Master’s Thesis Correlation of cryptocurrencies: A dynamic investigation Author: Annick Torres Stienissen Master of Science in Finance and Banking UPF Barcelona School of Management Academic year 2020 - 2021 Advisor: José B. Olmo Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation ABSTRACT The research line of this paper aims to capture and detect contagion between Bitcoin and the main factors that could have an impact on Bitcoin such as; Ethereum, Ripple, S&P 500, MSCIWorld, MSCIEM50, Gold, VIX, FSI, and new daily cases and deaths due to Covid-19. For such purpose, the paper has been structured in three parts. The first part, aimed to detect the change points in variance from 01/11/2019 to 31/03/2021 using daily data. Main results suggested that Bitcoin change points were: 07/03/2020, 11/03/2020, and 20/03/2020. For Ethereum were: 07/03/2020 and 20/03/2020, and for Ripple were: 7/12/2020, 20/12/2020, and 08/01/2021. These dates coincide with the announcement of COVID-19 virus as a global pandemic (11/03/2020) and the third wave (December 2020 to the 8 of January, 2021). In the second part of the analysis a DCC-MGARCH model was implemented, in which the persistence of volatility, co-movement, and conditional correlation were studied between the different cryptocurrencies and, between Bitcoin, the Equity Indices and Gold. Main results suggested that cryptocurrencies are positively correlated while no correlations were found between Bitcoin and the Equity Indices, nor Bitcoin and Gold. Finally, a Johansen test was done to identify co-integration relationships between Bitcoin, the S&P 500, VIX, FSI and the Covid-19 variables. No co-integration relationships were found. Finally, a Granger causality test was performed among the variables. Main results suggested that the S&P 500 was Granger causing Bitcoin, as well as the VIX. Daily new deaths was Granger causing Bitcoin and new daily cases due to Covid-19. Finally, a relationship was found between new daily cases and new daily deaths. Keywords: Change Point Detection analysis, COVID-19, DCC-MGARCH, Granger Causality, VEC, VAR, Bitcoin JEL Classification: C12, C22, C51, C52, C58, G00 2 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation TABLE OF CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES ........................................................................ 7 2. DESCRIPTION OF VARIABLES................................................................................ 12 2.1 Cryptocurrencies .......................................................................................................... 12 2.1.1 Bitcoin (BTC) .................................................................................................................... 12 2.1.2 Ethereum (ETH)................................................................................................................ 14 2.1.3 Ripple (XRP) ..................................................................................................................... 15 2.2 Stock markets ............................................................................................................... 16 2.2.1 S&P500 .............................................................................................................................. 16 2.2.2 MSCI World....................................................................................................................... 17 2.2.3 MSCI EM50 ....................................................................................................................... 17 2.3 Gold .................................................................................................................................. 17 2.4 Fear indices ................................................................................................................... 18 2.4.1 VIX ...................................................................................................................................... 18 2.4.2 FSI ...................................................................................................................................... 19 2.5 COVID-19 variables..................................................................................................... 19 3. LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................................................. 20 3.1 First approach - Cryptocurrencies ............................................................................. 20 3.2 Second approach - Bitcoin, Equity Indices and Gold ............................................... 21 3.3 Third approach - Model 1: Bitcoin and S&P 500 and VIX/FSI .............................. 23 3.4 Third Approach - Model 2: Bitcoin and S&P 500 and Covid-19 ............................ 25 4. METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................... 26 4.1 First approach - Change Point Analysis .................................................................... 26 4.1.1 Change point detection in variance ............................................................................... 26 Model and Methodology ................................................................................... 27 PELT........................................................................................................... 27 AMOC......................................................................................................... 28 4.2 Second Approach - DCC-MGARCH ......................................................................... 29 3 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation 4.3 Third approach - VEC and VAR - Granger Causality tests .................................... 30 5. PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS ........................................................................................ 32 5.1 Data and Descriptive Statistics ................................................................................... 33 5.1.1 Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple ........................................................................................ 33 5.1.2 Equity Indices, Gold, Fear Indices and Covid-19 variables ...................................... 35 6. RESULTS ........................................................................................................................ 39 6.1 Change Point Detection Results .................................................................................. 39 6.1.1 Bitcoin ................................................................................................................................ 39 6.1.2 Ethereum ............................................................................................................................ 40 6.1.3 Ripple ................................................................................................................................. 41 6.1.4 The influence of COVID-19 pandemic........................................................................... 43 6.2 DCC MGARCH Model................................................................................................ 