ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION ORDINARY lEVEL GEOGRAPHY 2248 Past ClueatIon Papera and Expected Answers JUNE 2000 - NOVEMBER 2001 FOREWORD . The need for effective examination study booklets has been a continuing concern in our Zimbabwean schools. Due to a significant number of candidates who fail to come up with five '0' Levels at one sitting, many teachers are forced to look for appropriate examination guides in order to adequately prepare their candidates for examination. Needless to say the main cause of underachievement as indicated in examination reports points towards failure by candidates to understand and interpret the requirements of the questions. Teachers are handicapped in developing good examination techniques within their candidates as they do not have relevant and viable examination booklets. These examination guides present questions and suggested solutions. The aim of the guides is to acquaint '0' Level candidates with the structure of the examination, questions and expected solutions. The suggested solutions are rneantto develop, within the candidates, effective examination techniques and strategies relevant to the examination. They are in no way meant to be viewed as the only prescription for answering the examination questions but roore as an authentic approach to success in examinations by candidates preparing for the Zimbabwean General Certificate of Education (ZGCE) Ordinary Level. This booklet is part of the second series that cover a number of subjects on offer at our examination centres. The first series was up to the 1998 examinations. We hope that the series will contribute in developing, within our candidates, effective examination techniques in the area of subject mastery, question interpretation and presentation of answers. This service by the Council will benefit all our stakeholders whose main interest is to improve the performance of our candidates in examinations. ~ ACTING~;DIRECTOR - ZIMBABWE 15K C:v.tYOOCUMENTSIFOREWORO SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCil ..••."'~.'.$j.. :.;:~.••..• '.;~.~-~w- "":.'l..,"':. ., ~~.(;:~~~WE ''''''~~'"''''_''' .•..,... .. ," oJ • ,,..-.,.... ••• '.JO-.~.",. '_ )~." .-r....:::::....~.:~..#.~ ''';", SCHOOlEXA.MlN~ONS~6tl~;.·'''··,· >,~"',.'-<k,~, GEOGRAPHY .-( ,,,.J, PAPER 1 Multiple Choice . ~. '''"1' 12 JUNE 2000 Monday .'~ ......, ••.~-~"'n' ...;,',,:&:._~.. "'::J::: ,.:> • ,,.- ••.. I fUur:".,.~,..a •·. .. ·;:~':t~.,' . ".~:,.::::.~.~;\ •.:~£!;:?,:,~;: .. < . ~.f·tO.t, ' IVV' 1:50000 Survey Map is·enctosed with this ~tfQA~:,,<>. ~ .. ~~;(~:-.~.,,::'!i;';.~-%: AdditiO~:;~";~;~~-:tf~::';:i;:§ .. _'~;-~£e~YJW.",a¥~r:~~~.•.-~"',~-~:,*:"~~·,~~~.>~. '~~ ."~1& •. -.",.;,~.• TIME ..:_ .- - -- .- - _ .•• ~. __,.. "': __''''';~:,1fi"·~}.r_~.f~'· 1 hour 15 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided unless this has already been done for you. There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer sheet. Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any rough working should be done in this booklet. This question paper consists of 15 printed pages and 1 blank page. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council. 2000. «~ZIMSEC [Turn over 1 Mapwork Questions 1 to 12 refer to the 1 :50000 map of Gwanda (Zimbabwe). 1. Which grid square has the largest number of buildings and huts? :r A 1j B rei 17 2.. 3. 18 19 20 What is the main source of water for the Reservoir and Irrigation Scheme in grid square 1990? A Hulube dam B Nkazhe dam . C Sabazimba dam D Samakuto river Which feature is located at point 090828? mining dump rail bridge C sewage tank o sports stadium A B 4. What is the grid reference of the Trigonometrical Cazalet, south of the Gwanda town? A 081812 B 082811 C 098829 Questions 5 and 6 refer to the two Trigonometrical and 1485. 5. D B 4000 metres C 099828 Stations in grid squares 1084 What is the straight line distance between the two Trigonometrical A 3500 metres 6. Station on the top of Mt Stations? 4500 metres 0 5000 metres What is the grid bearing of the Trigonometrical Station in grid square 1485 from the Trigonometrical Station on Spitzkop in grid square 1084? 2248/1 J2000 2 7. In which direction is the general flow of the river Nkazhe, through the Matshetshe Communal Land? A north-west to south- east B north-east to south-west C south-east to north-west o south-west to north-east 8. From a hill-top a person can see a Business Centre to the north-east. In which grid square is this hill-top located? A 1084 B 1485 C 1589 o 2188 9. Where is settlement in the Matshetshe Communal Land mainly located? A along major river channels B along tarred roads C around large dams o around the edge of cultivated land 10. The map shows some evidence of mining activity in grid square 0987. Which type of evidence is not shown in this grid square? A Excavation B Mine dump C Mine name o Prospecting trench 11. Study the map area shown. 09 11 84~77~~~~84 82~~~~~~82 09 11 Which type of land use occupies the most land in this map area? A mining. B recreation C settlement o transport 2248/1 J2000 3 [Turn over 12. Study the map area shown. 10 15 95 -b-7~r-r77""'7"?--r-r"7"?l- 95 90~~~~~~~90 19 15 What is the main drainage pattern in this area? A dendritic B radial C rectangular o trellis 221§LLJZQOO 4 Physical! Environment 13. The weather map shows the average pressure and wind pattern in southern Africa for the month of December. Which area experiences divergent air masses? ~ KEY 14. .u:.AAA. cold front .c..AAA warm frorti The diagram shows weather recorded at a school weather station. What is the cloud cover and wind direction shown in the diagram? cloud cover (eighths) A 5 B 6 C 7 8 D wind direction north-east south-west south-west north-east 2.248/1 J2.000 5 [Turn over 15. The diagram shows the maximum and minimum temperatures school weather station. recorded at a temperature in degrees Celsius 30 highest temperaiure (maximum) 25 ~,...___ 20 15 10 lowest temperature (minimum) 5 O~~--~--~----L---~ Mon Tues What was the average temperature A 16. 7°C B 16°C C Wed Thurs Fri for the station on Monday? SoC 0 The diagram shows average temperature 32°C and rainfall at a place. 30,------,temperature °C 20 10 total 577 mm .. 100 rainfall mm 50 o -'-L...•.....•....•.•••....••.. ~~:J..L JFMAMJJASOND Which climate is represented by the graphs? A Equatorial B Hot desert C Mediterranean D Tropical continental 17. Which human activity may lead to the formation A cloud seeding B deforestation C hydro-electric power generation D manufacturing 224811 J2000 6 of acid rain? 18. Which instrument A anemometer B barometer C hygrometer o seismometer 19. The photograph is used to measure earthquake vibrations? shows a rock. feature common in Zimbabwe. What is the main process responsible for shaping the surface of the rock feature? A biological weathering B carbonation C exfoliation D freeze-thaw 20. 21. Which conditions are needed for a river delta to form? A abundant coral .at the river mouth B steep descent to the river mouth C very salty water near the river mouth D weak sea currents near the. river mouth Which process is mainly responsible for the formation bed? A attrition B corrasion 'C deposition D solution of pot holes on 8 river 224811 J2000 [Turn over 7 22. The diagram shows a type of landscape commonly arid areas. found in arid and semi- What are landscape features X and Y? x y C butte butte zeugen D zeugen mesa yardang mesa yardang A B 23. The diagram shows a type of natural vegetation. Which place on the map has this type of vegetation? \ 8 24. Which term is used to describe the highest level of succession of vegetation and animal life in an ecosystem? A climax community B pioneer community C plagio-climax community D succession community 25. The diagram shows the vegetation ecosystem over time. and animal matter (biomass) in an At which stage is it most critical to introduce conservation measures, like destocking, to save the animal life and protect the environment? established ecosystem A biomass critical level B biomass V< C ------oL----- 1----- ----~--- V disturbed ecosystem re-establishesitself time 224811 J2000 9 [Turn over Economic Geography 26. The diagram shows countries. a cooker suitable for rural communities in developing pot at focus of mirror Which type of energy is used by the cooker? A biogas B firewood C hydro-electricity D solar 27. The diagram shows rock structure containing a number of minerals. metres o 50l!::;=?:~~~~ 100. 150 ~O~========~~~~ 250~ F 300 •• F-F fault line ••• coal seams Which mining methods are being used at 1 and. 2 respectively? 1 ,A B C adit adit shaft 0 shaft 2 drilling panning drilling panning 224811 J2000 10 28. What is the main method used for gully reclamation A afforestation B contour ridging C infilling D terracing in Zimbabwe? 29. Which type of farming is most suitable for areas where there is plenty of land, poor soil fertility, low rainfall and effective disease control? A commercial ranching B market gardening C plantation agriculture D shifting cultivation 30. Why is tobacco usually cured on the farms where it is grown? A to avoid leaf deterioration B to reduce transport costs C to supply the local farm market D to use local fuelwood 31. Governments of Third World countrtesare encouraging the establishment processing industries at growth poiilts in rural areas. The most probable reason for this policy in Africa is A the availability of local markets. B to encourage people to stay in established towns. C to reduce migration into the main cities. o to encourage the decentralisation administrative of functions. 32. What attracts the majority of tourists Europe to Zimbabwe? A business opportunities B mountains and limestone caves C stone ruins and hotels o sunshine and wildlife 33. The pie charts show percentages contributed by agriculture, industry services to the gross national product (GNP) for four countries. from North America and Western Which country has the least developed economy? A B )24-P 1 J200() [Turn over 11 of and Population, Settlement and Trade 34. The mep shows land use zones in a city. KEY Commercial High Density Low Density Industrial To Plumtree The manager of a computer company lives in a big house with a large garden. Which land use zones represent her place of work and residence? place of work A B C 0 1 1 3 3 place of residence 2 4 2 4 2248{1 J2000 12 35. The map shows the distribution of population in Africa. KEY personsper km2 over 40 20-40 o 10-19 'I"~ o under tc km 2000 Why does area X have a low population density? A It is a desert. S It is cold and windy. C It is hot and humid. o It is mountainous. 36. .Which population movement in Africa involves only the economically active population groups? A migration of labour to mines B nomadic pastoralism C urban-rural migration o urban-suburban migration 2248/1 J2000 13 [Turn over 37. The graph represents the population structure of a settlement in a developing country. age MALE FEMALE 112 percentage of total population 10 Which type of settlement is represented by the graph? A army camp B capital camp C mining town D rural village 38. Which of the following is not an advantage of the use of containers for bulk transport compared with traditional methods? A greater variety of cargoes B more jobs provided C quicker loading and unloading D reduced losses 39. The model shows how some African countries developed transportation links from colonial times (Stage 1) to modern times (Stage 3). ST~GE1 STAGE2 STAGE3 KEY 1.2,3, towns 4,5 area of (® agricultural develoPment n mine ll. marketingcentre tracks railways Why has town 1 become the largest of the five original points of entry (1 to 5)? A It developed originaffy for exporting minerals. B C It has a developed network with its hinterland. It has the best natural harbour. 0' It is the shortest distance from weas of agricultural development. 2248/1 J2000 1.4 40. The maps show the exports and imports from Spain in 1990. , ;a KEY ~5~ KEY a WidIII 01_ ~ ldlhol •••••.• 01~ W - .• tJI...,o.t . 0 kmSOO ~5% IIIIII o km 500 I 1'", With which country did Spain have the targest trade deficit? A France B Germany C UK o USA Copyright Acknowledgements: Question 19 e E M Munowenyu 2248/1 J2000 15 (Turn over JUNE 2000 GEOGRAPHY 2248/01 POSSIBLE ANSWERS MAPWORK (1:50 000 GWANDA) ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY . 1. B 2. B 26. D 27. A 3. B 4. A 28. C 29. A 5. C 6. A 30. A 31. C 7. A 8. e 32. 0 33. 0 9. D 10. A 11. C 12. A PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT POPULATION, SETTLEMENT AND TRADE 13. D 14. B 34. B 35. C 15. B 16. C 36. A 37. D 17. D 18. D 38. A 39. B 19. C 20. 0 40. A 21. B 22. A 23. D 24. A 25. C 15K REO-$POT~4S-01 JOG 16 Tuesday so·· - Additional.materials: ::':~F~;;t~~~!'· ~J"!' . Answerpa~ .' • ..' • ., -'~ _ •.•• 1114 "' ••• TIM£2"hooFs aD ;p ~ ~::--. ~ .;. .. ~.'~ ..' ~"" _'-'~~'~;_. , .•••.••••••. ~'... ..., •• •••••• -- ••• .~ !"". ~. __ ~.:./,.,{;"" ...,iJ~;;;L~~::"C~: ~i~~~~:-~-~:!i~~~~~ -,,~:-' "l~ ,.••..,. ~ ~:y;.' ....,a;~:""'" .":;' •. JI"-.'_,.,..." ..•••••• INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer paper/answer booklet. Answer four questions. Answer one question from each of Sections A, 8 and C and one other question from any section. Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES .The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. Insert 1 contains Photograph A tor use with Question 2. Insert 2 contains Photograph 8 for use with Question 6 and Photograph C for use with Question 7. Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate an answer. This question paper consists of 10 printed pages, 2 blank pages and 2 inserts. Copyright; Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, 2000. [Turn over © ZIMSEC 17 Section A (Physical Environment) Answer at least one question from this section. ·'1. (a) (0 (ii) (b) Draw labelled diagrams to show stages in the formation of sedimentary rocks. [5] How do either pressure releaseor acid rain affect the rate and type of weathering of rocks? [41 Fig. 1 below shows part of a river valley. Fig. 1 (i) Oescribe the features of the valley shown. [41 (ii) What.changes would occur to the valley if there was a sudden uplift of the land? [3] State three problems likely to be faced by people living in the valley as a result of the sudden uplift referred to in (bUii) above. [3] (iii) ec) Suggest the benefits and problems associated with either an area of inland drainage or geysers and hot-springs. 18 [61 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES This insert contains Photograph A for use with Question 2. This insert consists of 2 printed pages. Ifurn over 19 Photograph A for Question 2 2248/2 (Insert 1) J2000 20 2. (a) Study Photograph A (insert 1) which shows a Stevenson Screen. (i) (ii) (b) Describe and explain the features of the Stevenson Screen shown. [81 Name the two instruments [2] Fig. 3 below shows a cross-section shown. of a depression. B _ Cold air ~ --t~~ Cold air Fig. 3 (c) (i) On Fig. 3 label the features marked A, Band C. (ii) Describe the weather conditions at D. [31 What weather conditions are of interest to both farmers and tourists? Give reasons for your answer. r v- 2248/2 J2000 21 [3] fTurn over [9] 3. (a) Fig. 4 shows two ecosystems A and B, both drawn to the same scale. B A Fig. 4 (i) (in (iii) (b) Describe the characteristics of each of the ecosystems A and B. [5] - State the economic activities which can be practised in each of the ecosystems shown. [5] Soil erosion and the extinction of species are two serious problems facing ecosystems. Choose one of the problems and outline its causes and effects on any ecosystem you have studied. [7] One of the major principles in the exploitation of ecosystems is 'sustainable use of resources' (i.e, use of resources without destroying the environment). Suggest measures you would recommend to communal farmers to achieve sustainable use of resources. 2248/2 J2000 22 [8] Section B (Economic Geography) Answer at least one question from this section. 4. (a) Study Fig. 5 below which shows the production cycle of renewable resources. ij e a.. Time--- Fig. 5, (i) (ii) (b) Explainthe difference between renewable and non-renewable resources. [2] Using Fig. 5 describe andexplaintrend.s in the production of renewable resources. [8] With reference to the production of fuel in Africa (excluding Zimbabwe), draw a map to show a producing area and describe the factors that have encouraged large scaleproductionthere. (c) [71 Zimbabwean water resources are being threatened at an alarming rate. State one such threat and explain the problems it poses on water resources and the health of the people. Suggest measures people should take to control it. 2248/2 J2000 23 [81 [Tum over 5. Fig. 6 shows factors which infJuenceagriculture. (8) Farmer Granary Home Vegetable market Fig. 6 (a) (i) . (ii) (iii) (b) (c) Name the storage marked A and the market marked B. [21 Describe-the advantages and disadvantages of the storage facilities shown. [8] of each Using Fig. 6 explain how markets promote agriculture. (3) With reference to the Grain Marketing Board (GMB)or any other agricultural organisation in Zimbabwe which you have studied, describe the services it offers to farmers. [5] As chairperson of the land resettlement programme in your province, what arguments would you present for and against the redistribution of commercial farms in the area? [7] 2248/2 J2000 24 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES This insert contains Photograph B for use with Question 6(a) and Photograph for use with Question 7(a). C This insert consists of 2 printed pages. [Turn over 25 Photograph B for Question 6 " .'