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Ushbu lug‘at hozirgi zamon ingliz tilidagi 1600 dan ziyod eng ko‘p
qo‘llaniladigan idiomalarni o‘z ichiga olgan.
Kitob ingliz tili bilan yaqindan tanishish istagini bildirgan o‘quv­
chilar ommasiga mo‘ljallangan.
This dictionary contains more than 1600 most frequently used idioms in present day English.
This book is recommended for those who have some basic level in
Mas’ul muharrir:
M.T.Irisqulov, professor (professor)
A.Kuldashev, associate-professor (dotsent)
T.Madrahimov, associate-professor (dotsent)
Fig (ko‘chma ma’no)
Lit (adabiy ma’no)
idiomalar lug‘atidan
foydalanish tartibi....................... 4
K................................................. 90
Alphabet...................................... 5
M.............................................. 110
So‘z boshi..................................... 6
N............................................... 118
Preface ........................................ 7
O............................................... 124
A................................................... 8
P............................................... 135
B................................................. 17
Q............................................... 149
C................................................. 31
R............................................... 150
D................................................. 41
S............................................... 157
E................................................. 47
T............................................... 178
F................................................. 49
U............................................... 194
G................................................. 57
V............................................... 196
H................................................. 67
W.............................................. 197
I ................................................. 80
Y............................................... 203
J................................................. 88
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar...... 205
L................................................. 97
Barcha idiomalar alohida lug‘at-maqola tarzida berilgan. Har bir idioma o‘ziga tegishli bo‘lgan ma’lumotlar bilan birga mustaqil lug‘at maqolini
tashkil qiladi. Idiomalar alifbo tartibida berilgan.
Lug‘at-maqola tarkibiga quyidagilar kiritilgan: idioma; qaysi ma’noda­
ligi; tarjimasi; misollari.
Ingliz tilidagi idiomaning ma’nosi bevosita tarjima, misollar va o‘zbekcha muqobillarini keltirish yo‘li bilan yoritib berilgan. Ba’zi idiomlarning
muqobil variantlari qavs ichida keltirilgan. Masalan:
Chew the fat (chew the rag) (fig) gap sotmoq, g‘iybatlashib, gaplashib
1. Last Sunday we chewed the fat over it for hours.
2. While I was returning home yesterday, my friend popped up on my
way and we chewed the fat all the way home.
Ba’zi noaniq yoki aniq artikllarning yoki predloglarning muqobillari
quydagi belgi bilan berilgan « / »
Break a/the habit (fig) odatni tashlamoq, eski odatdan xalos bo‘lmoq.
1. Everybody knows that it is too complicated to break a habit. You know
saying «old habits die hard».
2. Especially, it is even harder to break a habit if you have had it for a
long time.
So‘zlarni turlicha ma’nolari bir-biridan arab raqam­lari bilan ajratilgan.
Mm [em]
Har bir tilda shunday so‘zlar yoki so‘z birikmalari borki, ularni to‘g‘­
ridan-to‘g‘ri tushinib bo‘lmaydi. Agar siz barcha so‘zlarning ma’nosini
yax­shi bilsangiz ham va barcha grammatik iboralarni tushunsangiz
ham, shunga qaramay idiomatik ibora­ning ma’nosini anglash murak­
kabligicha qolaveradi. Maqollar, iboralar va og‘zaki so‘zlashuv uslubidagi so‘zlarni tushunish bir qator qiyinchiliklarni vujudga keltiradi. Idioma
deb ma’nosi tarkibidagi so‘zlar ma’nolarining yig‘indisidan kelib chiqmaydigan so‘z birikmalariga aytiladi. Idiomatik iboralar, asosan, kundalik muloqotlarda qo‘llaniladi. Bunday iboralar tezda yodda saqlanib­­­
qolib, o‘ziga funksional jihatdan teng bo‘ladi. Ular fikrlarni chiroyli ifo­
dalashga ham xizmat qiladi. Tilni o‘rganayotganda idiomalar uning eng
murakkab sohalaridan deb hisoblanadi, ayniqsa, ingliz tilida va unga
alohida yondashuv talab qilinadi. Odatda o‘quvchilar idiomatik ibo­
ralarni to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri tarjima qilishadi va bu ba’zan kul­gili tarjimalarga sabab bo‘ladi. Bu lug‘at idi­omatik iboralarning ajoyib jamlanmasi
bo‘lib, undagi idiomalar ingliz tilida so‘zlashadigan mamlakatlarda teztez qo‘llaniladi. Bu kitob o‘quvchilarni keng foydalanidigan idiomatik
iboralar bilan yaqindan tanishishga yordam beradi. Kitobdan 1600 dan
ortiq idiomalar joy olgan bo‘lib, shu bilan bir qatorda izoh va misollar
bilan yoritilgan. Idiomatik iboralar alohida ajratib ko‘rsatigan va alfavit
ketma-ketligida joylashtirilgan. Ba’zi idiomalarning birdan ortiq ma’nolari, har bir idiomaga qisqacha izoh berilgan. Ushbu kitobda berilgan
barcha materiallarni to‘liqligicha anglashda siz kitobxonlarga omad tilaymiz. Idiomalarni bemalol tushunishni boshlaganingizdan so‘ng ingliz
tilida gapirish siz uchun ancha yengil bo‘ladi.
