FAC1601/101/3/2019 Tutorial letter 101/3/2019 Financial Accounting Reporting FAC1601 Semesters 1 & 2 Department of Financial Accounting IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This tutorial letter contains important information about your module. FAC1601/101/3/2019 CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3 2 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE................................................................ 3 2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3 3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................... 3 4. COMMUNICATION WITH THE UNIVERSITY .............................................................................. 4 5. MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES ............................................................................................. 4 5.1 Inventory letter .............................................................................................................................. 4 5.2 Study material ............................................................................................................................... 4 5.3 Calculator policy ........................................................................................................................... 5 6 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE MODULE ............................................................... 5 6.1 Contact with fellow students.......................................................................................................... 5 7. ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 6 7.1 Assignments and learning ............................................................................................................. 6 7.2 Submission of assignments .......................................................................................................... 6 7.3 Unique assignment numbers ........................................................................................................ 6 7.4 Due dates for assignments ........................................................................................................... 7 7.5 Feedback on assignments ............................................................................................................ 7 7.6 Study process ............................................................................................................................... 7 7.7 Important aspects regarding assignments ..................................................................................... 8 7.8 Plagiarism ..................................................................................................................................... 8 8. PROPOSED STUDY PROGRAMME FOR 2019 .......................................................................... 9 8.1 First semester ............................................................................................................................... 9 8.2 Second semester .......................................................................................................................... 9 ADDENDUM A: COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 01 (FIRST SEMESTER).......................................... 10 ADDENDUM B: COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 02 (FIRST SEMESTER).......................................... 16 ADDENDUM C: COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 01 (SECOND SEMESTER) ..................................... 22 ADDENDUM D: COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 02 (SECOND SEMESTER) ..................................... 28 2 FAC1601/101/3/2019 1 INTRODUCTION Dear Student, We are pleased to welcome you to this module and hope that you will find it both interesting and rewarding. We will do our best to make your study of this module successful. You will be well on your way to success if you start studying early in the semester and resolve to do the assignments properly. You will receive a number of tutorial letters during the year. A tutorial letter is our way of communicating with you about teaching, learning and assessment. This tutorial letter contains important information about the scheme of work, resources and assignments for this module. We urge you to read it carefully and to keep it at hand when working through the study material, preparing the assignments, preparing for the examination and addressing questions to your lecturers. Please read Tutorial Letter 301 in combination with this tutorial letter as it gives you an idea of generally important information when studying distance education and information within a particular College. In this tutorial letter, you will find the assignments and assessment criteria as well as instructions on the preparation and submission of the assignments. It also provides all the information you need with regard to the prescribed study material and other resources and how to obtain them. Please study this information carefully and make sure that you obtain the prescribed material as soon as possible. Right from the start we would like to point out that you must read all the tutorial letters you receive during the semester immediately and carefully, as they always contain important and, sometimes, urgent information. You will also find useful information of a general nature in Tutorial Letter 301 and in the booklet Study@Unisa. Having read through these, you should be well prepared to start. We trust that you will enjoy this module and wish you all the best! 2 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE 2.1 Purpose The purpose of this module is to introduce students to financial accounting and reporting referring to some of the International Accounting Standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. In this module the focus will be on financial reporting and the analysis of financial statements of partnerships and close corporations. You must also be able to record the accounting entries for the formation of, admittance to, retirement or death of a partner and the liquidation of partnerships. Furthermore, you will be introduced to companies. You should be able to record the accounting entries to the capital structure of companies. You should be able to record the transactions relating to businesses with branches and to know how to record the transactions between head office and the branch. Lastly, you must be able to prepare calculations relating to the time value of money. 3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS The following lecturers are responsible for this module: Mr S Mnguni (Module leader) Mr B Khanyeza Mrs B Ceki Mr A Visagie +27(0)12 429 4835 +27(0)12 429 4766 +27(0)12 429 3631 +27(0)12 429 4810 3 FAC1601/101/3/2019 All queries that are not of a purely administrative nature but are about the content of this module should be directed to us. Please have your study material with you when you contact us. NB: Letters to lecturers may not be enclosed with or inserted into assignments. 4. COMMUNICATION WITH THE UNIVERSITY The following contact details may be used for any enquiries within the College of Accounting Sciences (CAS) College e-mail Addresses: - CASenquiries-Postgraduate@unisa.ac.za - CASenquiries-Undergraduate@unisa.ac.za - CASenquiries-CTA@unisa.ac.za College telephone number: 012 429 2982/2233 If you need to contact the university about matters not related to the content of this module, please consult the publication Study@Unisa, which you have received with your study material. This brochure contains information on how to contact the university (e.g. to whom you can write for different queries, important telephone and fax numbers, addresses and details of the times certain facilities are open). 5. MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES 5.1 Inventory letter You should have received an inventory letter indicating what you have received in your study package and also showing items that are still outstanding. Also see the brochure entitled Study@Unisa. Check the study material that you have received against the inventory letter. You should have received all the items listed in the letter, unless there is a statement such as “out of stock” or “not available”. If any item is missing, follow the instructions on the back of the inventory letter without delay. PLEASE NOTE Your lecturers cannot help you with missing study material. For any enquiries about your study material, please contact the UNISA despatch department by sending a SMS to 43579 or by e-mailing despatch@unisa.ac.za. 5.2 Study material The despatch department should supply you with the following study material for this module: One study guide Tutorial Letters 101 and 301 at registration and others later Apart from Tutorial Letters 101 and 301, you will also receive other tutorial letters during the semester. These tutorial letters will not necessarily be available at the time of registration, but will be dispatched to you as soon as they are available or needed (for instance, for feedback on assignments). If you have access to the internet, you can view the study guides and tutorial letters for the modules for which you are registered on the university’s online campus, myUnisa, at http://myunisa.ac.za. 4 Prescribed book FAC1601/101/3/2019 Your prescribed book for this module is: About Financial Accounting, Volume 2, 7th Edition by Doussy F, et al. LexisNexis Butterworths. Durban. 2018. Please consult the list of official booksellers and their addresses listed in Study@Unisa. If you have any difficulty obtaining books from these bookshops, please contact the Prescribed Books Section. 5.3 Calculator policy Unisa’s calculator policy is as follows: Candidates may only use silent, electronic, battery-driven pocket calculators subject to the following conditions: ● Calculators must be cordless, and may not have print-out facilities or alpha keys; ● The calculator function on mobile telephones or any electronic device (i.e. laptops and/or any Smart Phone) may not be used; and ● Candidates may not share a calculator with another candidate in the examination room. 6 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE MODULE For information on the various student support systems and services available for students at Unisa (e.g. student counselling, tutorial classes, language support), please consult the publication Study@Unisa, which you have received with your study material. 