. Photograph C for Question 7 2248/2 (Insert 2) J2000 26 6. (a) Study Photograph B (insert 2) which shows a service industry. (i) Describe the scene in the photograph. [51 (ii) Why is the type of trading shown in Photograph A rapidly expanding in developing countries? [4] (iii) (b) (c) What recommendations would you make to the government to improve these types of service industries? [4] Some raw materials lose weight whereas others gain weight during manufacturing. Choose one of these industries and draw a labelled sketch map to show' its location. [51 In Zimbabwe, industries often relocate from other places to Harare or to neighbouring countries. Explain the causes of the relocation and state the effects on the source areas. [71 2248/2 J2000 27 [Turn over Section C (Population, Settlement and Trade) Answer at least one question from this section. 7 (a) Study Photograph C (insert 2) which shows a small settlement in Zimbabwe. en (ii) Describethe quality of the environment shown. [4] How does the environment described in (a) (i) affect the quality of life of the people in the area? [4] •. (iii) (b) Suggest.how the problem of population pressure can be controlled in the communal areas of Zimbabwe. (4] Fig. 7 below shows the percentages of the male and female populations of Zimbabwe who are economically active. Percent 100 V 80 ---t ~ / 60 40 Mites ~ -, \ ""emales ......, ~ r-, \ \ 20 o 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 6065+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 Age-group Fig. 7 en What percentageof males are economically active in the 55 - 59 age group? [11 eii) What percentageof female are economically active in the 55 - 59 age group? [11 Describe and explain the trends in the economic activity ratios shown. [8] Explain why the natural increase in population is still very high in the communal areasof Zimbabwe. [3] (iii) (c) 2248/2 J2000 28 8. (a) (b) Describe and explain the characteristics of a Central Business District (CBD). [1] Study Fig. 8 which shows land uses in Greater Harare. O._.....~~_5..__.__._~.....J10 km Fig. 8 (i) (ii) (iii) (c) Using map evidence only, explain the location of high density residential areas. [6] Explain why Lake Chivero experiences pollution problems. [3] State two advantages of the location of the airport. [2] In both rural and urban areas in Zimbabwe, residents complain of the growing problem of squatters. What complaints are likely to be raised by the residents concerning squatters? [7] 2?48,2 J2000 29 [Turn over 9. (a) In a field study, a geography class discovered the following about the transport system of a village: 4 scotchcarts 80 oxen and donkeys 5 bicycles 10 sledges 1 bus 5 km of dust roads numerous paths (i) Describe the quality of transport available in the village. (4) (ii) State the problems, created by the available means of transport. [41 Suggest, giving reasons, solutions to the problems you stated in (Q) (ii) above. [7] (iii) (b) Table 1 below shows the percentage trade between Zimbabwe and other countries. Table, 1: Zimbabwe's main trade partners. South Africa United Kingdom (UK} Germany USA Japan Other countries 25% 15% 9% 6% 5% 40% (i) Draw a pie graph to represent the above information. [3] (ii) Give reasons for the large volume of trade between Zimbabwe and South Africa. [51 State two disadvantages of Zimbabwe's trade patterns shown in Table 1. (2] (iii) 2248/2 J2000 30 JUNE 2000 GEOGRAPHY 2248/02 POSSIBLE ANSWERS (a) (i) deposition, layering, pressure, compaction, cementation, strata, bedding planes , 9 eo.£~tlclm.e deposifs S TA se 2. - CONTINUED .bEP05ITCDN PrfSsw-t, CoM/>a&iioll celt\elttAf,DH. rectnH~ • deptziha ~~~.sGt~"~fi~r~;"~~~~E;~~~~~?1~*1lA!Ju StrAlu/ttt b"tclt~ 1../ r • "Ad sedlltf.tH.lt.fh{)lf. Dr 1 se'Ol,_ettf 'll\.t SEPIMEAJTA olJeJf R.OCK 14J~r 5 marks 1 mark each (ii) Pressure release development of cracks and joints, peeling off in layers, formation of boulders, balancing rocks. It is physical weathering. It increases rate of physical weathering. Acid rain It is chemical weathering. It increases rate of chemical weathering. Dissolution, carbonation, grikes and clints, stalactites, stalagmites, carverns, dry valleys, underground drainage etc. 1 mark each 4 marks 31 (b) (i) Meandering, bluffs, flood plain, deposition, wide channel, U-shaped valley, widening valley down stream, truncated, spurs. 4 marks 1 mark each (ii) deepening of the valley, rejuvenation, paired terraces, gorges, knick points, waterfalls, rapids, hanging valleys, v-shaped valley. 1 mark each- (iii) 4 marks washing away of houses, crops and top soil, cutting of communication lines, reduced navigation, landslides. ·1 mark each (c) 3 marks Inland drainage benefits problems diseases salty water supplies mosquitoes bilharzia, heat (very hot) droughts. water salt fish recreation tourism Geysers and Hot SQrings benefits problems healing spars tourism water supply geothermal power etc poisonous gases destruction of vegetation instability of the ground earth tremors. hard water 6 marks, 1 mark each (Reserve 2 marks for either benefits or problems) 2. (a) (i) 11 - raised, - to avoid ground radiant heat. -louvered sides to allow air to enter. - double roof - protect the instruments from direct heat and other weather elements, - locking device - to protect the instruments from vandalism. -instruments inside· for accurate readings . • white colour - to reduce direot heating of the box - wooden frame- poor heat conductor. 32 [25] 1 mark each (Reserve 3 marks for either description or explanation) 8 marks (b) (ii) hygrometer and Six's thermometer or maximum and minimum thermometers. 2 marks 10 (i) A - cold front B - warm sector C - warm front 3 marks 1 mark each (ii) fog, light rain, drizzle, falling pressure, I!~ht winds, temperature drops, overcast, dull weather, nimbostratus clouds. 3 marks 6 1 mark each (c) WEATHER CONDITION FARMER TOURIST Sunny Farm operations occur, Crops grow. Sun bathing, travel easy. Snowy Animal and crop protection. Snow sports, e.g. skiing. Cool Ideal for some crops and animals. Easy to travel and for outdoor walks Windy Protection of crops, etc Ideal for gliding Dry Irrigation needed Roads less muddy Rainy Crops and pasture thrive Difficult to travel. 1 mark each 9 marks (Reserve 4 marks for either weather conditions or reasons). 3. (a) (i) [25) A- grass, bushes, bushy trees, scattered trees, small trees, small animals, low biodiversity, drier/semi desert, savanna. 8- large trees, bigger animals, shorter grass: denser forest, wet, woodland, tropical rainforest, clouds, rain, wide 33 5 marks biodiversity. (ii) A- grazing, arable land, hunting, dry land crops, irrigation, game farming, national parks, thatch grass. B- hunting, forestry, tourism, growing tree crops, grazing, game farming. 5 marks 1 mark each (Reserve 2 marks for either A or B) (iii) Soil· erosion causes - cutting down of trees, cultivation, overgrazing, drought, veld fires, use of sledges, running water, wind etc. effects - reduced forests, reduced species of animals, destruction of forests, migration of animals, reduced rainfall, land degradation, siltation, gullies, flooding, famine, death of animals and people, desertification. Extinction of species Causes - hunting, veld fires, cultivation, keeping of domestic animals, droughts, deforestation, traditional medicines. commercial logging, poaching and overfishing. Effects - bare- surfaces, reduced biodiversity, lack of firewood, reduced precipitation, droughts, soil erosion, siltation, gullies. 1 mark 7 marks 17 (Reserve 2 marks for either causes or effects) (b) growing trees, protecting indigenous forest, water harvesting, use of contour ridges, destocking, paddocking, campfire, grass seeding, education and training, redistribution of land/reduce population pressure, gully reclamation, resettlement, villagisat;on, freehold tenure. 1 mark each 8 [25] 4. ' (a) (i) Renewable - non-exbaustible or infinite, e.g. wood, fish, water. Non-renewable - exhaustible or finite e.g. minerals. 34 2 marks (complete differences for 2 marks) (ii) Explanation Description low and stable production primitive people using.the resource low demand, poor technology high demand, improved technology, sharp rise more people. renewable, can be maintained, stable peak .conservation. slight decline over use at that point of time constant regeneration or rebuilding rise conservation, environmental awareness conservation. constant high and fluctuating increase in population pressure on resource. 1 mark each 8 marks 10 (b) name fixing features description -rO SAVe. It AJl> WITBA Nt<. eOAt.~lew>.s OF souTH J\ FR' c.A CoMSSA HI\~K!tT.s ,.."A.sAZ'I'IB( .••+ . . C 0.4. l.. 1=1 ELl> ++ IRON OR.E II IROAI ~ /liP STEfL I To Jlo~i ELIZAseTti .35 I' ". " I '" '" J>EPo.sIT~ "'OR Factors include: - good communication lines by rail and road. Large urban markets provided by industrial cities like Pretoria, Johannesburg, eie. . TPs that use coal Sasol plants that use coal as a raw material The iron and steel industry that uses coal Ports for exports Large population providing capital labour and market Favourable geological structure, e.g. stable seams with little fracturing Water from the Vaal and Orange river projects. 7 marks 1 mark for Name, 3 marks for using fixing features and 3 marks for descriptionl factors. (c) Threats - over exploitation, pollution, siltation. Explanation pollution leads to death of aquatic life, health hazard, lack of clean water, creates various water borne diseases. Measures control pollution. legislation. recycling, treating water, purifications, education, underground water. 1 mark each 5. (a) 8 marks (i) A - silo 8 - supermarket (ii) Advantage Disadvantage 2 marks Granary cheap aeration accessible to the farmer, near consumer can collapse, decompose, exposed to adverse weather, theft, can catch fire. Cold room fresh products long lasting storage, no contaminationl .disease free expensive to erect and maintain, requires and uses a lot of electricity, power failure 36 8 [25} Silo bulk storage I: safe from weather far from the farmer and consumer, expensive to build and maintain, needs bulky transport. elements and theft, durable. 1 mark each (iii) 8 marks provides capital, expansion of farming activities, better implement&, better storage, more production. 3 marks 1 mark each (b) Organisations ZTA, Dairiboard Zimbabwe, CFU, Cotton Company of Zimbabwe, ZFU, AFC, Seed-coop, Cargil, Pioneer and etc. Services finance. training, research, technology. Marketing· inputs, diseases control, banking services, investment opportunities. 1 mark each (c) For 5 marks reducing land pressure, equal distribution of resources, increased production, improved income and standard of living, use or utilisation of rand lying idle, employment of locals, improved income and living standards, earning a living, correcting historical injustices. Against environmental degradation, poor conservation, lack of infrastructure, lack of capital by resettled farmers and government, corruption, no loans for new farmers, conflict between government and commercial· farm owners, confUctbetween new and former farm owners, decline in export crops, decline in crop production and food supply, decline in agro-based industries, negative publicity, negative impact on economy. 1 mark each 7 [251 6. (a) (i) trading, clothes hanging, clothes in piles, clothes on ground,a lot of people, open air trading, sheds in the background, little vegetation, cloudy day, telephone poles, untidy, colourful clothes, women seated on ground, houses, disorganised, mainly women, bartering, a flea market. 5 marks by Yz 37 (ii) less capital needed, employment, cheap goods, no need for permanent structures (portable industry), government encouragement for self reliance or self - employment, economic hardships, retrenchments, goods provision, negotiable prices, empo~rment of women. 1 mark each (iii) 4 marks 13 capital, training, factory units, shops, trading licences, provide stands, provide water and sanitation. 1 mark each (b) Fixing featur~s e.g. Weight lOSing Weight gaining 4 marks Raw materials. transport, market. labour, water . power. Sugar, timber, tea, ginneries, iron and steel. furniture, breweries, soft drinks, glass industries, clothing,assembling industries. I • • / /\"'" /~'" •0 /~ • •, ,.,' , , .s1A~AR • , I RAIL . fl..OAJ) 5 marks 38 . PLAAliA7IOAJ (c) Causes lack of water, remittance of attractions of agglomeration poor market, government policy on profits, taxation, lack of skilled labour, Harare e.g. labour and market; factor, political instability. Effects Industrial decline, unemployment, out migration, lack of development, underutillsation of infrastructure, ghost towns, physical decay of settlement, rise in crime, loss of market. ~ 7 [25] . 1 mark each (Reserve 3 marks for either causes or effects) 7. (a) (i) degraded, poor mud huts, poor blair toilets, poor fencing, dirty and untidy, rural, deforested, dry, old zinc roof, brick huts, crowded huts. 1~rk~~ (b) 4ma~ (ii) Lack of fire wood, reduced production, diseases.from dusty conditions, famine, diseases from the toilets, lack of draught power, lack of pastures resulting in death of animals, reduced protein intake. 1 mark each 4 marks (iii) resettlement, destocking, family planning, growth points, migration, conservation, improve agricultural production, villagisation, birth control, education. 1 mark each 4 marks (i) 90% (ii) 48 to 50% 1 mark 1 mark Description ExplanatiQ.!1 more males - culturallhistotical - lack of education among females. 15 - 24 rises for both but higher in males - more females and males from schools, - males are more, - employment age. 39 12 25 - 54 both fairly high and uniform - working age 55 - 65 general - retirements, deaths and retrenchments. - lowerlife expectancy, culture drop in both bigger drop in males Alternatively consider specific and individual comparison or descriptions of age groups or males and females 1 mark each (Reserve 3 marks for description or explanation) (c) lack of education, prestige, free/cheap'labour, importance of the male ehlld, resistance to change or new ideas, reduced access to contraceptives, early marriages, cultural/religious practices. 1 mark each 8. ' (a) 3 [25] Characteristics Explanations tall buildings high human traffic high motor traffic commercial functions centrally located little industrial activities little residential population Iimited space commercial centre commercial centre high number of people heart of the city, route focus expensive rents and limited space. expensive land and use mainly commercial. to use space economically planning 1 mark each (b) 8 marks 10 ill ' 7 marks Location Explanation S.W close to industries, close to transport system. 40 Outskirts of the city upgraded squatter settlements, expansion of new residential areas. Mabvuku and Tafara (East) S.E. Epworth domestic labour for Highlands North - Hatcliffe domestic labour for Borrowdale South - Chitungwiza dormitory or new residential areas. Mbare oldest residential area, closer to C.B.D and industries for labour. West - Dzivarasekwa, Kuwadzana Domestic labour for Mabelreign domestic labour for Hatfield. 6 marks 1 mark each (ii) - Mukuvisi brings pollutants from industries and residential areas - Manyame - pollution from Chitungwiza - Squatter settlements along rivers bring pollution. - Cultivation along the two rivers causes pollution. - Chemicals from commercial farms along the rivers cause pollution. 1~rk~~ 3~~ (iii) far from residential areas/noise pollution, accessible by road, no other landuses, flat vacant land available. 1 mark each 2 marks 11 (c) prostitution, crime, drugs, theft, pollution of land, water and air, land degradation, diseases, lawlessness, beggars, street kids, poaching. stock theft, deforestation, dirty. poor sanitation .. 1~rk~~ 7~~ [25] (a) (i) generally poor forms of transport. inadequate modern transport, poorly developed roads. reliance on traditional means of transport, slow and inefficient transport. 1 mark (ii) 4 marks land degradation, goods going bad, carry little volume. death of animals, 1 (one) bus is very unreliable, breakdown of bus due to 41 poor dust roads, bus may be withdrawn, poor marketing of goods, overcrowded bus, overcharging, corruption. (iii) 1 mark each Solution 4 marks Explanation/Reason tarring attract more buses, improve speed. reduce break downs. banning use of sledges to reduce land degradation, to reduce soi! erosion. introduce tractors to eliminate use of sledges and animal power. increase bicycles ~ environmentally friendly, increase mobility, cheaper, no fuel problems. 