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English Class

Beautiful day at the beach
There was a girl named Ayesha and it was a hot sunny
day. Ayesha thought that today would be the perfect day
to go to the beach with her best friend Rida , so Ayesha
called Rida and asked her if she would like to come to the
beach with her, Rida replied Sure!so Ayesha picked up her
best friend and drove to the best beach on earth! Called
the “ Terrific Beach” . After a extremely long drive to the
beach they finally arrived at the Terrific Beach the two
friends where amazed of how clean everything was at the
Not all superheroes wear capes. Some are well known yet others are not but they are always willing
to do good deeds. There are many ways to use your strengths to help others. Let’s say someone is
being chased by a huge monster and nobody will come to help her and no matter how many times
she screams help no one would want to be a superhero and save the day but you had the strength
and used your secret powers to make the huge monster come to you and then you go invisible and
the monster wonders where you are then you use all your powers you got and you saved the day
and the monster was actually a person and she was actually a criminal and she was wanted the
police thank you for your help then the news reporters come and interview you how you helped
that lady then you reply I did not do it just to look cool or anything like that I couldn’t let that ;Andy
suffer from getting chased by a huge monster I did it to help the ladies life that's all I wanted then
whenever any crime happens you would always hear a shout of your name far away than ever since
then you started to save everyone’s lives but then one day you did not have your powers you were
devastated and then a villain came and you couldn’t do anything to defeat the villain so another
superhero named Saara came and had stronger powers and she saved your life! And you thanked
her a billion times then both of you became the most popular and famous superheroes in the
Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a girl named
Mia. Mia was special because she had a superpower, but it wasn't like the ones
in comic books. She didn't wear a cape or have fancy gadgets, but her
superpower was incredible nonetheless.
Mia's superpower was the ability to understand animals. She
could talk to them, not with words like humans do, but with feelings and
gestures. Mia's best friend was a fluffy dog named Max. They would spend hours
together, exploring the woods and having amazing adventures.
One day, a big storm hit the town. Trees fell, and animals