6.1 Contact with fellow students 6.1.1 Study groups It is advisable to have contact with fellow students. One way to do this is to form study groups. The addresses of students in your area may be obtained from the following department: Directorate: Student Administration and Registration PO Box 392 UNISA 0003 6.1.2 myUNISA If you have access to a computer that is linked to the internet, you can quickly access resources and information at the university. The myUnisa learning management system is Unisa's online campus that will help you to communicate with your lecturers, with other students and with the administrative departments of Unisa – all through the computer and the internet. To go to the myUnisa website, start at the main Unisa website, http://www.unisa.ac.za, and then click on the “Login to myUnisa” link on the right-hand side of the screen. This should take you to the myUnisa website. You can also go there directly by typing http://my.unisa.ac.za. Please consult the publication Study@Unisa, which you received with your study material, for more information on myUnisa. 5 FAC1601/101/3/2019 7. ASSESSMENT 7.1 Assignments and learning Compulsory assignments for all modules should be submitted by students at set due dates. Assignments are seen as part of the learning process for this module. As you do the assignment, study the reading text, consult other resources, discuss the work with fellow students or tutors or do research, you are actively engaged in learning. The assessment criteria included in your study guide at the end of each study unit will help you to understand what is required of you when doing your assignment. 7.2 Submission of assignments Enquiries about assignments (e.g. whether or not the university has received your assignment or the date on which an assignment was returned to you) must be directed to the assignments department. This department can be reached by sending an SMS to 43584 or by e-mail at assign@unisa.ac.za. You might also find information on myUNISA. To gain access to the myUnisa website, start at the main Unisa website, http://www.unisa.ac.za, and then click on the ‘login to myUnisa link under the myUnisa heading on the screen. This should take you to the myUnisa website. You can also go there directly by typing http://my.unisa.ac.za. Assignments should be addressed to: The Registrar (Assignments) PO Box 392 UNISA 0003 You may submit written assignments and assignments done on mark-reading sheets either by post or electronically via myUNISA. Assignments may not be submitted by fax or email. For detailed information and requirements for assignments refer to the brochure Study@Unisa, which you have received with your study material. To submit an assignment through myUNISA: Go to myUnisa. Log in with your student number and password. Select the module. Click on assignments in the menu on the left. Click on the assignment number you want to submit. Follow the instructions on the screen. 7.3 Unique assignment numbers In addition to the general assignment number (e.g. 02), assignments to be completed by means of a mark-reading sheet (multiple choice questions) or by means of a written assignment must also have their unique assignment number. The following are the unique assignment numbers for 2018: Semester 1 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Type Multiple choice Multiple choice Unique number 872524 797345 Semester 2 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Type Multiple choice Multiple choice Unique number 806208 755231 6 FAC1601/101/3/2019 7.4 Due dates for assignments The two compulsory assignments for this module are attached as Addendum A and Addendum B for the first semester and Addendum C and Addendum D for the second semester. Assignments must reach the university not later than the dates specified below: Assignment number 01/2019 Compulsory – Addendum A 02/2019 Compulsory – Addendum B Semester 1 Due dates 12 March 2019 09 April 2019 01/2019 Compulsory – Addendum C 02/2019 Compulsory – Addendum D Semester 2 Due dates 20 August 2019 10 September 2019 The receipt of assignments after the due date disrupts our marking programme and the uncontrolled submission of assignments creates administrative problems. No extension or requests for extension of assignments will be considered. 7.5 Feedback on assignments You will automatically receive the correct answers for multiple-choice questions. Feedback on compulsory assignments will be sent to all students registered for this module in a follow-up tutorial letter, and not only to those students who submitted the assignments. The tutorial letter numbers will be 201, 202, etc. As soon as you have received the feedback, please work through it. The assignments and the feedback on these assignments constitute an important part of your learning and should help you to be better prepared for the next assignment and the examination. 7.6 Study process You may encounter fewer problems when you work as follows: Point 8 of this tutorial letter sets out the suggested study programme for semester 1 and 2. First semester students: refer to paragraph 8.1 and second semester students: refer to paragraph 8.2. Study the relevant study units of the Study Guide for assignment 01. Do all the exercises in the Study Guide and make sure that you understand the contents of the study material. Do assignment 01 and send it to UNISA for marking. Remember, the submission of assignment 01 is compulsory for examination admission and contributes to your year mark (refer to points 7.7). Study the relevant study units of the Study Guide for assignment 02 and do the assignment. Remember, the submission of assignment 02 is compulsory and contributes to your year mark (refer to points 7.7). After completing an assignment, carry on with the study programme. Do not wait for the suggested solution or for the return of the marked assignment. Students often fail to plan their studies properly in order to achieve specific study goals at predetermined dates. This leads to a haphazard approach to studying and the use of ineffective study techniques. The study programme for each semester is included in this tutorial letter under point 8 to assist you in this regard. The programme indicates the dates during which certain sections of the study material should be studied, as well as the dates by which the compulsory assignments should be completed. 7 FAC1601/101/3/2019 The study programme is based on the following assumptions: That study will commence on either 07 January 2019 for the first semester or 24 June 2019 for the second semester and that the full course should be completed leaving sufficient time for revision. That you should study at least 6 hours per week. We are of the opinion that this is within your reach. We are convinced that, if you adhere to the suggested programme, you should be able to master the subject. It is very important that the subject matter covered in each study unit be mastered and not just be skimmed. If you happen to register late or fall behind with this programme, extra effort on your part will be necessary. Addendums A and B contain the compulsory assignment 01 and 02 for students who are registered for FAC1601 in the first semester. Addendums C and D contain the compulsory assignment 01 and 02 for students who are registered for FAC1601 in the second semester. Please note that these assignments are not the same. You must ensure that you submit the assignments which pertain to the semester that you are registered in for FAC1601. IF YOU ARE REGISTERED FOR FAC1601 IN THE SECOND SEMESTER YOU CANNOT SUBMIT ANY ASSIGNMENTS DURING THE FIRST SEMESTER. ASSIGNMENTS INCORRECTLY SUBMITTED, WILL BE RETURNED UNMARKED 7.7 Important aspects regarding assignments There are 4 assignments for this module: Assignment 01 is a multiple-choice assignment that is compulsory and contributes 50% towards your year mark. It is important to note that if you do not submit this assignment you will not be admitted to the examination; Assignment 02 is a multiple-choice assignment that is also compulsory and contributes 50% towards your year mark; Assignments 03 and 04 are long question assignments. These assignments must NOT be submitted to UNISA for marking but forms an important part of your study material and exam questions will definitely be set on these sections. Please keep copies of assignments submitted to UNISA through myUnisa or manually as this is proof that you submitted the assignment. Assignments constitute an integral part of the tutorial material. Study material on which assignment 01 is based is given in Addendum A (for students registered for the first semester) or Addendum C (for students registered for the second semester). Assignments and tutorial letters must also be studied for examination purposes. 7.8 Plagiarism Although students may work together when preparing assignments, each student must submit his or her own individual assignment. It is unacceptable for students to discuss the answers on myUnisa. That is considered as copying (a form of plagiarism) and you may be penalised or subjected to disciplinary proceedings by the university. 