1 mark each 7 marks 15 42 (b) (i) 3 marksby% (ii) port facilities, nearness, friendly relations, former colonial links, more transport facilities, civil wars in Mozambique and Angola, (reduced northern routes), greater diversity and larger'economy in South Africa, SADC links, TNCs operating in Zimbabwe have headquarters in South Africa. ' 5 marks 1 mark each (ii) w Countries very far except for South Africa, very well developed partners hence controls prices. - colonial - suppresses or dictates to Zimbabwe - pegs prices. - over-dependence on South Africa. - landlocked position - shortage of forex - unfavourable trade balance. 1 mark each 2 marks 10 [251 43 Blank page 44 ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GEOGRAPHY 2248/1 PAPER 1 Multiple Choice Friday 3 NOVEMBER 2000 Afternoon 1 hour 15 minutes The 1:50 000 Concession Map is enclosed with this question paper Additional materials: Multiple choice answer sheet Soft clean eraser Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended) 141542 1 hour 15 minutes TIME INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so by the invigilator. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided unless this has already been done for you. There are forty questions. in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible answers, A, 5, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer sheet. Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Each .correctanswer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any rough working should be done in this booklet. This Question paper consists of 16 printed p3ges_ Copvrighc: Zimbabwe School Examinations ~lIMSEC Cou;:",;il. 2000. [Tvrn over NlOOO. 45 Mapwork Questions 1 to 12 refer to the 1 : 50000 map of Concession 1. In which direction is the general flow of the Murowodzi river (grid square 7671)7 A south westerly direction B northerly direction westerly direction north easterly direction C D 2. 3. 4. In which grid square do you find a dip tank, a reservoir and buildings 7 A B 7865 7570 C 7874 o 7168 The feature found at grid reference 774741 is A B 'an ox-bow lake. C 8 D a reservoir. a dam. seasonal marsh. What is the length of the aerodrome landing area in grid square 76737 A B C D 5. (Zimbabwe). 600 metres 800 metres 1 000 metres 1 200 metres What map evidence suggests that the area of the map extract shown below is a mining area? 78 . 79 80 81 69~~-r~~~~~~~69 67-T-_.....-....:;...-+-..::;._"..::;".._".;:~~:;.......::;~67 78 A B C D 79 80 81 preseneo of B railway presence of reservoirs presence of quarries presence of mine dumps U48t, 46 N2QOO 6. The bearing of the spot heIght (794647) from the trigonometri~al station in grid square 8269 is A B C D 7. , 038°. 052°. 180°. 218°. The shaded area shows a plantation. 83 84 85 86 68~~~~~~~b-~~~'--~~,68 87 65 65~;-L--L-~1L-~~~1~~~~~~~t-1 83 84 85 86 87 Which of tha following suggests that irrigation is used in the area? A B C o B. seasonal marsh perennial rivers furrows boreholes What is the altitude of the reservoir in grid square 78677 A B C o 1,340 metres 1320 metres 1300 metres 1280 metres 47 9. Study the map area shown. 77 78 79 75;-----~----~75 The shaded areas show A B C o 10. medium bush. dense bush. sparse bush. very dense bush. Which sketch section represents the land surface from the trigonometricat station in grid square 7871 to the spot height in grid square 82707 B A SE NW c o 48 11. The diagram shows four locations on the map where a type of activity takes place. 80 81 82 80 83 80 x X X 79 79 X 78 ~ 80 78 81 82 KEY: X - 83 ACTIVITY Which activity is taking place at the four locations? A B C o 12. recreation education agriculture commercial The settlement pattern of the staff quarters shown in grid square 8465 is A B C 0 nucleated. linear. scattered. circular. 224611 1'12000 [Turn over 49 Physical Environment 13. The diagram shows lines of latitude and longitude in the northern hemisphere. N Which one 300W? of the following angles shown on the diagram above is longitude A angle XOQ B ang'le XOZ C angle NOX Dangle XOY 14. . Af(1N centimetres , • to several ~- metrae The diagram shows a landscape formed by weathering in limestone areas. The features marked X and Yare called A B .C .0 rift valley and horst. grikesand clints. anticlines and synclines. wadis and playas. 50 16. Studentsvisitlng a volcanic area saw a fountain of hot water and steam ejected into the air at regular intervals. What did they seel A a geyser B a crater lake an ash cone a hot spring C D 16. . During a period of generally calm, settled weather, a coastal area experiences a breeze blowing inland from the sea for several hours. night .~L 'day WARM . Which diagram A, B, C or D shows the conditions which cause the breeze? 17. The diagram shows a river flowing across the vaney stage. N , At which one of the positions marked At 8, C or D is a river cliff likely to develop? . (Tum bver 51 18. The above cross-section shows A B C D 19. an eroded anticline. a rejuvinated syncline. a rift valley. river terraces. 'She wakened to hear the rain lashing against the windows. During the night the South· West wind had strengthened to some 40 knots, the temperature had fallen to 6°C and the sky was almost covered.' Which of the stations A, 8, C or 0 represents the description? A ~.--w B c o 20. Dykes, sills and calderas are all features. of A B C D 21. flood plain erosion. land reclamation. volcanic activity. earth movements. What instrument is used to measure the relative humidity of the air? A wet and dry bulb thermometer B rain gauge mercury barometer C D maximum and minimum thermometer 52 22. The amount of tree-cover in savanna grasslands towards the equatorial zones because of A B e o tends to increase lncreasinq average monthly temperatures. a shorter dry season. a decrease in the number of herbivores, decreasing annual rainfall. 23. I I , t , \ \ \ \ \ \ .'. ./ Broken retaining walls \ The situation shown in the diagram above is caused by A S C o 24. lava flow. alluvial deposition. soil creep. wind erosion. Study the diagram below. Unbalanced cycling ,." - - - - - . Jf/I" / •••••, " ~ "~Breach /' Shortage of firewoOd~ : I ~ I I I • "" Dung and cropstalks used for fuel NUtrients / " -; not replaced,,""" ..• .•.. ' ._--_ A solution to the problem of unbalanced A B C D nutrient cycling would be afforestation. contour ploughing. gully filling, deforestation. 2248/1 N2000 53 [Turn over 25. A student went to read the maximum-minimum thermometer at a school weather station and found it as shown in the diagram. °c °c alcohol -20 -15 index 40 -- 35 30 -10 -5 0 25 20 5 10 10 5 index 15 15 0 20 -5 25 -10 30 -15 35 40 -20 -25 mercury What was the mean (average)temperature for the station? A B C o 10°C 15°C 20°C 25°C Economic Geography 26. Ground level The type of mining shown in the diagram above is A S adit. alluvial panning. C opencast. o shaft. 224et1 N2000 54 Z7. All the following raw materials required for the steel industry at Redcliff are locally available except A B C o 28. A general fall in prices of agricultural commodities on the world market would have the most effect on a A B C o 29. shifting cultivator. plantation (estates) farmer. peasant farmer. nomadic herdsman. Africa has developed less than 30% of her estimated hydro-electric power potential. This is because of A B C o 30. iron ore. limestone. manganese. coking coal. insufficient demand for electricity. abundant reserves of coal. the seasonal flow of many rivers. lack of suitable dam sites. The diagram shows four possible sites for a new steelworks. , The production of steel at the new wor:ks requires twice as much iron ore as coal. ; Railway line • Possible sites o I km 2 I If the cost of transporting iron ore and coal is the same, at which site A, 8, , C or D will the new steelworks be built in order to maximise transport costs for the raw materials? 2248/1 NlOOO [Turn over 55 31. Study the pie-charts showing the proportions of primary, secondary and tertiary employment in four countries. 8 A o c primary Which country A, B, C or D is the most developed? 32. The map shows the numbers of tourists, from selected countries, who visited Zimbabwe recently. a: Rest of C 'Harare 14 HOTEL ACCOMMODATION WHERE TOURISTS COME FROM Each storey :.p•••• nla 250 belllOoma. Th.lIgure besld. ~:: the IOClItionname showa tho {:) numb.,. of hotels. :10 25 10 South Africa o Which source country A, B, C or 0 contributed 100 000 tourists? 224811 N2000 56 33. , Study the diagrams which show changes in energy sources in the U.S.A. between 1967 and 1980. Hydroelectricity Nuclear power 5% 4% 1980 1967 Which , 19801 A B C D energy source showed the highest increase between 1967 and natural gas hydroelectricity nuclear power petroleum Population, Settlement and Trade. 34. The number of people in an area divided by the size of the area is a measure of A B C D 35. overpopulation. life expectancy. population density. birth rate. The table shows the results of a survey carried out in a developing country to find out the reasons why heads of households were moving into the city. HEADS OF HOUSEHOLD % REASON FOR MOVING INTO THE CITY X 68 13 to start a business 12 to join a member of the family 4 for education 3 because of a family quarrel 100 Heason X is to A B C D find eheapor housing. find entertainment. be nearer to a hospital. find paid employment. 2248'1 N~"OO 57 [Turn over 36. Which one of the following provisions by a government would have the greatest impact In improving the quality of life in squatter settlements 7 A B C D 37. a bus servIce into the city centre clean anti safe water supply shops for renting recreational facilities The map shows the location of four proposed sites for a new village. • 'Rloh eolia [: :] GoodgruJnQ C' J MaM ~_,"'3 B TraCk Which location A, B, C or D is the most suitable? 58 Height In meiret ~ Icm __ _.. 38. ,The graph shows changes in the birth and death rate in a country over a long period. high _--- .. ....•. ,,. , - death rate --- birth rate '\, ,, ,, ' .... low, ~ ~~ ~ __ ~~ A ••••••• ~ __ ~ c B ••••••• ~-~ ....------ o _ time At which stage A, B, C or D was the total population growing fastest? 39. The diagram shows the units of production per.head of population and birth rates for four countries. The death rate is thesame for all the countries. B. 3000 D. 'C c: 0 o ._ •.. .- c. U .!! 2000 ::l :J " Co o Q_Q.0 .•..o • CI) .~ 0 " c; § .! ~ 1 000 CD Co °li------,-------r-------r-----~------_ o 10 birth 20 30 40 rate per thousand per year Which country A, B, C or D hi leest likely to sutter trcm problemIJ of over population 7 ITurn over 59 60 40. The map shows four possible locations of Mrs Dube's home and workplace in a city. o .. km 2 railway o o ~ home workplace built up area Central Business District motorway main reed road Mrs Dube is the manageress of a department store and lives in a modern detached house with a large garden. Which letter A, B, C or 0 is most llkelv to represent both her workplace and home? ;U48!1 1';2000 60 NOVEMBER 2000 GEOGRAPHY 2248/01 POSSIBLE ANSWERS MAPWORK (1 :50 000 CONCESSION) ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 1. 0 2. e 26. A 27. D 3. e 4. B 28. B 29. A 5. D 6. 0 30. D 31. A 7; e 8. e 32. D 33. e 9. a 10. 0 11. A 12. A POPULATION, SETTLEMENT AND TRADE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 13. 0 14. B 34. e 35. 0 15. A 16. e 36. B 37. B 17. e 18. A 38. e 39. B 19. D 20. e 40. A 21. A 22. a 23. C 24. A 25. C lSI< Re:'Hlf'OT-~1 I'm 61 Blank page 62 ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GEOGRAPHY 2248/2 PAPER2 Monday 30 OCTOBER 2000 Morning 2 hours 30 minutes Add.itional materials: Answer paper '"j(::: i::S81 .. ',J~.i' TIME 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer paper/answer booklet. Answer four questions. Each question carries 25 marks. Answer one question from each of Sections A, Band C and one other question from any section. Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The number of marks is given in brackets [ 1 at the end of each question or part question. Insert' 1 contains Photograph A for use with Question 3. Insert 2 contains Photograph B for use with Question 4. Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate an answer. This question paper consists of 12 printed pages and 2 inserts. Copyright: Zimbabwtf School Examinations Council, 2000. © [Tum over ZlMSEC 2000 63 Section A (Physical Environment) Answer at least one question from this section. 1. (a) (i) Name the three classes of rocks. (ii) With. the aid of labelled diagrams, explain how the structure of rocks influences the formation of one of the following: (iii) (b.) [3] Castle kopjes Underground caves Trellis drainage [6) What advice and information would you give to a council to develop an area that has experienced faulting? [51 Fig. 1 below shows a iandform found in hot deserts. soft rock 1 main wind Fig. 1 (i) Describe how the landform is formed. [5} (ii) Outline the changes which are likely to occur to the landform over a long period of time.. [2) (iii) Strong winds pose problems for people living in hot deserts .. Explain the problems associated with these winds. (4] 64 2. (a) Study Fig. 2 below which shows the hydrological cycle. B Fig. 2 (b) (i) Name the processes marked A, Band C and symbol D. [4} (ii) Explain how each of the processes marked A and B lead to the formation of rainfall. [6J Suggest the benefits to people and the environment from cloud seeding and air pollution control. arising [7] [Turn 65 over (el Study Fig.· 3-showing pressure patterns overAfrica in' July. -- N-Etrade // Fig. 3 Ii) . Describe and explain the pressure patterns shown on Fig. 3. (ii) 3. (a) (b) [6] State two weather conditions pressure systems. associated with high [21 Study Photograph A {Insert I} showing an environmental problem. [51 (i) Describe the scene in the photograph. (Ii) Explain the causes of the problem shown in photograph A.[5] In many places in Africa, the conservation of the environment has involved the setting aside of land for wildlife management schemes. m Using the diagram below, state the inputs and outputs of such schemes. INPUTS 1. 2. PROCESSES .. r ADAPTATION RECLAMATION OUTPUTS .. ~ 3• 4. [4] 66 (il\ Explain conservation (iii) management improves of the environrnent. how wHdUfe the (41 You are to giVe a speech to the Department of NC1torat Resources on the failure of many conservatten programmes In the rural areas. Briefly describe the issues which you will raise in your speech. . 2241;2 t.. • ,'. 67 [71 Section B (Economic Geography) Answer 4. (a) Study Photograph (i) (ii) {rail (b) a~ least one question from this section. B (lnsert 2) showing a rural homestead. Describe the uses of resources shown in the photograph. (5) Explain the problems associated with the method of cooking shown. [31 What measures would you recommend to such communities to conserve energy resources? [4] Study Fig. 4 which shows fishing grounds in South Africa. o 200 L '. ~ ~ I I Kilometres fiiij Pelagic. ~ r;:•..:~ Rock lobster _Inshore Off·shore trawling trawUng FS a Off-shore fishing zona o Main fishing habours Fig. 4 (i) Describe and explain the distribution of fishing grounds shown. (n) [7] Explain the advantages to South Africa of producing a wide variety of fish. 68 (61 ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GEOGRAPHY 2248/2 PAPER 2 INSERT Monday 30 OCTOBER 2000 Morning 2 hours 30 minutes Instructions to candidates. This insert contains Photograph A for use with Question 3(a}. This insert consists of 2 printed pages. (Turn over ClZlMSEC 2000 69 .~. .~ .t:r "" " cc ~ f :; :..' .-.~ < :::;';: ",t'(";;~~i ~:'~~"~~3 . 70 '.r ;) ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level ·GEOGRAPHY 2248/2 PAPER 2 INSERT Monday 30 OCTOBER2000 Morning 2 hours 30 minutes Instructions to candidates. This insert coniain~Photograph B for use with Question 4(a). ThIs Insert consists of 2 printed pages. [Turn over CzJft1SEC2000 71 Photograph B INSERT 2 ,,(_-" ',/,;" ..:;.~~~. . i~~j~~l; ,,'.'.. 224812 (insert 21 ~l2r,;r;'} 72 ":» ..~; 5. (a) In a field study of a farm, a geography class obtained the following results on the natural conditions: Soil deep, sandy loams pH slightly acidic (6) Rainfall 800mm, seasonal Temperature Summer 21°e, Winter lSoe Vegetation cover less than 30% •. Pests and diseases Insects, weeds, fungi How would this information assist a farmer decide on (b) (i) the crops to grow, [2] (ii) farm inputs, [4} (iii) conservation measures? [21 With reference to a named example in Africa, describe the advantages and disadvantages of pastoral nomadism. [61 , (c) The table below gives statistics on maize production in Zimbabwe from 1992 to 1997. 