44 6.2.1 Stationarity ........................................................................................................................ 45 6.2.2 DCC MGARCH results .................................................................................................... 47 6.3 VEC, VAR and Granger Causality tests model ........................................................ 51 6.3.1 Co-integration analysis between Bitcoin and S&P 500, VXI, and FSI ..................... 51 Granger causality test results ............................................................................ 53 6.3.2 Co-integration analysis between Bitcoin and S&P 500, and Covid-19 variables ... 56 Granger causality test results ............................................................................ 58 7. CONCLUSION AND FURTHER RESEARCH .......................................................... 62 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 66 ANNEX 1. CRYPTOCURRENCIES COMPARISON ...................................................... 71 ANNEX 2. IMPULSE RESPONSE FUNCTION PLOTS BITCOIN, S&P 500 AND VIX .................................................................................................................................................. 72 ANNEX 3. IMPULSE RESPONSE FUNCTION PLOTS BITCOIN, S&P 500 AND COVID-19 VARIABLES ...................................................................................................... 73 4 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation LIST OF TABLES Table 2. Logarithmic returns of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple – Summary statistics .......... 34 Table 3. Equity Indices – daily logarithmic returns. Descriptive Statistics ............................ 35 Table 4. Gold – daily logarithmic returns. Descriptive Statistics ........................................... 36 Table 5. Fear indices. Descriptive Statistics ........................................................................... 37 Table 6. New daily Covid-19 Cases and New Daily Deaths due to Covid-19. Descriptive Statistics ................................................................................................................................... 38 Table 7. Bitcoin Change Point detection - Results.................................................................. 40 Table 8. Ethereum Change Point detection - Results .............................................................. 41 Table 9. Ripple Change Point detection - Results................................................................... 42 Table 10. Variance before and after change point’s location .................................................. 43 Table 11. Checking for stationarity – ADF test. Without trend .............................................. 46 Table 12. Checking for stationarity – Phillips–Perron test, for non-stationary variables. ...... 46 Table 13. Checking for stationarity – ADF test. Without trend .............................................. 47 Table 14. Checking for stationarity – Phillips–Perron test, for non-stationary variables. ...... 47 Table 15. DCC MGARCH Model Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple .......................................... 48 Table 16. Correlations Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple ............................................................ 49 Table 17. DCC MGARCH Model Bitcoin, Equity Indices and Gold ..................................... 50 Table 18. Correlations Bitcoin, Equity Indices and Gold ....................................................... 50 Table 19. Lag order identification ........................................................................................... 52 Table 20. Number of Co-integrated relationships ................................................................... 52 Table 21. Granger causality Wald tests ................................................................................... 55 Table 22. Lag order identification ........................................................................................... 56 Table 23. Number of Co-integrated relationships ................................................................... 58 Table 24. Granger causality Wald tests ................................................................................... 60 Table 1. Cryptocurrencies comparison.................................................................................... 71 5 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Daily log returns of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple prices ..................................... 34 Figure 2. Bitcoin change point detection using PELT and AMOC methods .......................... 39 Figure 3. Ethereum Change Point detection using PELT and AMOC methods. .................... 40 Figure 4. Ripple Change Point detection using PELT and AMOC methods .......................... 41 Figure 5. Bitcoin and S&P 500 daily log returns, and the VIX differentiated daily index ..... 55 Figure 6. Bitcoin daily log returns, S&P 500 daily log returns and the Covid-19 new daily cases and deaths ....................................................................................................................... 61 Figure 7. Impulse response function plot: Bitcoin, S&P 500 and VIX .................................. 72 Figure 8. Impulse response function plot: Bitcoin, S&P 500 and Covid-19 variables ........... 73 6 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation 1. INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES According to the Bitcoin Organization (2021), Bitcoin is a decentralized, peer-to-peer version of electronic cash that allows transactions to be irreversible through the cryptographic treatment of transaction information, thereby eliminating the need for trust between agents and intermediaries, such as financial institutions. Bitcoin is an open source and a completely digital currency that uses cryptography as a method to validate transactions and control the creation of new money, which is why it has been categorized as a cryptocurrency. Since its beginning in January 2009, Bitcoin has become more widely known and used while seeing a rapid growth, since 2012, in its price, number of transactions, as well as, the size of the companies that are currently using, or experimenting, with Bitcoins. In fact, Bitcoin’s popularity has increased in such extension that it became the largest digital currency by both market capitalization and number of daily transactions (Stephen Ozvatic, 2015). Due to the strong growth that Bitcoin has had in recent years and its participation in the money market, it has become a political, economic and financial challenge for its stakeholders; For example, some countries such as China and Japan have already taken measures regarding transactions with cryptocurrencies, as well as several analysts and communication media that speculate about cryptocurrencies’ performance. Additionally, cryptocurrencies usually experience significant changes in price movement in short and unexpected periods of time, and some analysts have identified that these changes are due to important events or events around the world, provoking structural breaks in the data. Also, uncertainty of the cryptocurrency market attracts scientist to keep studying its movements, making predictions and studying and modelling against market indices, commodities, fear indices, and other cryptocurrencies, among others. Likewise, as the price of cryptocurrencies increases, so does the interest of investors and the general public, which forms a potential for a developing bubble. 