotions such as
fear and greed. Now of course we're all humans. We still make mistakes, We still do it but to the
degree in which is lowered and so uh, a couple of things on there would you? where would you
see yourself as a whole on that whole scale like with enlightened enlightenment being at the top
you feel like you're there or no no further down middle. yeah well there's fragments of us there's a
fragment of me. that's still operating in in pride and anger and jealousy because they're fragments
of the old self because from ages 0 to 7 we're completely conditioned from external reality and so
I did not have an easy upbringing. I was. I was brought up around like literally like drugs and like
gangs and that type of area. I grew up in Birmingham it's not a great place and I wasn't I didn't I
wasn't Raised in Tamworth, I moved to Tamworth when I was like 17. so before then I was in like
you know what people would call the the ghetto literally So I didn't have an easy upbringing. I
didn't have the the right role models around me to show me these things and so I'm very relatable
to a lot of people. So I'm still this old self.
That's been was programmed for 15 16 years of anger and jealousy and lower vibrational
emotions. They still exist and so every day in that meditation I'm letting go of that old version of
me and and creating the new version of me and slowly but surely you gradually just move up the
scale. So there's fragments of me still the operating jealousy but now there's also fragments that
operate in peace and love that I never had before right? And so the the the reprogramming I I
mean in my mind I'm thinking okay if you just do meditation you may not be like there's no Pr is
there any programming going on or are you actually having to add stuff to it like listening to it It's
guided meditation right? So it's um it's called this right Dr. Joe Dispenza breaking the Habit of
being yourself and he also has a book that's called Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself but he
has a 45 minute meditation on Youtube that's called what I just said where you basically what you
do is for the first 15 minutes or 11 minutes.
Whatever it is you're doing what I said you're taking the energy out of the lower three centers and
you're pulling it up your spine that it's like a fluid you're pulling it up like a straw, bringing it out
into these creative centers and you'll feel the elation of like bliss and peace and it's just amazing
because you're activating these higher energy centers that never get activated in most people and
after that when you're very peaceful he'll basically take you through a realm where you'll bypass
to analytical. So you'll get beyond the conscious which is the logic which is I've got problems to
solve or this or that or it's the logical mind. You have to get past it into what he calls the operating
system which is just the subconscious mind where all of our programs are stored, all of our
emotions are stored and he'll go in there and he'll ask you what are belief systems? What are
thought programs that you're running that you know want to run, no longer want to run and you're
you'll have to Your subconscious will bring something up but oh I'm literally unconsciously
running that thought program or that emotional program and after that then he'll walk you through
creating a new life.
What does what does the best version of Lewis live? Who? What? the people around him what's?
he doing? What house does he live in? What? What about his family? You know what things does
he own? Whatever you want and then he will attach a high vibrational emotion to it of love or
peace or joy. Where you'll just be like of this like fire. Yeah and you're creating this new reality.
Yeah and you come out and you are living from that version of yourself Now because that's the
secret because everyone's thinking about a version they want to be in the future but the future
doesn't exist so that version of yourself doesn't exist so it will never happen and that's why most
people don't ever get where they want to go to because it's always in the future but you reverse
engineer it like Charlie Munger says like inverted thinking it's like okay be that version of myself
now what does he think? What does he feel? What does he do and do it and lo and behold that
doing will create it. and so again you're not a victim to your reality, you are creating your reality.
Awesome Love it. Absolutely love it.
Now on a more practical level with at somebody who's working a day job they get home and
they're like well I'm going to do my trading in the evening um or vice versa they wake up they're
going to do their trading in the morning. Hopefully they're not trying to do their training in the
lunch break but they what would you recommend from a mindset point of view in terms of either
how they could implement what you've just sort of talked about or another approach that you'd
sort of recommend.
Yeah so of course like from a practical trading perspective you have your trading plan right? You
have to have a trading plan because if you don't have a trading plan every trade you're taking is a
is a failed trade in my opinion. So you have to have your trading plan. Um so now it's just a case
of okay how do I just only execute my trading plan and so if like I said meditation you just need to
take 15 minutes out of your day. If you don't have 15 minutes to take out your day then you need
to take an hour because you should have that time for yourself. So you just like put on anything.
um I personally recommend Theta Brainwave Frequency. So you put this like this sound on
essentially which is just a frequency on your computer or your earphones and it's just a it's just a
noise and what it's doing is it's programming your mind to be in a certain brainwave and from the
Theta brainwave we're kind of in this like flowy creative mode where we're not really emotional
you're just kind of like blow and you just need to sit there for like 10 15 minutes and just focus on
your breathing.
Just meditate like literally the key is 100 meditation. I mean one of my favorite role models. um
Ray Dalio accredited most of his success to the meditation that he does because especially if
you're working you have all of these responsibilities. All these things going on that the kids, the
wife, the house, the bills, the job, the boss you need to watch your trading be a different version
you can't allow those things to exist and some may say that's impossible. but it's possible you just
have to put the reps in of meditation to just let go and those things can exist. but they don't. have
to be Now You need to take yourself out of the past or the future and bring yourself into the
present moment which is the Now moment And in that moment that's when you'll be able to have
an edge psychologically over the markets and over yourself.
