Module ? – Decision Making This module gives you an overview of decision making, including group decision making processes and tools. It looks at the stages of decision making and provides some tips and tools to ensure that you are able to critically analyse data/ information in order to make informed decisions in your organisation. Learning Outcomes By the end of this module you will be able to: Understand the decision making process. Identify decision making pitfalls. Define your decision making process. Implement group decision making processes Outsourced Training Solutions© 1 An Introduction to Decision Making Show the short video clip “Ellen on Decision making”. Introduce decision making and link it to the module on problem solving. Explain that while we make many decisions every day, this specifically focuses on decision making in the workplace, including group decision making. Decisions are an important facet of our everyday lives. We are constantly make decisions in our home life and work life some of these affect immediate situation others can will impact heavily our future. That is why having the skills to make good, solid decisions is important. Most of us make many decisions automatically; we don’t take the time to think about the process we use to reach these decisions. Deciding to get out of bed in the morning, deciding what clothes to wear to work or deciding what to eat for supper may seem relatively simple for some people but for others this may be very challenging. Like with all skills, in order to perform at a maximum level, decision making skills need to be practised in order to perfect the skill. The more these skills are practised, the easier it gets to master decision making. The objective of making a decision is to choose your best alternative – based on the facts provided – that will lead to a productive end result. Instruct learners to read through the following article – had have a brief discussion about the way in which we make decisions. This article is a lead into understanding a more comprehensive and effective way in which to make decisions, specifically focusing on group decision making. Outsourced Training Solutions© 2 Do we fool ourselves in decision making? Article: How We Sometimes Fool Ourselves When Making Decisions (By Kare Anderson) Think back on a decision you made in the past that cost you dearly in sales or a valued relationship. Consider some smaller decisions where you realize in retrospect that, if you’d made another choice, you’d have saved time or avoided aggravation. What if you found out that your mind played tricks on you? You could have thought things out better, and made a wiser choice? Perhaps you were relying on your "gut instincts" yet, in fact, were fooled by unconscious decision-making traps we fall into when trying to figure out what we should do. According to one of my all-time heroes, negotiations guru, Howard Raiffa, we are destined to repeat the same faulty decision making process and face more grief from the poor results if we don’t gain insights into some of these traps. According to Raiffa, the fault often lies not in the decision-making process but rather in the mind of the decision maker. The way the human brain works can sabotage our decisions. Here are some insights into the most well-documented traps we set for ourselves in making decisions. The Routines of Decision Making We use unconscious routines, called heuristics, to cope with the complexity inherent in decision making. They serve us well in most situations. For example, in judging distances, we equate clarity with proximity. The clearer an object appears, the closer we judge it to be. The fuzzier, the farther we think it is. Like most heuristics, it is not fool proof. On days that are hazier than that to which we are accustomed, our eyes will tend to trick our minds into thinking that things are more distant than they actually are. For airplane pilots this distortion could be catastrophic if they weren’t trained to use other truly objective measures and instruments. While this decision making flaw is based on sensory perception others are based on biases, still others on irrational anomalies in our thinking. They are potentially dangerous because they are invisible to us. They are hardwired into our thinking so we fail to even recognize that we are using them. Anchoring How would you answer these two questions? 1. Is the population of Turkey greater than 35 million? 2. What’s your best estimate of Turkey’s population? Outsourced Training Solutions© 3 Do we fool ourselves in decision making? continued If you are like most people, the figure of 35 million (researchers chose arbitrarily) influenced your answer to the second question. I’ve watched the behavioural scientists ask variations of these questions to groups of people many times over the past decade. In half the cases, 35 million was used in the first question, in the other half, 100 million. Without fail, the answers to the second question increase by millions when the larger figure is used (as an anchor) in the first question. When considering a decision, the mind gives disproportionate weight to the first information it receives. Initial impressions, estimates or other data anchor subsequent thoughts and judgements. The implications to influence another’s perceptions are mind-boggling and can take many guises. A colleague can offer a comment or a statistic can appear in the morning paper which will influence your subsequent decision making on that topic. Other guises can be as insidious as a stereotype about a person’s skin colour, clothing or accent. In business, one of the most frequent "anchors" is a past event or trend. A marketer, in attempting to project sales of a product for the coming year, often begins by looking at the sales volumes for past years. This approach tends to put too much weight on past history and not enough weight on other factors. Because anchors can establish the terms on which a decision will be made, they can be used as a bargaining tactic by savvy negotiators. Reduce the impact of the effects of anchoring in these ways: 1. Be open minded. Seek information and opinions from a variety of people to widen your frame of reference, without dwelling disproportionately on what you heard first. 2. In seeking advice from others, offer information -- just the facts without your opinion -- so that you don’t inadvertently anchor them with your thoughts. Then you can benefit from hearing diverse views on the situation without their views being coloured or anchored by yours. 3. Whoever most vividly characterizes the situation usually anchors the other’s perception of it. That’s an immensely powerful ability. Others literally see and discuss the situation while anchored from that most memorably stated perspective. The vivid communicator has literally created the playing field on which the game will be played on. Be especially wary of anchors in negotiations. Outsourced Training Solutions© 4 Do we fool ourselves in decision making? continued Think through your position before any negotiation begins in order to avoid being anchored by someone else’s proposal or position. Status-Quo Trap We instinctively stay with what seems familiar. Thus we look for decisions that involve the least change. For example, when radically new products are introduced, they are made to look like an existing and familiar product. The first cars looked like horseless carriages. The first online newspapers and magazines had formats much like their print counterparts. To protect our egos from damage, we avoid acting to change the status quo, even in the face of early warnings that demonstrate that change will be safer. We look for reasons to do nothing. For example, in one experiment, a group of people were randomly given one of two gifts of approximately the same value - half received a mug, the other half got a large, Swiss chocolate bar. They were told that they could easily exchange the gift they received for the other gift. While you might expect that about half would have wanted to make the exchange, only one in ten actually did. The power of status quo kicked in within minutes of receiving an object. Other experiments have shown that the more choices you are given, the more pull the status quo has. Why? Because more choices involve more effort while selecting the status quo avoids that effort. In business, the sins of commission (doing something) tend to be punished much more severely than sins of omission (doing nothing). In all parts of life, people want to avoid rocking the boat. What can you do? Think of your goals first, when preparing to make a decision, then review how they are served by the status quo as compared by a change. Look at each possible change, one at a time, so you don’t overwhelm yourself and then instinctively want to "stay safe" and unchanged. Never think of the status quo as your only alternative. Ask yourself whether you would choose the status quo, if, in fact, it weren’t the status quo. Avoid the natural tendency of exaggerating the effort or cost or emotional reaction of others or for yourself if you change from the status quo. Outsourced Training Solutions© 5 Do we fool ourselves in decision making? continued Remember that the desirability of the status quo may change over time. When considering a change, look at possible future situations. If you have several alternatives that are superior to the status quo, avoid the natural tendency to fall back upon the status quo because you are having a hard time choosing between the other alternatives. The Justify- Past-Actions Trap The more actions you have already taken on behalf of a choice or direction, the more difficult you will find it to change direction or make a different choice. Whenever you invest time, money, or other resources, or whenever your personal reputation is at stake, you will find it more difficult to change your decision or course of action. Suppose you pour a great deal of time and effort into offering a product to a new niche market. Because you have already used resources to be successful in that market, you will find it difficult to withdraw, even when the market clearly is not interested in your product. If you have a once-close childhood friend who has not been supportive of you for years, you’ll be reluctant to acknowledge that change and will likely act as if you are still close. Banks used to continue to lend to businesses that had fallen back on payments, thus throwing good money after bad. For all decisions with a history, make a conscious effort to set aside your "past actions" - investments of emotion, money or other resources - as you consider whether to change direction. Seek out and listen to people who were uninvolved with the earlier decisions. Examine why admitting an earlier mistake distresses you. If the problem lies in your wounded ego, deal with it straight-away. As Warren Buffet once said, "When you find yourself in a hole, the best thing you can do is stop digging." Don’t cultivate a failure-fearing