8 FAC1601/101/3/2019 8. PROPOSED STUDY PROGRAMME FOR 2019 8.1 First semester DATE ± 07/1 to 08/2 ± 11/2 to 18/2 ± 18/2 ± 19/2 to 22/3 ± 25/3 to 29/3 ± 29/3 ± 01/4 to 05/4 ± 08/4 to 12/4 15/4 to examination 8.2 STUDY MATERIAL AND ASSIGNMENTS Study: Study units 1 to 5 Do Assignment 01 (compulsory assignment): Due date 12/03/2019 Submit Assignment 01 (NB: DO NOT WAIT UNTIL 12/03/2019) Study: Study units 6 to 9 Do Assignment 02 (compulsory assignment): Due date 09/04/2019 Submit Assignment 02 (NB: DO NOT WAIT UNTIL 09/04/2019) Do and mark Assignment 03 (do not submit this assignment) Do and mark Assignment 04 (do not submit this assignment) The solutions to Assignments 03 and 04 are provided in the same tutorial letter Revision During May/June 2018: EXAMINATION Second semester DATE ± 24/6 to 26/7 ± 29/7 to 02/8 ± 02/8 ± 05/8 to 23/8 ± 26/8 to 30/8 ± 30/8 ± 02/9 to 06/9 ± 09/9 to 13/9 16/9 to examination STUDY MATERIAL AND ASSIGNMENTS Study: Study units 1 to 5 Do Assignment 01 (compulsory assignment): Due date 20/08/2019 Submit Assignment 01 (NB: DO NOT WAIT UNTIL 20/08/2019) Study: Study units 6 to 9 Do Assignment 02 (compulsory assignment): Due date 10/09/2019 Submit Assignment 02 (NB: DO NOT WAIT UNTIL 10/09/2019) Do and mark Assignment 03 (do not submit this assignment) Do and mark Assignment 04 (do not submit this assignment) The solutions to Assignments 03 and 04 are provided in the same tutorial letter Revision During October/November 2018: EXAMINATION We trust that you will enjoy this module and we wish you success with your studies. Kind regards Mr BT Khanyeza Mr S Mnguni Mrs B Ceki Mr LA Visagie Module Telephone Number: 012 429 4176; Module E-mail Address: fac1601@unisa.ac.za LECTURERS: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING REPORTING (FAC1601) 9 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ADDENDUM A: COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 01 (FIRST SEMESTER) UNIQUE NO: 872524 DUE DATE: 12 MARCH 2019 1. This assignment must be answered on a mark-reading sheet if submitted by post. It can also be submitted electronically through myUnisa. 2. Before answering this assignment, please read paragraph 7 of this tutorial letter. 3. This assignment covers study units 1 – 5 of the study guide. 4. We cannot grant any extension for the late submission of this assignment since the due date is set in accordance with the marking date of this assignment. No correspondence or telephone conversations will be conducted in this regard. 5. Important aspects regarding multiple-choice assignments answered on a mark-reading sheet: For detailed information and requirements as far as assignments are concerned, see Study@Unisa which you received with your study package. Work carefully through the relevant tutorial matter before you do the assignment. Calculate your answer on a separate piece of paper before completing the mark-reading sheet. REMEMBER: There is only one correct answer for each question. Do not make more than one mark per question. All questions are equal in value. Indicate your student number correctly. Indicate the assignment number correctly. Indicate the unique assignment number for Assignment 01 correctly. Every assignment which is marked by the computer is given a unique number. The number contains information on the course code and the assignment number. When the computer reads the unique number, it identifies it as Assignment 01 for FAC1601 – first semester. FOR HARD COPY SUBMISSION: 10 Only the provided mark-reading sheets may be used. Colour in the correct block clearly with a HB pencil. Do not colour outside the block, or colour in the block with a pen. Do not make corrections with correction fluid. Do not tear or fold the mark-reading sheet. Do not try to repair a torn mark-reading sheet with sticky tape – use another one. Do not staple the mark-reading sheet to another piece of paper. Do not submit answers on a written sheet of paper. Send only your mark-reading sheet to the Assignments Division in the appropriate envelope. FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 01 – FIRST SEMESTER (continued) QUESTION 1 Which one of the following alternatives is not a contributing factor towards faithful representation of financial information? 1. 2. 3. 4. Freedom from error Neutrality Consistency Completeness QUESTION 2 Which one of the following characteristics is not a fundamental qualitative characteristic of useful financial information? 1. 2. 3. 4. Relevance Materiality Faithful representation Comparability GIVEN INFORMATION FOR QUESTIONS 3 – 5 Black and Panther are partners in Black Panther Traders. The following information appeared in the accounting records of the partnership on 31 December 2018, the end of the financial year: Extract of balances as at 31 December 2018 Capital: Black (1 January 2018) ............................................................................................... Capital: Panther (1 January 2018) ........................................................................................... Current Account: Black (Cr) (1 January 2018) ......................................................................... Current Account: Panther (Cr) (1 January 2018) ...................................................................... Drawings: Black (1 January 2018) ........................................................................................... Drawings: Panther (1 January 2018)........................................................................................ Bank (favourable) .................................................................................................................... Land and buildings at cost ....................................................................................................... Vehicles at cost (1 January 2018) ............................................................................................ Equipment at cost (1 January 2018) ........................................................................................ Accumulated Depreciation on Vehicles .................................................................................... Accumulated Depreciation on Equipment ................................................................................ Inventory.................................................................................................................................. Profit for the year (before any applicable additional information) .............................................. R 350 000 300 000 110 000 100 000 45 000 45 000 230 000 450 000 180 000 110 000 90 000 40 000 95 000 355 000 Additional information: Extract from the terms of the partnership agreement: 1. 2. 3. The partners will share profit and losses in the ratio of 2:1 respectively. Interest will be calculated on opening balances of current accounts of partners at 12% per annum. The partners are entitled to an annual salary as follows: Black R80 000 Panther R80 000 11 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 01 – FIRST SEMESTER (continued) Year-end adjustments: 4. 5. 6. During the year, the following cash salaries were withdrawn by the partners and were taken into account in arriving at the profit for the year stated above: Black R30 000 Panther R25 000 During the year the partners withdrew inventory to the value of R8 000 and R6 000 respectively, the accountant was not sure how to account for this transaction. Depreciation must be provided for as follows: Vehicles: 20% per annum according to the straight-line method. Equipment: 15% per annum according to the diminishing balance method. Equipment has a residual value of R5 000. QUESTION 3 Which one of the following alternatives represents the correct profit for the year after year end adjustments have been taken into account as at 31 December 2018? 1. R309 950 2. R364 250 3. R231 250 4. R253 500 QUESTION 4 Which one of the following alternatives represents the correct closing current account balance of Black at 31 December 2018 assuming that the correct profit for the year amounts to R254 250? 1. R166 233 2. R204 233 3. R174 233 4. R139 917 QUESTION 5 Which one of the following alternatives represents the correct drawings balance for Panther as at 31 December 2018? 1. 2. 3. 4. R45 000 R70 000 R76 000 R51 000 GIVEN INFORMATION FOR QUESTIONS 6 - 7 Nakiya and Okoye are partners in Wakanda Traders sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2 respectively. On 1 July 2018, the partners were approached by Shuri with a proposal to join the partnership. The partners agreed that Shuri will be admitted to the partnership on 1 August 2018. 12 FAC1601/101/3/2019 GIVEN INFORMATION FOR QUESTION 6 - 7 (continued) The following is an extract from the accounting records of the partnership on 30 July 2018, the end of the financial year: R Capital: Nakiya ........................................................................................................................ 120 000 Capital: Okoye ......................................................................................................................... 90 000 Current account: Nakiya (Cr) ................................................................................................... 30 000 Current account: Okoye (Cr) .................................................................................................... 20 000 Bank (favourable) .................................................................................................................... 80 000 Mortgage ................................................................................................................................. 180 000 Land and buildings................................................................................................................... 550 000 Trade receivables .................................................................................................................... 70 000 Vehicles at cost (1 August 2017) ............................................................................................. 120 000 Accumulated depreciation: Vehicles ........................................................................................ 60 000 Inventory.................................................................................................................................. 50 000 Trade payables ........................................................................................................................ 150 000 In preparation for the admission of Shuri, the following occurred: 1. 2. 3. 