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Big Data Analytics Exam Questions

1. List the main characteristics of Big data.
2. What is crowdsourcing analytics?
3. Create a scenario where Big Data Analytics be used as a Decision Making tool.
4. Define HDFS.
5. Distinguish Inter and trans firewall analytics
6. Analyze the reason behind why do we need NoSQL .
7. Show the important features of Cassandra Client.
8. Name two examples of applications or services that use Cassandra.
9. Represent Customer information in a column family structure.
10. Define Non-Uniform data
11. Describe in detail about 5 v’s.
12. Discuss the use of Big data Analytics in Business with suitable real world example.
13. Explain the process of Web analytics.
14. Discuss the following features of Hadoop in detail with diagram as necessary.
15. Explain the working of firewall in big data analytics?
16. Discuss the importance of Mobile Business Intelligence.
17. Explain Graph database with its example.
18. Distinguish Cloud and Big data.
19. How is big data transforming the healthcare industry?
20. What is Consistency in NoSQL and explain its types?
21. What is Replication? Explain its types.
22. How Schema less Databases supports in NoSQL?
23. Discuss the process of Materialized views in NoSQL.
24. What is Cassandra and How does Cassandra Clients Work?
25. Explain Cassandra and its data model.
26. How crowdsourcing analytics works in Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining?
27. Imagine you are working on a project to build a social networking platform. You need to
create a database that efficiently represents the connections between users and their