Case Study task for students in Business Economics course group G5 Your task is to find some relevant problems in the following topics: - Hungarian alcoholic-drink industry - Global energy market - Hungarian retail store industry - Global fashion industry - Global mobile device industry These problems can be related – but not limited – to the following areas: - A global-international or local trend, - a change in trends, - change in any environmental issues and their effect on the market/industry - any new macroeconomic circumstance (i.e. the existence of crowdsourcing) - change in the competition (new entrant to the market) - Major change of one company in the industry - Introduction of a new product, technology, or process at a certain company (and its effects on the company and the market) - etc. You should: - Introduce the background of the relevant problem (possibly with numbers and figures) - Analyze the effects and their direct or indirect consequences to market actors (i.e. show some numbers and figures of the changes in revenue, profit, etc.) - Show the significance of the problem in regard to the company or companies related to the problem/change. - Give a solution to the problem in the view of the company and/or the market and give an argument for your solution - Give a summary. Formal and content requirements: - 5-8 pages (without cover sheet) including tables and figures but excluding table of content and bibliography the minimum length of the body text is 10,000 characters without spaces. - Times New Roman 12pt, 1,5 spacing, 2,5 cm margin, justify alignment. - In any other issues the thesis guidance is relevant. - In-text citations are needed (missing citations lead to serious consequences! – fail grade and warning letter). - The cover sheet should contain the following information o Name of the author ; Title of the essay ; Course name ; group no. - The task should be sent in MS Word or in a word compatible format. - The name of the file should be: Surename_FirstName_BEcase_G2.doc(x) – or other file format. The deadline is 13th of December 2022. 23:55 through Moodle in “Case Study task”. Best of luck! Regards, Brenda and Juan