4. The fair value of land and buildings was determined at R680 000. The partners noticed that a debtor with a balance of R20 000 had defaulted on repayments for 3 consecutive months. The partners resolved that this account be deemed as a doubtful debt. Following an inspection, partners confirmed that inventory is worth R30 000 due to some damaged stock. On 1 August 2018, Shuri was admitted to the partnership and contributed cash of R75 000 and equipment worth R 15 000 for a 1/5 share of profits in Wakanda Traders. The profit sharing ratio for Nakiya, Okoye and Shuri was changed to 5:3:2 respectively. QUESTION 6 Which one of the following alternatives represents the correct amount that will be disclosed as the valuation surplus or deficit in the valuation account prior to the admission of Shuri? 1. 2. 3. 4. R130 000 (deficit) R110 000 (surplus) R90 000 (surplus) R54 000 (deficit) QUESTION 7 Which one of the following alternatives represents the correct amount of goodwill acquired in Wakanda Traders? 1. 2. 3. 4. R90 000 R10 000 R100 000 R190 000 13 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 01 – FIRST SEMESTER (continued) GIVEN INFORMATION FOR QUESTIONS 8 - 9 James and Arthur were in partnership trading as James Arthur Traders sharing profits and losses in the ratio 3:2. Respectively. The partners decided to dissolve the partnership by means of a simultaneous liquidation on 1 June 2018. The following is a list of items drawn from the financial records of the partnership as at 30 May 2018, the end of the financial year: R Capital: James ......................................................................................................................... 70 000 Capital: Arthur.......................................................................................................................... 50 000 Current account: James ........................................................................................................... 40 000 Current account: Arthur .......................................................................................................... : 60 000 Equipment .............................................................................................................................. : 90 000 Vehicle..................................................................................................................................... 65 000 Goodwill ................................................................................................................................... 30 000 Trade receivables .................................................................................................................... 35 000 Trade and other payables ........................................................................................................ 31 000 Inventory.................................................................................................................................. 44 000 Revaluation surplus ................................................................................................................. 25 000 Long-term loan: Cici Bank........................................................................................................ 50 000 Bank ........................................................................................................................................ 127 000 Additional information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Equipment was sold for R110 000 cash. The delivery van was taken over by Authur at a carrying value of R65 000. Inventories were sold for R55 000. All debts were settled by customers in full. Cash received from the sale of office equipment and inventory was used to settle the loan from Cici Bank. Creditors accounts were paid an amount of R31 000 in full settlement of their accounts. The liquidation costs amounted to R6 000. QUESTION 8 Which one of the following options represents the correct amount of profit or loss on liquidation before any apportionment to partners? Round-off your answer to the nearest Rand. 1. 2. 3. 4. 14 R15 000 profit R10 000 loss R31 000 profit R25 000 profit FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 01 – FIRST SEMESTER (continued) QUESTION 9 Which one of the following options represents the bank amount in the capital account of James after the liquidation of James Authur Trading? 1. 2. 3. 4. R122 000 R118 000 R125 000 R110 000 QUESTION 10 Lebo, Kgomosto and Bae were in a partnership which traded as Threesum Traders. The partners shared profits and losses in a ratio of 5:3:2, respectively. The partners decided to liquidate the partnership piecemeal. The following list of balances was drawn up from the accounts in the general ledger of the partnership: R Capital - Lebo (Cr) ................................................................................................................... 60 000 Capital - Kgomotso (Cr) ........................................................................................................... 33 000 Capital - Bae (Cr) ..................................................................................................................... 17 000 Current account - Lebo (Dr) ..................................................................................................... 8 000 Current account - Kgomotso (Cr) ............................................................................................. 4 200 Current account - Bae (Dr)....................................................................................................... 3 500 Goodwill ................................................................................................................................... 20 000 Revaluation surplus ................................................................................................................. 15 000 Long-term loan (unsecured)..................................................................................................... 62 100 Trade payables control ............................................................................................................ 8 600 Furniture and equipment at cost .............................................................................................. 77 000 Accumulated depreciation: Furniture and equipment ............................................................... 7 800 Inventory.................................................................................................................................. 49 000 Trade receivables control......................................................................................................... 7 500 Bank (Dr) ................................................................................................................................. 42 700 The partners decided to distribute the cash amongst them as it becomes available in such a manner that it would not be necessary for the partners to repay any of the interim cash repayments at a later stage due to capital deficits that arose. At the first realisation of the assets, all the inventory was sold for R45 000, cash. Which one of the following alternatives represents the correct amounts in respect of the first interim repayment to partners? Apply the loss-absorption-capacity method in your calculation. 1. 2. 3. 4. Lebo, R6 875; Kgomotso, R10 125 and Bae, R0 Lebo, R8 500; Kgomotso, R5 100 and Bae, R3 400 Lebo, R9 150; Kgomotso, R11 490 and Bae, R3 640 Lebo, R16 875; Kgomotso, R16 125 and Bae, R4 000 END OF ASSIGNMENT 01 – FIRST SEMESTER 15 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ADDENDUM B: COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 02 (FIRST SEMESTER) UNIQUE NO: 797345 DUE DATE: 9 APRIL 2019 4. This assignment must be answered on a mark-reading sheet if submitted by post. It can also be submitted electronically through myUnisa. 5. Before answering this assignment, please read paragraph 7 of this tutorial letter. 6. This assignment covers study units 6 – 9 of the study guide. 4. We cannot grant any extension for the late submission of this assignment since the due date is set in accordance with the marking date of this assignment. No correspondence or telephone conversations will be conducted in this regard. 5. Important aspects regarding multiple-choice assignments answered on a mark-reading sheet: For detailed information and requirements as far as assignments are concerned, see Study@Unisa which you received with your study package. Work carefully through the relevant tutorial matter before you do the assignment. Calculate your answer on a separate piece of paper before completing the mark-reading sheet. REMEMBER: There is only one correct answer for each question. Do not make more than one mark per question. All questions are equal in value. Indicate your student number correctly. Indicate the assignment number correctly. Indicate the unique assignment number for Assignment 01 correctly. Every assignment which is marked by the computer is given a unique number. The number contains information on the course code and the assignment number. When the computer reads the unique number, it identifies it as Assignment 01 for FAC1601 – first semester. FOR HARD COPY SUBMISSION: 16 Only the provided mark-reading sheets may be used. Colour in the correct block clearly with a HB pencil. Do not colour outside the block, or colour in the block with a pen. Do not make corrections with correction fluid. Do not tear or fold the mark-reading sheet. Do not try to repair a torn mark-reading sheet with sticky tape – use another one. Do not staple the mark-reading sheet to another piece of paper. Do not submit answers on a written sheet of paper. Send only your mark-reading sheet to the Assignments Division in the appropriate envelope. FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 02 – FIRST SEMESTER (continued) QUESTION 1 – 3 On 1 January 2017, Baleka Ltd was registered with an authorised share capital of 250 000 ordinary shares and 100 000 10% preference shares. The incorporators of the company subscribed to 20% of the ordinary shares at R1,00 per share and paid in full. On 30 April 2018, Baleka Ltd offered 40% of the authorised ordinary share capital and 15 000 preference shares to the public at R2,50 and R2,80 per share respectively. FCB Bank was appointed as the underwriter for the issue of shares at a commission of 1%. On 15 May 2018, the closing date for the applications, 125 000 ordinary and 15 000 preference shares were applied for by the public. On 31 May 2018, all of the shares offered to the public were allotted by the board of directors and the underwriter’s account was settled in full. During the board meeting on 31 December 2018, the directors declared an ordinary dividend of R0,20 per share. The dividends were paid on 2 January 2019. QUESTION 1 Which of the following journals represent the correct journal entry for the receipt of all applications for ordinary shares issued to the public? R R 1. Bank 250 000 Applications and allotment – ordinary shares 250 000 2. 