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Mundus Rice Mill: Feasibility Study in Kabankalan City

The Proposed Mundus Rice Mill Production in Kabankalan City
Rosebelle L. Yude, Rhea Mae S. Mayordo, Rhea S. Biabor, Jesus Francis Toriaga
College of Business and Accountancy, Kabankalan Catholic College
BACC 8: Feasibility Study
Tony Rose L. Sandig, LPT
September, 2023
The proposed MUNDUS RICE MILL PRODUCTION is a business that is a
milling a well-grained local rice. It offers a lot of benefit most especially to the local
farmers in Kabankalan City. The MUNDUS RICE MILL PRODUCTION produces a
clean, polished and high standard quality of rice to the customers. Also, the business will
accept to purchase at a reasonable price the husk and bran of the customer rice in order
for them as a financially incapable customer to pay its bills or invoice for milling their
rice. The purchased husk and bran will be sold to the customers who are looking for it.
The propose MUNDUS RICE MILL PRODUCTION can do both make the business
profitable and give help and support to the local farmers.
In order to survive in day-to-day life, everyone need to eat to be able to keep up
their selves. Filipino’s meal is incomplete when there is no rice on their table. Rice is the
top food priority of every budget of the Filipino’s that is why the rice become a high
demand product in the market. The rice is essential in the nature of healthy lifestyle and
consumption for every Filipino people. The proponents choose this kind of business
because it is very viable and profitable to invest.
The City of Kabankalan is rich in terms of rice agriculture. During the harvesting
there is a lot of rice grain supply that need to mill as early as possible. Over the years,
production of rice increases that is why there is a need of rice mill production to establish
in the market. Through establishing the MUNDUS RICE MILL PRODUCTION it helps
local farmers mill their harvested grain rice with the accessible place and at the
reasonable price. The proponents can guarantee that the propose business can help the
local farmers and customers to have a good quality of well-grained local rice that can
contribute a positive impact to the economy.
The target market of the propose MUNDUS RICE MILL PRODUCTION are the
local rice farmers from Kabankalan City who are looking for an economically feasible
mode milling of harvested rice. A farmers who are responsible for providing and
producing a rice as an essential food for the Filipinos. A local rice farmers who sell its
harvested grain rice to the rice traders. A famers that directly mill their harvested grain
rice to the near neighborhood rice mill production for consumption purposes or for
selling on the market. They make a huge percentage of the market place and provide an
ideal platform for any marketing campaign to be successful. In addition, local rice
framers have the capacity to avail the offers of the MUNDUS RICE MILL