culture in the people around you at home or at work. In such an atmosphere, others will perpetuate mistakes rather than admitting them to you and changing course. When you set an example of admitting mistakes in your choices and self-correcting, others will believe they can do likewise without penalties from you. Outsourced Training Solutions© 6 Do we fool ourselves in decision making? continued Although we hope to learn from every mistake, we can’t help but long for a faster learning curve so we might continue in a wiser, smoother path through the process of making decisions. I hope your awareness of these traps can help you avoid them in your future decision-making. Kare Anderson is a behavioral futurist who speaks and writes about "Say It Better" methods of thoughtful communication, conflict resolution, cross-promotion and outreach, and multisensory techniques to create more memorable on-site experiences. An Emmy-winning former TV commentator, Wall Street Journal reporter she’s a national columnist in 98 monthly magazines (from Gourmet Retailer to Broadcast Engineering), nine-time author ( Getting What You Want, Pocket CrossPromotions, Make Yourself Memorable, Beauty Inside Out, Cutting Deals With Unlikely Allies, Resolving Conflict Sooner . . .) and publisher of the "Say It Better" online newsletter now read by over 17,000 people in 32 countries, which is available free when you sign the guest book at her web site at Anderson is the co-founder of The Compelling Communications Group The Compelling Communications Group Website: Suggested reading 1. Smart Choices: A Practical Guide to Making Better Decisions, by Howard Raiffa, John S. Hammond and Ralph L. Keeney. 2. Decision Traps: Ten Barriers to Brilliant Decision Making and How to Overcome Them, by J. Edward Russo and Paul J. H. Schoemaker. 3. Judgment in Managerial Decision Making, by Edward J. Russo and Max H. Bazerman. Outsourced Training Solutions© 7 Decision making as a skill in the workplace Explain that decision making is a skill that all managers / leaders need to refine if they want to be effective in the workplace. Remind learners that, as with any skill, the more you practice the better you will become at decision making. Decision-making is a key skill in the workplace, and is particularly important if you want to be an effective leader. Whether you're deciding which person to hire, which supplier to use, or which strategy to pursue, the ability to make a good decision with available information is vital. It would be easy if there were one formula you could use in any situation, but there isn't. Each decision presents its own challenges, and we all have different ways of approaching problems. Simple decisions usually need a simple decision-making process. But difficult decisions typically involve issues like these: Uncertainty - Many facts may not be known. Complexity - You have to consider many interrelated factors. High-risk consequences - The impact of the decision may be significant. Alternatives - Each has its own set of uncertainties and consequences. Interpersonal issues - It can be difficult to predict how other people will react. With these difficulties in mind, the best way to make a complex decision is to use an effective process. Clear processes usually lead to consistent, high-quality results, and they can improve the quality of almost everything we do. As important, we need to consider: “how do I avoid making bad decisions – or leaving decisions to chance?” You need a systematic approach to decision-making so that, no matter what type of decision you have to make, you can take decisions with confidence. No one can afford to make poor decisions. An organised and systematic decision-making process usually leads to better decisions. Without a well-defined process, you risk making decisions that are based on insufficient information and analysis. Many variables affect the final impact of your decision. However, if you establish strong foundations for decision making, generate good alternatives, evaluate these alternatives rigorously, and then check your decision-making process, you will improve the quality of your decisions. Outsourced Training Solutions© 8 Direct learners to Learning Activity 1 in the Learner Guide – Pg 10 to 12. This activity is a short quiz to help learners review their current decision making skills. Outsourced Training Solutions© 9 Learning Activity 1 – How good are your decision making skills? For each statement, tick the box in the column that best describes you. Please answer 1 Very often Often Sometimes STATEMENT Rarely Not at all questions as you actually are (rather than how you think you should be. I evaluate the risks associated with each alternative before making a decision. 2 After I make a decision, it's final – because I know my process is strong. 3 I try to determine the real issue before starting a decision-making process. 4 I rely on my own experience to find potential solutions to a problem. 5 I tend to have a strong "gut instinct" about problems, and I rely on it in decision-making. 6 I am sometimes surprised by the actual consequences of my decisions. 7 I use a well-defined process to structure my decisions. Outsourced Training Solutions© 10 8 Very often Often Sometimes Rarely Not at all STATEMENT I think that involving many stakeholders to generate solutions can make the process more complicated than it needs to be. 9 If I have doubts about my decision, I go back and recheck my assumptions and my process. 10 I take the time needed to choose the best decision-making tool for each specific decision. 11 I consider a variety of potential solutions before I make my decision. 12 Before I communicate my decision, I create an implementation plan. 13 In a group decision-making process, I tend to support my friends' proposals and try to find ways to make them work. 14 When communicating my decision, I include my rationale and justification. 15 Some of the options I've chosen have been much more difficult to implement than I had expected. Outsourced Training Solutions© 11 16 Very often Often Sometimes Rarely Not at all STATEMENT I prefer to make decisions on my own, and then let other people know what I've decided. 17 I determine the factors most important to the decision, and then use those factors to evaluate my choices. 18 I emphasize how confident I am in my decision as a way to gain support for my plans. Total As you answered the questions, did you see some common themes? We based our quiz on six essential skills required for effective decision-making: 1. Establishing a positive decision-making environment. 2. Generating potential solutions. 3. Evaluating the solutions. 4. Deciding. 5. Checking the decision. 6. Communicating and implementing. If you're aware of these six basic elements and improve the way you structure them, this will help you develop a better overall decision-making system. To complete this quiz online for a more in-depth evaluation go to: Outsourced Training Solutions© 12 Explain to learners that this activity is a quick reflection of their current decision making skills. There is no right or wrong answers. If they would like a more in depth analysis of their decision making skills, then they can complete the online quiz at the web address given above Refer learners to the following article on Managerial decision making. Outsourced Training Solutions© 13 Managerial decision making Article: Managerial decision making and the decision making process (By L. Hurley, 16 November 2008) Making decisions is what managers do. A surgeon operates, a mechanic fixes cars and a manager makes decisions. Ideally the decisions made by managers create an environment which allows both the business and employees to succeed and grow. Before any decision can be made a manager must have the authority to do so. Most companies have clearly delegated and documented authorities for making financial and human resource decisions. Day-to-day operational decisions, such as what time breaks will be taken, are usually assumed as part of the role and inferred by responsibilities in the position description. As managers we are personally and sometimes legally responsible for the effects of our decisions so it is important to understand and stay within the boundaries of our authority. We also want to make good decisions. Good decisions are those that allow the business to grow and employees to develop and succeed. Good decisions require an element of judgement. A decision made with too little information can have an unexpected and unwelcome outcome. While delaying a decision for too long to obtain all possible information can render the decision ineffective. The more information we have the better prepared we are to make effective decisions and the less likely it is that we will be surprised by an unforeseen outcome. We need to gather as much relevant information as possible within the timeframe available. Information can come in many forms. Data provides an excellent basis for understanding trends, analysing and predicting volume, cost and profit but on its own data is not enough. Speaking with subject matter experts and the people who will be impacted by the decision provides context in which the objective data may be viewed. Once a manager has all the relevant information they need to make the decision it is appropriate to test the effect of the decision against a number of elements. LEGAL Does it conform to local and federal legislative requirements? Does it comply with company policy and fit within the terms of the customer contract? Outsourced Training Solutions© 14 Managerial decision making, continued ETHICAL While unethical decisions may be legal a good decision remains within the ethical code of the company. OVERT AND EQUITABLE Is the purpose and reason for making the decision clear to everyone? Have the needs of all parties been balanced as far as is practical? SENSIBLE Perhaps the most important element of a good decision is whether it makes sense. The decision will be more readily accepted if everyone can understand the need for it. PERSONAL STANDARDS When the decision passes the legal, ethical, overt, equitable and sensible tests there is one final test to be applied. Would you be happy for the decision to be reported in the media or will you be hiding behind closed doors and drawn shades if the outcome hits the news? Whether the decision is about a staff roster or a major investment in technology it should be based on relevant information, involve input from the right people and have all the elements of a good decision. If it does, go ahead and make the decision, record it and follow through with implementation. Briefly discuss (deconstruct) a manager’s responsibility in terms of decision making within their position as a manager, and the potential short- and long term impact of poor decision making skills on the organisation. Direct learners to Learning Activity 2. Outsourced Training Solutions© 15 Learning Activity 2 – Decision making practices 1. Read though ”Popular methods for decision making” below. 