3. 4. Bank Application and allotment – ordinary shares 100 000 Application and allotment – ordinary shares Bank 250 000 Bank Application and allotments – ordinary shares 312 500 100 000 250 000 312 500 QUESTION 2 Which of the following journals represent the correct journal entry for the refund to unsuccessful ordinary shares applicants? R R 1. Applications and allotment – ordinary shares 25 000 Bank 25 000 2. 3. 4. Applications and allotment – ordinary shares Bank 62 500 Application and allotment – ordinary shares Bank 125 000 Bank Application and allotment – ordinary shares 62 500 125 000 62 500 62 500 17 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 02 – FIRST SEMESTER (continued) QUESTION 3 Which one of the following alternatives represents the amount payable as dividends on 31 December 2018? 1. 2. 3. 4. R32 450 R34 200 R30 000 R31 450 GIVEN INFORMATION FOR QUESTIONS 4 - 9 The following information pertains to Silkaats CC: EXTRACT OF BALANCES AS AT 31 DECEMBER Members contribution: Sil ............................................................................. Members contribution: Kaats ....................................................................... Land and buildings ....................................................................................... Furniture and equipment at cost ................................................................... Accumulated depreciation: Furniture and equipment .................................... Inventory ...................................................................................................... Bank ............................................................................................................. Trade receivables ......................................................................................... Retained earnings ........................................................................................ Profit distributions payable ............................................................................ Revaluation surplus ...................................................................................... Long term loan (Axle Bank) .......................................................................... Trade payables ............................................................................................. SARS (Cr) .................................................................................................... 2018 R 165 000 165 000 217 500 105 600 10 500 72 000 252 600 105 450 188 850 40 000 20 000 65 500 84 300 14 000 2017 R 145 350 145 350 307 500 10 500 1 500 75 300 38 800 55 500 83 500 39 000 72 900 - EXTRACT FROM STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018 R Rental income................................................................................................................... 3 600 Profit on sale of non-current assets (Land and buildings) ................................................ 15 500 Administrative expenses (Salaries and wages included) ................................................... 52 500 Depreciation ..................................................................................................................... 9 000 Interest expense ............................................................................................................... 9 180 3. Additional information 3.1 The loan of R37 500 was acquired on 1 September 2017. Interest is charged at 12% per annum and is capitalised annually. An additional amount was acquired on 31 December 2018. Included in an interest expense of R9 180, is an interest on a long term loan of R4 680 that was capitalised. No land and buildings were purchased during the year. Fifty percent of the selling price of the land and buildings was received in cash, whereas the outstanding amount was on credit. No furniture or equipment was sold or scrapped during the year. All purchases were paid for in cash. 3.2 3.3 3.4 18 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 02 – FIRST SEMESTER (continued) 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 All purchases of inventory were on credit. All the other expenses, except the accrued expenses, were paid in full. Income tax expense for the year amounted to R56 030. Inventory is disclosed at cost. The debtors control balance as at 31 December 2017 comprised of trade debtors only. The debtors control balance as at 31 December 2018 includes trade debtors and a debtor in respect of the sale of land and buildings. All members’ contributions were made in cash. QUESTION 4 For question 4 only, assume that the retained income balance of Silkaats CC amounted to R138 850 for the year ended 31 December 2018. Which one of the following alternatives represents the profit before tax as disclosed in the operating activities section of the statement of cash flows of Silkaats CC for the year ended 31 December 2018, disclosed according to the indirect method? 1. 2. 3. 4. R 55 350 R 111 380 R 151 380 R 171 380 QUESTION 5 Assuming that the profit before tax for Silkaats CC for amounted to R201 380 for the year ended 31 December 2018. Which one of the following alternatives represents the net cash generated from operating activities in the statement of cash flows of Silkaats CC for the year ended 31 December 2018, according to the indirect method? 1. 2. 3. 4. R204 060 R221 380 R231 560 R185 030 QUESTION 6 Which one of the following alternatives represents the net cash generated from or (used in) investing activities in the statement of cash flows of Silkaats CC for the year ended 31 December 2018? 1. 2. 3. 4. R (95 100) Outflow R (32 350) Outflow R 62 750 Inflow R 115 500 inflow QUESTION 7 Which one of the following alternatives represents the net cash generated from or (used in) financing activities in the statement of cash flows of Silkaats CC for the year ended 31 December 2018? 1. 2. 3. 4. R 21 820 Inflow R 39 300 Inflow R 61 120 Inflow R 38 800 inflow 19 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 02 – FIRST SEMESTER (continued) QUESTION 8 Which one of the following alternatives represents total amount of current assets to be disclosed in the statement of financial position of Silkaats CC for the year ended 31 December 2018? 1. 2. 3. 4. R 72 000 R 34 600 R 105 450 R 430 050 QUESTION 9 Which one of the following alternatives represents total amount of current liabilities to be disclosed in the statement of financial position of Silkaats CC for the year ended 31 December 2018? 1. 2. 3. 4. R 84 300 R 138 300 R 105 450 R 40 000 GIVEN INFORMTION FOR QUESTIONS 10 The following information pertains to the head office and the branch of Shakazulu Enterprises Branch inventory on hand at selling price R 1 January 2018 ......................................................................................................... …… 79 400 31 December 2018 ............................................................................................................ 83 170 Transactions of the branch for the year ended 31 December 2018 R Inventory transferred to the branch (selling price) .........................................................….. 440 000 Cash sales at the branch ..............................................................................................….. 392 700 Cash receipts from branch debtors ............................................................................ ……. 164 484 Settlement discount granted to branch debtors .............................................................. …1. 796 Branch administrative expenses paid by head office...................................................... … 27 864 Damaged inventory written off (at cost).......................................................................... … 4 000 Additional information 1. 2. 3. 20 Inventory is purchased by the head office and supplied to the Durban branch at selling price, which is cost price plus 25%. During June 2018, inventory with a selling price of R3 750 was stolen at the branch. No entries have been made to record this theft. The branch held a clearance sale during April 2018. Inventory was sold at selling price less 30%. The proceeds of the sale amounted to R84 000 and were included in the cash sales amount of R392 700 above. FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 02 – FIRST SEMESTER – QUESTION 10 (continued) QUESTION 10 Which one of the following alternatives represents the balance in the branch inventory account of Shakazulu Enterprises on 31 December 2018? 1. 2. 3. 4. R1 220 surplus R2 530 deficit R2 530 surplus R1 220 deficit END OF ASSIGNMENT 02 – FIRST SEMESTER 21 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ADDENDUM C: COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 01 (SECOND SEMESTER) UNIQUE NO: 806208 DUE DATE: 20 AUGUST 2019 2. This assignment must be answered on a mark-reading sheet if submitted by post. It can also be submitted electronically through myUnisa. 2. Before answering this assignment, please read paragraph 7 of this tutorial letter. 3. This assignment covers study units 1 – 5 of the study guide. 3. We cannot grant any extension for the late submission of this assignment since the due date is set in accordance with the marking date of this assignment. No correspondence or telephone conversations will be conducted in this regard. 