1992 - 1993 1993 - 1994 1 350000 1994 - 1995 1 171 000 tonnes 1995 - 1996 67 600 . tonnes 1996 - 1997 932 000 tonnes (Source: (i) (ii) 12 600 tonnes tonnes CSO 1997) Describe the trends shown on the table and suggest their possible effects on food security in the country. [7J You are an Agritex Officer and you have submitted to the 90vernment a proposal to expand co-operative agriculture in the comrnunal areas of Zimbabwe. Justify your proposal. [4] [Tum over 73 6. (a) (i) Define the term beneficiation. [2J (ii) With reference to Fig. 5 below describe the process of oil refining shown. [5) final products such as rubber. fertlCzers. adhealves. plastics etc. octanepetrol crude oil=;::=:::::::!tr- FURNACE residues- ~=====""later distilledto yield lubricating oils and greases, waxea HEAT bitumen Fig. 5 (iii) (b) Choose two by-products of crude oil and state two uses of each. Fig. 6 below shows three industries with close links to one another. work\ Iron and steel Building and Construction Banking and Finance Fig. 6 22U12 N2000 74 [21 (I) Describe and explain the relationships between the three industries. (61. . Explain the uses of raw materials required in the production of iron and steel. (4] State and explain the policies which you would recommend in establishing new industries and expanding existing ones in your country. [7] (ii) (0) Section C (Population, Settlement and Trade) Answer at least one question from this section. 7. (a) Fig. 7 shows the functions of a multi-storey building in the Central Business District (CBD) of a city. Fig. 7 (i) Describe and explain the functions shown. [6) (iI) A town council decides to construct more roads and clinics while the residents want more houses. Put forward arguments in support of both the' council and the residents. (7] (Turnover 75 (b) Fig. 8 below shows part of Harare's "sphere of Influence" or 'urban field'. CHINHOYI • BANKET BINDURA • • MAZOWE • HARARE •• NORTON • • MUREHWA RUWA • .MARONOERA CHITUNGWIZA CHEGUTU· • BEATRICE 1cm=40km Fig. 8 (i) Describe Harare's "sphere of influence". (31 (in Describe the benefits and problems arising from Harare's "sphere of influence". (5) (iii) 8. (a) Withreferen~e to a town or city you have studied in . Zimbabwe, describe the differences between High density and Low density residential areas. The table below gives information on the population of two countries A and B. Population characteristics Population growth Country Country A B 0,1 % 3% 12 per 1000 66 per 1000 57 million 7 million Unemployment 11% 40% Economic growth 3% 1% 75 years 48 years Infant mortality Active population Life expectancy 224812 N2000 76 [4} State which country represents (in (b) (e) 9. (a) developed countries and give reasons for your answer. [71 Using the table only, explain the causes of unemployment for both countries. [4J Explain why there are low population densities in the lowvefd areas of Zimbabwe. [71 Explain the relationship between rising poverty and declining resources in Southern Africa. Make recommendations to solve these problems. (71 Fig. 9 shows total populations and the Gross Domestic Products (GDPs) for the SADC countries. D.R.Congo pop. 46.5m GDPS16.5b o Seychelles pop.O.OO8m GO?$430m Angola pop.10.3m GOP$7.4b to Mauritius pop.1.14m GOP$3.06b b-bllUon Fig. 9 (i) What does the abbreviation SADC stand for? [1 J (ii) Explain how the variations in GDP may promote or hinder trade within the region. [6J An expert has recommended that the SADC must increase its trade links with the European Union {E.U.l. In your opinion, what are the merits and demerits of such a recommendation? £7J (iii) 224812 M2000 [Tum over 77 (Iv) (bl With reference to Zimbabwe, explain the measures the country has put in place to boost international trade. I (4] Points in the diagram below are to be connected by transport routes. • • • m • • On your answer paper draw and label a topological map with a beta index of 1.6 (beta index = E) (6] State two advantages of topological maps. [2] N (B) 78 NOVEMBER 2000 GEOGRAPHY 2248102 POSSIBLE ANSWERS 1. (a)' (i) (Ii) Sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous 1 mark each 3 marks Castle kopjes bQlaltclxg roc.lc.s, bOLl/det5 0 r ___,.,_,__-, to,.s /"-:-...IJ.3 well jointed granite rock rectangular/block jointing pattern selective deep chemical weathering along the joints stripping of regolith to expose inselberg or Underground caves water containing calcium bicarbonate drips from the cave roof. Wher the water evaporates it leave behind calcium carbonate in the form of 79 stalactites, stalagmites and pillars. well jointed limestone rock numerous bedding surfaces solution along joints widening of joints to form caves or Trellis drainage C - CollSecp<tKt S+f'f41J.t s - ..slAbs~U\t Strett1t1 rectangular I grid faulting rivers exploit fault lines rapid headward erosion alternate bands of hard and soft rock folding may also result in trellis drainage 1 mark each Reserve 2 marks for diagram (iii) 6 marks development of tourism, HEP, water sport! recreation at waterfalls mining can be promoted or becomes difficult possibility of earth quakes; reinforcing of buildings and use of light materials for building problems of setting up communication networks due to rugged terrain use of flexible piping farming on valley floors tea, coffee, timber on highlands 1 mark each (Reference to earthquakes - maximum of 2 marks) (b) (i) - Heterogeneous rock/vertical bands of hard and soft rocks. - Selective weathering and erosion. - Wind abrasion wears away weaker rock at a faster rate. 80 5 marks {14} (ii) (iii) - Formation of a ridge and furrow landscape. 1 mark each 5 marks ridges are reduced in size and height ridges disappear extensive erosion plain or peneplain is formed rock debris on surface widening of furrows and narrowing of ridges 1~rk~~ 2~~ shifting sand dunes bury settlements, roads, water sources and farmland dust storms reduce visibility casing accidents and diseases. sand blasting destroy.s .crops, leads to corrasion, injury and makes it difficult to travel wind erosion opens-oases and creates badlands. 1 mark each 4 marks 11 [251 (a) (i) A B C o (ii) (b) Evaporation Condensation Infiltration/seepage/sinking Lightning 1 mark each 4 marks evaporation increases water vapour in the atmosphere when moist air rises it expands adiabatic cooling of air to dew point air becomes saturated presence of hygroscopic condensation nuclei or carbon particles helps condensation and cloud formation growth of rain drops and falling as rain. 1 mark each 6 marks 10 increased water supply more vegetation cover more pasture reduced soil erosion due to increased vegetation cover cleaner air healthier people/Reduced respiratory diseases and skin cancer conservation of biodiversity more crop yields more food reduced dirt and dust, etc. reduced risk of hailstorms . less acid rain reduced greenhouse effect 1 mark each 7 marks 81 7 (c) (i) Description high pressure over the Atlantic and Indian oceans and Southern Africa cold front over the westem part of South Africa the I.T.C.Z. (Zonal low pressure system) lies to the north of the Equator. Reasons ~ movement of thermal equator/overhead sun northern hemisphere summer and southern hemisphere winter 1 mark each 6 marks (Reserve 2 marks for either description/reason.) (U) calmlsettled/ stable weather clearskies/sunny weather fair weather cumulus clouds subsidence and out flow of air/ divergence surface temperature inversion radiation fog and mist frost. dew etc. dry whether Low/ cool temperature 1 Mark each 2 marks 8 [251 3. (a) (I) erosion/gullying, land degradation undercutting at the base of a river cliff erosion of river bank mechanical collapse/slumping siltation dry river bed a tree that has collapsed into the river bare ground sparse 'grass cover clumps of soil exposed roots sand bank some tree branches have been cut off, etc. 5 marks by~ 82 soils which are easily eroded sparse vegetation cover flash floods deforestation overgrazing stream bank cultivation over population .gold panning, etc. 1 mark each (ii) (b) (i) (iii) 10 • Inputs Outputs fence skins trophies meat curios employment foreign currency, etc. game land capital vegetation water, etc. . 1 mark each (ii) 5 marks 4 marks culling reduces pressure on pasture/vegetation regenerates relocation of game reduces pressure on land money generated is ploughed bacJdnto protection of wildlife . selective grazing and browsing by the different species reduces the danger of overgrazing . tree planting restores vegetation cover, etc. building of dams and sinking of boreholes improves water supply. 1 mark each 4 marks corruption mismanagement lack of capital! poverty poor planning lack of knowiedgelilliteracy/ignorance drought poaching lack of land poorly developed transport networksl remoteness political interference population pressure wood as only source of energy 1 mark each 7 marks 83 15 [251 4. (a) (i) trees grass iron and steel cotton clay plastics tin water 1 mark each (ii) (iii) (b) (i) building, fuel, fencing, cooking sticks, axe 1'\ancIe, stools, thatching drums, wire, axe clothing plastering, decoration, bricks. wash basin plates cooking food, beer, washing 5 marks deforestation open fires waste wood fuel/inefficient use of energy dangerous/ accidents. unhygienic/diseases. food poisoning pollution 1 mark each 3 marks use of bricks, corrugated iron sheets, and asbestos. use of electricity cow dung and crop residue use of biogas, solar energy, paraffin. tsotsostoves earth stoves/fire places reforestation ' afforestation Education 1 Mark each 4 marks Distribution of fisheries pelagic fishing areas near the west coast off-shore fishing more extensive on the eastern side large areas of off-shore trawling on the western side small areas of rock lobsters around Durban and the West Coast 84 12 (b) Name - Fulani, Masai OR East Africa, West Africa, Kenya 1 mark Advantages movement ensures that the livestock gets water and pasture movement reduces the problems of tsetse flies (Fulani) no limits on the number of livestock Disadvantages land conflicts difficult to provide services disease control is difficult overstocking __..overgrazing poor quality livestock severe erosion around water holes frequent loss of large number of livestock due to disease and drought areas remain underdeveloped. desertification 1 mark each 6 marks (Reserve 2 marks for either advantages or disadvantages) (c) (i) Trends 1993 - 4 1994 - 5 1995 - 6 1995 - 7 sharp increase decrease sharp drop increase Effects 1993 - 94 - 1994 - 95 1995 - 96 1996 - 97 1 mark each food surplus more exports deficits -- drought relief, importation of food, starvation, etc. Food aid. reduced food imports 7 marks (Reserve 3 marks for either trends or effects) 86 6 (ii) ... ) (a) (i) employment shared labour and knowledge group purchasing of inputs and marketing access to credit facilities/bank loans shared risks ·1 mark each 4 marks 11 [25] Initial Processing or adding value to a product or mineral concentration. 2 marks (Ii) heating vapour rises into fractional tower separation .of various hydrocarbon fractions heavy gas oils are removed light oils flow into thermal cracker blending .of petrol separation of gas from petrol polymerization residue removed from base 5 marks 1 mark each (iii) . (b) (i) bitumen road construction sealing roofs chemicals asprin perfumes 2 marks Mark by Yz marks Iron and steel industries supply building and construction with raw materials for reinforcement. Building and construction puts up buildings for banking and-finance for investment and for security. Banking and finance supplies capital to both iron and steel and building and construction as investment. Money from both iron and steel and building and construction goes to banking and finanpe for security and investment. 1 mark each (reserve 2 either for descnpftcn or explanation) 5 marks (U) 9 iron ore limestone coke water pig iron flux smelting cooling 87 chrome hardening steel, etc. 4 marks 9 1 mark each Decentralization - equitable development in all areas. Privatisation - encourages efficiency. Indigenisation - empowers locals. Import substitution - saves forex. High tariffs on imported goods - protection of local industry. E.P.Zs.- increase exports and generate employment. Tax rebates- encourages investment. Lower taxes- encourages investment. Encourage technology which is sustainable and fully utilises the existing skills of the local people Labour intensive industries - create employment Develop industries which use local rather than imported raw materials e.g. agro - based to save forex. smart partnerships - encourage foreign investment. (c) 7 . [25] 1 mark each (Reserve 3 marks for either policies or explanations). 7. (a) (i) restaurant on top floor - good view and less noise . and congestion shops on ground floor for easy accessibil.ity and need for street frontage for display of goods, floor space more expensive offices above ground floor -+ cheaper floor space, no need for street frontage, less noise and congestion basement shops, storage and parking -+ cheaper floor space mall for relaxation and easy access to shops roof - communication equipment - no obstacles to disturb waves. 1 mark each 6 marks (Reserve 2 marks for either description or explanation). JU) Council \ improve traffic flow and reduce accidents reduce congestion employment creation improve health and welfare of people 88 attract investors, etc. increase accessibility, etc. Residents shortage of housing overcrowding diseases squatters crime prostitution, etc. :\1 1 mark each. Reserve 3 for either councilor (b) (i) ... .. ~~:~~~~~ residents surrounded by many towns several satellite/domitory settlementsltowns extends up to 120km largely agricultural and mining towns and ·growth points. extends to the NIW to Chinhoyi, NE to Bindura, East to Marondera, South to Beatrice and SW to Chegutu. 3 mt:lrks 1 mark each (ii) 7 marks Benefits labour raw materials large potential market supply of fresh farm produce entertainment employment housing decentralisation of industry Problems traffic congestion unemployment crime and all forms of antisocial behaviour pollution primacyl slow growth in smaller towns 1 mark each 5 marks Reserve 2 marks for benefits/problems. 89 13 (iii) High density many small houses per unit area uniform designs fewer open spaces/recreational areas narrow streets tower lights many beer outlets, etc. Low density large houses large residential stands .varied designs large open spaces wider streets street lights more recreational facilities e.g. golf courses, tennis courts, swimming pools. etc. 4 marks 12 [25] 1 mark each per difference. 8. (a) (I) (ii) (b) A low population growth rate low infant mortality rate large active population high life expectancy at birth higher rate of economic growth low unemployment 1 mark each Reserve 1 for name 7 marks rapid population growth and slow economic growth (6) large potential labour force for both A and B slow population growth __. unemployment for certain classes of labour (A) 1 mark each 4 marks remoteness low rainfall fewer mineral resources low altitude and high temperatures pests and diseases infertile sandy soifs (Hwange area) 90 11 state lands (forests) national parks and wildlife areas extensive farming types (ranching), etc. 1 mark each (c) 7 Relationships rapid population growth- rapid exploitation and depletion of resourcesdeforestation, erosion, siltation, desertification, shortage of water - unhygienic conditions diseases lack of cattle -+ shortage of drought power and manure shortage of wood fuel - negative impact on food supply and preparation over fishing - reduced food poarching - deception of wild- life. etc. Solutions birth reduction measures resettlement piped water schemes fish farming cattle restocking programmes use of alternative fuels, afforestation, reforestation wild- life conservation 1 mark Reserve 3 marks for relationships or solutions) 9. (a) (i) Southern Africa Development Community 1 mark each (ii) 7 marks 1 mark Promote wealth from richer countries can be used to assist the poorer countries diffusion of technology movement of goods and skills large population gives rise to a large region~1 market 91 [25] Hinder : trade imbalances monopolistic tendencies protectionism some countries are poor different tarrif rates 1 mark each. Reserve 2 for either promote or hinder. (iii) 6 marks Advantages forex aid technology skills preferential markets Disadvantages quota system price control open market destabilization of governments 1 mark each. Reserve 3 marks for AID. (iv) 7 marks trade fairs/exports use of the internet to advertise goods setting up investment promotion centres South-South Co-operation E.P.Z. export of labour participation in foreign trade expos joining trading groups etablishing/opening trade missions in other countries, etc. 1 mark each Q") 4 marks 18 (b) (i) Y2 mark for each line % mark for node and % mark for edge eii) 5 marks easy to construct easy to process quick visual impression of connectivity 7 1 mark each 2 marks ;K .:EO-SPOT ·2;>48.()2 NOO ' 93 [25] Blank page 94 ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GEOGRAPHY 2248/1 PAPER 1 Multiple Choice Wednesday 20 JUNE 2001 Afternoon 1 hour 15 minutes 1 :50 000 Survey Mep Is enclo.ed with this queltion paper Additional materials: Multiple choice answer sheet Soft clean eraser ~ Soft pencil (type B or HB isrecommendedl 00530 1 hour 15 minutes TIME INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so by the invigilator. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided unless this has already been done for you. There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questlans, For each question there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer sheet. Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any rough working should be done in this booklet. This question paper consists of 20 printed pages and a survey map. Copyright: Zimbabwe SchOol Examinations Council, 2001. rTurn 0ZIMSEC 2001 95 over Mapwork Questions 1 to 12 refer to the 1 :50000 map extract of Mbalabala (Zimbabwe). 1. In which grid square would you find a dip tank, cultivation and a prospecting trench? A. 2. B. 2133 2136 C. D. 1940 2141 What map evidence shows" that there is mining in grid square 1838? A. B. C. D. 3. What human feature is found at grid point 119 373? A. B. C. D. 4. B. C. D. 200 metres. 250 metres. 30P metres. 400 metres. What is the grid-bearing of the quarry (134 392) from the summit of Tsvakambeva kopje (104 338)? A. B. c. D. 6. Staff quarters Rifle, range 'St. Stephens College Shaw Barracks The length of lnvankunl dam wall is 'A. 5. Mine dump Quarry Prospecting trench Embankment 28° 152° 208,° 3320 In which grid square does the wide tarred road from Esigodini to Mbalabala pass through a wind gap? A. 0941 B. 1041 1140 1234 c. D. 2248/1 J200l 96 ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GEOGRAPHY 224811 PAPER 1 Wednesday 20 JUNE 2001 Afternoon 1 hour 15 minutes ERRATUM NOTICE Question 1: To read as would you find a dip tank, cultivation and dams?" instead of would you find a dip tank, cultlvatlon and a prospecting trench?" II", II", 97 Blank page OA 7. Study the map area shown. 14 18 14 18 What is the general direction of flow of Umzingwani river in the area shown? A. B. C. D. 8. What types of vegetation would a driver observe on the northern side of the , road as he drives along the wide tarred road from Mbalabala to the Umzingwani river bridge (2237)? A. B. C. D. 9. North-East to South-West South-East to North-West North to South West to East Sparse bush, medium bush, sparse bush. Sparse bush all the way. Medium bush, sparse bush, medium bush. Dense bush all the way. Study the map area shown. 18 23 18 23 According to map evidence, what is the main activity in the shaded area? A. Cultivation B. Fishing c. Plantation D. Mining (Turn over 99 10. The shaded area shows part of the map extract. 09 09 12 The settlement pattern in the area shown above is A. 'B. C. D. 11. Which grid square has a dendritic drainage pattern? A. B. C. D. 12. haphazard. nucleated. radial. linear. 1747 1433 1439 0941 The Umzingwani river is not suitable for navigation because of the presence of A. 'B. C. D. dams. islands. meanders. rapids. 224811 J200t 100 Physical Environment 13. Study the wind and pressure pattern below. "-. @ S.E trade winds 23,,$- Which air mass A, B, C or D brings dry conditions to the area it blows to? 14. The map shows weather conditions over Southern Africa on a particular day. Which area A, B, C or 0 was experiencing anticyclonic conditions on that day? 22411/\ J200' 101 [Turn over 15. The diagram shows the direction and force of winds for station X for a period of one month. b Calm or -===~. ()~~c===__ variable 1-3 4-8 9-13 14-18 18+ The prevailing wind direction for the station over the period was A. B. C. D. 16. Easterly. North-Easterly. South-Westerly. North-W.esterly. Study the weather records kept at a school over a period of four days. DRY BULB DAY (Oc) WET BULB (DC) A. 19,5 16,5 B. 19,4 17,0 c. 19,0 18,5 D. 19,5 17,0 BAROMETER (mb') 1005 1002 1000 1003 RAIN , CLOUD COVER -• , On which day A, B, C or 0 was the highest rainfall experienced? 224811 J2001 102 8 - --- • - 17. Study the rainfall and temperature graphs below. Altitude469m latitude 1~N 20 Total 864 mm 300 250 200 mm 150 100 50 The climatic region represented by the graphs is A. B. C. 'D. Equatorial. Hot Desert. Hot Monsoon. Savanna. 2241111 J20CIt 103 18. The diagram shows a weather phenomenon associated with a thunderstorm. 12 eeee ee e ee e ~;( layers of air, water droplets and hailstones rub past each other, electrons are transferred charges build up on X \ cloud o The weather conditions likely to be experienced at X and Y respectively are A. B. C. D. 19. hail and mist. lightning and fog. mist and thunder. hail and lightning. The map shows the East African rift valley formed by a combination of tensional and compressional forces. FtllJll$ bounding -m IItt/l.i' -16'. Which feature A, 8, C or 0 is due to ccmpressional forces resulting in downwarping? 104 20. Study the diagram below. ESCARPMENT The process leading to the disappearance of the river between points X and Y is A. B. C. D. 21. carbonation. hydration. infiltration. oxidation. The diagram shows a river valley. ~ y CROSS-SECTION y ---r-+---- y ·Which point A, B, Cor D is represented by the cross-section shown? [Turnover 224811 J2001 105 22. The diagram shows knickpoints K, and K2 in a river valley. Flood pJain Which process resulted in the formation of these knickpoints? A. B. C. D. 23. Braiding Flooding Rejuvenation Terracing The graph shows the movement, in deserts, of the same sand particle from point )( to point Y. H'3lght (:Tij y . This type of movement is called A. siltation. B. C. suspension. saltation. D. surface creep. '" '. , ~ 106 ,0 . ,, 24. The diagram shows an equatorial ecosystem. 50 40 III ~ E .i ; o Their ~ lea_ ,nIolWenUO) 8I1d brancIIM la taken up by the Jiving fall flam tile IreeIIII 1111118 through tile \... . . .Th., eyareqUjCldyllrol;. :. ~ownIntile heal by, ell ".i' ", . . . . '. . y..,. ''''.''., . .beatle •• fungi. and bacleiia' The main activity disrupting the nutrient cycle shown is A. B. c. D. 25. unsustainable safari hunting. depopulation due to diseases. excessive logging by companies. introduction of artificial fertilizers. Vegetation zones resulting from increasing altitude are broadly similar to those of A. B. C. D. increasing rainfall. reduced temperature. changes in soil depth. increasing latitude. 224111 J2OO1 107 Economic Geography 26. The diagram shows a series of wells harvesting underground water for a local community. A c [22J II Clay fr.t*' Iill[j Granite o Limestone Sandstone Which well A, B, C or 0 would provide a more permanent source of water? 27. The pie charts show the total consumption of energy for a country in 1970 and 1980. 1970 _natural 1980 gas m hydro~electrlc power ~ solid fuels E liquid fuels Which of the following energy types experienced the greatest increase in consumption? A. B. C. Solid fuels Liquid fuels Natural gas D. Hydro-ElectricPower 2248/1 J2001 108 28. The map below shows the movement of oil in the world in 1993. Thickness of flow lines is proportionate to percentages of total flow. Which one of areas A, S, C or 0 received the largest volume of oil? 29. The maps show Ghana's original forest zone and the remaining forest reserves. GHANA GHANA oTamale oTemal, N N t IVORY COAST TOGCl t TOGO Bight of Benin Bight of Benin What can be done to save Ghana's dwindling forests? A. B. C. D. Grow plantation crops. Use substitutes for wood. Increase the prices for timber. Irrigate the forests. 224811 J200t 109 [Tum over 30. The map shows development strategies to improve productivity standards in communal areas in Zimbabwe. and living . Increase carrying capacity of COrt)munallancis ReseU!emenllnto market garden' near Masvlngo Opening up new resettlement areas through Irrigation schemes ~ C~mmunal areas CJ Commercial areas oJ Ab50rption of excess population to industry Which one of the strategies A, B, Cor 0 has the greatest potential to improve agricultural production on a more permanent basis in communal areas? 31. An agricultural development strategy involving the productlon of high yielding varieties of food crops and the application and use offeh:ilizers, 'insecticides, implements and water control is A. B. C. D. 32. perrnaculture. green revolution. shifting cultivation. transhumance. Industries which produce bulky items on manufacture are best located near A. B. C. D. the market. labour supplies, raw materials. power supplies. 2248/1 J2001 110 33. The table below shows the percentage of holiday and business trips undertaken by members of various social groups in a country. HOLIDAY AND BUSINESS TRIPS Social Group A. B. c. D. Managerial Supervisory Skilled Manual Unskilled Which social group A, SHORT 1 to 3 NIGHTS -% LONG 4 NIGHTS OR MORE - % 32 26 25 16 25 24 28 25 # B, C or 0 spendsthe most time away from home? Population, Settlement and Trade 34. The maps show land-use at a settlement in 1881 and 1981 respectively. 1881 1981 The main change that has taken place is that the settlement has A,. B. C. D. a drastically altered street pattern. more urban functions. decreased in services. less vegetation cover. 2248/1 J200t 111 [Turn over 35. The sketch map below shows the land-use zones of a city in a developing country. .' . ..'. . . • MEDIUM COST HOUSING •' I HIGH RISE FLATS ' HIGH COST HOUSING LINE OF RAIL CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT INDUSTRIAL LAND VACANT LAND In which of the zones A, S, C or 0 is a squatter settlement most likely to develop? 2248/1 J200t 112 36. The bar graph shows the average annual population growth rates for four regions in the periods 1960 - 65 and 1985 - 90. (per cent) 3.5 ,... . 3 ,_. . r- 2.5 r-..... . r- 2 1.5 1 0.5 r-...• 1-.... 1-.•... - 1985-90 CJ 1960-65 . .................... .... ................ ....;:;......... • .___ 1-.... O"__-'-f'-~ tV d) '1); < ~ :J UJ tV 'c 8 0 Which region had the largest drop in its population growth rate from i960 to 1990? A. B. C. D. Oceania Europe Asia Latin America' 22.aal1 J2001 113 [Tum oyer 37. The graphs show the rise in life expectancy for the male population in four d'eveloping countries between 1950 and 1995. •... II) as II) >. .E >o c: as o G) Co )( II) -:J 50 II) 40 ~~~~--~~--~--~ 30 . 1950-1955 1960-1965 1970-1975 1980-1985 1990-1995 .The country which experienced the greatest improvement in male life expectancy is .A. B. C. D. 38. Bolivia. China. Cuba. Nigeria. Which one of the following diseases could be controlled by the provision of clean and safe water sources to communities? ,A. B. C. D. Bilharzia Cholera Kwashiorkor Malaria 114 39. Volume ot traffic on Zimbabwe's roads. , I J -! O~ __ 100,__'__ HOt -'101 2~OOkin "to lot _1cIR The technique used to show the volume of traffic on the map above is A. B. bar graph. scatter diagram. D. flow line. pie chart. c. ~J%OO1 115 [Turn over 40. The graph shows the value of exports for Kenya between 1986 and 1992. -·e 2500 c. .2 2000 - 1500 ~ 41 'C aJ J:I 1000 '5 CD :J ~. 0 1986 1987 1988 1989 19901991 Year 1992 During which of the following years did the country experience the largest trade deficit? A. B. 1988 1989 C. 1990 D. 1991 U41J1 J2001 116 . JUNE 2001 GEOGRAPHY 2248/01 POSSIBLE ANSWERS MAPWORK (1:50000 MBALABALA) ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 26. B 27. 0 28. A 29. B 6. e e 30. e 31. B B 8. A 3.2 A 33. A 9. A 10. A 11. A 12. 0 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. 5. A 7. 4 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT POPULATION, SETTLEMENT AND TRADE 13. B 14. 0 34. 8 35. 0 15. B 16. e 36. B 37. B 17. 0 18. 0 38. B 39. C 19. B 20. A 40. C 21. A 22. C 23. C 24. C 25. 0 117 Blank page 118 ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level 2248/2 GEOGRAPHY PAPER 2 11 JUNE 2001 Monday Morning 2 hours 30 minutes Additional materials: Answer paper 15691 TIME 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer paper/answer booklet. Answer four questions. Answer one question from each of Sections A, Band C and one other question from any section. Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The number of marks is given in brackets () at the end of each question or part question. Insert 1 contains Photographs A and B for use with Questions 3 and 4. Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate an answer. This question paper consists of 14 printed pages, 2 blank pages and 1 insert. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, 2001. [Turn over ClZlMSEC 2001 119 Section A (Physical Environment) Answer at least one question from this section. 1. (a) Fig. 1 shows some landforms and geological processes in Africa. Key • Composite volcano Fold Mountains + earthquake eplcentre Fig. 1 (I) (if) (iii) (bl (el , Draw a labelled diagram to show the cross section of the Atlas mountains. (5) Using Fig. 1, describe how the Atlas mountains were formed. (6) Describe the distribution of the earthquake epicentres shown on Fig. 1. (3) Some river valleys experience frequent flooding. Suggest the benefits the floods bring to both the people and the environment. (7) Explain the process of exfoliatIon. (6) 224112 .12001 120 2. (a) Fig. 2 shows information on Cyclone Domoina. s t Q Lesotho Key' January 1984 Cyclone positions • Fig. 2 (I) (Ii) (Iii) With reference to Fig. 2, describe the formation and movement of Cyclone Domoina. (5) State three effects of Cyclone Domoins overthe land surface it travelled across in January 1984. In your view, what steps should people take to solve the problems caused by cyclones? 224112 J2001 121 (3) • (7) (Tum over' (b) Fig.3·shows climatic graphs for two stations X and V. Xis in the southern hemisphere and V in the northern hemisphere. The rainfall is the same for both stations but the temperature is different. Temperature (~) key ~ - - •..Station X Temperature ---Station Y Temperature o~---,------------~ 200 Rainfall (mm) 100 Fig. 3 co (ii) Describe the type of climate for each of the stations X and V. (6) For either X or V, describe how the climate influences . human activities. (4) 224112 .12001 122 3. Fig. 4 shows the nutrient cycle in a Savanna ecosystem. (a) RaInfall Rainfall " f I ,I I •r I I I" I I Ground surface I I I Fig. 4 (I) Explain the term 'ecosystem'. (2) (II) On your answer paper, name input P, process R,-Ioss S and output T.' . (4) Describe the role of plants in the ecosystem shown on Fig. 4. (5) (iii) 224812 J%OOt 123 [Turn over (b) (c): Study Photograph A (Insert 1) which shows land use in an ecosystem. What evidence shows both positive and negative human interferenoe in the ecosystem? (7) Desertification is threatening the survival of rural areas. As a Natural Resources Officer, explain why you would be concerned about this problem. (7) Section B (Economic Geography) Answer at least one question from this section. 4. ' (a) Fig. 6 shows a sketch section across the Hwange coalfield. rngagula hill I Sabunga.R N V" V" V" c> V" V" V V" yo' yo' V" V" yo' vV"V" F ~ ~ nm r?iD Shale Sandstone Fireclay • Coal ~ Granite basement (f] Fault Fig. 6 (i) (ii) (b) Draw a labelled diagram to show the method of mining the coal at Hwange. (4) State and explain two problems likely to be faced in mining the coal south of Ingagula hill. (4) Study Photograph B (Insert 1) which shows the exploitation of timber in Zimbabwe. (i) Describe the scene in the photograph. (3) (in Compare the advantages of timber production shown in photograph B with that of indigenous forests. (7) 22"/2 J2001 124 ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level . 2248/2 GEOGRAPHY PAPER 2 INSERT 1 Monday INSTRUCTIONS Morning 11 JUNE 2001 2 hours 30 minutes TO CANDIDATES ~ This insert contains Photograph for use ""'th Question 4(b). A for use ""th Question3(b) and Photograph B This Insert consists of 2 printed pages. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, 2001. [Turn over ©ZIMSEC J2001 125 Photograph A for Question 3{b) - -.,.~ " _' ~.' . \. : ..j .; : .... '"":" . © Mr. E. M. Munowenyu Photograph 8 for Question 4(b} \c;) 126 Mr. S. T. Moyo (c) 5. The use of coal is extending to rural areas while coal mines are using trees to reclaim mine dumps. Discuss the advantages of each programme. Fig. 7 shows results of a sample survey on problems faced by communal farmers in Zimbabwe. (a) ~: ~;.;~~ 111111111, JIIIII~ 1 1111'11 1111111 III ~IIIIJI"III~ :~~J 11filii III HI ~::~TI~~1]11I11I1I1I1 f ~I:\I r o (7) I Key:on 12roblems HwedZa Gutu Chipuriro Dando I I I I I I I I I I 10 20 .30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % of farmers interviewed ss Oraught powel It!ll Cash f2 Tools 0 Satisfied 1m' pests [J] labour § land Fig. 7 (I) (H) (III) (Iv) Name the type of graph used to show the information on Fig. 7. ' (1) Calculate the percentage of farmers with tool problems in Dandeand those with land problems in Gutu. . (2) Using information on Fig. 7 only, explain why Hwedza is likely to be the most successful farming area. (4) As an Agritex Officer, what steps would you take to solve the farming problems in the Dande communal ~nds7 (7) [Turnover 127 (b) Rg. 8 shows a cotton growing system. Physical inputs . 1 2 Processes Human Inputs Output ... Cotton, Growing Lint • 3 4 Fig. 8 8. fa) (I) On your answer paper, complete the diagram by filling in the physical Inputs 1 and 2 and the human inputs 3 (4) and 4. (II) Descrl~e the processing and marketing of cotton in Zimbabwe. (7) Give an example of an industry. for each of the low, following types of technology: intermediate, high. (3) Explain why there are few high technology industries In Zimbabwe. (4) fi) (II) (III) - The following conditions apply to an Industry wishing to locate at an export processing zone (E.P.Z.): ability to earn foreign currency; conservation of the environment; and taxation. Explain the type of technology this industry would use to meet the conditions above. 128 (4) (b) Fig. 9 shows the industries of GreaterCairo; Egypt. N Giza '.