2. Share some of the dysfunctional decision making practices that you have experienced? 3. Suggest ways to defuse these styles. This activity can be done as group work. Ask groups to discuss the two questions, note similarities in their experiences and share these with the larger group. Ask learners to discuss the effectiveness of these decision making strategies. Remind learners that while they may have experienced these decision making processes, we are in fact using this article as an example of how “not to” in the decision making in the organisational context. Outsourced Training Solutions© 16 Popular methods for decision making Companies, and managers, use many different strategies to make decisions, many of which are not effective and lead to costly consequences for the company. The following is a list of strategies that many of us have seen in practice. They all lead to decisions, but they all run the risk of not making good use of the available people and information. Have you ever experienced these? 1. Decision by Running Out of Time: This is the most common form of decisionmaking. There may be some effort to develop criteria and alternatives, but often time runs out before there is any effort to ensure that a robust decision is made. 2. Decision by chaos: The president of the company says, “I want our new product at the Rand Easter show in two weeks”. The show is in two weeks. There is no rational way to prepare for the show and make robust decisions. The decisions made in the chaos may need revisiting after the show and work will need to be redone. Some people prefer to work in a chaotic environment, and when in positions of power, they will manufacture chaos as the working environment. 3. Decision by Fiat (or Decision by Authority): This is a very common style in autocratic organisations where a manager or someone else in authority decrees that a certain alternative is his/her favourite. It is often seen when the boss’s idea is chosen in order to preserve the relationship with him/her. This is more justification than decision-making. 4. Decision by Coercion: A champion for one alternative pressures his/her colleagues into submission. Often the loudest voice wins, the others having given up. One colleague referred to this style as “hijacking the process”. 5. Decision by Competition: Here concern for who wins is most important, as instanced in most sports. This is often a win-lose situation and the relationship among individual team members is not important. 6. Decision by Voting: Democracy works, but does not often make the best possible choice. This decision making process is a weak form of compromise. Think how most products and businesses would operate if they were designed the same way we elect a president. Outsourced Training Solutions© 17 Popular methods for decision making , continued 7. Decision by Inertia: This style is based on “We did it that way before” which may result in a robust decision, if the previous one was. But, not much progress or innovation is made using this style. Sometimes the tough decision is knowing when to innovate, and when to keep the cruise control on. Outsourced Training Solutions© 18 The decision making process Explain that we will now be looking at more effective strategies/ process for effective decision making. In the business environment, decision making is an essential leadership skill. If you can learn how to make timely, well-considered decisions, then you can lead your team to well-deserved success. If, however, you make poor decisions, your time as a leader will be brutally short. There is one quality that distinguishes a good manager from a poor one, it is decisiveness. A person in managerial position who is poor in decision making is fit to be called only an administrator and not a manager. For a professional manager, the decision making process normally involves the following stages: 1) Establishing a positive decision-making environment while defining the problem /issues / situations / challenges and collecting relevant facts, figures and statistics to facilitate and support the decision making process. Steps include: If you've ever been in a meeting where people seem to be discussing different issues, then you've seen what happens when the decision-making environment hasn't been established. It's so important for everyone to understand the issue before preparing to make a decision. This includes agreeing on an objective, making sure the right issue is being discussed, and agreeing on a process to move the decision forward. To create a constructive environment for successful decision making, make sure you do the following: Establish the objective - Define what you want to achieve. Agree on the process - Know how the final decision will be made, including whether it will be an individual or a team-based decision. The Vroom-YettonJago Model could be a useful tool for determining the most appropriate way of making the decision. Involve the right people - Address key interpersonal considerations at the very beginning. Have you included all the stakeholders? And do the people involved in the decision agree to respect one another and engage in an open and honest discussion? After all, if only the strongest opinions are heard, you risk not considering some of the best solutions available. Outsourced Training Solutions© 19 Allow opinions to be heard - Encourage participants to contribute to the discussions, debates, and analysis without any fear of rejection from the group. This is one of the best ways to avoid groupthink. The Stepladder Technique is a useful method for gradually introducing more and more people to the group discussion, and making sure everyone is heard. Also, recognize that the objective is to make the best decision under the circumstances: it's not a game in which people are competing to have their own preferred alternatives adopted. Make sure you're asking the right question - Ask yourself whether this is really the true issue. The 5 Whys technique is a classic tool that helps you identify the real underlying problem that you face. In collecting information, there has to be a limit somewhere; one cannot definitely decide using inadequate and incorrect information. At the same time, one cannot keep on accumulating information for the sake of greatest clarity and lose time in the bargain. Some calculated risks must be taken where complete data cannot be collected accurately. Use creativity tools from the start - The basis of creativity is thinking from a different perspective. Do this when you first set out the problem, and then continue it while generating alternatives. Our article Generating New Ideas will help you create new connections in your mind, break old thought patterns, and consider new perspectives. 2) Generating potential solutions and seek opinions and alternative viewpoints from "people who know" and "people who matter". This step is still critical to making an effective decision. The more good options you consider, the more comprehensive your final decision will be. When you generate alternatives, you force yourself to dig deeper, and look at the problem from different angles. If you use the mindset ‘there must be other solutions out there,' you're more likely to make the best decision possible. If you don't have reasonable alternatives, then there's really not much of a decision to make! Consultation with "people who know" will involve definitely ego clashes and conflicting opinions. Sometimes, involving "those who matter" may not be practical always. Here's a summary of some of the key tools and techniques to help you and your team Outsourced Training Solutions© 20 develop good alternatives. Generating Ideas Brainstorming is probably the most popular method of generating ideas. Another approach, Reverse Brainstorming, works similarly. However, it starts by asking people to brainstorm how to achieve the opposite outcome from the one wanted, and then reversing these actions. The Charette Procedure is a systematic process for gathering and developing ideas from very many stakeholders. Use the Crawford Slip Writing Technique to generate ideas from a large number of people. This is an extremely effective way to make sure that everyone's ideas are heard and given equal weight, irrespective of the person's position or power within the organization. Considering Different Perspectives The Reframing Matrix uses 4 Ps (product, planning, potential, and people) as the basis for gathering different perspectives. You can also ask outsiders to join the discussion, or ask existing participants to adopt different functional perspectives (for example, have a marketing person speak from the viewpoint of a financial manager). If you have very few options, or an unsatisfactory alternative, use a Concept Fan to take a step back from the problem, and approach it from a wider perspective. This often helps when the people involved in the decision are too close to the problem. Appreciative Inquiry forces you to look at the problem based on what's ‘going right,' rather than what's ‘going wrong.' Organizing Ideas This is especially helpful when you have a large number of ideas. Sometimes separate ideas can be combined into one comprehensive alternative. Use Affinity Diagrams to organize ideas into common themes and groupings. It is important to realise though, that a manager, by virtue of being a manager, may not be an expert in all the matters related to the decision making and hence Outsourced Training Solutions© 21 consulting experts and knowledgeable persons, including those in the lower level of managerial pecking order, would be highly essential. "I know it all" attitude and bias on views of certain persons based purely on personal whims and fancies can seriously impede the decision making process. 