7 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation On the other hand, given the current situation we are facing due to COVID-19 pandemic, it has become without any doubt one of the most discussed topics among researchers at the time of doing this paper. COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on several economic and financial factors has become the centre of attention. In fact, COVID-19 will play an important role in this thesis as it will help to find irregularities in the data set and to find any possible long-term or causality relationship between Bitcoin, Equity Indices and COVID-19. Thus, due to the possible relationship that may exist between the price behaviour of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, as well as, gold, equity indices, fear indices, and COVID19, the main goal of this thesis is to use daily data of Bitcoin and the corresponding selected variables, including COVID-19, which are: Ethereum and Ripple as cryptocurrencies, S&P 500, MSCI World, and MSCI EM50 as equity indices, VIX and FSI as fear indices, and Gold as a commodity, to explain and model the dynamic correlation of Bitcoin with the above mentioned variables. To do so, the thesis will be divided in three main approaches/objectives. The first approach, is the so called Change Point Detection analysis where daily data from 01/11/2019 to 31/03/2021 to observe any structural break on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple, time series, using daily logarithmic returns, through two main techniques: PELT and AMOC, will be used. Results obtained suggested that there were two change points detected for Bitcoin using PELT technique: 11/03/2020 and 20/03/2020, while using the AMOC technique, one change point was detected: 07/03/2020. Ethereum’s first change point detected by both techniques was 07/03/2020, while the second change point detected by PELT was 20/03/2020. Lastly, the Ripple results significantly differed from Bitcoin and Ethereum, being the two change points detected using PELT: 07/12/20 and 08/01/2021, and using AMOC: 20/12/2020. Given the fact that the COVID-19 virus was announced, officially, as a global pandemic the 11/03/2020 and 8 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation that as of today it has had three waves – the first wave took place between 15th March and 30th June, the second wave took place between 1st July and 15th October, and the third wave took place from the very end of December 2020 to 8th January, 2021 – it can be concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on the volatility and has created change points in the time series of the cryptocurrencies. After having identified several structural breaks in the data set in all the three cryptocurrencies, the second approach was defined. The second approach focuses on analysing the persistence of volatility, the co-movement, and the conditional correlation, from an econometric perspective, between Bitcoin and the cryptocurrencies, as well as, between Bitcoin, the Equity Indices and Gold. To do so, a DCC-MGARCH time series model was applied. In the first DCC-MGARCH model were the cross correlation between cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple) was studied, main results suggested that Bitcoin had no influence and effect on Ethereum nor Ripple. However, the persistence of volatility was very high for Ethereum (0.853) and Bitcoin (0.92), while for Ripple it was very low (0.11). Regarding the DCC conditional dynamic correlation equation, results suggested that the co-movement of the currencies is changing over time. Finally, a high and positive correlation between Ethereum and Bitcoin (0.831), followed by a positive correlation between Ethereum and Ripple (0.559) and a very low positive correlation between Bitcoin and Ripple (0.384) was observed, all of them statistically significant at 1% level. In the second DCC-MGARCH model a cross correlation between Bitcoin, the Equity Indices (S&P 500, MSCIWorld, and MSCIEM50) and Gold was studied. Results suggested that Bitcoin has an influence and effect on the MSCIEM50 index at a 5% significance level. The persistence of volatility was on average 0.94 for each of the specifications, the comovement of the variables was changing over time, and only two statistically significant 9 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation correlations at 1% level were observed which were: Gold and S&P 500 (-0.108), and Gold and the MSCIWorld (-0.149). To end up, a third approach was proposed which focused on studying long-term relationship and causal relationship between Bitcoin and the selected variables as correlation does not imply causality, nor co-integration. Being the selected variables: S&P 500, VIX, FSI, and COVID-19 variables (new daily cases and new daily deaths due to COVID-19). This third part answers mainly to two questions: (1) Are there any co-integrated relationships between Bitcoin and the selected variables? In order to answer this question a VEC model was applied. (2) Does any of the selected variables help to predict Bitcoin daily logarithmic returns, and vice versa? In order to be able to answer this question a VAR model and, consequently, a Granger Causality Wald test was implemented. To answer these two questions, the analysis was split in two different models. The first model was studying the existence of co-integration relationships and causality between Bitcoin, the S&P 500 and the two Fear Indices, and the second model was used to study the same but between Bitcoin, the S&P 500, and the two COVID-19 variables. Main results suggested that no co-integration relationships were found in any model. However, in the first model, results suggested that a rise of the S&P 500 implies a negative effect of -0.36 on Bitcoin. On the contrary, Bitcoin was not Granger causing S&P 500. Additionally, results suggested that the VIX index was not Granger causing Bitcoin daily log returns nor the S&P 500 daily log returns. However, it was found that the S&P 500 was Granger causing the VIX index. Indeed, a rise of the S&P 500 implied a negative effect of -83.28 on the first difference of the VIX index. In relation the second model, it was observed that new daily deaths due to Covid-19 Granger causes Bitcoin. Indeed, an increase in the number of deaths due to Covid-19 implied 10 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation a positive effect of 7.19e-06. On the contrary, Covid-19 variables were not Granger causing S&P 500. Finally, it was also observable that new daily deaths due to Covid-19 Granger cause new daily cases due to Covid-19, meaning that an increase in new daily deaths due to Covid19 implies a negative effect of -0.53 on new daily cases. To end up, new daily cases of Covid19 also Granger cause new daily deaths due to Covid-19. Indeed, a rise (fall) in new daily cases implies a negative (positive) effect on new daily deaths. These objectives are of interest as I will contribute to the fast-growing literature of the correlation between Bitcoin and other assets, the value added of sentiment variables on return and volatility predictions, and the impact of COVID-19 on Bitcoin dynamics. The structure of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the definitions of the variables. Section 3 presents the literature review. Section 4 presents the methodology of the study. Section 5 introduces the preliminary analysis. Section 6 presents the results. Finally, the paper concludes in Section 7. 