\ \ (t1qarettes) , \ (Sugar) --rt" '\ • \ <,gar) , . I -~'-i--"" I • ,I I, (Spinning . and weaving) .(Instruments) \ \• \ • \ . \ \ • , \ +H- Main railways Other railways o 5km iii Urban areas I I 1-6 Edge of cultivated alluvium Stages in the growth of Cairo U+++++ Fig. 9 224812 J200t 129 [Turn over (i) (ii) Describe and explain the distribution of industries in the Greater Cairo area shown on Fig.9. (7) What environmental and human hazards are associated with the industries found in the Helwan district of Cairo? Suggest measures which can be taken to solve the problems. (7) Section C ('Population, Settlement and Trade) Answer at least one .questlon from this section. 7. (a) Table 1 shows the percentage of population in specific age groups in selected countries in 1995. TABLE 1 Under 15 15 - 65 Over 65 Brazil 32 6.3 5 U.S.A. 22 66 12 Italy 15 69 16 Zimbabwe 47 51 2 Country m What is the dependency load for Brazil and for Italy7 (2) (iI) Using Table 1.,'describe the differences .in life expectancy. (3) Draw graphs, to scale, to show the age groups given in Table 1 for the U.S.A. and Zimbabwe. {61 Explain the economic problems the countries are likely to face as a result of their population structures and suggest steps you would take to solve these problems. (7) (I) Explain the causes of rural to rural migration. (3) (Ii) Describe the social effects of these migrations in both the source and the receiving areas. (4) (iiI) (Iv) (bl 224112 J21101 130 8. Fig. 10 shows part of the Mongu-Lealui district in the Barotse province, Western Zambia. (a) ~ ~\ Permanent Villages Flood PIaln Vinages t Mission Stationt ~ Flood Plain ,Pans & Oambos o Forested Plateau - - Plateau edge (escarpments) o '"""'"" - DraInage Canals MalnRoa\t 32 Fig. 10 (i) (ii) (iii) Describe the distribution of the villages in the area shown. (4) Give reasons for the distribution described in (a) (i) above. (4) Outline the environmental problems faced by the villagers settled along the Zambezi flood plain. Suggest solutions to these problems. (7) [Turn over 131 (b) Fig. 11 shows the urban population in Africa as a percentageof the total in 1994. Key m 6Q..79 em 40-59 m 20-39 0 Q..19 Fig. 11. (i) Explainthe term 'urbanisation'. (2) (in Describe the variations in the level of urbanisation in Africa shown on Fig. 11. (4) Describe the problems of rapid urbanisation in Africa. (4) (iii) 224812 J200t 132 (a) 9. Fig. 12A shows passengertransport per week between Harare and Bulawayo and Fig.12B between Harare and Masvingo. " 300 300 250 ~ ,~ ~ 250 CD CI) •..CD 200 ~ a. 150 (/) a. ~ 100 50 200 150 100 50 1=- ..•.._-- -... . I 1980 1985 1990 1995 v , , I. ..", 1 .......: "i ---- .. , 1980 1985 1990 1995 Fig. 128 Fig. 12A Key for both graphs _bus -·-·train - - - - commuter omnibus •••••• air (I) Compare the trends between Figs. 12A and 12B. (4) (ii) Give reasons for the differences outlined in (a) (i) above. (4) Outline the problems faced by the bus and commuter omnibus transport between Harare and Bulawayo and suggest solutions to these problems. (7) (iii) 2l44la J2001 133 [Tum over (b) Fig. 13 shows areas of favourable and unfavourable trade in Zimbabwe. @SVlngO Key:. U Favourable trade areas [Q] Unfavourable trade areas Fig. 13 (i) (il) Using map evidence only, describe and explain the pattern of trade shown on Fig. 13. (6) Suggest measures Government should take to improve the areas of unfavourable trade shown. (4) 2248/2 J2001 134 GEOGRAPHY JUNE 2001 2248102 POSSIBLE ANSWERS 1 (a) (i) Diagram to show the following: Cl.nfidm·e(Mf) lA.J.fplC( (t, t) (Ue. t) ,bia!jraMS of ov.rfo/d, reULlH.be"t aJ/etltMilllJ 'l5 se}RrAk foIl fU1-tI (),,1I.!tVet5. rwerll...lUsf . foIl a,re, a.ccejl4lie . ovu,,'J (5) 135 (ii) African plate moving north at its fore was the Mediterranean geosyncline. Erosion occurred, sediments were deposited in this geosyncline. As the African plate moved northwards, it compressed the sediments on its edge which folded into anticlines and synclines forming the Atlas mountains. (5) (iii) Description of epicentre distribution - many in/around the Atlas Mountains/North Africa many around the Red Sea/North East Africa - many along the Rift Valley/East Africa - one in West Africa a few on the eastern part of Southern Africa - - mention of specific countries, e.g. many in Rwanda and BurundilEastern ORe. (3) {13} (b) Benefits to people Water to drink, water for livestock, fishing, transport, industry, fertile soils, recreation, pasture, irrigation, alluvial - mineral deposits, e.g. gold. Environment Plants bloom, food for herbivores, small insects, bacteria, aquatic life become active. (7) {7} (c)· The rock is heated by the sun, only the surface layer is affected because rock is a poor conductor of heat. The surface layer will expand because of the heat, by so dOing it peels off from the lower main rock. At night the surface layer cools and contracts thereby peeling off from main rock. Repeated heating and cooling promotes peeling in the presence of moisture. (5) {5} [25] 2. (a) (i) Formation - Over ocean North of Madagascar Sea surface temperature highl27°C Low pressure area. Movement - S.W. along Mozambique channellbetween Mozambique and Madagascar cyclone deepenslintensifies Deca~ - over land, loss of moisturelweakness 136 (5) (ii) (iii) (b) (i) deaths, flooding, homelessness, food destruction contamination of water, destruction of communication diseases. lines, (3) evacuation, temporary shelter, food supply, clean water supply, medical aid, burying the dead, rescue operations. (7) {15} Station X - Savanna, high temperatures cool and dry in winter, warm and wet summer, high temperatures; October to March, low temperatures; April to September. ~ (ii) 3. (a) Station Y - Mediterranean, cool wet winters, warm dry summers, high temperatures April to September, low temperatures October to March. (6) Each point to be linked to climate. For both X and Y ploughing, planting, weeding, protecting crops from frost, irrigation, harvesting, tourism, etc. (4) (i) An ecosystem - the lnter-relationshlps between the' living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) things in any area. (2) (ii) Input P Process R (iii) {10} [25] LossS Output T solar energy, carbon. dioxide uptake of nutrients/osmosis/capillary action/absorption leaching, nutrient loss heat/gases, water vapour (4) Processlfeature Function Photosynthesis Shade for roots Leaf fall - to provide food to the tree - to keep moisture for the tree - to provide humus, humic acid for chemical weathering, reduce transpiration - to intercept rainfall - to prevent erosion - to provide food for animals, shelter - bind soil/reduce ercston, improve infiltration - anchor the plant leaves Roots 137 - cooling, provides moisture, provides/recycles air, l.e. oxygen (5) and carbon dioxide. Transpiration (b) Positive effects Irrigation makes soils intact to prevent erosion, bacteria become active, preventing drying of soils. Fencing preventing over grazing, to protect parts of the land. Afforestation binding soils together, increasing biodiversity, Cropping soil erosion prevented, biodiversity improved. Ploughing/cultivation aeration of soil, improved infiltration. Neoative effects: The process/land . effects desCribed as follows: Use of machinery use activity to be identified and breaks the soil, erosion promoted. Ploughing - compaction of soit, destruction of soil structure/texture, plough pan effect. Irrigation salinisation, leaching Deforestation land is left bare, increased erosion, reduced moisture from transpiration. (7) (c) 4. (a) {11} Shortage of water, lack ,of pasture, increased soil erosion, lack of firewood, reduced rainfall, death of animals, reduced food production, starvation, temperature changes/global warming, loss of biodiversity/extinction of species. (7) (i) Diagram Accept open cast mine, the stepped structure of the mine, the dragline, tipper lorries, dumps of overburden. 138 {7} {7} [25] . I , . ' , , • .' .. • I ~ . ' , ~ I I • .' I I • I I , ." , CDUltf':.'1 , /'1)eb, I , I I , , I , ',.' '. , " , (4) (ii) Problem Explanation - tunnel collapse - shaft mining used - flooding of mines - seams,deep under~round • gas explosion - shaft mining • mining expensive - seams not straight faulting/broken seams shaft mining • risky - gas explosion/collapsel rockfaillshaftslfaults (4) {8} 139 (i) . (b) : (ii) Timber production in photograph B compared to that of indigenous forests: - (c) - cut logs and branches - trees reshooting from stumps - trees in pure stands/gum trees/plantation - trees crowded - trees of almost the same height, ground flat, sky blue, dry leaves - barelbrown soil, tree bark trees quickly mature, trees ill pure stands, easy to control disease, logs are straight, trees are softwoods, easy to cut, trees regenerate themselves from stumps fast, cheaper to harvest, clear/cleaner cutting intensive use of land/more trees per unit area. (7) {10} Use of coal in rural areas - conservation of WOodlots introduction of new technology reduced deforestation more energy is produced better cooked food reduced trips for firewood collection. Mine dump reclamation • - tourism promotion, improve beauty of the environment, erosion controls, conservation, pollution controls, control of slumping. (7) {7} [25J 5. (a) (i) Compound bar graph/divided bar graph (ii) Dande: Gutu: tools 32 to 34% land problems 38%. 140 bar graph/percentage divided (1) (2) (iii) Reasons: almost all land used up small percentage with tool problems large percentage of farmers satisfied small percentage with cash problems small percentage with labour problems. (iv) (b) (4) Solutions to Dande problems Draught power: kill tsetse, restock, give tractors! tillage units, use of donkeys Tools: provide tools, more hoes, steel ploughs, harrows, planters Pests: spray, burn, biological control, e.g. permaculture. Cash: loans (7) {14} Physical inputs: soil, water, land, temperature, air, climate. Human inputs: labour, fertilizers, chemicals, machinery seeds, knowledge/skills. I (4) Processing: ploughing,: hoeing/weeding, spraying, picki~glharvesting, packing, grading, baling, grading, ginning, washing, carding, spinning, packing, lint baling. 141 Marketing : as flow line shows Middle person ~ Farmer ~ . .Iocal • ginnery depot/companies, e.g •• textile industry COTICO C01iPRO CARGILL DYMANIC (7) {11} [25] 6. (a) (i) Low: making use of wooden ploughs, spears, basketry, craft industries, cottage industry Intermediate: High: iron and steel industries computer industries,_cellular phones making (ii) low technology in the country reduced need for hi-tech industries/poor local market expensive to support/lack of capital back-up services poor poor skills poor investment climate poor marketing strategieslinnovativeness (4) (iii) mass productionlline production recycling reduction of waste products/efficientlnon-polluting assembling of components standard equipment/products, ISO standards {11} (b) (3) (i) Answer with description and explanation to include, Iron and steel in the south:- close to water and rail Cement at Helwan:- close to rail and labour Spinning and weaving in area 6:- close to farming area and rail Cigarettes and sugar in area 5:- close to farming area, main railway line, market. water 142 (4) close to railways line - transport close to Nile river - water (ii) (7) Hazards - water and air pollution, noise pollution, destruction of vegetation, land degradation, diseases, death of fish, land pollution/dumping Measures - relocation of industries, strict pollution control policies, laws governing use of the land, improved technologies, waste recycling, proper dumping sites, education. (7) {14} [251 7. (a) (i) (ii) (iii) Brazil Italy - .• 37% 31% (2) Low for Zimbabwe, followed by Brazil, Italy, followed by U.S.A. highest for (3) The diagram can be bar graphs or pie charts. Either: As Pie-Charts 2SgD U~-6!J!r..s) ZiMBABWe. USA 9 143 Or: As Bar graph (divided/compound) 100 80 l<.e!J Dover0. ,', ' ... ., :1' .>,..,~, :' " ~ I) " ,. 't ":1 ':'.":','.':t, t ~ :..:~ '.\::.::: ..,..t, : " "'. ~ ,5jr.5 15- 65Jr.s (.<·:·:.1 unJer 15~rJ :'..r-:»: I.', .•..•.•.••'. • ' •... o~----~~~~----~··~··~"~··~'~·--I USA • z'fMBA!ME Co 1/111'1. r:J NB. (iv) For bar graphs three bars for three age groups each country can be drawn. (6) U.S.A. and Italy Problems Solutions - future reduced labour force - encourage population growth, immigration, capital intensive technology - too many old people - old peoples home have to be built - a lot of pension funds needed - reduced population therefore reduced market 144 - national social security programmes w encourage population growth, export goods Zimbabwe and Brazil Problems Solutions - too many dependants - population control/social security/old people's homes - strain on the labour force - population control - unemployment/need more jobs - investment to create - inadequate'facilities/need more schools. clinics for - build more, population control (7) {18} (b) (i) overpopulation, famine/drought, wars. jobs in mineslfarins, attraction in the form of more land and fertile soils, flooding, volcanoes, intermarriages, social interaction/conflict. (3) (ii) Source area: fewer people, families separated, increased standards of living, reduced pressure of social services, under-utilised servicesJinfrastructure, decline in development. Receiving area: More people, new social relations, cultural conflicts, better living standards, scarce facilities, e.g. resettlement ~~. ~ m [25] 8. (a) (i) - many on the flood plain - linear along the Zambezi . - linear along the escarpment -scatteredon the. plateau - circular around pans and dambos (wetlands) 145 (4) (ii) Reasons for distribution as described in (i) above: Flood plain Escarpment Plateau 'Dambos (iii) (b) (i) Problems Solutions -flooding-death -malaria ~ -bilharzia -wet soilslwaterlogging -transhumance, evacuation -spraying -spraying and draining water -drainage (7) This is the rapid growth of cities and towns due to increased population or physical structure. (ii) (iii) flat, fertile, for water, for fish. free from floods, easy to build, springwater, free from diseases. flat, free from floods, diseases, cooler, for defence. water, fish, fertile soils. (4) (2) highest in Algeria 2nd highest in RSA, CAR, Egypt, Ubya, Tunisia & Morocco, Zimbabwe followed ~yCentral Africa and West African countries least urbanized, Mozambique to Ethiopia belt, Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo, Guinea. Namibia, Botswana. (4) poor housing, unemployment, squatting, strain on .re$ourceslhealth, education etc. increased crime, overcrowding, spread of diseases, reduced living , standards,' street kids/peoplelvagrants, prostitution, pollution, traffic congestion. (4) {10} [25J 9. (a) (i) higher volume for bus in 12A than 12B, no commuters in . 12B, lower train traffic 12B/started later than in 12A, air travel in 12B was tower.Jower volume in 128 than 12A for all traffic types. (4) (ii) . - higher bus in 12A - more passengers no commuter omnibuses in 128 - competitionl dominance of bus travel lower air traffic - lack of passengers, slump in economic activities/tourism greater demand for commuter omnibuses in 12A 146 more volume in 12A - .linking bigger citiesltowns (iii) Problems Solutions - accidentsloverspeeding - more policing/defensive driving - police patrolslmore busesl use trains - widen roads, resurface roads - ban them - buy more/more forex - forex availability (7) {15} - overcrowding - poor/narrow roads - touts - shortage of fuel - spare parts ~hortage (b) (i) - along the central axis/highveld --+linking towns -.mainlythe main towns and cities --+ good - transport, good market, trained labour force, many RMS, cool - less in the lowvelds--+ less transport, less labour, less market, harsh physical environment NB: (ii) (4) (6) Description/distribution linked to explanation. develop tourism in these areas establish EPZs improve agriculture/transport- networks! power supplies resettle people in these areas establish growth points. (4) {10} [25J ISK REO-SPOT-22~2_JOl 147 Blank page 148 ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCil General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level 2248/1 GEOGRAPHY PAPER 1 Multiple Thursday Choice 29 NOVEMBER 2001 Morning 1 hour 15 minutes 1:50 000 Survey Map is enclosed with this question paper Additional materials: Multiple choice answer sheet Soft clean eraser Soft pencil (type B or HB is recbmmended) TIME 163227 1 hour 15 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so by the. invigilator. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer spaces provided unless this has already been done for you. sheet in the ' There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer sheet. Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any rough working should be done in this booklet. This question paper consists of 24 printed pa'ges. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, 2001. [Turn over ©ZIMSEC 200t 149 Map work . Questions 1 to 12 refer to the 1:50000 1. What;s found at grid reference 448556? A B C o 2. A 446572. B 454588. 572446. 