All languages have phrases or sentences that cannot be understood
Even if you know the meaning of all the words in a phrase and understand the grammatical structure of it, the meaning of the phrase may
still be confusing. Many proverbs, informal phrases, and common sa­
yings offer this kind of problem. A phrase or sentence of this type is said
to be idiomatic. Idioms are informal expressions used in everyday speech.
Often referred to as catch phrases, colloquialisms or cliches, they are group
of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different
from the meanings of each word understood on its own. They serve as a
colorful way to sum up an idea. However, idioms can be one of the most
difficult areas to learn in a foreign language, especially English. Students
often try to translate them literally from their point of view of their native
tongues, which can lead to confusion. This dictionary is a fine collection of
the idiomatic phrases and sentences that occur frequently in English speaking countries. It can help students become familiar with the most common
idiomatic expressions found in modern English. There are over 1600 idioms offered here, along with definitions and example sentences. The idioms
(highlighted in bold) are listed alphabetically. Some idioms have more than
one meaning.Each idiom is followed by a short definition.
Best wishes are extended to readers who want to communicate using the
material presented here. Once idioms can be understood with ease, speaking
English will be a «piece of cake».
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1. I am afraid that I am a bit slow.
I am a little new to all this.
2. Ann is new to all this so she
needs practice to get used.
Abandon ship (lit) 1 cho‘kayotgan kemani tark etmoq. 2(fig)
tash­­lamoq yoki tark etmoq, tugatmoq «kasodga uchrayotgan ishni».
1. A captain ordered passengers to
abandon ship.
2. A lot of entrepreneurs are aban­
doning ship after a first failure.
A little bird told me (a little bird
whispered me) (fig) agar ma’lumotni oldindan eshitgan yoki
bilgan bo‘lsangiz, lekin kimdan
eshitganligizni aytishni xohlamasangiz shu ibora qo‘llaniladi.
Kich­kina qush­cha aytib (pichirlab) ketdi, eshit­dim-da, teshik quloq eshi­tadi-da.
1. Did you hear that Ann is going
to marry? Where did you find this
information? A little bird told me.
2. A little bird whispered me it was
your wedding.
Able to breathe easily again
(able to breathe freely again)
ma’lum biror qizg‘in jarayon yoki holatdan keyin yana erkin nafas olmoq yoki nafasni ros­tlamoq,
yengil nafas ol­moq.
1. The lesson is over now you are
able to breathe freely again.
2. After seeing out guest we were
able to breathe easily again.
A little frog in big pond (fig)
o‘zga yoki begona davrada o‘zini
noqulay yoki ojiz, g‘alati his qilganda qo‘llaniladi, kichkina baqa
katta ko‘lda.
1. When John transferred to anot­
her group he found himself a little
frog in a big pond.
2. It is a common feeling to new­
comers to find themselves a little
frog in a big pond.
Able to do something blindfol­
ded­(can do something stan­
ding on one’s head/able to do
something with one’s eyes
closed) (fig) ko‘z yumuq holatda ham qila olmoq, bemalol qila
olmoq, ko‘z bog‘liq holatda ham
qila olmoq.
1. He bragged that he was able to
pass exams blindfolded.
2. He said that he could find Africa
standing on his head.
3. It is very easy I can do this with
my eyes closed.
A little new to all this (new to
all this) agar biror kishi biror
ishda yangi yoki uquvsiz bo‘lsa
ushbu ibora qo‘llaniladi, bu hammasi yangi yoki yangilik.
Able to fog a mirror (fig) hazi­
lomuz ibora bo‘lib, hali nafas
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
o‘lyapti yoki hali tirik, bardosh
bera olmoq, oyoqda tura olmoq,
hali joni bor, qimirlay olmoq.
1. Today I have overworked and I
am barely able to fog a mirror.
2. Not everyone is able to fog a mir­
ror after a lengthy conversation
with an interviewer.