11 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation 2. DESCRIPTION OF VARIABLES 2.1 Cryptocurrencies 2.1.1 Bitcoin (BTC) This section discusses the definition of Bitcoin, how it operates, the risks it entails and its market history. Based on a paper by Satoshi Nakamoto1 in 2008, Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency created. However, other digital currencies already existed before Bitcoin, such as E-gold, but those were mostly able to last very short time before being shut down, or actually collapsing, see, e.g. Ben-Sasson et al. (2014); Reid and Harrigan (2013). Nevertheless, other cryptocurrencies have emerged after the appearance of Bitcoin with different levels of success, such as peer-coin and/or lite-coin. The main difference between cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and previous digital currencies is the existence of a third party that validates the transaction (mining process) and stops the so called double-spending. However, bitcoin does not need a third party to validate transactions as it is designed to be decentralised (i.e. no central bank needed) which allows a peer-to-peer network to do this validation cryptographically through a proof-of-work system which can be checked, trusted and is irreversible. Bitcoins operate through a current owner of Bitcoins who can transfer them to another owner by creating a digital history of the previous transaction of those bitcoins along with the public key of the next owner. Each transaction is recorded in a public ledger through blockchain2, making sure that the transfer of Bitcoins is controlled through a chain of transactions. When a transaction ends, they are grouped into blocks that are validated by nodes (anyone with the software and hardware can become a node) on the peer-to-peer network Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity is not confirmed. There are many who believe that the name is a pseudonym, however it is not known whether Nakamoto is a person or a group. 2 Blockchain: digital record of transactions 1 12 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation software which is designed to solve a cryptographic problem that appears as part of the proofof-work system. It is a system in which the answer to the problem is very difficult to find and it is very time-consuming. However, it is easily verified as correct, see Karame, Androulaki, and Capkun (2012) or Ben-Sasson et al. (2014). Thus, every time a node solves the problem, the block is added to the blockchain, which is the only chain where you can find all the validated blocks and it is the only source of truth which solves the double-spending problem. The block confirmation time is of 10 minutes and the size of the reward has a limit of 21 million3 Bitcoins in circulation. An interesting observation in the Bitcoin market is that Bitcoin is known for its price volatility, hence large spot price increases followed by smaller (still large) declines in magnitude. When Bitcoin went public, people started to mine new currency units by running the so called mining nodes4. According to the Gold Price Organization (2021), during 2010, Bitcoin was traded for the first time, on a Bitcoin forum through peer-to-peer, and during 2011 and 2012 Bitcoin was able to arrive and exceed parity with the US dollar, reaching a value of $31 per Bitcoin (approx.) in June 2011 before falling to less than 10 percent of that value, remaining so during the following year. In March 2013, the international bailout of Cyprus pushed the price of bitcoin up to 500 percent to $238 from February 2013, which declined substantially in April 2013 after a possible attack to the Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox5 by a hacker. A consequently fall was seen at the end of 2014 and at the beginning of 2015, bringing some rumours about the possible collapse of the coin. However, the price continued to falter while big tech companies like Microsoft started to accept BTC as a payment method. In 2017, bitcoin started to be more known and the demand increased so much that the price increased from $1,000 to 3 Based on 50 bitcoins as the starting reward, 50 · 210000 · (1 + 1 2 + 1 4 + · · · ) = 21000000 (Stephen Ozvatic, 2015) Mining nodes; special network nodes 5 Mt. Gox; The world’s largest bitcoin exchange 4 13 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation $20,000. However, at the end of 2017, the price of Bitcoin was continuously decreasing and this gave room to rumours about a bubble burst. However, during the first half of 2019 the price started to recover and stabilized around $10,000. To end up, main risks are defined: (1) the main external threat that Bitcoin has, which is potentially the largest, are the hackers, fraud and malware. The above mentioned incident with Mt. Gox is an example, as they were forced to close (went bankrupt) due to hackers. Also, the lack of local and global regulation on Bitcoin provides opportunities for fraud and other illegal practices6. (2) Another important risk is the maximum amount of 21 million Bitcoins. The accumulation of Bitcoins would imply a downward pressure on the amount of transactions, hence a downward pressure on the fees created for miners, decreasing their incentive and increasing the possibility of having what is called as: attacks from history-revision. (3) According to Barber et al. (2012), another important problem is the fact of losing your Bitcoins and not being able to recover them. This can happen if you lose a Bitcoin e-wallets, or it can also happen when companies that manage e-wallets make errors. (4) According to the same author, the fourth risk is the history-revision attack. This directs people to the question of whether the network of miners can be trusted and if Bitcoins are feasible. 