3) Evaluating the solutions: eg: by assessing the pro’s and con’s, or prioritising elements and assigning them a weight against consequence. When you're satisfied that you have a good selection of realistic alternatives, then you'll need to evaluate the feasibility, risks, and implications of each choice. Here, we discuss some of the most popular and effective analytical tools. Risk In decision making, there's usually some degree of uncertainty, which inevitably leads to risk. By evaluating the risk involved with various options, you can determine whether the risk is manageable. Risk Analysis helps you look at risks objectively. It uses a structured approach for assessing threats, and for evaluating the probability of events occurring - and what they might cost to manage. Implications Another way to look at your options is by considering the potential consequences of each. Six Thinking Hats helps you evaluate the consequences of a decision by looking at the alternatives from six different perspectives. Impact Analysis is a useful technique for brainstorming the ‘unexpected' consequences that may arise from a decision. Validation Determine if resources are adequate, if the solution matches your objectives, and if the decision is likely to work in the long term. Starbursting helps you think about the questions you should ask to evaluate an alternative properly. To assess pros and cons of each option, use Force Field Analysis, or use the Plus-Minus-Interesting approach. Cost-Benefit Analysis looks at the financial feasibility of an alternative. Outsourced Training Solutions© 22 4) Deciding on the best choice or a couple of best courses of action. After you have evaluated the alternatives, the next step is to choose between them. The choice may be obvious. However, if it isn't, these tools will help: Grid Analysis, also known as a decision matrix, is a key tool for this type of evaluation. It's invaluable because it helps you bring disparate factors into your decision-making process in a reliable and rigorous way. Use Paired Comparison Analysis to determine the relative importance of various factors. This helps you compare unlike factors, and decide which ones should carry the most weight in your decision. Decision Trees are also useful in choosing between options. These help you lay out the different options open to you, and bring the likelihood of project success or failure into the decision making process. Making the decision itself can be exciting and stressful. To help you deal with these emotions as objectively as possible, use a structured approached to the decision. This means taking a look at what's most important in a good decision. Take the time to think ahead and determine exactly what will make the decision “right.” This will significantly improve your decision accuracy. For group decisions, there are some excellent evaluation methods available. When decision criteria are subjective and it's critical that you gain consensus, you can use techniques like Nominal Group Technique and Multi-Voting. These methods help a group agree on priorities, for example, so that they can assign resources and funds. The Delphi Technique uses multiple cycles of anonymous written discussion and argument, managed by a facilitator. Participants in the process do not meet, and sometimes they don't even know who else is involved. The facilitator controls the process, and manages the flow and organization of information. This is useful where you need to bring the opinions of many different experts into the decision-making process. It's particularly useful where some of these experts don't get on! 5) Review and evaluate the decision and the results from implementing a course of action based on this decision(s). With all of the effort and hard work that goes into evaluating alternatives, and deciding the best way forward, it's easy to forget to ‘sense check' your decisions. This is where you look at the decision you're about to make dispassionately, to make sure Outsourced Training Solutions© 23 that your process has been thorough, and to ensure that common errors haven't crept into the decision-making process. After all, we can all now see the catastrophic consequences that over-confidence, groupthink, and other decision-making errors have wrought on the world economy. The first part of this is an intuitive step, which involves quietly and methodically testing the assumptions and the decisions you've made against your own experience, and thoroughly reviewing and exploring any doubts you might have. A second part involves using a technique like Blindspot Analysis to review whether common decision-making problems like over-confidence, escalating commitment, or groupthink may have undermined the decision-making process. A third part involves using a technique like the Ladder of Inference to check through the logical structure of the decision with a view to ensuring that a well-founded and consistent decision emerges at the end of the decision-making process. Remember that some things about a decision are not objective. The decision has to make sense on an intuitive, instinctive level as well. The entire process we have discussed so far has been based on the perspectives and experiences of all the people involved. Now it's time to check the alternative you've chosen for validity and "making sense." If the decision is a significant one, it's also worth auditing it to make sure that your assumptions are correct, and that the logical structure you've used to make the decision is sound. 6) Accept responsibility. People who don't take responsibility for their work or actions can have a negative impact on their team or organisation. Remember that even some small choices can have big consequences. Don’t underestimate the possibility that major consequences could result from seemingly insignificant choices you make along the way. By taking responsibility, you also assume control for the response to what happened. Always remember that it is easy to take responsibility when there are successes, but it is a sign of maturity as a manager if you are able to do the same when there are difficulties. Outsourced Training Solutions© 24 Summarise by explaining that: Sometimes, decision making may just involve taking "yes" or "no" decision in which case, if the problem or issue is simple, there may not really be a need for any elaborate data collection or need for wider consultations. However, at times where the issue is of serious nature, even making yes or no decision may involve all the elaborate stages that we have included here. Where the decision making involves multiple choices, it may get more complicated. An organized and systematic decision-making process usually leads to better decisions. Without a well-defined process, you risk making decisions that are based on insufficient information and analysis. Many variables affect the final impact of your decision. However, if you establish strong foundations for decision making, generate good alternatives, evaluate these alternatives rigorously, and then check your decision-making process, you will improve the quality of your decisions. Outsourced Training Solutions© 25 Decision making tools and techniques Explain that now that we have looked at the overall strategy/ process, we need to look at some of the tools and techniques we can employ to help us in the decision making process. Like so many things, smart decision-making can benefit from the addition of structure, focus, and a bit of metaphor. While imperfect in their own ways, the kinds of tools that support this mental corralling can help tremendously in quieting the chaos, surveying the available options, and then collecting and evaluating the information you need to choose the best course of action. Examples of the tools and techniques that can be used in the decision making process include: Brainstorming Have a recorder list all the possible ideas from the group as quickly as possible without any evaluation of ideas. Gather as many ideas as you can as fast as you can. This list of ideas is then shortened and a final solution can be developed from the best items. Brainwriting Each person records an idea or solution to the problem on a piece of paper and adds it to a pile. Everyone then takes a different paper from the pile and adds an idea related to the one already on that page. Write down the first thing that comes to mind. These ideas can then be compiled and discussed to develop a final solution. (This is often successful in a quieter group, when it is difficult to get everyone talking.) Nominal Group Each member shares their ideas. A recorder lists all the Technique different ideas. Everyone then ranks their preferences individually from the whole list from 1-(up to) 10. These scores are added together and a group score is given. This gives priorities on a group basis. (If number 1 is used to rate an individual best choice, then the list item with the smallest group score is the most desired.) Force-field Analysis List forces "pushing for changing the situation" and "forces Outsourced Training Solutions© 26 pushing against changing the situation". Outline the strategies to minimize the strength of the forces and develop an action plan to accomplish the solution. Criteria Matrix Develop a set of standards that each alternative is judged on. Some examples are: costs, risks involved, timeliness, convenience or satisfaction. The matrix looks like a table with the alternatives down the left side and the criteria across the top. Each alternative is ranked by the criteria (15, yes or no, etc) and the scores are added up at the bottom. Dotmocracy Provide each person with the same number of dot stickers or pennies or tokens. Vote individually on the list of brainstormed alternatives. If someone feels strongly about one item they are welcome to put all their dots on that item. The alternative with the greatest number of dots is the decision preference. Bubble-up/Bubble- Used for ranking statements or ideas or putting ideas in a down orderly sequence. Read the first two statements, decide between the two which statement is least preferred and should be eliminated. Now compare the statement left to the next one on the list and continue to do this until you have reached the last item on your list and the group is satisfied. (for example: when purchasing a house; it is much easier to compare the house you're viewing with the last house you viewed. After evaluating how this one rates, you eliminate one of the two. The preference of the two is the only house used in future comparisons.) Circle Chart Divide the paper into four quadrants and label each quadrant one of four titles: What is wrong?(in theory), What might be done? (in theory), What is wrong?(in the real world), and What might be done? (in the real world). This will initiate a brainstorming session to help develop a solution. Appreciative Inquiry When analysing a situation/ problem/ issue/ challenge shift Outsourced Training Solutions© 27 to a positive perspective, look at the things that are working, and build on them. In some situations this can be very powerful because, by focusing on positives, you can build the unique strengths which bring real success. This list shows only some of the tools and techniques that can be used to facilitate group decision making. There are many more, and more complex, options available. It is important to choose the technique(s) or tool (s) that will work for you, the group dynamics and will effectively help in decision making around specific problems/ issues. Explain that this list is not exhaustive and there are many other tools and techniques available. Refer learners to the additional reading resources at the end of their Learners Guide for more insight into some these tools and techniques. Outsourced Training Solutions© 28 Learning Activity 3 – Car 1. 