4. Important aspects regarding multiple-choice assignments answered on a mark-reading sheet: For detailed information and requirements as far as assignments are concerned, see Study@Unisa which you received with your study package. Work carefully through the relevant tutorial matter before you do the assignment. Calculate your answer on a separate piece of paper before completing the mark-reading sheet. REMEMBER: There is only one correct answer for each question. Do not make more than one mark per question. All questions are equal in value. Indicate your student number correctly. Indicate the assignment number correctly. Indicate the unique assignment number for Assignment 01 correctly. Every assignment which is marked by the computer is given a unique number. The number contains information on the course code and the assignment number. When the computer reads the unique number, it identifies it as Assignment 01 for FAC1601 – first semester. FOR HARD COPY SUBMISSION: 22 Only the provided mark-reading sheets may be used. Colour in the correct block clearly with a HB pencil. Do not colour outside the block, or colour in the block with a pen. Do not make corrections with correction fluid. Do not tear or fold the mark-reading sheet. Do not try to repair a torn mark-reading sheet with sticky tape – use another one. Do not staple the mark-reading sheet to another piece of paper. Do not submit answers on a written sheet of paper. Send only your mark-reading sheet to the Assignments Division in the appropriate envelope. FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 01 – SECOND SEMESTER (continued) QUESTION 1 Consider the following statements: (a) All financial statements are prepared according to the accrual basis of accounting. (b) An entity has borrowed funds three months before the current financial year end. At the end of the current financial year, the amount borrowed should be disclosed as a current liability in the financial statements if it is repayable in the next 8 months. (c) Information is material if its omission or misstatement only influences the decisions of management. (d) Equity is the residual interest in the assets after deducting liabilities of an entity. (e) An entity with an intention of liquidating its operations prepares its financial statement according to the going concern assumption. Which one of the following alternatives represents the incorrect statements? 5. 6. 7. 8. (b), (c) and (d) (a), (b) and (e) (a), (c) and (e) (a), (b) and (c) QUESTION 2 Consider the following statements: (a) It is mandatory for entities to disclose comparative information in its financial statements, except during the first year of operations. (b) Management has the option to offset assets and liabilities if it prefers. (c) An item must have a value or cost that can be measured reliably in order to be recognised in the financial statements. (d) The communication of financial information is referred to as financial reporting. (e) Omission or misstatement of information refers to the concept of timeliness. Which one of the following alternatives represents the correct statements? 1. 2. 3. 4. (a), (c), and (d) (a), (b), and (c) (b), (d) and (e) (c), (d) and (e) GIVEN INFORMATION FOR QUESTIONS 3 – 5 Sima and Shuly are in partnership trading as Shuma Trading. The following information relates to the partnership: Extract of balances as at 31 May 2018: Capital: Sima (1 June 2017) .................................................................................. Capital: Shuly (1 June 2017) .................................................................................. Current Account: Sima (Cr) .................................................................................... Current Account: Shuly (Cr) ................................................................................... Drawings: Sima ..................................................................................................... Continued on the next page R 320 000 280 000 85 000 74 000 15 000 23 FAC1601/101/3/2019 Drawings: Shuly ..................................................................................................... Bank (Dr) ............................................................................................................... Land and buildings................................................................................................. Vehicles at cost (1 June 2017) ............................................................................... Equipment at cost (1 June 2017) ........................................................................... Accumulated depreciation: Vehicles (1 June 2017)................................................ Accumulated depreciation: Equipment (1 June 2017) ............................................ Inventory................................................................................................................ Profit for the year (before any applicable additional information) ............................ 20 000 305 000 450 000 270 000 95 000 135 000 20 000 95 000 115 000 Additional information: 1. Abstract from terms of the partnership: 1.1 1.2 1.4 Interest on capital will be calculated at 12% per annum on the opening balances. Interest will be charged at a rate of 5% per annum on the balance of the drawings accounts at the end of the year. Sima and Shuly are entitled to receive monthly salaries amounting to R8 000 and R7 000 respectively. Partners will share profit and losses in the ratio of 3:2 respectively. 2. Year-end adjustments: 2.1 On 1 March 2018, Sima made a cash contribution to the partnership amounting to R28 000. On the same date. Shuly contributed to the partnership her vehicle valued at R45 000. Land and buildings were revalued to R590 000 at 31 May 2018. Depreciation for the year has not yet been provided for. It is Shuma’s policy to depreciate assets as follows: Vehicles: According to the straight-line method over 6 years. Equipment: According to the diminishing balance method at 10% per annum. Equipment has a residual value of R5 000. On 31 May 2018 the net realisable value of the closing inventory was determined at R90 700. During the year the partners withdrew inventory, for own personal use, as follows: Sima R15 000 Shuly R20 000 1.3 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4 QUESTION 3 Which one of the following alternatives represents the correct total comprehensive income for the year for Shuma Trading as at year end? Round-off your answer to the nearest Rand. 1. 2. 3. 4. R201 125 R196 825 R218 222 R224 667 QUESTION 4 Which one of the following alternatives represents the correct balance on the current account of Sima at year end before the appropriation of comprehensive income? 1. 2. 3. 4. 24 R187 900 R189 400 R116 000 R149 500 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 01 – SECOND SEMESTER (continued) QUESTION 5 Assuming that total comprehensive income for the year amounts to R320 000, which one of the following alternatives represents the correct amount of total comprehensive income or loss to be appropriated to partners as at 31 May 2018? 1. 2. 3. 4. R62 700 R68 000 R71 500 R75 000 GIVEN INFORMATION FOR QUESTIONS 6 - 7 Vusi and Nova are partnership trading as Vusi Nova Wholesalers. The partners share profits and losses equally. On 1 November 2018, they decided to admit Nathi into the partnership. The new profit-sharing ratio will be 2:2:1. Vusi Nova Wholesalers adopts the legal perspective in accounting for the change in the ownership structure of the partnership. The following information appeared in the accounting records of the partnership on 31 October 2018, the end of the financial year: Extract of balances as at 31 October 2018: Capital: Vusi (1 September 2017) ............................................................................................ Capital: Nova (1 September 2017) ........................................................................................... Current Account: Vusi (Cr) ....................................................................................................... Current Account: Nova (Cr) ..................................................................................................... Land and buildings at cost ....................................................................................................... Vehicles at cost ....................................................................................................................... Accumulated depreciation: Vehicles ........................................................................................ Bank (Dr) ................................................................................................................................. R 220 000 220 000 23 000 35 000 490 000 110 000 70 000 10 000 In preparation for the admission of Nathi, the following adjustments must be taken into account: 1. 2. 3. On 31 October 2018 the fair value of land and buildings was found to be R625 000. One of the drivers of the partnership was involved in an accident with a delivery vehicle of the partnership. The original cost price of the vehicle was R60 000 and the vehicle was damaged beyond economic repair. On 31 October 2018, the date of the accident, the vehicle had an accumulated depreciation amounting to R32 000. The vehicle was only insured against the third party. Upon joining the partnership, Nathi contributed cash of R45 000 and agreed to replace the delivery van by purchasing a new one at a cost of R115 000. QUESTION 6 Which one of the following alternatives represents the correct amount of goodwill acquired in Vusi Nova Wholesalers 2018? 1. R302 000 2. R142 000 3. R107 000 4. R 35 000 25 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 01 – SECOND SEMESTER (continued) QUESTION 7 Which one of the following alternatives represents the correct amount allocated to Nova in the valuation account of Vusi Nova Wholesalers on 1 November 2018? 1. 2. 3. 