2.1.2 Ethereum (ETH) The ETH project was created in July 2015 to allow flexibility and increase its functionality, on a blockchain, to provide the capability to program different types of smart contracts in the ETH system in a decentralized way. This flexibility that ETH smart contracts offered, attracted many developers, users and investors, which led ETH to become the second largest cryptocurrency. ETH is not intended to be a currency but a by-product. When a contract is executed, it is verified by all the updated participants of the blockchain. It is done like this 6 (e.g. black market purchases) 14 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation to guarantee the correct execution of the blockchain by consensus. What mainly differentiates Ethereum from Bitcoin is the Turing programming language that allows anyone to create contracts for any use (Kim et al., 2018) Rouhani and Deters (2018) state that ETH has two types of accounts: (1) Contract accounts and (2) Externally Owned Accounts (EOA) which are those accounts that are used by users to directly send transactions. Furthermore, certain smart contracts use some mechanisms that allow the exchange, or sharing digital assets, which are known as crypto-tokens, on the blockchain. Contracts have a permanent storage and a set of functions that can be requested by users or by other contracts. Current users have the possibility to send transactions to the ETH network for 3 purposes: (1) create a new contract, (2) call on a function from a contract, and (3) send an ETH to other users or to contracts. Finally, those ETH transactions start with a first block (genesis block) and then the other transactions that are created, process and develop new blocks (Rouhani and Deters, 2018). 2.1.3 Ripple (XRP) The Ripple cryptocurrency, also known as XRP is the fourth largest cryptocurrency in the market in terms of market capitalization. According to Armknecht et al. (2015), the display of Ripple, nowadays, is just managed by Ripple Labs, and Rosner and Kang (2016) suggest that XRP is an open-source Internet software that allows (in a very easy way) its users to make payments beyond national boundaries in different currencies. Thus, an advantage of XRP is that it offers other currencies to make transactions, not just its cryptocurrency. Furthermore, Rosner and Kang (2016) keep insisting that XRP’s protocol is using a distributed ledger, which is collection of updated financial accounts through which XRP’s users can make payments across borders which are faster, cheaper and more efficient than traditional payments. In fact, that is why the XRP cryptocurrency is of bank’s interest. According to 15 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation Moreno-Sanchez, Zafar, and Kate (2016), the bank Santander stated that embracing XRP could make them save around $20 billion a year. A reason why we include XRP in this paper is because it offers two payment types: (1) Direct XRP payment, which according to Moreno-Sanchez et al. (2016), it is basically the transfer of Ripple between two wallets that do not need a credit track between them. (2) Pathbased settlement transactions. Those are transactions that transfer any kind of credit between two wallets. The XRP network, is a replicated public database (XRP ledger). Meaning that everyone can see the historical activity of all their transactions, however those transactions are transparent as they are done under pseudonyms (Armknecht et al., 2015). Finally, the main difference between Bitcoin and Ripple is that in Bitcoin transactions can be done from different accounts while in Ripple payments are done from a unique account as input. Thus, to make the XRP protocol more secure, what they require is to have a small reserve of 20 XRP to, at least, be able to create transactions. In Annex 1 you will find a comparison table between the three cryptocurrencies. 2.2 Stock markets 2.2.1 S&P500 The S&P 500 refers to the Standard & Poor's company and is a stock index that is composed of the 500 largest companies in the United States that are publicly traded, and it is weighted according to the market capitalization of each of the companies. The way in which it is weighted is by using a float weight which means that the market cap of each company is adjusted according to the number of shares that are available for public trading. Also, the index is considered to be the best indicator of large capitalization equities in the United States and, as a result of that, there are many funds which are dedicated to track the behavior or, in other words: the performance of the S&P 500 (Investopedia, 2021). 16 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation 2.2.2 MSCI World The MSCI World Index is composed by 23 different developed countries and 1,562 companies that have large and mid-capitalization. This index covers around 85 percent of the total free float which is adjusted with respect to the market capitalization of each company in each country. During 2020 the annual performance of the MSCIWorld, in percentage, was of 15.90, compared to 18.31 of the MSCI Emerging Markets. Finally, the three main key exposures that may drive risk and return to the index are: (1) momentum, (2) low volatility, and (3) quality (MSCI, 2021). 2.2.3 MSCI EM50 The MSCI EM 50 Index is a tradable version of the market leading MSCI Emerging Markets Index. It comprises 50 of the most important components of the leading MSCIWorld Index. The index excludes some of the smallest emerging market (EM) countries and uses a certificate which is negotiable and issued by banks which represent the shares in a foreign company which is traded on a local stock exchange for those markets that do not have easy access to foreign investors. The index experienced an annual performance rate of 29.87 percent compared to an 18.31 of the MSCI Emerging Markets. In terms of risk and return exposure, the order differs a bit compared to the MSCIWorld: (1) low size, (2) quality, and (3) low volatility (MSCI.1, 2021). 2.3 Gold Over the years, Gold has become a tradable asset and it maintains its value in turbulent periods which makes it to be a refuge value. Some of the key factors that affect gold’s price are: (1) national interest rates as when this increases, gold prices tend to decrease. This is mainly due to the fact that investors move to government bonds and other assets whose yield is related to the interest rate, (2) geopolitical events also affect the price of gold as in times of 17 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation international tension, the price of gold tends to increase because investors buy the product to have a high degree of security in times of uncertainty, (3) levels of supply and demand also affect as the production of gold increases and decreases as time goes by, and so does the supply. Finally, (4) the industrial production also affect gold prices as when the production increases, the demand for gold increases, and the other way around (, 2020). 