2. Outsourced Training Solutions© 29 Learning Activity 4 – Case Study: Southwest Airlines Explain that learners will be assessing the decision making practices of one of the most successful companies in the USA. Southwest Airlines was the only airline that continued to show profit after 911, and has continued to grow through the current economic recession. Show the clip CEO@Smith_ Jim Parker, Southwest Airlines. Explain that this clip provides insight into the organisational culture. The organisational culture at Southwest very strongly affects their business decision making process. Watch the video clip and read through the case study, then reflect on the following questions related to the decision making process 1. Decision making Discuss what is meant by the term 'decision making'. Identify types of business decision and classify the decision discussed within this case study. 2. Decision models A variety of models and processes have been offered to suggest ideally how people should or describe how they actually do make decisions. Describe and discuss the decision making models used in this case study. 3. Decision making process within this case study Describe the decision making process used in this case study. 4. Your decision List/ summarise the factors influencing the decision at Southwest Airlines: what would your decision have been? This activity works particularly well, time permitting, as group work. Divide learners into groups and ask them to work through each of the reflective points. Ask them to capture salient point on newsprint and present back to the group. Ensure that time is allocated for feedback/ sharing of differing points of view. Reflective point 4 might raise a host of answers as each manager has a particular style/ strategy/ process for decision making. To wrap up explain that it is important to be aware of the processes available and to make use of them according to the problem/ issue/ challenge that you are dealing with at a particular point in time. Explain that there is no “one shoe fits all” solution to decision making, and that it Outsourced Training Solutions© 30 might take some time to find the process/ style that works for you as a manager, as well as your team. Outsourced Training Solutions© 31 Case study: Corporate decision making Case problem: Decisions about whether, when and how to downsize (restructure). Southwest Airlines Co. ("Southwest") is a major domestic airline that provides primarily short haul, high‐frequency, point‐to‐point, low‐fare service. Founded in 1971 and headquartered in the US, Southwest is a large low‐cost airline. Airlines rely on key inputs such as aircraft, fuel and labour in order to operate. Like any airline it is sensitive to jet fuel prices and other operating costs. FORTUNE has listed Southwest Airlines among America’s Top Ten most admired corporations and previously ranked Southwest Airlines in the top five of the “Best Companies to Work For” in America. Today Southwest operates over 500 Boeing 737 aircraft in 66 cities. Southwest has among the lowest cost structures in the domestic airline industry and consistently offers the lowest and simplest fares. Southwest also has one of the best overall Customer Service records. The company is committed to provide its employees with a stable work environment with equal opportunity for learning and personal growth; there are more than 35,000 employees throughout the Southwest system. The airline is unionized (heavily unionized when compared with other US airlines). In 1995, Southwest became one of the first airlines to have a web site. In 2006, 70 percent of flight bookings and 73 percent of revenue was generated from bookings on After providing customers with the opportunity to book tickets online, Southwest Airlines found it then had too many call centre agents. Southwest Airlines provides us with a textbook example of effective organizational downsizing. Of course, CEO James Parker and his team had a few things going for them. The company had already established a culture of trust between employees and management. In addition, the downsizing was prompted by a growth in online bookings, meaning it was a technological event outside management's control that spurred the need for layoffs. Still, Southwest managed the change with notable effectiveness. First, it focused on both the survivors and the victims and was concerned about retaining the motivation and commitment of the people who remained. Second, there was a shared sense of urgency. Parker didn't act until all employees—and not just management—could see that there was a real need for the layoffs. And third, the airline handled the cuts in a way that was both economically and procedurally fair. It offered severance pay and gave employees the choice of moving to a different call center or taking a severance Outsourced Training Solutions© 32 package and leaving the company. It's important to recognize that what Southwest went through was necessary, in terms of both the downsizing itself and the way it handled the process. Because so much trust had been built among employees at all levels in the organization, management had to proceed in such a way to keep that trust intact. Learning from Southwest's Approach Southwest's approach was quite a bit different from the way downsizings are usually handled, which typically involves informing employees they are going to be downsized, escorting them to the door, and shipping their personal belongings to their home address. There's often no notice, no time to process the information, and no choice given to the employees. That approach, which is driven by management and forced upon employees, doesn't involve any form of employee participation. And unlike the case with Southwest, the reason many organizations have to downsize is strategic missteps or poor executive decision-making. That naturally causes a divide between employees and top management and can create an adversarial relationship. However, it is important to realise that all organizations can learn from the Southwest case. First, even if the downsizing is spurred by something internal, management can build trust with the survivors. Companies can find ways of creating urgency and getting employees on board with the need for change before it becomes absolutely essential. Managers can do that by sharing information about performance and how it must improve to maintain competitiveness. They can make sure severance pay is at least industry-standard and share information about job leads. Of course, things such as allowing employees to say goodbye to co-workers rather than escorting them out the door can go a long way. Give people advance notice, treat them with dignity and respect, and provide them with a reason for the downsizing. Rational economic arguments for change are considered alongside value based arguments to continue the status quo. Case Study References Albright, S., Winston, W. and Zappe, C. (2006) 'Data Analysis & Decision Making ‐ with Microsoft Excel', Ed. 3. South Western. Cole, G A. and Kelly, P P. (2011) 'Management Theory and Practice', Ed. 7. Cengage Outsourced Training Solutions© 33 EMEA. Kelly, P P. (2009) 'International Business and Management', Cengage Learning EMEA. Bloomberg Business week, 5ee675b54bdc8cd14e92e.html Outsourced Training Solutions© 34 Reading resources – The Vroom-Yetton-Jago Decision Model Deciding how to decide: How you go about making a decision can involve as many choices as the decision itself. Sometimes you have to take charge and decide what to do on your own. Other times its better to make a decision using group consensus. How do you decide which approach to use? Making good decisions is one of the main leadership tasks. Part of doing this is determining the most efficient and effective means of reaching the decision. You don't want to make autocratic decisions when team acceptance is crucial for a successful outcome. Nor do you want be involving your team in every decision you make, because that is an ineffective use of time and resources. What this means is you have to adapt your leadership style to the situation and decision you are facing. Autocratic styles work some of the time, highly participative styles work at other times, and various combinations of the two work best in the times in between. The Vroom-Yetton-Jago Decision Model provides a useful framework for identifying the best leadership style to adopt for the situation you're in. Note: This model was originally described by Victor Vroom and Philip Yetton in their 1973 book titled Leadership and Decision Making. Later in 1988, Vroom and Arthur Jago, replaced the decision tree system of the original model with an expert system based on mathematics. Hence you will see the model called Vroom-Yetton, Vroom-Jago, and Vroom-Yetton-Jago. The model here is based on the Vroom-Jago version of the model. Understanding the Model: When you sit down to make a decision, your style, and the degree of participation you need to get from your team, are affected by three main factors: Decision Quality – how important is it to come up with the "right" solution? The higher the quality of the decision needed, the more you should involve other people in the decision. Outsourced Training Solutions© 35 Subordinate Commitment - how important is it that your team and others buy into the decision? When teammates need to embrace the decision you should increase the participation levels. Time Constraints – How much time do you have to make the decision? The more time you have, the more you have the luxury of including others, and of using the decision as an opportunity for teambuilding. Specific Leadership Styles The way that these factors impact on you helps you determine the best leadership and decision-making style to use. Vroom-Jago distinguishes three styles of leadership, and five different processes of decision-making that you can consider using: Style: Autocratic – you make the decision and inform others of it. There are two separate processes for decision making in an autocratic style: Process: Autocratic 1(A1) – you use the information you already have and make the decision Autocratic 2 (A2) – you ask team members for specific information and once you have it, you make the decision. Here you don't necessarily tell them what the information is needed for. Style: Consultative – you gather information from the team and other and then make the decision. Process: Consultative 1 (C1) – you inform team members of what you doing and may individually ask opinions, however, the group is not brought together for discussion. You make the decision. Consultative 2 (C2) – you are responsible for making the decision, however, you get together as a group to discuss the situation, hear other perspectives, and solicit suggestions. Outsourced Training Solutions© 36 Style: Collaborative – you and your team work together to reach a consensus. Process: Group (G2) – The team makes a decision together. Your role is mostly facilitative and you help the team come to a final decision that everyone agrees on. Tip: This is a useful model, but it's quite complex and long-winded. Use it in new situations, or in ones which have unusual characteristics: Using it, you'll quickly get a feel for the right approach to use in more usual circumstances. To determine which of these styles and processes is most appropriate, there is a series of yes & no questions that you ask yourself about the situation, and building a decision tree based on the responses. There are seven questions in total. These are: 1. Is the technical quality of the decision very important? Meaning, are the consequences of failure significant? 