588454. o 4. Which of the following grid squares has the highest number of huts? A .B C 4567 D 4666 4667 4566 The dominant land-use in grid square 4554 is A cultivation. B C plantation. settlement. transport. o 5. bridge junction plantation village The dip tank which is about 1,5 km north of Fairfield Siding (4455) is found at grid reference point C 3. map of Mvuma (Zimbabwe). What is the length of the aerodrome running across grid squares 3867 and 396~ A B C o 800 metres 1 000 metres 1 200 metres 1 400· metres 2248/1 N2001 150 6. The grid bearing of trigonometrical station 1542 in grid square 4165 from spot height 1428 in grid square 4567 is A B C o 7. 65°, 115°. 240°, 295°, A tourist standing next to trigonometrical station 1542/S in grid square 4165 facing north-west observes a spectacular man-made feature standing out some 700 metres away. The feature is a C cemetery. chimney. dump. o school. A B 8. The landform on which Mtao forest plantation is situated is a A marsh, Bridge. C valley, o watershed. 9. Study the map area shown below. 45 53 45 53 The settlement A B J pattern in the shaded area is mainly clustered, dispersed .: C Iinear. o radial. 2248/1 N2001 (Tum over 151 10. Study the map area shown below. 39 41 40 42 69--+---~-----+---------+---------~--69 65-t------t-----l------+-39 41 40 65 42 Which of the shaded land use zones A, B, C or 0 represents recreational land in Mvuma? 2248/1 N2001 152 f'~ ..~ ,,1, :~k 11. 12. The dominant natural vegetation in grid square 4960 is A cultivation. B C bush. o marsh. plantation. Which of the following grid'squares has the highest number of streams? A .B C o 4366 4466 4566 4666 #Physical Environment 13. Study the map of Africa below. JANUARY AIRMASSES Hot dry NOrth-East trade winds ( ~ '" ATLANTIC OCEAN At South~ East trade winds HP High pressure S Strong winds LP Low pressure W Weaker moist winds . which of areas A,. B, C or D is a tropical thunderstorm most likely to develop? 2248/1 N2001 [Turn over 153 14. "The skies were nearly overcast; a South-west wind blowing at a speed of 15 knots was accompanied by a rain shower." To which of stations A, B, C or 0 is the weather report referring? \ 2248/1 N200t 154 15. Study the diagram below. SUNSHINE HOURS AT A SCHOOL WEATHER STATION 1- 4) c 111 1n zen '" c :J 8 7- en ••... o 6 e s J: ::::~:::: ~i~i~~ ~ 4 3 ~ It! 1 Mon Tues We< hurs :0 Sat Sun Days The period that showed the greatest change in sunshine conditions at the station was A S' C Monday to Tuesday. Tuesday to Wednesday. Friday to Saturday. i' o Saturday to Sunday. 224811 N2001 155 16. The diagram below shows a mechanism for protecting people against a weather hazard. i .•.E Wood J o 1.5m ., The weather hazard is A B C D flooding. hail. lightning. wind. 224811 156 N2001 Rocks 17. The diagram below shows the rock structure of part of the seabed. Which of the following A B C o 18. processes resulted in the formation of this feature? reverse faulting overthrust folding simple folding normal faulting Study the map below. DISTRIBUTION OF EARTHQUAKES IN ZIMBABWE BOO o 0 ~HarareO o 0 0 0 o 2.8 - 3.9 o 4.0-4.9 0>5.0 100km J Which of centres A, 5, CorD would provide an ideal site for the construction of sky scrappers? 2248/1 N2001 157 [Turn over 19. Study the diagram of a granite rock structure shown below. The main process that contributed to the formation of feature X was A S C D carbonation. exfoliation. hydration. hydrolysis. 2248/1 N2001 158 20. The diagram below shows part of a river valley. Features marked A B C o 21. at are levees. bluffs. interlocking spurs. meander terraces. Which one of the following potholes on a river bed? A B C D 22. I processes is mainly responsible o of corrasion attrition solution deposition Hot deserts are located on the western sides of continents A B C for the formation because the coasts are washed by warm currents. the ITeZ is commonly experienced there. anticyclonic conditions prevail. .the trade winds blow on shore. 2248/1 N2001 159 [Turn over 23. Study the diagram below which shows features produced by wind erosion in deserts. Harder rocks The features marked X are A clints. B dunes. C pedestals. Dyardangs. 2248/1 N2001 160 24. Study the graph,below. 30-F============l 25-t-------~ 20t----------~ Annual range 2 OC mm Total rainfall 2423 mm 250 200 150 100 50 The natural vegetation that is most likely to develop under these climatic conditions is A S. C o rain forest. grass land. monsoon forest. Mediterranean evergreen. 2243/1 N2001 161 [Turn over 25. Maps 1 and 2 show the environmental conditions of an area before and after human occupation respectively. /\/\ 1\ /\ /\ ~___. 1\/\ 1\ /\ / /\ f\\ \ /\1\\ AA\ I\J\ /\ 1\ / /\/\ 1\ 1\ / t\ j\/\ Key A Mountains ~ Xx Campgrounds Forest --- Highway I111I Grassland @ •••...• water ParkHeadquarters 5 10 I---........_----l km Which of Reforested Area ecosystems A, B, C, or 0 experienced the greatest changes? 2248/1 N2001 162 Economic Geography 26. The diagram below shows a hydroelectric power plant. Reservoir Turbine The amount of power generated is mainly determined between points A 1 and 6. B 2 and 3. C 2 and 4. 2 and 5. o 2248/1 N2001 163 by the drop of water [Turn over 27. Study the diagram below which shows the rock structure of a potential mining site. TOP SOIL ISUBSOIL Grass surface 30 metres, deep Which of the following mining methods would be most suitable for exploiting the coal seams? A alluvial B drift Copen-cast D shaft 224811 N2001 164 28. The map below shows sourcesof water for Harare and ChituRgwiza. ManyameR Catchment Boundary --'_-10 20 km SlW -sewage treatment WOtK$ Which of the following sources would provide Harare and Chitungwiza with the 'least polluted water? A B C o 29. Lake Manyame Seke Dam Lake Chivero Harava Dam What is the most important aim of resettling people? A B C o to to to to increase social services house flood victims accommodate refugees relieve population pressure 2248/1 N2COl [Turn over 165 30. Study the table below which shows production of four crops in Chiweshe communal area. PRODUCTION IN BAGS PER HECTARE CROP 1980 - 81 1981 - 82 Good Rains Drought 12,5 A MAIZE B SORGHUM C GROUNDNUTS 0 BULRUSH _ .. 4,8 . • MILLET 9,7 2,4 12,5 5,0 8,8 2,7 Which of crops A, 8, Cor 0 suffered the greatest drop in production during the drought years? 31. The type of farming where farmers maintain a permanent home. but rotate their i fields is A shifting cultivation. B .C D bush-fallowing • co-operative farming. nomadic herding. 2248/1 N2001 166 32. The map below shows the percentage of workers employed in various sectors of industry in four countries. Key Primary Secondary Tertiary Which of the countries has the least developed economy? B Egypt Ghana C Kenya o Nigeria A 224811 N2001 167 [Turn over 33. Study the map below which shows the movement of tourists from Britain. into Europe. --3million __ 4 million _6 _Smillion million How many more British tourists went to the rest of Europe as compared to Pertugal, Spain and France? A B C D 2 million 4 million (5 million 8 million 2248/1 N2001 168 Population, 34. Settlement ana Trade The diagram below represents a land-use model of a town. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Central Business District WhoIesale,light manufacturing low class residential Medium class residential High class residential Heavy manufacturing Outlying Business District Residential suburb Industrial suburb Which of the following land-use zones would represent the residence and place of work of an unskilled worker employed at a large metal smelting plant? A B 3 and 1 4 and 2 C 4·and 7 o 3 and 6 2248/1 N2001 169 [Tum over 35. Study the map below. Gravel or Earth Road Otner Road.............. Trllr..k,Cut /JIleClr~e Trail .., ViUago,Kraa(Jiut ... ..•...•.. .. . ,. __ _ _ ;. -b~' .•, =:~~:::::::":::':'::":':':::':::':'.:'::':':'~:~~~) Which of the following accurately describes the settlement pattern in the communal land and commercial farms respectively? A haphazard and circular linear and' clustered dispersed and radial nucleated and scattered B C o 36. Study the age - sex diagrams below. a A 75. 70.74 male female male c femalo male 0 female female male IUt ,, 10"'4 &5-51 50-54 ~ 45•.•• 40 •.•.• 35.)8 3O·U ZHt· %0·%4 ,.. 1~18 10,'4 0•.• "'.~.~ 11 5 5 C fi 10 10 5 ~.~, f 0 5 1:1 Which of structures A, B, C or 0 would represent the population structure of a mining settlement? 224al1 N2QOI 170 37. Which of the following health problems would confront volunteer workers to a flooded settlement 38. following a tropical cyclone? A B measles and river blindness malaria and cholera C D sleeping sickness and chicken pox polio and hepatitis B The bar graphs below show goods carried by the National Railways of Zimbabwe. --C/) z 0 :::i ..J ~ C ill 0:: 0:: < en 0 w 3 z z ~ Jill Key 2 Export 1 Z Import 1975 1980 1985 During which of the following periods did the goods carried show the greatest difference between exports and imports? A B C '0 1970 1975 1980 1985 224B/1 N2001 [Turn over 171 39. Which of the following methods of transportation would be most suitable for moving milk from a dairy farm to a large urban settlement 50 kilometres away? A air B rail C road water D 40. . Study the graph below. 70 ~ Exports o Imports % Value What percentage of imports by value is Other Manufactures and Chemicals , combined? A B C 35% 30% 25% D 15% 2248/1 N2001 172 . {.' NOVEMBER 2001 GEOGRAPHY 2248/01 POSSIBLE ANSWERS MAPWORK (1 :50 000 MVUMA) ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 1. 8 2. A 26. C 27. e 3. C 4. B 28. 0 29. 0 5. 8 6. e 30 A 31. B e 3. A \ 7. 8 8. 0 9. B 10. A 11. B . 12. A 32. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT POPULATION, SETTLEMENT AND TRADE 13. 0 14. D 34. 0 35: 8 15. A 16. e 36. C 37. B 17. D 18. 0 38. A 39. C 19. 0 20. e 40. A 21. A 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. B 173 Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: www.foxitsoftware.com/shopping Blank page 174 Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, vlslt: W\"/\"/.foxftsoftW"!lPO ,..",m/c,h"pring ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GEOGRAPHY 2248/2 PAPER 2 5 NOVEMBER 2001 Monday Morning 2 hours 30 minutes Additional materials: Answer paper ·180566 TIME 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer paper/answer booklet. Answer four questions. Answer one question from each of Sections A, Band C and one other question from any section. Write, your answers on the separate answer paper provided. If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together. . INFORMATION FOR' CANDIDATES The number of marks is given in brackets ( ) at the end of each question or part question. Insert 1 contains Photographs A, 8 and C·for use with Questions 4 and 5. Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate an answer. This question paper consists of 15 printed pages, 1 blank page and 1 insert. Copyright: Zimbabwe School examinations Council, 2001. [Turn over ezlMSEC 2001 175 ~" •• ~•• Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: www,foylfscftu.~r~ f'nm/eh"l2pln'l Section A (Physical Environment) Answer at least one question from this section. 1. (a) Study Fig. 1 which shows the internal structure of the Earth. oceanic plate continentalplate convection currents ..a, ..a, CORE (NIFE) Fig. 1 .~ (b) (I) Name the layers marked A, Band C. (3) (in What minerals make up the core of the Earth? (2) (III) With reference to Fig.l and any other evidence, describe and explain the movements of both oceanic and continental plates. (8) (i) Draw a labelled diagram to show the features of the flood plain stage of a river valley. (4) (0) What, in your view, are the benefits and problems faced by people living in the upper and lower course of a river valley? 2248/2 N2001 176 (8) ~, _~ 2. (8) ••• Ed~ed with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: wwwfnxijsoftwaro '~mlsh~pping Fig.2 'shows environmental features over Southern Africa. Equator I I I I I I I? If I Walvis Bay (18°C.L I§ M~~~ ~~OC)./ I I~ I I a _:p:'.;..... Tropic of 11 Capricorn J. Fig. 2 Using information from Fig. 2., answer the following questions. (i) Describe and explain the differences in temperature between Massinga and Walvis Bay. (4) (ii) State the air mass associated with each pressure pattern shown. Give reasons for your answers. (4) (iii) Describe the temperature and humidity characteristics of the air mass formed in the Indian Ocean. (2) 2248/2 N2001 [Turn over 177 Edited with the trial version of Foxlt Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, vlslt: w""".fox~.ryftware,com/shopplng (bl (i) x State what each of the following weather symbols ro".rJ,u",'o'".+",,'·" y , z //IJI (3) (ii) (el Explain how the construction of dams and the development of urban settlements influence weather conditions. (6) What weath~rinformation would you give to farmers living in high and low r,ainfaU areas to increase their production? 2248/2 N2001 178 (6) Edited with the trial version of Foxlt Advanced PDF Edltor To remove this notice, vlsit: www.foxltsoftware.comlsho~~lng 3. (a) Fig. 3 shows factors influencing ecosystems. people fire 2 1 3 • t , I I , I' • I 1 •. ' , «' I I I t I. ' t 'I , t' I • I ., , .' • , .' I , ., • I , , I. f r • • I " r , • • I I I , •• ••••••••• I • ' Fig. 3 (i) On your answer sheet, identify the effects 1, 2 and 3 shown. (ii) As a land development officer, what measures would you recommend to control veld fires? (3) (3) 2248/2 N20O,1 (Turn over 179 Edtted wtth the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: '''''IW,fox.<oftwa"" onm/shopplng (b) Key ~' Montane forest ~ Woodland Savanna IDJ Parkland (Open) Savanna t;j Scrub and Mopane Savanna ' Fig. 4 (i) Describe the distribution of the ecosystems shown. (4) (ii) Describe the relationship between the ecosystems and the landuses shown. (4) Choose one ecosystem and explain the problems which have arisen from the landuse shown. (4) (ii) (c) Descrlbe the positive and negative effects of irrigation to the arid and semi-arid ecosystems. (7) 22~8/2 N2001 180 Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor ~" •• To remove this notice, visit: www,foylfscftu.~r~ f'nm/eh"l2pln'l ~•• Section B (Economic Geography) Answer at least one question from this section. 4. (a) Photograph A (Insert 1) shows the exploitation en (ii) (iii) of the tropical rainforest. Describe the methods used to cut the forest. (3) Describe the problems associated with the exploitation of the tropical rainforest shown. . (4) What steps must be taken to conserve the tropical rainforest? (4) # (b) Fig. 5 shows coal consumption for energy purposes in Zimbabwe, 1955 - 1990. ZIMBABWE: COAL CONSUMPTION FOR ENERGY PURPOSES (1955-1990) --- COAL CONSUMPTION (1960 ONWARDS) WITH KARIBA --- COAL CONSUMPTION WITHOUT KARIBA (PROJECTED FROM 1960) 6 MILLION TONNESOF COAL 5 4 3 2 1 Fig. 5 (i) Describe and explain the trends in the consumption shown. of coal (6) (in State the benefits of coal to Zimbabwe. (5) (in Put forward arguments against the mining of minerals. (3) 2248/2 N2001 [Tum ovar 181 Edited wlth the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: www fnx~.nftwar •. com/~hopplng 5. (a) Study Photographs Band C (Insert 1) which show different methods of rand preparation for farming purposes. (ii) (b) Describe the method of land preparation shown in each photograph. (6} Explain the advantages and problems that will arise if the method shown in C was introduced inB. (8) (i) Define the term 'nomadic herdinq' and describe the characteristic features of nomads. (In your answer, refer to the traditlonel routes of movement followed, the animals kept and the way of life of the nomads). (8) (ii) Why do you think nomadic herding is disappearing in Atrica? 22~/2 N2001 182 (3) Edited with the trial version of Foxlt Advanced PDF Edltor To remove this notice, vlsit: www.foxltsoftware.comlsho~~lng ZIMBABWE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL General Certificate of Education Ordinary level GEOGRAPHY 2248/2 PAPER 2 INSERT 1 Monday TIME Morning 5 NOVEMBER 2001 2 hours 30 minutes 2 hours 30 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES This insert contains Photograph A for use with Question 4(a) and Photographs B and C for use with Question 5(a). This insert consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page. Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, 2001. [Turn over CZIMSEC200' 183 Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Edltor To remove this notice, vislt: www.tnxits~ftwore.c"m/s~Qpr'ng Photograph A for -Question 4(a) © Mr. S.T. Moyo 184 Photographs Band C for Question 5(a) B c © Mr. S. T. Moyo 185 ~ Blank page 186 " ••••• _ Edited with the trial version of FoxitAdvanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: www,foylfscftu.~r~ f'nm/eh"l2pln'l Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: www.foxitsoftware.com/shopping 6. Fig. 6 shows the distribution of oil refineries in Africa. (a) Mohammedia Dakar Key •• oil fields oil refinery o Fig. 6 (i) Describethe distribution of the oil refinerlesshown. (Ii) The location of oil refineries has been influenced by the market, break-of-bulk and raw materials. Give one example of each location and explain your answer. (6) (iii) State two other industries associatedwith oil refining. 