4. R53 500 R107 000 R302 000 R142 000 GIVEN INFORMATION FOR QUESTIONS 8 - 9 Brian and Adams were in partnership trading as BA Suppliers and they provide car wash services to clients. Profits and losses were shared in the ratio 2:3. In April 2019, they decided to liquidate the partnership by means of a simultaneous liquidation on 1 April 2019. The partners further agreed that deficits, if any, should be apportioned using the capital ratio. EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 MARCH 2019: Furniture and fittings ................................................................................................................ Goodwill ................................................................................................................................... Bank ........................................................................................................................................ Inventory.................................................................................................................................. Trade and other receivables .................................................................................................... Capital account: Brian.............................................................................................................. Capital account: Adams ........................................................................................................... Current account: Brian (Cr) ...................................................................................................... Current account: Adams (Cr) ................................................................................................... Revaluation surplus ................................................................................................................. Loan from Capic Bank ............................................................................................................. Trade and other payables ........................................................................................................ R 350 000 80 000 300 000 72 000 92 000 55 000 140 000 38 000 47 000 110 000 285 000 219 000 On 1 April 2019 the assets were liquidated, and liabilities settled as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Furniture and fittings were sold for R85 000 and inventory sold for R65 000 cash. The debtors accounts were settled and a settlement discount of R2 000 was granted. The loan from Capic bank was settled in full. The creditors were paid R208 000 in full settlement of their accounts. Liquidation expenses amounting to R43 000 were paid in full. QUESTION 8 Which one of the following alternatives represents the balance on the bank account before any settlement to partners? 1. 2. 3. 4. 26 R4 000 R188 000 R145 000 R300 000 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 01 – SECOND SEMESTER (continued) QUESTION 9 Which one of the following alternatives represents the correct settlement amount on the capital account of Brian after the liquidation distribution? 1. 2. 3. 4. R4 000 R17 400 R21 400 R69 400 GIVEN INFORMATION FOR QUESTION 10 Busi, Bulumko and Buhle were in partnership and shared profits and losses in the ratio 3:4:2. The partnership is undergoing dissolution and assets have been liquidated piecemeal. You have been approached by partners to oversee the accounting process of liquidating the partnership and the following information has been made available to you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. All liabilities have already been paid. The partners have decided to apply the loss absorption capacity method in accounting for the liquidation. Unsold assets amount to R 7 200. Inventory in transit amounts to R 6 400. The supplier has confirmed that the inventory will be delivered to the partnership’s premises in 2 days. The bank balance amounts to R11 200. The balances on the capital accounts are as follows: Busi: R 8 000 credit Bulumko: R 4 200 credit Buhle: R 12 600 credit QUESTION 10 Which of the following options represents the interim payment that should be made to Buhle upon liquidation of the partnership? 1. 2. 3. 4. R9 578 R8 840 R9 168 R10 262 END OF ASSIGNMENT 01 – SECOND SEMESTER 27 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ADDENDUM D: COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 02 (SECOND SEMESTER) UNIQUE NO: 755231 DUE DATE: 10 SEPTEMBER 2019 1. This assignment must be answered on a mark-reading sheet if submitted by post. It can also be submitted electronically through myUnisa. 2. Before answering this assignment, please read paragraph 7 of this tutorial letter. 3. This assignment covers study units 6 – 9 of the study guide. 4. We cannot grant any extension for the late submission of this assignment since the due date is set in accordance with the marking date of this assignment. No correspondence or telephone conversations will be conducted in this regard. 5. Important aspects regarding multiple-choice assignments answered on a mark-reading sheet: For detailed information and requirements as far as assignments are concerned, see Study@Unisa which you received with your study package. Work carefully through the relevant tutorial matter before you do the assignment. Calculate your answer on a separate piece of paper before completing the mark-reading sheet. REMEMBER: There is only one correct answer for each question. Do not make more than one mark per question. All questions are equal in value. Indicate your student number correctly. Indicate the assignment number correctly. Indicate the unique assignment number for Assignment 01 correctly. Every assignment which is marked by the computer is given a unique number. The number contains information on the course code and the assignment number. When the computer reads the unique number, it identifies it as Assignment 01 for FAC1601 – first semester. FOR HARD COPY SUBMISSION: 28 Only the provided mark-reading sheets may be used. Colour in the correct block clearly with a HB pencil. Do not colour outside the block, or colour in the block with a pen. Do not make corrections with correction fluid. Do not tear or fold the mark-reading sheet. Do not try to repair a torn mark-reading sheet with sticky tape – use another one. Do not staple the mark-reading sheet to another piece of paper. Do not submit answers on a written sheet of paper. Send only your mark-reading sheet to the Assignments Division in the appropriate envelope. FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 02 – SECOND SEMESTER (continued) GIVEN INFORMATION FOR QUESTIONS 1 – 3 The financial information below pertains to Notsonice CC. The information was prepared by the Close Corporation’s accountant. The members of the Close Corporation are considering hiring a more suitable accountant as the statement of financial position never balances. EXTRACT OF BALANCES OF NOTSONICE CC AS AT 31 JULY 2019 Member’s contribution: Not ............................................................................................. Member’s contribution: So .............................................................................................. Member’s contribution: Nice ........................................................................................... Land and buildings at cost .............................................................................................. Furniture and equipment at cost ..................................................................................... Accumulated depreciation: Furniture and equipment ...................................................... Trade receivables control................................................................................................ Loan to member: Not ...................................................................................................... Trade payables control ................................................................................................... Bank (overdraft) .............................................................................................................. Investment at fair value (1 August 2018)......................................................................... Long-term loan (Prince Bank) ......................................................................................... Retained earnings (1 August 2018) ................................................................................ SARS (income tax) (Dr) .................................................................................................. Loan from member: Nice ................................................................................................ Distribution to member: Not ............................................................................................ Distribution to member: So ............................................................................................. Distribution to member: Nice ........................................................................................... Inventory...... ................................................................................................................... Accrued expenses .......................................................................................................... Prepaid expenses ........................................................................................................... R 260 000 210 000 120 000 600 000 270 000 83 220 149 800 40 000 42 480 6 220 130 000 60 000 188 290 33 200 50 000 44 000 26 000 14 000 133 700 16 500 5 410 Additional information that must still be adjusted 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The depreciation for the year has been correctly calculated and recorded, except for the depreciation of R35 000 on buildings. A debtor that owes Notsonice CC R4 500 is experiencing financial difficulties and must be written off as irrecoverable at year end. As at 31 July 2019, debtors owing R55 000 have indicated that they will settle their accounts within 15 days after year end, in order to make use of the 10% granted for early settlement. The investment consists of 100 000 ordinary shares of R1 each in Mareetsane Company Ltd. On 31 July 2019 the fair value of the shares was R155 000. The profit before tax was calculated as R359 400 before the valuation of the investment for the current financial year was taken into account. During the financial year, Not experienced personal financial difficulties resulting in the close corporation granting her a loan of R40 000 on 31 August 2018. The loan is immediately callable. The long-term loan from Prince Bank is secured by a first mortgage over land and buildings and is repayable in full on 1 August 2028. The loan from Nice is unsecured and interest free. An amount of R25 000 is repayable on 1 August 2019. The outstanding balance is repayable on 1 August 2020. The income tax assessment, received from SARS on 15 August 2019, indicated that the actual normal income tax for the 2019 financial year amounted to R115 398. 