2. Does a successful outcome depend on your team members' commitment to the decision? Must there be buy-in for the solution to work? 3. Do you have sufficient information to be able to make the decision on your own? 4. Is the problem well-structured so that you can easily understand what needs to be addressed and what defines a good solution? 5. Are you reasonably sure that your team will accept your decision even if you make it yourself? 6. Are the goals of the team consistent with the goals the organization has set to define a successful solution? 7. Will there likely be conflict among the team as to which solution is best? Use Figure 1 below to follow your answers through on the decision tree and identify the best decision process for your circumstances. Not that in some scenarios, you don't need to answer all of the questions. Outsourced Training Solutions© 37 In general, a consultative or collaborative style is most appropriate when: You need information from others to solve a problem. The problem definition isn't clear. Team members' buy-in to the decision is important. You have enough time to manage a group decision. An autocratic style is most efficient when: You have more expertise on the subject than others. You are confident about acting alone. The team will accept your decision. Outsourced Training Solutions© 38 There is little time available. Key points: The underlying assumption of the Vroom-Yetton-Jago Decision Models is that no one leadership style or decision making process fits all situations. By analysing the situation and evaluating the problem based on time, team buy-in, and decision quality, a conclusion about which style best fits the situation can be made. The model defines a very logical approach to which style to adopt and is useful for managers and leaders who are trying to balance the benefits of participative management with the need to make decisions effectively. Outsourced Training Solutions© 39 Reading resources – Stakeholder Analysis Winning support for your projects, by Rachel Thompson, "Stakeholder management is critical to the success of every project in every organization I have ever worked with. By engaging the right people in the right way in your project, you can make a big difference to its success... and to your career." As you become more successful in your career, the actions you take and the projects you run will affect more and more people. The more people you affect, the more likely it is that your actions will impact people who have power and influence over your projects. These people could be strong supporters of your work – or they could block it. Stakeholder Management is an important discipline that successful people use to win support from others. It helps them ensure that their projects succeed where others fail. Stakeholder Analysis is the technique used to identify the key people who have to be won over. You then use Stakeholder Planning to build the support that helps you succeed. The benefits of using a stakeholder-based approach are that: You can use the opinions of the most powerful stakeholders to shape your projects at an early stage. Not only does this make it more likely that they will support you, their input can also improve the quality of your project Gaining support from powerful stakeholders can help you to win more resources – this makes it more likely that your projects will be successful By communicating with stakeholders early and frequently, you can ensure that they fully understand what you are doing and understand the benefits of your project – this means they can support you actively when necessary You can anticipate what people's reaction to your project may be, and build into your plan the actions that will win people's support. How to Use the Tool: The first step in Stakeholder Analysis is to identify who your stakeholders are. The next step is to work out their power, influence and interest, so you know who you should focus on. The final step is to develop a good understanding of the most important stakeholders so that you know how they are likely to respond, and so that you can Outsourced Training Solutions© 40 work out how to win their support – you can record this analysis on a stakeholder map. After you have used this tool and created a stakeholder map, you can use the stakeholder planning tool to plan how you will communicate with each stakeholder. The steps of Stakeholder Analysis are explained below: Step 1. Identify Your Stakeholders The first step in your stakeholder analysis is to brainstorm who your stakeholders are. As part of this, think of all the people who are affected by your work, who have influence or power over it, or have an interest in its successful or unsuccessful conclusion. The table below shows some of the people who might be stakeholders in your job or in your projects: Your boss Shareholders Government Senior executives Alliance partners Trades associations Your co-workers Suppliers The press Your team Lenders Interest groups Customers Analysts The public Prospective customers Future recruits The community Your family Remember that although stakeholders may be both organizations and people, ultimately you must communicate with people. Make sure that you identify the correct individual stakeholders within a stakeholder organization. Step 2. Prioritize Your Stakeholders You may now have a long list of people and organizations that are affected by your work. Some of these may have the power either to block or advance. Some may be interested in what you are doing, others may not care. Map out your stakeholders on a Power/Interest Grid on our free template as shown in figure 1, and classify them by their power over your work and by their interest in your work. Outsourced Training Solutions© 41 For example, your boss is likely to have high power and influence over your projects and high interest. Your family may have high interest, but are unlikely to have power over it. Someone's position on the grid shows you the actions you have to take with them: High power, interested people: these are the people you must fully engage and make the greatest efforts to satisfy. High power, less interested people: put enough work in with these people to keep them satisfied, but not so much that they become bored with your message. Low power, interested people: keep these people adequately informed, and talk to them to ensure that no major issues are arising. These people can often be very helpful with the detail of your project. Low power, less interested people: again, monitor these people, but do not bore them with excessive communication. Step 3. Understand Your Key Stakeholders You now need to know more about your key stakeholders. You need to know how they are likely to feel about and react to your project. You also need to know how best to engage them in your project and how best to communicate with them. Key questions that can help you understand your stakeholders are: What financial or emotional interest do they have in the outcome of your Outsourced Training Solutions© 42 work? Is it positive or negative? What motivates them most of all? What information do they want from you? How do they want to receive information from you? What is the best way of communicating your message to them? What is their current opinion of your work? Is it based on good information? Who influences their opinions generally, and who influences their opinion of you? Do some of these influencers therefore become important stakeholders in their own right? If they are not likely to be positive, what will win them around to support your project? If you don't think you will be able to win them around, how will you manage their opposition? Who else might be influenced by their opinions? Do these people become stakeholders in their own right? A very good way of answering these questions is to talk to your stakeholders directly – people are often quite open about their views, and asking people's opinions is often the first step in building a successful relationship with them. You can summarize the understanding you have gained on the stakeholder map, so that you can easily see which stakeholders are expected to be blockers or critics, and which stakeholders are likely to be advocates and supporters or your project. A good way of doing this is by color coding: showing advocates and supporters in green, blockers and critics in red, and others who are neutral in orange. Outsourced Training Solutions© 43 Figure 2 shows an example of this – in this example, you can see that a lot of effort needs to be put into persuading Piers and Michael of the benefits of the project – Janet and Amanda also need to managed well as powerful supporters. Example: You can create your own example of stakeholder analysis at work – whether for your current role, a job you want to do or a new project. Conduct a full stakeholder analysis. Ask yourself whether you are communicating as effectively as you should be with your stakeholders. What actions can you take to get more from your supporters or win over your critics? Key Points: As the work you do and the projects you run become more important, you will affect more and more people. Some of these people have the power to undermine your projects and your position. Others may be strong supporters of your work. Stakeholder Management is the process by which you identify your key stakeholders and win their support. Stakeholder Analysis is the first stage of this, where you identify and start to understand your most important stakeholders. The first stage of this is brainstorm who your stakeholders are. The next step is to prioritize them by power and interest, and to plot this on a Power/Interest grid. The final stage is to get an understanding of what motivates your stakeholders and how you need to win them around. Outsourced Training Solutions© 44 Outsourced Training Solutions© 45 Reading resources – Avoiding Groupthink Avoiding fatal flaws in group decision making, Have you ever thought about speaking up in a meeting and then decided against it because you did not want to appear unsupportive of the group's efforts? Or led a team in which the team members were reluctant to express their own opinions? If so, you have probably been a victim of "Groupthink". Groupthink is a phenomenon that occurs when the desire for group consensus overrides people's common sense desire to present alternatives, critique a position, or express an unpopular opinion. Here, the desire for group cohesion effectively drives out good decision-making and problem solving. Two well-known examples of Groupthink in action are the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster and the Bay of Pigs invasion. Engineers of the space shuttle knew about some faulty parts months before takeoff, but they did not want negative