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MultiChoice Pay-TV Monopoly Inquiry Defense

lMultiChoice believes it has not created barriers to entry in the pay-TV market, an inquiry
has heard.
Defending itself against allegations of having a monopoly in the market, MultiChoice
appeared at the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa) inquiry into
pay-TV competition on Friday. Broadcasters SABC and eTV made submissions earlier in
the week.
Icasa held public hearings from 12 to 15 January in respect of its draft-finding document
published in 2019 on subscription television broadcasting services.
The five-hour presentation allowed pay-TV operator MultiChoice to qualify its position in
terms of competition issues and allegations of barriers to entry it has established in the
Icasa said it was determined to stimulate competitiveness in a market MultiChoice had
dominated for more than two decades.
The JSE-listed pay-TV operator focused its submission on Icasa's market definition and
competition analysis, saying it excluded critical forces of current and future competition.
"On our reading of Section 67 of the Electronic Communications Act, the core economic
principles for the market definition have not been applied.
"The instructions that the analysis must be forward looking instead of backward looking, and
that analysis should look at the dynamic rather than static position is not followed. The draft
findings look backward and are static," said Stephan Malherbe, an economist at Genesis
Analytics, who represented MultiChoice at the hearing.
Malherbe added Icasa's market definition left out critical sources of competitive constraints
and this rendered the market definition inoperable and misleading as a framework for
regulatory decision-making.
He said another point in MultiChoice's submission was the lack of objective criteria, for
example on premium content, which had resulted in "circular reasoning and serious
contradictions", by Icasa.
According to MultiChoice, rapid technological development and changing content
consumption patterns have caused significant disruption, lowering entry barriers and
switching costs.
"Icasa's proposed delineation of markets into 'premium and non-premium' content is not
robust and out of line with market realities. The importance of content that has traditionally
been referred to as 'premium' has declined due to the proliferation of high quality and varied
international and local drama and reality series and new popular sporting events.
"A match between Chippa and AmaZulu is not premium content anymore but according to
the authority it is," said Calvo Mawela, the CEO of MultiChoice.
Icasa said it accepted all submissions made during the week and would revert at a
determined time.