29 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 02 – SECOND SEMESTER (continued) 10. The members agreed to distribute a further profit of R50 000 members. This amount is payable to them on 1 September 2019. in total to the QUESTION 1 Which of the following amounts represent the correct current assets in the statement of financial position of Notsonice CC as at 31 July 2019? 1. 2. 3. 4. R 433 910 R 468 500 R 473 910 R 139 800 QUESTION 2 Which of the following amounts represent the correct non-current assets in the statement of financial position of Notsonice CC as at 31 July 2019? 1. 2. 3. 4. R870 000 R600 000 R786 780 R751 780 QUESTION 3 Which of the following amounts represent the correct current liabilities in the statement of financial position of Notsonice CC as at 31 July 2019? 1. 2. 3. 4. R197 398 R272 398 R222 398 R205 898 GIVEN INFORMATION FOR QUESTIONS 4 – 6 Sibukho Ltd was formed during 2005 and its financial year end is on the last day of August. The company had the following share capital structure on 01 September 2018: Authorised share capital 400 000 ordinary shares 150 000 8% preference shares Issued share capital 200 000 ordinary shares 150 000 8% R1 preference shares Additional information Sibukho Ltd offered 150 000 ordinary shares of R2 each on 15 December 2018 to the public. These shares were underwritten City bank at 5% per share. On 15 January 2019, 145 000 applications for 30 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 02 – SECOND SEMESTER (continued) shares were received by Sibukho Ltd. The shares were allotted for applications received on 31 January 2019 and all necessary transactions were finalised. The directors of Sibukho Ltd declared an ordinary dividend of 10 cents for every ordinary share on 31 August 2019. QUESTION 4 Which of the following journals represent the correct journal entry for the final settlement to City bank on 31 January 2019? 1. 2. 3. 4. City Bank Bank R 15 000 R 15 000 Underwriters commission City Bank 15 000 City Bank Bank 10 000 City Bank Bank 5 000 15 000 10 000 5 000 QUESTION 5 Which of the following journals represent the correct journal entries for total dividends declared by Sibukho Ltd on 31 August 2019? 1. 2. 3. 4. Preference dividends Ordinary dividends Dividends payable R 12 000 35 000 R 47 000 Ordinary dividends Dividends payable 35 000 Ordinary dividends Dividends payable 28 750 Preference dividends Ordinary dividends Dividends payable 12 000 28 750 35 000 26 750 40 750 31 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 02 – SECOND SEMESTER (continued) QUESTION 6 Using exactly the same information for question 4 to 5, except that 152 000 applications for shares issued were received instead of 145 000. Which of the following journals represent the correct journal entries for refund paid to unsuccessful applicants on 31 January 2019? 1. 2. 3. 4. Bank Applications and allotment Applicacation and allotment Bank Application and allotment Bank Bank Application and allotments R 4 000 R 4 000 4 000 4 000 304 000 304 000 14 000 14 000 GIVEN INFORMATION FOR QUESTIONS 7 – 10 The accounting officer asked for your input in preparation of the statement of cash flows of Khanyi CC using the indirect method for the year ended 31 August 2019. The following items are extracted from the financial statements and presented to you – 31 August 2019 2018 R R Property, plant and equipment .............................................................................. 1 774 000 Investment at fair value ......................................................................................... 300 000 Trade receivables ................................................................................................. 160 000 Inventories ...........................................................................................................35 000 Cash and cash equivalents ................................................................................... (Cr) 97 500 Members’ contributions ......................................................................................... 440 000 Retained earnings................................................................................................. 347 000 Loans from members ............................................................................................ 265 000 Loans to members ................................................................................................88 000 Mortgage ........................................................................................................... 1 100 500 SARS (Cr) ........................................................................................................... 122 000 Dividends receivable ………………………………………………………… 15 000 188 000 45 000 14 000 (Dr)33 900 160 500 98 000 150 000 160 000 32 400 - The note pertaining to property, plant and equipment for the year ended 31 August 2019 is as follows: Land and Equipment Vehicle buildings R R R Carrying amount at 1 July 2018 121 000 67 000 Cost price 153 000 75 000 Accumulated depreciation (32 000) (8 000) Additions during the year 1 500 000 110 000 90 000 Disposals during the year (54 000) Depreciation for the year (44 000) (16 000) Carrying amount at 31 August 2019 1 500 000 187 000 87 000 Cost price 1 500 000 263 000 165 000 Accumulated depreciation (76 000) (24 000) 32 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 02 – SECOND SEMESTER (continued) You have also obtained the following information in respect of the corporation. (All transactions were correctly recorded): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Interest: The loans from members bear interest at a rate of 10% per annum. The interest for the 2019 financial year was paid in cash to the members. There is no interest charged on loans to members. The interest expense in respect of the mortgage loan for the 2019 financial year amounted to R87 500. According to the loan agreement, the interest was capitalised. The income tax expense was disclosed as R111 000 in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year ended 31 August 2019. An additional amount of loans was received from members on 1 September 2018. The vehicle of the business was stolen on 1 April 2019. During the financial year, the insurance company paid the carrying amount of the stolen vehicle to the CC in cash. The close corporation purchased a new vehicle in cash to replace the stolen vehicle. The CC purchased a new building at the beginning of the 2019 financial year. The building was partly paid for in cash from the CC’s own resources and the remaining part with a mortgage from FNZA Bank. The proceeds of the mortgage were paid directly to the estate agent. The additions to equipment were paid for in cash. The investment consists of 150 000 shares in Platinum Ltd bought at R1 per share. On 31 August 2019 Platinum Ltd declared a dividend of 10 cents per share payable on 15 October 2019. The fair value of the investment R300 000 at year end. QUESTION 7 Which option represents the correct amount for net cash generated from operating activities in the statement of cash flows of Khanyi CC for the year ended 31 August 2019? 1. 2. 3. 4. R369 000 cash inflow R407 100 cash inflow R435 100 cash inflow R107 100 cash inflow QUESTION 8 Which option represents the correct amount for cash generated from investing activities in the statement of cash flows of Khanyi CC for the year ended 31 August 2019? 1. 2. 3. 4. R1 646 000 cash outflow R1 700 000 cash outflow R 633 000 cash outflow R1 640 000 cash outflow 33 FAC1601/101/3/2019 ASSIGNMENT 02 – SECOND SEMESTER (continued) QUESTION 9 Which option represents the correct amount for cash generated from financing activities in the statement of cash flows of Khanyi CC for the year ended 31 August 2019? 1. 2. 3. 4. R 394 500 cash inflow R1 407 500 cash inflow R1 495 000 cash inflow R1 013 500 cash outflow QUESTION 10 The following information pertains to the head office and the branch of Pirates. Branch inventory on hand at selling price 1 October 2018................................................................................................................... 30 September 2019…………………………………………………………………………….... R 160 000 40 000 Transactions of the branch for the year ended 30 September 2019 R Inventory transferred to the branch (selling price) .............................................................. 188 500 Credit sales at the branch .................................................................................................. 285 530 Settlement discount granted to branch debtors .................................................................... 2 433 Branch administrative expenses paid by head office.......................................................... 17 375 Damaged inventory written off (at cost).............................................................................. 4 800 Additional information 1. 3. Inventory is purchased by the head office and supplied to the branch at selling price, which is cost price plus 25%. The branch held a clearance sale during June 2019. Inventory was sold at selling price less 30%. The proceeds of the sale amounted to R49 250 and were included in the credit sales amount of R285 530 as indicated above. Which of the following represents the correct surplus/(deficit) in the branch inventory account as at 30 September 2019 after taking the additional information into account? 1. 2. 3. 4. R R R R 146 146 surplus 62 137 surplus 94 030 deficit 2 137 deficit END OF ASSIGNMENT 02 – SECOND SEMESTER 34