press so they pushed ahead with the launch anyway. With the Bay of Pigs invasion, President Kennedy made a decision and the people around him supported it despite their own concerns. The term "Groupthink" was coined by Irving Janis in 1972 when he was researching why a team reaches an excellent decision one time, and a disastrous one the next. What he found was that a lack of conflict or opposing viewpoints led to poor decisions, because alternatives were not fully analyzed, and because groups did not gather enough information to make an informed decision. How to Spot Groupthink Janis suggested that Groupthink happens when there is: A strong, persuasive group leader. A high level of group cohesion. Intense pressure from the outside to make a good decision. In fact, it is now widely recognized that Groupthink-like behavior is found in many situations and across many types of groups and team settings. So it's important to look out for the key symptoms. Symptoms of Groupthink Outsourced Training Solutions© 46 Rationalization: This is when team members convince themselves that despite evidence to the contrary, the decision or alternative being presented is the best one. "Those other people don't agree with us because they haven't researched the problem as extensively as we have." Peer Pressure: When a team member expresses an opposing opinion or questions the rationale behind a decision, the rest of the team members work together to pressure or penalize that person into compliance. "Well if you really feel that we're making a mistake you can always leave the team." Complacency: After a few successes, the group begins to feel like any decision they make is the right one because there is no disagreement from any source. "Our track record speaks for itself. We are unstoppable!" Moral High Ground: Each member of the group views him or herself as moral: The combination of moral minds is therefore thought not to be likely to make a poor or immoral decision. When morality is used as a basis for decision-making, the pressure to conform is even greater because no individual wants to be perceived as immoral. "We all know what is right and wrong, and this is definitely right." Stereotyping: As the group becomes more uniform in their views, they begin to see outsiders as possessing a different and inferior set of morals and characteristics from themselves. These perceived negative characteristics are then used to discredit the opposition. "Lawyers will find any excuse to argue, even when the facts are clearly against them." Censorship: Members censor their opinions in order to conform. "If everyone else agrees then my thoughts to the contrary Outsourced Training Solutions© 47 must be wrong." Information that is gathered is censored so that it also conforms to, or supports the chosen decision or alternative. "Don't listen to that nonsense, they don't have a clue about what is really going on." Illusion of Unanimity: Because no one speaks out, everyone in the group feels the group's decision is unanimous. This is what feeds the Groupthink and causes it to spiral out of control. "I see we all agree so it's decided then." How to Avoid Groupthink The challenge for any team or group leader is to create a working environment in which Groupthink is unlikely to happen. It is important also to understand the risks of Groupthink – if the stakes are high, you need to make a real effort to ensure that you're making good decisions. To avoid Groupthink, it is important to have a process in place for checking the fundamental assumptions behind important decisions, for validating the decisionmaking process, and for evaluating the risks involved. For significant decisions, make sure your team does the following in their decision-making process: Explores objectives. Explores alternatives. Encourages ideas to be challenged without reprisal. Examines the risks if the preferred choice is chosen. Tests assumptions. If necessary, goes back and re-examines initial alternatives that were rejected. Gathers relevant information from outside sources. Processes this information objectively. Has at least one contingency plan. There are many group techniques that can help with this, including the "Mind Tools" listed below. By using one or more of these techniques to accomplish aspects of the group's work, you will vary the group's ways of working, and so guard against Outsourced Training Solutions© 48 Groupthink and help make better decisions. Tools That Help You Avoid Groupthink Group Techniques: Brainstorming Helps ideas flow freely without criticism. Nominal Group Allows each group member to contribute individually, so Technique mitigating the risk that stronger and more persuasive group members dominate the decision making process. Six Thinking Hats Helps the team look at a problem from many different perspectives, allowing people to play "Devil's Advocate". The Delphi Technique Allows team members to contribute individually, with no knowledge of a group view, and with little penalty for disagreement. Decision Support Tools: Risk Analysis Helps team members explore and manage risk. Impact Analysis Ensures that the consequences of a decision are thoroughly explored. The Ladder of Inference Helps people check and validate the individual steps of a decision-making process. How to Overcome Groupthink However, if Groupthink does set in, it's important that you recognize and acknowledge it quickly, so that you can overcome it and quickly get back to functioning effectively. Follow these steps to do this: 1. Even with good group decision-making processes in place, be on the lookout for signs of Groupthink, so you can deal with them swiftly. 2. If there are signs of Groupthink, discuss these in the group. Once acknowledged, the group as a whole can consciously free up its decision making. Outsourced Training Solutions© 49 3. Assess the immediate risks of any decision, and the consequences for the group and its customers. If risks are high (for example risk of personal safety), make sure you take steps to fully validate any decision before it is ratified. 4. If appropriate, seek external validation, get more information from outside, and test assumptions. Use the bullets above as a starting point in diagnosing things that needs to change. 5. Introduce formal group techniques and decision-making tools, such as the ones listed above, to avoid Groupthink in the future. Key Points Groupthink can severely undermine the value of a group's work and, at its worst, it can cost people their lives. On a lesser scale, it can stifle teamwork, and leave all but the most vocal team members disillusioned and dissatisfied. If you're on a team that makes a decision you don't really support but you feel you can't say or do anything about it, your enthusiasm will quickly fade. Teams are capable of being much more effective than individuals but, when Groupthink sets in, the opposite can be true. By creating a healthy group-working environment, you can help ensure that the group makes good decisions, and manages any associated risks appropriately. Group techniques such as Brainstorming, the Nominal Group Technique and Six Thinking Hats can help with this, as can other decision making and thinking tools. Outsourced Training Solutions© 50 Reading resources – Charette Procedure Tips For Charette Procedure, March 01 2001, (Brainstorming multiple ideas with multiple stakeholders) The Charette Procedure is a group idea generating and prioritizing tool. Its strength is its ability to address several issues at once in a highly interactive group setting. The charette procedure involves several small groups simultaneously discussing parts of the "big picture," then passing their ideas on to the next group for refinement, enlargement, and eventually, prioritization. The charette procedure is especially useful when a group has decided what they want to do, but is unsure of all the details involved in how to do it. The technique is effective for: Addressing several issues simultaneously Encouraging active participation Sharing leadership among group members Building on ideas generated by others Keeping discussion active and interesting An Illustration of the Charette Procedure: A community group has decided that they want to build a skateboard park for the area's youth. Their task now is to decide how to implement their plan for a skateboard park. The group decides to address the following issues: 1. Where should the skateboard park be located? 2. How should the issue of liability be handled? 3. Where are the funds going to come from to build the park? 4. How are they going to raise the public's interest and acceptance for the project? To start the Charette Procedure, the group is divided into four smaller groups, one for each of the issues to be addressed. Each small group is assigned one of the issues to discuss. Each small group designates someone to record all the ideas generated. The small groups brainstorm to generate as many ideas as possible. The recorders write all ideas on newsprint. After about 10 minutes, the discussion is stopped and the Outsourced Training Solutions© 51 recorders take the newsprint and move on to the next group. The next group reviews the newsprint items, refines and adds their own. The rotation continues until each group has discussed each of the four issues. The last small group in the rotation priorities the newsprint items. The total group is reconvened. The recorders for each issue report on the priorities set. Procedure 1. Divide the participants into small groups (5 - 7 people), either by numbering off, or some other method. 2. Ask each group to select a recorder, then provide each group with a discussion topic or question. If there are many small groups, some groups may get the same discussion topic or question; otherwise, each group should get a different topic for discussion. 3. Establish a time limit (8 to 10 minutes) for the groups to generate ideas in response to the topic. The recorder should write all responses on newsprint. 4. The leader gives a two minute warning then calls time at the end of the time period. The recorders take the newsprint responses from their group and rotate to the next group, i.e., the topic goes with the recorder. A suggested rotation order for the recorders (and the topics) is shown below. Group 1 Group 2 Group 4 Group 3 5. Once the recorder joins his/her new group, all groups are asked to review the information generated by the previous group and quickly add any other ideas they have. 6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 until each group has had an opportunity to discuss every issue. During the last rotation, each group should prioritize the most significant or important ideas generated on that topic. Outsourced Training Solutions© 52 7. The total group is reconvened. Each recorder displays the newsprint and summarizes the discussion and priorities generated by the topic. 