Essentially you just reminded me of uh, when I was working. I think it was like my second to last
job before I went full time doing this and that the people I was working with were like what are
you listening to I'm like I have a listen and they're like it sounds like electricity What's? wrong
with you I was like and it was like it was a what I thought it was theta brainwaves. It was some
kind of brainwave thing. I think it was a creativity enhanced thing and I was actually coming up
with a with a strategy for for something or other and and I needed the creativity so I plugged that
in and it gave me and it was so much easier to come up with stuff because it just works right?
Um so if you guys don't think it works, it works uh other things just before we finish uh we'll go
into the quick foreground. Yeah so if you're anyone out there because we mentioned chakras and
yoga if anyone out there is thinking i don't really want to be in a room full of women because I'm
a guy that was me today this is my yoga top. I literally was in there with maybe I don't know
seven or eight women doing yoga. I was the only guy and I guarantee almost every single time I'm
the only guy in there or there is one other guy and to be fair, I haven't gone for about three weeks
so I don't do it that often. but I was doing it regularly like two or three times a week about six
months ago. So right that's enough for me. Let's jump into this uh, quick fire round here.
So how long did it take you to go from newbie to consistently profitable? Um, six months before I
started to see some level of consistency. Nine months before I was like yep, boom got it And then
of course there's ins and outs. But yeah, nine months what's?
your favorite entry setup. A favorite entry setup would be a 15 minute point of interest generated
from a higher time frame premium or discount level of the leg. with a one minute confirmation
which is in the form of change of character. I shift from supply to demand or demand to supply
and then enter taking out the 15 minute lows and hopefully the higher time frame lows.
What strategies do you use to exit or manage trades? Um, usually when I get in on the one minute
when the one minute has a break of structure, I'll move my stops to break even. or if I can't
move this up to break even because there's a level of supply or demand at the entry level. Still,
that could be mitigated. Then I will take partials off anywhere between four or five r of 20 or 25
so that I am break even and I will take most of my partials 70 80 at the 15 minute a week high or
low. and then I'll leave some partials to run to the higher time frame.
Order Flow Legs: What's? Your recommended trading book or resource the Market Makers
Matrix which is an entire Pdf I don't know if where you'll actually find it. I don't know how I
actually ended up with it. Someone giving me it's basically a whole book on the concepts would
literally have smart money right? Okay, Um, what's Your preferred broker and trading platform?
Um, eight cap and empty buy because I use. Man, hey folks, ever wonder what broker I use?
Well, I use Tanko Trade. It was a no-brainer because I was looking for a broker with good trading
conditions and one that wouldn't restrict my leverage now by joining Hanko Trade I've also cut
down my trading costs significantly with their super low commission of just one dollar per 100k.
You can learn more at Hankotrade.com or just click the link I've put in the description and what
do you want to walk us through your worst ever trade? Um yeah any trade that doesn't follow my
plan is my worst ever trade because you know I don't I don't trade with no stop-losses like some
people do and they end up holding like 10 percent drawdowns and stuff no I'm like straight up 0.5
risk that's it type of thing. So any trade where I'm like damn I shouldn't have taken that trade that's
my worst ever trade.
Yeah yeah um do you want to leave our listeners with one piece of advice? What would it
be? Meditate? who would have guessed that's a little it's a it's a good bit of advice because I mean
I've tried it before and I've done it for a while but I sort of. you know I got good at it at one point
and I've just sort of drifted off and I then I couldn't get back but I think you've given me new
inspiration to to at least download everything from Joey on Youtube Yeah and use it as a base.
A lot of people won't A lot of people won't do it because they don't know why they're doing it and
they think they're just supposed to go in there and just feel this peace and enlightenment. No that's
not how it works because you'll have all of these four programs coming up and most of the time
people sit in with their self in silence. They can't handle it because emotions will come up or
programs or memories that they don't want to look at will come up and that's what they don't want
to look at when in reality that's what you need to be looking at to reprogram yourself. Yeah, but
understanding Dr. Joe Dispenza and how he does it and how he explains how it works will
definitely give you enough logic and inspiration to want to do it all the time. Lovely. Brilliant.
Well look before you wrap up what's The best way for the guys to get ahold of you. You can get
hold of me via Instagram which is Louis Kelly dot 55 L E W I S K E L L Y dot Five Five or we
have a Youtube channel which is Prosperity Academy Brilliant! Well look A big thank you to
Luis for sharing with us today! Everything we've discussed here along with all those links are
going to be in the show Notes to find them. Simply search for Louis in the search box on dot com.
Until next time. Wish all my listeners to trading happiness and success. All right folks there you
have it. Interview done and dusted with Lewis Now we did shoot a video afterwards where he
breaks down what he does on a price chart. So if you're looking to learn a thing or two about the
markets then go and check that out straight away. After watching this also do remember that that
City Traders Imperium Funder Trader World Cup is live. If you've passed funding challenges then
you've got a chance to enter that and also my Robot Lab Live is a new thing there on
Tradingnut.com so go and check it out and see if it's right for you.
All right folks thanks for watching! Thanks for listening and we'll see you in the next one you.