2248/2 (4) (2) N2001 [Turn over 187 Edited wlth the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: www fnx~.nftwar •. com/~hopplng (b) (i) (ii) State the inputs and outputs of iron ore smelting in a blast furnace. (4) With reference to a named manufacturing industry you have studied, explain why you would recommend its continued existence to government. (9) 2248/2 N2001 188 Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor ..__------' Section C (Population, Settlement, Transport and To remove this notice, visit: .•• www,foylfscftu.~r~ f'nm/eh"l2pln'l T •• :.rtac\--- Answer at least one question from this section. 7. (a) Table Ishows the age structure of population for three regions of the world. TABLE 1 -: Age Structure - % of total population Region Under 15 16 - 64 Over 65 # Southern Africa 42 54 4 North America 25 64 11 East Asia 34 60 6 Draw a pie chart, to scale, to show the age structure of Southern Africa. (3) (II) Calculate the dependency ratio for East Asia. (1 ) (iii) Compare the population characteristics for the three regions. (3) (i) (b) Suggest solutions to the problems of rapid population growth in Southem Africa. 11 (7) 2248/2 N2001 [Turn over 189 Edited wlth the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: www fnx~.nftwar •. com/~hopplng Fig. 7 shows migration (c) patterns in Africa. Western Sahara Key •• -+ <p O Refugees Other migrants Centres of economic activity Rwanda Burundi Fig. 7 (i) Explain the term 'population (ii) Describe the patterns of migration shown in Fig. 7. (4) (iii) Explain how economic factors influence migrations. (5) migration 2248/2 N2C01 1Qn I. (2) Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: www.foxitsoftware.com/shopping 8. (a) (b) In Zimbabwe, people look down upon the rural ways of I"n-I'n-"..nriA' life. (i) In your view, what are the reasons for this? (6) (ii) Describe the advantages of rural life compared to that in urban areas. (3) Fig~ 8 shows the growth of cities with more than 1 million people. Ke~ .~ South America ITI1I1 Africa North America D o 1900 1940 .Europe ASia 1980 Fig.S (e) (i) Describe the changes in urban growth shown in Fig. 8. (6) (in For Africa and Asia, what problems have arisen asa result of rapid urban growth? (4) With reference to a named urban settlement you have studied, draw a fully labelled map to show its major landuse zones. (6) 2248/2 N2001 [Turn over 191 Ed~ed w~h the trial version 01 Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: yo 'N.le- ·soft"",ro.co"1/shopping 9. (a) Fig. 9. shows r~gional and overseas direct flights for some S.A.D.C. airlines. Dar-es-Salaam s.,Utitius .....•.• __ < 4 weekly regional flights --> 4 weekly regional flights - - - 04 weekly overseas flights --- Beira ~ f~ ~~ aputa ~~ ~ Fig. 9 (i) (ii) (iii) Describe and explain the regional and overseas direct flights shown in Fig. 9. (6) Outline the new developments that are taking place in mogern passenger air travel. (4) There are plans to construct either an airport or a new road in an area. State and explain the factors which influence the siting of one of the two. (6) 224812 ••200t 192 Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor j ~~~~~ ~YJ. VNIW.foxftsoftW"!lPo (b) Fig. 10 shows a pattern of trade for some countries of the orh . .-------1 Country B Developed . Country A. Developing r- ~71-) ~ , ~:L--7 - 0 Country C country D Developing DeveIoping r-~ I ~, I I " .~ --~) --- - l' ~ I Ii. International trade ~ Internal trade Towns and Cities in Develcping Countries Fig. 10 (i) (iI) (iii) Name the internal trade marked 0 it') Country A. Give one reason for this type of trade in the country. ~2) Explain the advantages of Country A over Countries from the trade links shown in Fig. 10. (4) State the major exports of developed countries.' C and D (3) 224812 N2001 [Turn over 193 ,..•.••m/~h"pring Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Ednor To remove this notice, visit: www.foxitsoftware.comlshopplng NOVEMBER 2001 GEOGRAPHY 2248102 POSSIBLE ANSWERS 1. A - mantJelmesosphere B - sima/oceanic crust C - sial/continental crust (3) (ii) iron, nickel. (2) (iii) Description - collision of plates - divergence of plates (a) . (i) - subduction of oceanic plates - oceanic ridges! rift valley . - folding - trenches - volcanic eruptions - earthquakes - evidence of continents E>g>lanations - convection currents - convergence - compressional forces - tensional forces - denser - divergence - convergence/uplift/compression subduction faulting/folding faultingl/plate movement divergence/convergence/plate movement (8) {13} 194 Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: www.foxitsoftware.com/shopping b. (i) FI.OO> r l>LA' N ----. ~------- _ f.1.lIltviUM H'lrd rock Diagram may also include meanders braiding terraces 195 (4) Ed~ed w~h the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: Ylww.foYltsoft"",ro.co"1/shopping b (0)' Upper Course Benefits - H.E.P. - water supplies - tourist attraction .. watersport .. easy to build dam wals, bridges - fIShing Problems - difficult navigation - diffICult to set up settlement -erosion - mass movementlrockfaHs Lower Course Benefits ..•aUuvialplairr - fertile soils - morewater .. fIShing •. easier transport - easy to build rout8$ - pastures 2. (a) (0 Problems - water borne diseaseslbiJharzialtyphoid -malaria -marshes .. flooding - river blindness (8) .. less water downstream {12} [25] Massinga .. warmer (higher temperatures) .. smaU temperature range - near to warm ocean current - on-shore S.E. winds bring warm temperatures WalvisBav ... low temperature .. large temperature range -near cold ocean currant - on shore winds very cold (4) (ii) Names - tropical maritime(mT) Reasons - formed within the tropics .. over water •. polar maritime (mP) .. formed outside tropics ..over water (4) (iii) (b) (i) Temperature - highlwannlhot (24- 30°C) Humidity - high/moist! humid (2) {10} . x - partly cloud Y -drizzle Z .. hunicane, gale force winds/50 knots 196 (3) Edited with the trial version of Foxlt Advanced PDF Edltor To remove this notice, vlsit: www.foxltsoftware.comlsho~~lng (n) Dam/lake (3) Urban settlements - evaporation increases humidity - increased cloud cover - reduced temperature range - higher rainfaU • -landllake breeze - more frequent fog/mist - pollution/acid rain/smog - urban heat islands/global warming - wind corlidorslincreased wind speed - more rainfall -low pressure - reduced sunshinelincreased cloudiness (6) (c) High Rainfall Area (3), {9} Low RainfaU Area (3) # - grow water loving crops, e.g rice - controlfJoods/dam construction/afforestation! dykes - soH conservationlCC)l1tour ridgeslterracing - draining waterlogged areas - keep/grow drought resistant/tolerant ariiina~crops - practice irrigation - apply fertilizer to reduce infertility d~ to leaching - disease/pest' control - grow short season varieties - weed control - zero tillage - rotational penning of livestock - game and cattle ranching - practice zero tillage - mulching - conserve waterl damming! boreholes/reselVoirs - winter ploughing - cloud seeding - cloud seeding {6} [25] 197 Edited with the trial version of Foxlt Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, vlslt: W'N\".fox~.ryftware.com/shopplng 3. (a) (0 1. 2. 3. • (0) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) regeneration of plants, destruction of micro organisms, destruction of humus, reduction in biodiversity deforestation, forest protection cultivationlmanuringnrrigationlploughing, erosion, compacting, fertilizer use/conservation (3) - legislation, patrols - education -fireguards - farefl9hters - early warning system - Iook-out towers/observation towers (3) {6} Montane fo,.t .•in the east, Nyanga, Vumba areas Wood'ands - Biidta/zakalShurugwi, Harare, Victoria Falls. Scrub + Mopane ~South and North West and North and ·West of Zimbabwe. Parkland Savanna - much of the country. east and Central Zimbabwe. (4) Mootane Forest - forestry and recreation. Woodland Savanna - hunting and recreation. Parkland Savanna -growing crops. Scrub/Mopane Savanna - ranching and wildlife. (4) Land use problems for the specific ecosystems include: Scrub and Mopane Savanna - overgrazing/erosion - environmental degradation - poaching . - animal related diseasesl foot and mouth/tick borne diseases. Woodlands Savanna - erosion - siltation - pests and diseases - poaching - animal extinction - pollution - environmental degradation - migration of game 198 Edited with the trial version of Foxlt Advanced PDF Edltor To remove this notice, vlsit: www.foxltsoftware.comlsho~~lng (c) Parkland Savanna - erosion - siltation - environmental degradation - pollution - loss of nutrients - desertification Montane Forest - erosion - deforestation - land pollution - poaching of timber - forest fires - reduced biodiversity Positive Negative 4. (a) (0 (ii) - water ilto soils. increased cover by crops soB gains nutrients from solution and crop residues relative humidity of air increases increased humus decay reduced Wind erosion • clearance of blish/deforestation saHnisation of soils increased desertifICation . impoverishment of soilslleaching fungal diseases fire, chain saws, clear cuttingltotalpatch axes, polfarding. (7) {12} {7}' [25] clearance, (3) buttress roots, tmCk vegetation, muddy, mixed/inaccessible forests, wet conditions, humid conditions diseases, pests, hot/enervating conditions, bulky, heavy, climbers, wild animals, snakes. (iii) (4) • • • (4) afforestation reforestation substituting wood with other products selective cutting strict legislation ban use of fire education licensing/quota system forest reserves 199 (4) {11} (c) Parkland Savanna - erosion - siltation - environmental degradation - pollution - loss of nutrients - desertification Montane Forest - erosion - deforestation - land pollution - poaching of timber - forest fires - reduced biodiversity Positive - (7) fire, chain saws, clear cutting/total patch clearance, axes, pollarding. (3) - 4. (a) (i) {12} water into soils, increased cover by crops soil g,ains nutrients from solution and crop residues relative humidity of air increases increased humus decay reduced wind erosion clearance of bush/deforestation salinisation of soils mcreased desertification impoverishment of soils/leaching fungal diseases Negative - (4) {7} (25] (ii) buttress roots, thick vegetation, muddy, mixed/inaccessible forests, wet conditions, humid conditions diseases, pests, hot/enervating conditions, bulky, heavy, climbers, wild animals, snakes. (4) (iii) - afforestation reforestation substituting wood with other products selective cutting strict legislation ban use ot fire education licensing/quota system forest reservEtS 199 (4) {11} (b) (i) Coal consumption without Kariba 1955 - 1980: rose rapidly - major source 1980 - 1900: rose steadily - use of alternatives 1955 - 1990: generally high - increased demand, ava ability Coal consumption with Kariba sharp decline - introduction of hydro el me POwel slight decline - increased demand, avail bility sharp increase - industrial growth steady -little demand from industry slight increase - industrial growth! economic growth after the war. 1960 onwards: low generally - use of alternative sources (6) 1960 1963 1970 1975 1980 (ii) - - - (iii) - - - - - 1963: -1970: - 1975: - 1980: - 1990: employment creation source of energy industrial use - raw material construction of roads drugs, insecticides, nylon expansion of Hwange Town market to other industries foreign currency eamer (5) pollution -air, noise, land, water open pits, curve-ins, disasters spoil heaps fluctuation of prices deforestation soil erosion siltation resettle people (3) {1~1 (2 ] 5. (a) (i) Photograph B - - two cattle spanned use of ripper plough traditionaVdraught power 200 Photograph C - - (ii) modem tractor used many discs on plough/disc plough modem/mechanised (6) Advantages of method shown in Photograph C - - - limits rate of erosion fast efficient saves on human labour deep tilth·· moisture conservation Problems of method shown in Photograph C - - (b} (0 (ii) high costs of inputs lack of fuel, spares, forex reduces employment lack of knowledge lack of capital (8) Definition: movement of farmers with their livestock in search of water and pasture. Animals: cattle, goats, camels, mules, sheep. Way" of life: simple, intertwined with livestock, e.g. food, clothing, settlements, other belongings, traveling light quickly pitch uplbn~ak settlement. Routes latituolinal changes/seasonal Changes, upland versus lowland direction, e.g. North-South and vice versa for Fulani. Reasons for the disa ppearance of nomadic herding - - - increased populaton improved education movements into town/urbanization governments corrrol movements 201 {14} (8) - tourism/large areas reserved for tourism sedentarisation of nomads, resettlement political boundaries fencing legislation (3) {11} [25) 6~ (8) (i) Description - - - (ii) (iii) (b) (i) refineries are coastal some few are inland more refineries in West and North Africa few Central and East Africa South Africa has many refineries (4) \ Location and examples Explanation Raw material, e.g Harcourt, Luanda, Brega -coastal near oilfoelds which arl or offshore Break of bulk, e.g Mombasa, Oar-Es-Salaam, Durban - break of bulk locations for imported crude. Market, e.g. Ndola, Mutare . Addis Ababa, Johannesburg - market oriented where consumers are many. - wealthier and a large market so imports more crude. (6) plastic, nylon, paints, car assembly, drugs, detergents, insecticides, jellies (2) Inputs - - - - limestone coking coaVcoke iron ore hot air oxygen scrap iron 202 (12) Outputs (iv) hot gases. slag (waste, fertilizer, road metal) pig iron (4) Iron and Steel industry/named company, e.g. ZISCO - creation of employment development of infrastructure, e.g. roads, railways self sufficiency source of forex source of raw materials for other industries development of social services, e.g. schools, hospitals market for other industries/multiplier effects development, of settlements (9) {13} [251 7. (a) (i) Pie Chart of age structure ILr 4" <.(4). p . I '1~)If D ( 54~J (3) (ii) 34 + 6 = 40%/2:3 (66.6%) (1) (iii) largest dependency ratio in Southern Africa 46% followed by East Asia 40% and lastly North America. North America higher over 65. North America highest economic active group, followed by East Asia, Southern Africa smallest. Under 15 Southern Africa has the largest followed by East Asia and lastly NOl1hAmerica. (3) 203 {7} (b) Solutions to rapid population growth taken also as solutions to problems thereof: - (c) (~ (ii) family planning/birth control measures - contraceptive use, male sterilization, late marriages, education/sex educationlHlV-AIDS education/advertising to focus on the gin child/empowerment of women/ keeping girts longer at school, population policy enhancing the status of women, incentives, e.g. Govemment tax incentives. legalise abortion. (7) Population migration -,movement of people from one place to another over a considerable period of time. Refer to the map (figure 7) for the movements - Large numbers of refugees from Western Sahara to Aigtria. Sudan to Algeria. , Sudan to Chad, Ethiopia, Uganda. Congo to Zambia Somalia to Ethiopia Other migrants to centres of economic activity. - Nigeria to South Africa Botswana to South Africa, etc. - (iii) 8. (a) (i) (2) (4) Push/Pull economic factors - better employment opportunities, for sale of goods/trade, job promotion,' regional differences, resettlement, high/low standard of living, high cost of living, economic declinel prosperity. (5) Reasons people look down on of rural communal life: - life mainly centres on agriculture, which is taxing. lack of clean water supplies poor sanitation schools and cUnics too far unavailability of goods poor infrastructure, roads, power supplies lack of entertainment 204 ~1} 5] (ii) poor housing general poverty/low standard of living poor diet low level of educatiorvliteracy (6) Advantages of rural life over urban life: growing of ownfcod, little use of money, fuel free, cleaner environment cornpareo with urban ones, cheap/free accommodation, more nutritious/natural foods, cheap services, less crime, aesthenc beauty. (3) (b) (i) 1900 - only Europe had citles with 1 million people 5 - 10 cities. 1940 - general increase in numbers, Europe and Asia dominate, North America, Africa and South America small numbers. 1980 - very rapid rise everywhere but more notable in Asia, North America, Africa and South America. The table summaries the changes described above: (ii) Year Asia 1900 1940 1980 0 15 75 South America 0 5 50 Africa 5 North America 0 25 5 5 25 50 30 Europe 0 Problems - shortage of housing squatter settlements stress on transport over-crowdedness of buses, cars, etc longer waiting time sewage disposal prebeme, shortage of jobs, schools, clinics crime rate increases prostitution (6) {10} 205 (c) Urban settlement; land use Ct zones [~-XA-~PL~ - MAsv '-~----i--'-----'---__'_---' ~ t . To ~MC4.re IAi (iO l ~~',-, :~~ . ".~ kEY mJ CB [po~ htd am Hlgk C1 MiJJ/ @ g Low ~( sf~ f<o44 ~I ~;, rAeltSI'& sub~rJ, cl~ hDlllSlit_g I;..{i~ BT 8 LoU hrlt\ lit sud~ w.s ~I 1 Other examples commonly used include Gweru, Marondera, Chegutu, BUlawato, H~rare, Mutare, Gutu-Mupandawana. (6) f6} [25] 206