Facilitate Learning Session/Demonstration Criteria Checklist Criteria YES NO Did the Trainer prepare Workstations? Facilities/Resources? Was attendance monitored? Was there a full utilization of work areas/resources? Did the Trainer orient the trainees on CBT? The role of the Trainer? The role of the Trainee? The competencies that have to be covered based on TR? The use of the CBLM? Instructional Facilities and Resources? Workshop and its stations? The evaluation system? Did the Trainer explain the context and procedures of pre-training assessment according to the guidelines Did the Trainer conduct pre-assessment (RPL)? Did the Trainer Provide feedback based on the results of the pre-training assessment? Did the Trainer schedule individual and small-group activities as appropriate? Did the Trainer use a variety of teaching techniques, designed to match learner capabilities with the requirements of the task? Did the Trainer monitor the activities? Did the Trainer allow students to assume individual responsibility for learning? Did the Trainer evaluate the performance of the trainees based on Performance Criteria Checklist? Did the Trainer record the achievements of the trainees in the Progress chart? Accomplishment chart? Did the Trainer personally provide continual feedback to trainees? Were slow learners assisted in their activities? TESDA-ARMM | TM1 Checklist_FLS 1 Performance Criteria Checklist Conduct Institutional Competency Assessment CRITERIA Did the Trainer…. YES Monitor the attendance? Prepare enough supplies and materials for each candidate? Orient the trainees being assessed on the following: The evidence requirements that has to be observed during the assessment process? What type of tests will be given? (if applicable) How the evidences of competencies will be gathered? Time allotted for each activity? Record observations on the rating sheets? NO Check the written test? (if applicable) Ask follow-up questions? Give immediate feedback? Notify the trainee about the result of the assessment? Record the result of the assessment on the Progress Chart? Notify the trainee about the other requirements of the course such as the National Competency Assessment and the SIT/OJT? (if applicable) Other observations: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Comments/Suggestions about the performance of the Trainer: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ TESDA-ARMM | TM1 Checklist_FLS 2 Minutes of the Meeting Focus Group Discussion Date: January, 20, 2023 Agenda: COMPETENCY-BASED TRAINING DELIVERY Present: 1. Fatima Vienna Mae S. Tingkahan 2. Fatima Ruziel S. Tingkahan 3. Al-Muzhir A. Dawami CBT Concerns Discussions Resolutions/Agreement 1. CBT Layout Complied N/A 2. Monitoring of Attendance Complied N/A 3. Utilization of work area Complied N/A 4. Orientation N/A a. CBT Complied N/A b. Roles Complied N/A c. TR Complied N/A d. CBLM Complied N/A e. Facilities Complied N/A f. Evaluation System Complied N/A 5. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Complied Need to tackle further 6. Teaching methods and techniques Complied 7. Monitoring of learning activities: a. Achievement Chart Complied b. Progress Chart Complied 8. Feedback Complied 9. Slow Learners Complied 10. Other Concerns N/A Performance Checklist for Preparing Candidate for Assessment TESDA-ARMM | TM1 Checklist_FLS 3 Trainee’s Name: Fatima Vienna Mae S. Tingkahan Date: January 20, 2023 During the performance of the task did you consider the following criteria? CRITERIA Did the Assessor…. YES Check the attendance of the candidate? Collect admission slip? Instruct the candidates to sign the attendance sheet? Provide overview of the qualification to be assessed (National Assessment and Certification arrangements?) Instruct the candidate to accomplish the competency assessment agreement? Orients the candidate on the following: o Explain the context, purpose and the assessment process? o Explain the qualification or units of competency to be assessed and the evidence to be collected? o Outline the assessment procedures to be undertaken? Assessed the needs of the candidates and determine any allowable adjustments in the assessment procedure? Seek feedback regarding the candidates understanding of the qualification/unit of competency to be assessed, evidence requirements, and assessment process? Make the necessary announcements just before the start of the assessment? Specify the do’s and don’ts inside the assessment center? NO Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ _____________________________________ Signature over printed name of Trainer TESDA-ARMM | TM1 Checklist_FLS 4