EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE Z302 – POULTON The first exam covers chapters 1-5 from the lecture notes, class videos, and exercises. The exam consists of multiple choice, true false, matching questions, and short answer. This review sheet is meant as a guide to help you focus your studies on the topics I think are most important. Study tip: You should revisit the lecture slides. When studying, it isn’t enough to just look them over. Instead, you should engage with the material. Write it down and take notes, quiz yourself, and know the definitions and examples for the major topics covered in class. EXAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. Match each term on the right to the accurate description on the left (2 pts each) Description: Term: _______ Expand or diminish job scope or activities A. Task crafting _______ Shift how you think about the purpose of your job B. Relationship crafting _______ Change the nature or extent of interactions with other people C. Perception crafting 2. Stealing office supplies is a counterproductive behavior best categorized as: (circle the best answer) (3 pts) A. B. C. D. A minor organizational offense A serious organizational offense A minor interpersonal offense A serious interpersonal offense 3. Managers can predict how employees will react to dissatisfying situations by simultaneously considering employees’ task performance and organizational commitment. More specifically, performance and commitment combinations can be used to identify four “types” of employees. List the specific terms given to those four types and define them in terms of their performance and commitment levels. Then describe which type(s) will respond to dissatisfying situations by quitting their job. (5 pts) EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE Z302 – POULTON CHAPTER 1: ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR: WHAT IS ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Definition of OB Resource Based View o Rare and Inimitable (History, Numerous small decisions, Socially complex resources) Rule of 1/8 CHAPTER 2: JOB PERFOMRANCE: WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A GOOD PERFORMER? Definition of job performance o Differentiate between task, citizenship and counterproductive behavior Job analysis (4 steps): List job dimensions, list specific tasks, rate frequency & importance, rely on most critical tasks Task performance Citizenship behavior (2 broad dimensions) o Interpersonal (helping, courtesy, sportsmanship) o Organizational (voice, civic virtue, boosterism) Counterproductive behavior o Production deviance (minor, organizational) o Property deviance (serious, organizational) o Political deviance (minor, interpersonal) o Personal Aggression (serious, interpersonal) Relationships between the types of performance CHAPTER 3: ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT: WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A “COMMITTED” EMPLOYEE? Definition of organizational commitment (for all 3 types) o Affective, Continuance, Normative Commitment increases over time Does commitment still exist? o Cost of turnover Psychological withdrawal vs. physical withdrawal Exit-voice-loyalty-neglect (EVLN) framework Types of Employees (based on commitment and performance) o Stars, morale boosters, flight risks, slackers CHAPTER 4: JOB SATISFACTION: WHY ARE SOME EMPLOYEES MORE SATISFIED THAN OTHERS? Definition of job satisfaction Value-percept theory o Dissatisfaction = (Vwant – Vhave) x (Vimportance) o 5 facets: Pay, Promotion, Supervision, Coworker, Work Itself Job Characteristics model o 5 core job characteristics: Variety, Identity, Significance, Autonomy, Feedback o 3 psychological states: Meaningfulness, Responsibility for Outcomes, Knowledge of Results o 2 Moderators: Knowledge & Skill, Growth Need Strength Individual differences that influence job satisfaction Momentary differences/fluctuations in satisfaction Definition of job crafting (for all 3 types) o Task crafting, relational crafting, perception crafting EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE Z302 – POULTON CHAPTER 5: EMOTIONS & STRESS Definition of mood and emotions o Affect circumplex (2 dimensions: activation, valance aka pleasantness) o Relationship between emotions and performance o Emotional labor (felt versus displayed emotions, surface acting vs deep acting) Appraisal vs functional perspective (which comes first for each—emotions or cognitions) o You don’t need to know the specific theories Emotional contagion Emotional regulation (for both negative and positive emotions) Stressor-Stress-Strain framework Definition of Stressors o Hindrance stressors Work: role conflict, ambiguity, overload, hassles Nonwork: Work-family conflict, negative life events, financial uncertainty o Challenge stressors Work: Time pressure, complexity, responsibility Nonwork: Family time demands, personal development, positive life events Definition of Stress Transactional Theory of Stress o Primary appraisal (stressful or benign) o Secondary appraisal (how to cope) Coping strategies o Problem versus Emotion focused coping o Behavioral versus cognitive methods of coping Definition of strain: Physical, psychological, and behavioral forms of strain