2.4 Fear indices 2.4.1 VIX The Cboe Volatility Index (VIX) is a real time index that represents the expectations of the market for the volatility over the coming thirty days and it is a measure of the level of fear, stress, or risk in the market. It is necessary to understand that it measures volatility over the next 30 days. That is, it does not measure past volatility, but future volatility (Investopedia.1, 2021). It is understood that low values of the indicator give moments of market tranquility and sustained upward trends. On the contrary, high values correspond to moments of panic in which a sustained downtrend or decline is exacerbated. It is more a barometer of investors' fear of possible falls, than of their complacency in a market rally. Typically, the VIX has an inverse relationship to the stock market. When stocks go down, the VIX goes up and vice versa. Therefore, an increase in stocks will be considered a lower risk factor. Whereas, if it is bearish and stocks fall, it carries a higher risk. The greater the perceived risk, the greater the volatility. So this volatility is more susceptible to the direction of the market. A turn or fall to the downside causes an increase in volatility. A normal reading of the VIX is between 20 and 30, below 20 investors are not worried, there is complacency. Above 30 indicates that there is nervousness, that is, fear in the market. 18 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation 2.4.2 FSI The Financial Stress Index (FSI) is an index that measures the level of financial stress in different financial markets and it is built from 33 financial market variables: yield spreads, valuation measures, interest rates, among others. This index is interpreted in the following way: the index will be positive if the contribution of the weighted average stress of the indicator is positive and, the other way around, the index will be negative if the contribution of the weighted average stress of the indicator is negative and, the index is zero if the average is zero which suggests that stress levels are normal. 2.5 COVID-19 variables Given the current situation with the new occurred pandemic of coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, and that this topic became the recent research topic among scientists who started to measure the impact of the pandemic on financial markets, cryptocurrencies and stocks, in this study I will use two main variables related to Covid-19. The first variable is the ‘New daily cases of Covid-19’, which are new daily cases meaning that the values are not cumulative, and the ‘New daily deaths due to Covid-19’, which are new daily deaths meaning that there are no cumulative values involved. 19 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation 3. LITERATURE REVIEW Many scientist, during the past years, have been analysing which were the factors that were influencing Bitcoin’s prices and volatility. However, very recent studies have shown that using the same study method but with data of two months later, results were completely different. This might be due to the fact that Bitcoin’s market is very unstable but also very unpredictable. Therefore, there is a need to study whether Bitcoin and the selected variables are correlated. In the following sub-sections the literature review is being presented for each approach/objective. 3.1 First approach - Cryptocurrencies The detection of change or structural change in the parameters of a given model has been an extensive area of investigation, within time series models, when interpreting the results change points are found by giving a representation to structural changes that are represented when there are instantaneous or permanent, invariable and unexpected modifications in one or more components, due to specific events. A structural change or point of change in a time series occurs when there are modifications in one or more components. Therefore, if a structure that represents it in a time series is included in the model, a more complete model is reached in order to arrive at a more precise forecast. When structural changes are present, the autocorrelation of the series is affected, so the estimation of the simple and partial autocorrelation function is not effective, since its identification makes it difficult. By the time of writing this thesis, there were not many studies that were implementing the Change Point Analysis on cryptocurrencies. However, James, Menzies, and Chan (2021) – who used a two-phase change point detection algorithm to obtain the change points, which are also known as structural breaks – found that the cryptocurrency market, during the COVID19 pandemic, was being disrupted compared to the cryptocurrency market before COVID-19. Additionally, Thies and Molnár (2018) – who used the Bayesian Change Point on Bitcoin 20 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation returns and volatility to study any possible structural break – found out that structural breaks are very common on Bitcoin returns and volatility. Thus, it can be concluded that Change Point analysis can be used to detect irregularities in time series. Aside from the fact the cryptocurrencies are prompt to have structural breaks, it has been said that Bitcoin and Ethereum maintain a very high correlation, while Bitcoin and Ripple do not. In fact, according to Juan Sebastián et. al (2020), Bitcoin and Ethereum have very similar behaviours in terms of volatility. The use of this and other cryptocurrencies began to increase due to the growth of Bitcoin, it is for this reason that their behaviour was so similar. Additionally, he found out that Ripple was a bit different from Bitcoin and Ethereum, given that its rise in 2017 was much more noticeable, this may be because, unlike the other two cryptocurrencies, Ripple is a centralized currency and in 2017 it was accepted by different banks such as BBVA, Santander and Bank of America. Finally, his results suggested that the highest correlation was between Bitcoin and Ethereum with 0.92, followed by Ethereum and Ripple with 0.85, and Bitcoin with Ripple with 0.83. To conclude, a Change Point Detection analysis will be implemented in this study as it helps to check whether there are irregularities in the data set and, as there have been evidences of the existence of a correlation between cryptocurrencies, a DCC-MGARCH model will be implemented to study the volatility, co-movement, and conditional correlation of cryptocurrencies. 3.2 Second approach - Bitcoin, Equity Indices and Gold Some empirical findings show that there is a relationship between Bitcoin and the S&P 500. In fact, they indicate that the price of Bitcoin can be altered by the S&P 500 returns. Klein et al. (2018), found that when Bitcoin engages with the S&P 500 during bearish times, it causes correlations to rapidly turn into positive values. Also, during 2017 and 2018 they found an 21 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation inverse movement of correlation between Bitcoin and the S&P 500. Kjærland et al. (2018) found that there was a positive relationship between the Bitcoin price and the S&P 500. This means that when the S&P 500 was increasing by 1 percent, the Bitcoin’s price was increasing by 1.77 percent. The other way around, authors such as Sovbetov (2018) found that the S&P 500 had a positive (but weak) long-term relationship on Bitcoin, implying that if the S&P 500 was increasing by 1 percent then the Bitcoin’s price was increasing by 0.8 percent. However, in the short run there was a negative (but weak) relationship, meaning that by 1 percent increase in the S&P 500, the Bitcoin price was decreasing by -0.2 percent. The same results were also found by Georgoula et al. (2015). Going further, Klein et