8. At this point, the total group may want to discuss the small group reports and review priorities and reach consensus. Outsourced Training Solutions© 53 Reading resources – Crawford’s Slip Writing Method Generating ideas from many contributors, How do you unlock the collective knowledge and ideas of your team, your department or even your whole organization? And how do you do this in a way that everyone (not just those with the biggest egos) gets heard? The Crawford Slip Method is a simple yet effective type of brainstorming that gives the opinions of all team members equal weight, however quiet they are. In fact, you probably will have encountered this way of generating ideas and solutions even if you haven't called it the Crawford Slip Method. Invented in the 1920s by Dr. C.C. Crawford, Professor of Education at the University of Southern California, the method simply involves collating input from people on slips of paper (nowadays often on Post-It Notes®). Not only does this help you generate a wide variety of solutions, it also helps people get involved and feel that their contributions are valued. Writing rather than speaking during the session can have added advantages: it helps people to think freely without interruption, and it levels the playing field between quieter people and more outspoken participants. More than this, as peoples individual contributions are brought together into groupings of similar ideas, it gives you a feel for the overall "popularity" of each idea. Tip 1: The Crawford Slip Method and other creative brainstorming techniques focus on generating ideas and contributions, rather than how to use these to create a group outcome. If, however, your main need is to achieve consensus on a particular issue, consider using the Nominal Group Technique instead. This is a useful method for achieving a robust group consensus on controversial issues. Outsourced Training Solutions© 54 Reading resources – Step ladder technique Making better group decisions, Making decisions within a group can often be challenging. When things go well, they can go very well. However, when things go wrong, you can end up mired in conflict. Some people may fight for recognition and position, others may be over-critical or disruptive, while others may sit quietly and not contribute anything to the overall effort. Because of this, groups can often spin out of control and make worse decisions than individuals working on their own. When this happens, it's easy to see why some people throw their hands up in frustration and give up. However, when a group works in the right way, it really WORKS. Groups that function effectively together can outperform individuals and make much better decisions. But how do you make your group effective? How do you get all group members to contribute and inspire one another to create great ideas and solutions? The Stepladder Technique is a useful method for encouraging individual participation in group decision making. What is the Stepladder Technique? The Stepladder Technique is a simple tool that manages how members enter the decision-making group. Developed by Steven Rogelberg, Janet Barnes-Farrell and Charles Lowe in 1992, it encourages all members to contribute on an individual level BEFORE being influenced by anyone else. This results in a wider variety of ideas, it prevents people from "hiding" within the group, and it helps people avoid being "stepped on" or overpowered by stronger, louder group members. All of this helps the group make better decisions. How to Use the Tool The Stepladder Technique has five basic steps. Here's how it works. Step 1: Before getting together as a group, present the task or problem to all members. Give everyone sufficient time to think about what needs to be done and to form their own opinions on how to best accomplish the task or solve the problem. Step 2: Form a core group of two members. Have them discuss the problem. Step 3: Add a third group member to the core group. The third member presents ideas Outsourced Training Solutions© 55 to the first two members BEFORE hearing the ideas that have already been discussed. After all three members have laid out their solutions and ideas, they discuss their options together. Step 4: Repeat the same process by adding a fourth member, and so on, to the group. Allow time for discussion after each additional member has presented his or her ideas. Step 5: Reach a final decision only after all members have been brought in and presented their ideas. The Stepladder Technique is similar to the Delphi Method, another tool that's often used in groups to prevent Groupthink and to encourage participation. While both tools have the same objective, they differ in a few key ways: In the Delphi Method, an objective facilitator or leader manages the group. In the Stepladder Technique, all members are equal. The Delphi Method keeps members anonymous. The facilitator manages the flow of information, and members may have no idea who else is in the group. The Stepladder Technique involves face-to-face meetings, so everyone knows who the other members are. The Delphi Method is a lengthy process, while the Stepladder Technique is much quicker. The Delphi Method is often used for major decisions that need input from a large number of people. The Stepladder Technique works best with smaller groups that make a wide range of decisions. Tip: Groups can begin to lose their effectiveness and ability to make good quality decisions if they have too many members. Keep your group small – four to seven team members – to maximize effectiveness. Key Points The Stepladder Technique is a step-by-step approach that helps you ensure that all members of a group participate and are heard. The technique allows shy, quiet people to present their ideas before other group members can influence them, and it Outsourced Training Solutions© 56 allows everyone to hear many different viewpoints before reaching a final decision. Outsourced Training Solutions© 57 Case study: Corporate decision making A company well established in the manufacture of automobile accessories discusses a proposal to diversify in to manufacture of computer hardware accessories. Opinion in the top management is divided - some want to stick only to the proven core business line and some are very enthusiastic to diversify. The Chief executive has to decide yes or no for diversification. Let us assume that the chief executive decides in favour of diversifying into manufacture of computer accessories. Now, he would be confronted with decision making on several issues. He has to start off with defining the problems. Using our decision making process steps lets help him consider the following: 1) Establishing a positive decision-making environment: Consider: What is the objective? What process will we adopt? Who should be involved in the decision making process? How can you ensure that opinions are shared and heard? Asking the right questions. For example: whether to float a separate company for the purpose in a new name, at a new infrastructure or produce the new products in the existing set up; whether to use the same company name / brand name (and to utilize the familiarity and reputation); whether to go for indigenous or imported technology; whether to hire totally new managerial team or utilize some of the existing talent pool in the company for key administrative positions; whether to locate the factory adjacent to the existing factory or find a totally new location, etc. Further consideration: the manager requires information (other than market potential, Outsourced Training Solutions© 58 availability of funds and profitability related facts, which he should have already done while deciding prima facie in favour of diversification) covering: Legal, Tax, statutory and other issues involved in the manufacture of new products from same company or from separate company; Sources of technology, relative costs, relative reputation, benefits and limitations; Effect of existing managerial structure and availability of second line of talent in case some of the existing senior executives are shifted to new product line - etc. 2) Generating potential solutions: Consider: What are the best tools/ techniques to generate Ideas? How can we include different perspectives? How can we organise ideas into workable solutions? For example: the plant be location to achieve the best strategic advantage; the cost implications of the selected sites, and does a cost benefit analysis effectively capture the data required to decide on a location. Site ”X” might have access to infrastructure, but not to labour, site “Y” could provide access to resources and suppliers but the capital costs impact on the long-term viability of the product-line, etc; access to market – international and local and the cost implications of each. Further considerations: in the current stage of discussions, involving the executives who can be considered for manning the new product-line may create undue expectations and unhealthy rumours about shifts and promotions. decisions about using existing brand name or creating a new brand name will definitely be one needing more opinions and it cannot be simply decided based on any facts and figures. Outsourced Training Solutions© 59 3) Evaluating the solutions and exploring the alternatives : Consider: What is the risk involved in the different solutions? What are the potential consequences (implications) of each solution? Do the solutions match your objective? Do you have the resources? Will the solution work in the short- or long-term? For example: If the plant is located in place "X" will it get any Government subsidies or special tax benefits and consequently will it be better than locations "Y" or "Z" which are strategically more convenient? Will the collaborators "A" help getting export markets when compared to "B" who are more respectable in domestic market only? Further considerations: how to align the proposed solutions with the objectives and the company strategy. Long-term impact – advantages and disadvantages. 4) Choose the Best Alternative Consider: What criteria will we use to decide on the best alternative? Who will be involved in the decision making? Which solution best meets your strategic objects? ROI of the differing solutions? Not simply looking at the financial aspects Who will take responsibility for implementation? How will we evaluate the results and incorporate the learning into the organisation? For example: The chief executive has decided to include input from employees at all Outsourced Training Solutions© 60 levels and a workshop has been planned to inform employees of the expansion. The chief executive has decided to make an executive decision and has simply informed employees of the expansion. Further considerations: Time required for a more inclusive process, allowing for a greater number of people to participate in the decision making process. How does this translate into cost to company and “bottom-line” impact on the viability of introducing the new product line? The impact on moral and productivity if this remains an executive decision. Outsourced Training Solutions© 61