Uploaded by Ree Bee

EE/ME Lab Report Template

Laboratory Exercise #
Sybmitted by: STUDENT NAME
Submitted on: DATE
Submitted to: Instructor Name
Date(s) Lab Performed: DATE(S)
Filename: Lab#_LNAME_FNAME
1.0 Introduction
The following items must be satisfied by this report:
Each student must submit an introduction to the lab.
The purpose of the lab must be provided.
An overview of the lab activity must be provided.
A minimum of 150 words must be in this section of the report.
2.0 Background
A minimum of 150 words must be written for this section. In this section should be:
A discussion of any pre-lab activity for the lab task.
A parts list needed for the lab.
A list of ladder logic instructions or any new coding you can use to complete this lab that
you have learned in class. This is just a discussion of the commands, code, or structure.
The entire code is provided elsewhere in the report.
3.0 Process
The methodology employed to produce a solution to the lab task.
The actual procedure.
The actual ladder logic code.
At least two photographs of the complete wiring with a photo of the student performing
the wiring/programming/task/etc.
At least 150 words must be in this section. Your results from performance tests of your lab
solution is discussed in this section. Any errors and solutions are discussed. Any items not
completed for the lab is presented.
5.0 Questions
Any questions for the lab must be discussed here. If no questions are asked in the lab task,
include this section and indicate ‘no questions were asked’.
6 Conclusion
A discussion of the most significant findings from the lab is presented in this section. A
minimum of 250 words is expected in this section. Future recommendations may be made here.
7.0 Photographs of Wiring (Only required for Lab 3)
Additional photographs of the wiring is expected here. The earlier photographs were for
discussion purposes. These should be able to be inspected for accuracy.
8.0 Wiring Diagram (Only required for Lab 3)
The logical circuit schematic wiring diagram is expected here. A brief discussion is expected.
Figure 1. Wiring diagram example
9.0 Coding
Show the entire set of code in this section.
A sample is provided below.
Figure 2. Code example