al. (2018) found that by only using the average correlation over the whole sample Bitcoin was slightly positively correlated to other assets and the MSCIWorld was the assets with the highest correlation, which was between 0.045 and 0.05. Additionally, they observed that Bitcoin and the MSCIWorld were negatively correlated when the market was suffering downturns. However, the correlation was mainly positive when Gold was very volatile. Thus, as soon as the correlation between Gold and MSCI World becomes positive, the correlation between Bitcoin and the MSCI World index becomes negative, and the other way around. Finally, Klein et al. (2018), also found that when Bitcoin engages with the MSCIWorld during bearish times, this also provoke correlations to be positive very fast which is the case between Bitcoin and the S&P 500 index. Furthermore, we have the MSCI EM50 index which, according to Klein et al. (2018), is the one that has the lowest correlation with Bitcoin compared to S&P 500 and MSCIWorld. In fact, the same author observed that Bitcoin was negatively correlated to the MSCIEM50 index when the market of this index was in distress. Summing up, there is very little literature on the correlation between the MSCI EM50 and Bitcoin. However, from the literature observed 22 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation we can identify a low correlation among both variables. Thus, given the little amount of literature available, it seems reasonable to provide new results including the most recent data which will provide us with more updated results. Finally, we have the Gold, which according Kristoufek (2015), who studied the relationship between Bitcoin and Gold prices, found that BTC was not linked to the dynamics of gold. Hence, no significant impact was found. Other studies such as the one done by Sovbetov (2018) and Kjærland et al. (2018), who studied the connection between Bitcoin and dynamics of Gold also found that gold price was not a significant variable in their studie. However, there was one author (Poyser, 2017) whose results showed that Bitcoin’s price was negatively correlated to gold’s price. In fact, he stated that if the gold price was increasing by 1 percent, then Bitcoin price was decreasing by -0.6 percent. Other authors like Conrad et al. (2018), studied long-term volatility of Bitcoin compared to Gold, and found that Bitcoin’s volatility was different from that of Gold. Thus, it is observable that most of the researchers’ results conclude that the change in price of cryptocurrencies is not influenced by the price of gold. Thus, as most of the studies were done before the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be interpreted that by including the most recent data I will be able to provide better and more updated results. For such purpose, a DCC-MGARCH model will be used to study the conditional on past history covariance matrix of the dependent variable (Bitcoin) to follow a dynamic conditional correlation study to obtain the persistence of volatility, co-movement and the conditional correlation between Equity Indices, Gold and Bitcoin. 3.3 Third approach - Model 1: Bitcoin and S&P 500 and VIX/FSI The VIX and FSI are two other variables that were included in the model since several authors included one of the two in their studies. According to Soldevilla Estrada (2017) – who 23 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation used a Granger causation test to study the relationship between Bitcoin and the S&P 500, Bitcoin’s price and the VIX, Bitcoin’s volatility and the S&P 500, and Bitcoin’s volatility and the VIX as previously mentioned – found out that Bitcoin was not Granger causing the VIX, nor the VIX was Granger causing Bitcoin. Furthermore, the same author found out that Bitcoin was not Granger causing the S&P 500, nor the S&P 500 was Granger causing Bitcoin. These results were coinciding with other findings such as the one by Ciaian, Rajcaniova, and Kancs (2016) who, using a similar approach, did not find evidence that financial variables had an impact on Bitcoin’s prices. Finally, Chung et al. (2011) who studied the volatility, behavior on returns, and prediction of the S&P 500 and the VIX, found out that both indices behave very similarly but are not identical. Additionally, according to Bouri et al. (2018), who studied the conditional dependence between the FSI and Bitcoin returns, found out that there was a strong dependence between the FSI and the Bitcoin. In other words, the FSI was strongly Granger-causing Bitcoin returns. Other similar studies such as the one done by Kristoufek (2015), found out that the FSI was Granger-causing Bitcoin price but just in one period. Finally, according to Caporin, Corazzini, and Costola (2019), who used the Bayesian method to study whether the FSI was Granger causing the S&P 500, found out that the S&P 500 was Granger causing the FSI. To end up, as there is a lack of studies that demonstrate whether one variable Granger causes the other variable, any statement specified in this paper might be limited by the bounded amount of findings. However, according to the above mentioned findings, it can be said that the VIX does not Granger cause Bitcoin prices, nor the other around, FSI was strongly Grangercausing Bitcoin, Bitcoin does not Granger cause the S&P500, nor the other way around, and the S&P 500 Granger causes the FSI. For that reason, a VEC, VAR and Granger causality test to study the relationship between the four variables will be used. 24 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation 3.4 Third Approach - Model 2: Bitcoin and S&P 500 and Covid-19 When we talk about financial and macroeconomic developments, we talk about the existing literature which studied the relationship between Bitcoin prices and macroeconomic indicators. In fact, according to Panagiotidis et al. (2019) what seems to have a greater impact on Bitcoin’s prices are the external shocks. The new occurred pandemic of coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, became the recent research topic among scientists who started to measure the impact of the pandemic on financial markets, cryptocurrencies and stocks. Some of them modelled cryptocurrencies’ behavior during the pandemic to analyze if it could behave as a safe haven, while other authors studied the impact of the pandemic on cryptocurrencies’ prices and/or volatility. However, results showed that Bitcoin was not acting as a safe haven but rather decreased in price at the same time as the S&P 500 (Chen et al., 2020). During the outbreak of the coronavirus, Bitcoin was very affected and lost half its value in a few days. However, there is no literature that explains the fall in the price of Bitcoin. Nevertheless, according to Ali, Alam, and Rizvi (2020); Apergis and Apergis (2020) and GilAlana and Monge (2020), who studied the impact of COVID-19 on financial markets, found that they are associated as there was a decline in asset prices and an increase in the volatility of the market. Additionally, Baig et al. (2020) found that there is an impact of negative sentiment which leads to an increase of volatility in the market, but also to a decrease of liquidity. A study done by Goodell and Goutte (2021), who used the wavelet method of Grinsted, Moore, and Jevrejeva (2004) to daily data of COVID-19 (daily Bitcoin prices but also number of deaths in the world), found that COVID-19 was causing an increase in Bitcoin prices. In fact, the author found that during the 5th of April of 2020 to the 29th of April of 2021, the number of deaths due to Covid-19 were causing an increase in Bitcoin prices, as well as an increase in S&P 500 prices. 