2. The shop assistant saw me out
though it was above and beyond
the call of duty.
Above average me’yordan yoki
belgilangan ta­labdan ko‘proq yoki yaxshiroq, yuqoriroq.
1. Only few students could get
mar­­ks above average.
2. John’s intelligence is above aver­
Able to take a joke (can take a
joke) hazilni tushunmoq, hazil
ko‘tara olmoq.
1. I do not advise you joke with her,
she cannot take a joke.
2. It is easy to get along with those
who are able to take a joke.
Above reproach tanqidga nolo­
yiq, bekam-u ko‘st, benuqson,
«op­­poq», beayb.
1. I know you are a model student
but it does not mean that you are
above reproach.
2. She was guilty of breaking vase
but she behaved as if she was above
Able to take (can take) chiday
olmoq, ko‘tara olmoq, bardosh
1. Stop screaming I am not able to
take it any more.
2. You can say whatever you want
I will take it all.
Above suspicion ishonchli, o‘ta
halol, shubhadan yiroq, shubha
ostida bo‘lmagan.
1. When the accident took place
only he was not there, so he is
above suspicion.
2. John has been working here for
25 years that is why everybody
siders him completely above
Above and beyond keragidan ortiq, me’yoridan oshiqcha.
1. I value your effort but it is above
and beyond.
2. Sometimes it seems to me that
I am spending time above and be­
yond for playing computer games.
Aboveboard (honest and above­
board/ open and aboveboard)
halol, ochiqchasiga, maxfiy bo‘l­
magan, sir bo‘lmagan, ochiq.
1. Citizens require all political
eve­nts must be honest and above­
2. My patience is running out, will
you make it open and aboveboard.
Above and beyond the call of
duty talab qi­lingan vazifadan-da
oshiq yoki ziyoda, vazifa, xiz­
mat, majburiyatdan tashqari,
maj­buriyatga kirmaydigan.
1. Despite the fact that it was
above and beyond the call of duty
he helped strangers.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Absent without leave (awol)
harbiy ibora bo‘lib, o‘z joyini ruxsatsiz tashlab ketish ma’nonisi­
ni ang­
latadi (samavolka), har
kungi kundalik holatlarda ham
qo‘llaniladi, o‘z o‘rnini so‘roqsiz,
javobsiz tashlab ketmoq.
1. One of the biggest crime during
the wartime is being absent with­
out leave one’s post.
2. John was dismissed from school
because he was absent without leave
from school and got into crime.
Achilles heel (fig) biror insonning yoki narsa­ning zaif, nozik
joyi, nuqtasi.
1. John seems to be well-educated
man but everyone has his Achilles
2. He is a brave guy but his deep
love towardSue is his Achilles heel.
According to all accounts (by
all accounts) aytishlariga qaraganda yoki xabarlarga qaraganda, ma’lumotlarga qaraganda.
1. According to all account, he was
the best player of the match.
2. By all account, thousand of hou­
ses were damaged by storm.
Aching heart (fig) ezilgan yurak,
siqilgan yurak, muhabbatdan azob­­
langan yurak.
1. I tried to console my aching
heart so many times but all my
effort came to nothing.
2. There is no remedy for an aching
According to Hoyle (fig) qoi­daga
ko‘ra, kitobda yozilganiga ko‘ra.
1. According to Hoyle, it is not the
right way to get this work done.
2. Are you sure that we are doing it
according to Hoyle?
Acid test (fig) biror narsani yoki
biror kishining haqiqatan nimaga arzishini ko‘rsatadigan, aniq­
laydigan sinov, nimaga qodirligi­
ni ko‘rsatadigan sinov.
1. Acid test of real man will be
when he shows courage facing with
2. If he can pass his history exam it
will be acid test for him.
According to one’s own light
(fig) o‘z vijdoniga yoki xohishiga qarab, o‘z e’tiqodiga sodiq qolgan holda, o‘zi xohlagandek.
1. Each person can choose lifestyle
according to his own light.
2. No matter whether he did it
right or not he did everything ac­
cording to his own light.
Ace up one’s sleeve (fig) yashirin kuchi yoki imkoniyati, saqlab
(asrab) qo‘ygan kuch, hiyla.
1. May be, he is going to lose but it
does not mean that you may relax,
perhaps he has ace up his sleeve.
2. 5 dollar was last ace up his sleeve.
Acknowledge someone to be
right kimningdir biror narsa
ha­qida haq­ligini tan olmoq, tan
1. I acknowledged my teacher to be
right about equation.
2. In spite of several last-ditch at­
tempt of escaping from guiltless,
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