
Kiriazi deep freezer manual pdf s without download
Kiriazi deep freezer manual pdf s without download
Your freezer’s red light or high temperature alarm will turn on when it is not cold enough. This means the freezer is not be suitable for storing frozen food until the light has turned off. See if one of the following will solve the problem. Give your newly installed appliance time to cool down The high temperature alarm or the red light indicator will be
on when your freezer is connected to the mains for the first time. This means that the temperature inside your appliance is still too warm. Keep your freezer door closed and the light will go out in a few hours. Avoid placing hot food inside the appliance Your freezer will take longer to stabilize its inner temperature when it is loaded with hot food. Wait
for the food to cool down before putting it into the appliance. Check the door seals for gaps, cracks, or tears The cold air inside your appliance needs to be properly isolated from the outside temperatures. Check to see if there are gaps between the door seal and the cabinet. If you find any, adjust the door seal by gently pulling away from the door
using your fingers. For any openings that persist, you may need to replace the seal. In that case, contact an authorised service agent. Avoid opening the door too frequently or keeping it open for long Your freezer needs to keep the air inside the freezer at a certain temperature to be able to keep food frozen. If the freezer door is opened too
frequently or is kept open for long periods, warm air will enter the freezer will increase the air temperature inside. Check for frost build-up Check your freezer for frost build-up. If the inner walls have visible frost on them, you may need to manually defrost your appliance. For more information regarding defrosting your freezer, check your user
manual. If you’re having trouble finding your manual, download it here using your product’s model number. Beko freezers with MinFrost® Technology greatly reduce ice build-up, which means fewer defrost cycles are needed. If you need help setting up your refrigerator or freezer but have lost track of the relevant operating instructions, it's no
problem! Simply download them as a PDF. Just enter your appliance’s 9-digit service number in the relevant field. You can find this number on your appliance’s rating plate, located on the left interior side of freestanding appliances or the right exterior side of chest freezers. The rating plate provides the necessary identification details for each
refrigerator or freezer. Further information about rating plates, and where these can be found on different appliances, can be found on our rating plate information page. Discover our YouTube channel. Interesting and helpful films explain the innovations of our refrigerators and freezers. Watch films now Do you want to check out a Liebherr
appliance before buying one? Your local retailer will happily help you with this. Find a retailer If you need help setting up your refrigerator or freezer but have lost track of the relevant operating instructions, it's no problem! Simply download them as a PDF. Just enter your appliance’s 9-digit service number in the relevant field. You can find this
number on your appliance’s rating plate, located on the left interior side of freestanding appliances or the right exterior side of chest freezers. The rating plate provides the necessary identification details for each refrigerator or freezer. Further information about rating plates, and where these can be found on different appliances, can be found on our
rating plate information page. Discover our YouTube channel. Interesting and helpful films explain the innovations of our refrigerators and freezers. Watch films now Do you want to check out a Liebherr appliance before buying one? Your local retailer will happily help you with this. Find a retailer Your freezer’s red light or high temperature alarm
will turn on when it is not cold enough. This means the freezer is not be suitable for storing frozen food until the light has turned off. See if one of the following will solve the problem. Give your newly installed appliance time to cool down The high temperature alarm or the red light indicator will be on when your freezer is connected to the mains for
the first time. This means that the temperature inside your appliance is still too warm. Keep your freezer door closed and the light will go out in a few hours. Avoid placing hot food inside the appliance Your freezer will take longer to stabilize its inner temperature when it is loaded with hot food. Wait for the food to cool down before putting it into the
appliance. Check the door seals for gaps, cracks, or tears The cold air inside your appliance needs to be properly isolated from the outside temperatures. Check to see if there are gaps between the door seal and the cabinet. If you find any, adjust the door seal by gently pulling away from the door using your fingers. For any openings that persist, you
may need to replace the seal. In that case, contact an authorised service agent. Avoid opening the door too frequently or keeping it open for long Your freezer needs to keep the air inside the freezer at a certain temperature to be able to keep food frozen. If the freezer door is opened too frequently or is kept open for long periods, warm air will enter
the freezer will increase the air temperature inside. Check for frost build-up Check your freezer for frost build-up. If the inner walls have visible frost on them, you may need to manually defrost your appliance. For more information regarding defrosting your freezer, check your user manual. If you’re having trouble finding your manual, download it
here using your product’s model number. Beko freezers with MinFrost® Technology greatly reduce ice build-up, which means fewer defrost cycles are needed.
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