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CMC Constitutions & Apostolic Spirituality Guide

Constitutions and Apostolic Spirituality
of the Congregation of the Mother of Carmel
I. Congregation of the Mother of Carmel (CMC) (001-008)
II. The Spirit and Identity of CMC (009-018)
- Our Heritage, Founders, Their Vision, Goal of Foundation, Charism, Life
Style and Our models
III. Call to Holiness (019-021)
- Christian Call, Religious Call, Ecclesial Aspect of the Call
IV. Our Response (022-095)
-The Vows, Prayer life, Community life in the Trinitarian fellowship,
Apostolic Service in the Church and CMC Mission
V. Religious Formation (096-103)
-Transformation unto Jesus Christ, Unceasing endeavor in the Holy Spirit,
Religious Formation: Goals, Means, Personnel, Promotion of vocation,
Selection and acceptance of the Candidate, Different stages of formation
VI. Authority: Service in Love (104-185)
-Authority in the Model of Jesus, In the service of community, Structure and
Governance, Superiors: Ecclesial authorities and Superiors of the
Congregation, Governance: General Principles-Collegiality, decentralization
and Subsidiarity-, General Synaxis, Service of Authority: General level,
Province Level, Vice Province Level, Region Level and Local level,
Vacancy of Authority, Legal Actions: Transfer to another Congregation,
Exclaustration, Leaving the Congregation, Dismissal and Expulsion
VII. Observance of Laws (186-189)
Law of CMC: Constitutions and Directives
VIII. Our Lady of Mount Carmel (190-191)
- Mary, Our Co-traveller, To Jesus through Mary
Epilogue : A New heaven and New Earth
Apostolic Spirituality
1. God’s Call to Holiness “Be Holy and lead others to Holiness”
2. Our Response
2.2.Prayer life
2.3.Community Life