Control del Movimiento Introducción • En esta lección analizaremos algunas estrategias de control del movimiento de un robot. Concretamente: – – – – Moverse a un punto. Seguir una línea. Seguir una trayectoria. Moverse a una pose específica. • La lección se basa en el capítulo 4, apartado 4.2 del libro de P. Corke “Robotics, vision and Control”, 2ª ed. the rear axle. The configuration of the vehicle is represented by the generalized coordinates q = (x, y, θ ) ∈ C where C ⊂ R2 × S1. Rudolph (1764–1834) waswhich a German TheAckermann dashed lines show the direction along the wheelsinventor cannot move,born the at Schneeberg, in Saxony. For of no motion, and these intersect a point known as the Instantaneous Center a saddler like his father. For a ti cial lines reasons he was unable to atattend university and became of Rotation (ICR). The reference point of the vehicle thus follows a circular path and worked as avelocity saddler and coach-builder and in 1795 established a print-shop and drawing-s its angular is in London. He published a popular magazine “The Repository of Arts, Literature, Comm (4.1) Manufactures, Fashion and Politics” that included an eclectic mix of articles on water pump lighting, and lithographic presses, along with fashion plates and furniture designs. He manufa and by simple geometry the turning radius is RB = L / tan γ where L is the length of the vehicle or wheel base. As we would expect the turning circle increases with vehicle paper for landscape and miniature painters, patented a method for waterproofing cloth an length. The steering angle γ is typically limited mechanically and its maximum value per dictates and built a factory to produce it. He is buried in Kensal Green Cemetery, Lo the minimum value ofin RBChelsea . In 1818 Ackermann took out British patent 4212 on behalf of the German inventor G Vehicle coordinate system. The coordinate system that we will use, and a common one for vehicles Lankensperger for mechanism which ensures of all sorts is that the x-axisaissteering forward (longitudinal motion), the y-axis is to the left side (lateral that the steered wheels move on motion) which implies that the z-axis is upward. For aerospace and underwater applications the with az-axis common center. The same scheme was proposed and tested by Erasmus Darwin (g is often downward and the x-axis is forward. father of Charles) in the 1760s. Subsequent refinement by the Frenchman Charles Jeanta to the mechanism used in cars to this day which is known as Ackermann steering. Modelo de Robot (bicicleta) • Denominaremos pose del robot a su localización y orientación. • Supondremos un modelo de robot Arcs withque smoothly como el mostrado, nosvarying llevaradius. a Dubbins and Reeds-Shepp paths comdefinirla a partir de un vector de tres prises constant radius circular arcs and dimensiones en coordenadas straight line segments. del mundo: P = [x, y, θ]T • Supondremos que el robot se comanda a partir de dos señales: – Velocidad lineal (v). – Ángulo de giro del volante: γ. For a fixed steering wheel angle the car moves along a circular arc. For this curves on roads are circular arcs or clothoids! which makes life easier for the since constant or smoothly varying steering wheel angle allow the car to follow th Fig. 4.1. Note that RF > RB which means the front wheel must follow a longer path and th Bicycle model of a car. The car is shown in light grey, and the rotate more quickly than the back wheel. When a four-wheeled vehicle goes ar bicycle approximation is dark The vehicle’s body frame corner the two steered wheels follow circular paths ofgrey. different radii and theref is shown in red, and the world coordinate frame in blue. The angles of the steered wheels γ L and γ R should be very slightly different. This is a steering wheel angle is γ and the velocity of the back wheel, in thewhich x-direction, results is v. The two in lower w by the commonly used Ackermann steering mechanism wheel axes are extended as dashed lines and intersect at on corners w tear on the tyres. The driven wheels must rotate at different speeds the Instantaneous Center of Rotation (ICR) and the distance why a differential gearbox is required between the motor and the driven wheel from the ICR to the back and front wheels is R and R respecThe velocity of the robot in the world frame is (v cos tively θ , v sin θ ) and combin Eq. 4.1 we write the equations of motion as B F • Con esto, podríamos definir un modelo cinemático del robot. Las ecuaciones de movimiento del robot en coordenadas del mundo son: From Sharp 1896 This model is referred to as a kinematic model since it describes the velocities of the but not the forces or torques that cause the velocity. The rate of change of heading Ë is to as turn rate, heading rate or yaw rate and can be measured by a gyroscope. It can deduced from the angular velocity of the nondriven wheels on the left- and right-han Modelo de Robot (bicicleta) 102 Chapter 4 · Mobile Robot Vehicles Fig. 4.2. Simulink model sl_lanechange that results in a lane changing maneuver. The pulse generator drives the steering angle left then right. The vehicle has a default wheelbase L = 1 >> out Simulink.SimulationOutput: t: [504x1 double] y: [504x4 double] from which we can retrieve the simulation time and other variables Fig. 4.3. Simple lane changing maneuver. a