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Stakeholder engagement

Stakeholders Engagement
What is Stakeholder Analysis ?
The Stakeholder Analysis is a method for identifying internal and
external stakeholders, their concern and objectives, their potential
influence, and how to deal with them.
Why is it important to work effectively
with your stakeholders?
Managing the stakeholders relationships is an important key in
reaching a successful project outcome.
The analysis is an important part of defining the project purpose,
objectives and success criteria - in general and in respect of the key
The analysis is a part of the foundation for organizing the project,
developing contract strategies and strategies for issues outside the
contractual requirements, and for developing communication plans
with the internal and external stakeholders.
Management vs Engagement
Stakeholder Management – to control, direct or tell
Stakeholder Engagement – to interact, involve or empower
Stakeholder Engagement
The 4 C’s of engagement:
Communicate: to proactively share information.
Consult: to understand and respond to stakeholder concerns.
Collaborate: to work in partnership with stakeholders.
Co-create: to create innovative solutions.
Stakeholder Engagement Process
Stakeholder Engagement Process
What makes someone a stakeholder?
Stakeholder Engagement Process
Someone who has something to gain or lose through
the outcomes of your program
Someone who can potentially influence, champion or
block your program’s implementation.
Stakeholder Engagement Process
Types of stakeholders
Stakeholder Engagement Process
Who will be impacted by the program?
Who should contribute towards the outcome?
Who can champion the program?
Who will be involved in the program?
Who is accountable for the program?
Who may object to the program?
Identifying Stakeholders
Internal project stakeholders generally include the project sponsor,
project team, support staff, and internal customers for the project. Other
internal stakeholders include top management, other functional
managers, and other project managers
External project stakeholders include the project’s customers (if they are
external to the organization), competitors, suppliers, and other external
groups that are potentially involved in the project or affected by it, such
as government officials and concerned citizens
Additional Stakeholders
other stakeholders including:
Program director
Labor unions
Potential customers
It is also necessary to focus on stakeholders with the
most direct ties to a project, for example only key
Stakeholder Register
A stakeholder register includes basic information on stakeholders:
 Identification
information: The stakeholders’ names, positions,
locations, roles in the project, and contact information
 Assessment
information: The stakeholders’ major requirements
and expectations, potential influences, and phases of the project
in which stakeholders have the most interest
 Stakeholder
classification: Is the stakeholder internal or external
to the organization? Is the stakeholder a supporter of the project
or resistant to it?
Sample Stakeholder Register
Stakeholder Engagement Process
Stakeholders can be rated based on their level of
impact and their level of interest in your program.
A stakeholder analysis grid is an easy way to categorise
each stakeholder.
Level of impact (low to high)
Stakeholder Engagement Process
Keep satisfied
Manage closely
Keep informed
Level of interest (low to high)
Stakeholder Engagement Process
Information gathered during the identification and
analysis phases can now be used to plan your
engagement activities.
The purpose of the plan is to define the level of
stakeholder engagement and to proactively manage
these activities.
Stakeholder Engagement Process
Communication Strategies
Keep satisfied (engage)
Share the info reqd
Meet frequently
Build good relationship
Provide the general
Meet occasionally
Manage relationship closely
Request to champion the
Participate in critical
Build very healthy
Keep informed
Provide the specific info
Meet as and when required
Stakeholder Engagement Process
Ensure you adhere to any existing organisational
policies or protocols.
Have a methodology that allows you to solve problems
in a systematic and timely way.
 Look for common ground with your stakeholders
 Build partnerships such that everyone can benefit
Stakeholder Engagement Process
Make sure every stakeholder has an appropriate way to
participate and offer input.
Engage stakeholders in a timely manner to avoid last-minute
Solicit the help of other stakeholders (champions).
Sometimes you just cannot agree – an ability to disagree
without damaging relationships is a major asset
Stakeholder Engagement Process
Communication needs to be clear and timely so that there can
be no confusion by either party.
Follow-up with stakeholders, ensure their understanding.
Ensure roles and responsibilities are clear and documented.
Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement Levels
Unaware: Unaware of the project and its potential impacts
on them
Resistant: Aware of the project yet resistant to change
Neutral: Aware of the project yet neither supportive nor
Supportive: Aware of the project and supportive of change
Leading: Aware of the project
Co creation
Why cocreation :
because of the increasing shift of value from products to experiences, the product centric approach is
replaced by a costumer experience approach, where users can become partners of the organisation. This
change of perspective, changes the markets and processes, engaging users who are not seen anymore as
preys (an animal hunted or seized for food,), but are an active part of the innovation process.
Cocreation is not about getting ideas from the users, or understanding the rational thoughts behind
their behaviours, cocreation is about users’ empowered engagement and creativity to generate
insights and latent opportunities (Ind & Al. 2012, Ramaswamy & Gouillard 2010b).
What is Cocreation
It is a social and participative experience where all key stakeholders are engaged in a constructive
activity to better understand reciprocal points of view and collaboratively create concepts that are
valuable for all parts involved – the organisation,the users, the developers.
Who should facilitate this
A BA and PM. Therefore, a cocreation workshop should involve a balanced mix of lead users, users,
designers, the client, to make the experience productive and time effective