Vehicle response as a function of time, b motion in the xy-plane, the vehicle moves in the positive x-direction Control del Robot • Moverse a un Punto: 104 Chapter 4 · Mobile Robot Vehicles – Nos queremos mover a un punto del plano P* = [x*, y*]T – En las diferentes etapas, el robot debería implementar la siguiente acción de control (regulador proporcional): • v* = kv (x − x*)2 + (y* − y)2 −1 y* −y • θ* = tan x* − x • γ = Kh(θ* − θ) which is shown in Fig. 4.5 for a number of starting poses. In each case the vehicle h moved forward and turned onto a path toward the goal point. The final part of each pa is a straight line and the final orientation therefore depends on the starting point. l Following a Line Another useful task for a mobile robot is to follow a line on the plane! defined ax + by + c = 0. This requires two controllers to adjust steering. One controller Ejercicio • Hacer una simulación (python) basada en el modelo anterior de robot de la trayectoria que sigue para ir desde una posición inicial a una final, ambas pedidas por teclado. Nota • En la resta de ngulos para el control de la orientaci n, se recomienda usar la siguiente funci n que devuelve el ngulo entre –pi y pi import numpy as np def angdiff(th1, th2): d = th1 - th2 d = np.mod(d+np.pi, 2*np.pi) - np.pi return d . . ó á á ó : • Igualmente, para calcular arcotangentes usar la función atan2(Y, X) para obtener un ángulo considerando los cuatro cuadrantes Control del Robot • Seguir una Trayectoria: Fig. 4.10. The Simulink® model sl_pursuit drives the vehicle to follow an arbitrary moving target using pure pursuit. In this example the vehicle follows a point moving around a unit circle with a frequency of 0.1 Hz – Se trata de seguir una secuencia de puntos (x*, y*) en el plano xy. – Se supone que recibimos un punto en cada instante de muestreo. – Para cada punto de la trayectoria calculamos un error: • e= (x* − x)2 + (y* − y)2 − d* v* = Kve + edt ∫ y* − y • θ* = atan x* − x • γ = Kh(θ* − θ) • Fig. 4.11. Simulation results from pure pursuit. a Path of the robot in the xy-plane. The black dashed line is the circle to be tracked and the blue line in the path followed by the robot. b The speed of the vehicle versus time Control del Robot ax + by + c = 0 • Seguir una línea: ! Fig. 4.6. The Simulink model – Dos controladores paradrives el the giro sl_driveline ve- del hicle along a line. The line paramvolante: eters (a, b, c) are set in the workspace variable L. Red blocks have Kd > that 0 you can adjust to • αd = − Kd d,parameters d<0 x − 2y + 4 = 0 investigate the effect on perfor– siendo d la distancia ortogonal de la mance posición del robot a la línea – d= ax + by + c a2 + b2 d>0 • Ajustar la orientación del robot paralela a la línea: Fig. 4.7. −a – θ* = tan b – αh = Kh(θ* − θ), Kh > 0 Simulation results from different −1 initial poses for the line (1, −2, 4) • and an initial pose γ = αd + αh = − Kd d + Kh(θ* − θ)>> θ* = atan2(−1, − 2) ≈ − 153o x0 = [8 5 pi/2]; and then simulate the motion >> r = sim('sl_driveline'); Para que vaya hacia la derecha, todo encaja perfectamente si especi camos la curva como -x+2y-4=0 fi The vehicle’s path for a number of different starting poses is shown in Fig. 4.7. 76 angle of respect to α is the a with resp Chapter 4 · Mobile Robot Vehicles which results in Moverse a una pose específica and assumes the goal {G} is in front of the vehicle. The linear control law 76 Chapter 4 · Mobile Robot Vehicles ρ= Δ2x + Δ2y drives the robot β ) = (0, 0, 0). The intuition behind Δy to a unique equilibrium! at (ρ,Fig.α, 4.12. −1 Polar coordinate notation for the = tan − θthat the terms k ρ and k α drive thisαcontroller is the robot along a line toward {G} bicycle model vehicle moving ρ α Δx toward a goal pose: ρ is the to the goal, β is the while the term kβ β rotates the line so that β →distance 0. The closed-loop system angle of the goal vector with β =−θ−α respect to the world frame, and The control law introduces a discon nuity at ρ = 0 which satisfies Brocke theorem. α is the angle of the goal vector with respect to the vehicle frame and assumes the goal {G} is in front of the vehicle. The linear control law which results in is stable so long as and assumes the goal {G} is in front of the vehicle. The linear control law Fig. 4.12. Polar coordinate notation for the bicycle model vehicle moving toward a goal pose: ρ is the distance to the goal, β is the angle of the goal vector with respect to the world frame, and α is the angle of the goal vector with respect to the vehicle frame drives the robot to a unique equilibrium! at (ρ, α, β ) = (0, 0, 0). The intuition behind thisdrivescontroller is that the terms kρ ρ and kα α drive the robot along a line toward {G} the robot to a unique equilibrium at (ρ, α, β ) = (0, 0, 0). The intuition behind this controller is that the terms k ρ and k α drive the robot along a line toward {G} while the term kβ βso thatrotates the line so that β → 0. The closed-loop system while the term k β rotates the line β → 0. The closed-loop system ! ρ α The control law introduces a discontinuity at ρ = 0 which satisfies Brockett’s theorem. β which results in is stable so long as The contro nuity at ρ theorem. Opcional • Si queréis experimentar con las simulaciones que se muestran en el libro, podéis instalar una toolbox para Matlab/Simulink: • • Existe un port a python