25 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation Summing up, it can be observed that the COVID-19 pandemic has become a widely analysed topic among researchers and results differ from each other. Thus, it suggests that other approaches are necessary to give another point of view to the impact of COVID-19 towards Bitcoin and the S&P 500. For that reason, I will study whether co-integration relationships between Bitcoin, the S&P 500 and the Covid-19 variables exist, as well as if any variable Granger causes another variable. To do so, a VEC model and the Granger causality Wald test will be applied, respectively. Additionally, I will follow the study done by Goodell and Goutte (2021) and I will take into account new daily deaths and, additionally, new daily cases due to Covid-19 as Covid-19 variables, to contribute to the existing literature. 4. METHODOLOGY 4.1 First approach - Change Point Analysis For the detection of the change points, the change point analysis (CPA) is implemented, this is a statistical tool used to detect changes in the parameters of the distribution in the data set. Depending on the statistical tests used, models of change points are obtained that can detect changes in location parameters, scale, combinations of both, or more general changes. 4.1.1 Change point detection in variance According to Christian Rohrbeck (2013) the change point detection in variance is a method that has been well studied in the past years and there are several methods in which this can be performed. The first one is the cumulative sums of square by Inclán and Tiao (1994), the second method is the penalized likelihood by Yao (1988), and the third one is the Bayesian posterior odds by Fearnhead (2006). The change point detection is what we call the problem of estimating the point in which the statistical properties of a sequence of observations change and it is very important to detect those changes in many areas. Some recent examples include 26 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation medical imaging, finance and climatology among others. Thus, as there is an increasing collection of signal streams but also time series, there is an increasing need to accurately and efficiently identify and estimate the location of multiple change points. Log returns will be used as it is well documented by financial empirical studies as prices are believed to be unit roots, hence non-stationary, which is solved using log returns. Additionally, another positive advantage of using log returns is the fact that data is n.n.d (normalized and normally distributed), and are defined as the first difference of the natural algorithm. Model and Methodology In order to study the change point detection of each daily logarithmic returns of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple time series, the PELT (Pruned Exact Linear Time) and the AMOC (At most on change point) methods were used. Their assumptions and specifications are expressed below: PELT The Pruned Exact Linear Time is a method to detect the change point which considers that the data is sequential and looks for the solution space in a very exhaustively way. With this method, the ccomputational efficiency is reached by detaching solution paths which are known to not lead to an optimal point. In this context, pruning will be used by eliminating those values of T which will never be minima from the minimization that is performed at each iteration in the following equation: 𝑚+1 ∑ [𝐶(𝑦(𝑇𝑖−1 +1):𝑇𝑖 )] + 𝛽𝑓(𝑚), 𝑖=1 According to Dorcas Wambui (2015), the main assumption of the PELT algorithm is that the change point values increase linearly together with the increase of the dataset. In other 27 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation words, the change points are distributed through all the data and are not restricted to one part of the data. Additionally, as it is mentioned by the same author, the PELT method uses pruning to modify the optimal partitioning. This method combines pruning with optimal partitioning to get an efficient and precise computational cost which is linear in n. The optimal segmentation is 𝐹(𝑛) where: 𝑚+1 𝐹(𝑛) = min τ { ∑ [𝐶(𝑦𝑇𝑖−1 +1,…, 𝑦𝑇𝑖 ) + 𝛽]} 𝑖=1 If we condition on the last change point which is 𝑇𝑚 and we calculate the optimal segmentation of the data until we arrive to that change point, we will have the following: 𝑚 𝐹(𝑛) = min τ𝑚 {min τ|τ𝑚 ∑[𝐶(𝑦𝑇𝑖−1 +1,…, 𝑦𝑇𝑖 ) + 𝛽] + 𝐶(𝑦𝑇𝑚+1,…, 𝑦𝑛 )} 𝑖=1 As mentioned by Dorcas Wambui (2015), the model starts with the calculation of F(1), then it continues to F(2) until it arrives at F(n) . Therefore, at each part, the optimal segmentation which is up to 𝑇𝑚+1 is saved and when the model arrives to F(n) it basically means that the optimal segmentation for the whole data has been found and completed, and the number and location of change points is being saved and every minimization step over 𝑇𝑚 covers all the previous values. Hence, the computational efficiency of the model is achieved by eliminating the candidate values of 𝑇𝑚 from the minimization in each step. AMOC AMOC which means ‘At most one change point’ is a technique used to detect a single hypothesised change point. In this case, the null hypothesis is not having a change point, and its maximum logarithmic likelihood is given by 𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑝 (𝑦1:𝑛 |𝜃̂1 ), where 𝑝 (. ) is the probability 28 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation density function which is related to the distribution of the data and theta hat (𝜃̂) is the maximum likelihood estimate of the parameters (Dorcas Wambui, 2015). The other way around, the alternative hypothesis takes into account the change point at τ1 where τ1 can be any discrete number, that is: τ1 ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n − 1} . the maximum logarithmic likelihood is expressed in the following way: τ1 𝑖𝑠 𝑀𝐿(τ1 ) = log 𝑝 (𝑦1:𝑛 |𝜃̂1 ) + log 𝑝 (𝑦(𝑇1+1):𝑛 |𝜃̂2 ). Thus, it is assume that the alternative hypothesis is = τ1 𝑀𝐿(τ1 ) is the maximum log-likelihood value and this maximum is gathered from all possible change point locations given the fact that the change point location is a discrete variable. Hence, the t-statistic is λ = 2 [ max τ1 ML (τ1 ) − log p ( 𝑦1:𝑛 | 𝜃̂ )] and the null hypothesis is rejected if lambda is bigger than 𝐶, and the value of 𝐶 is the determined threshold. 4.2 Second Approach - DCC-MGARCH In order to analyze the correlation between Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple, and the relationship between Bitcoin and the three Equity Indices and Gold, a DCC-GARCH model introduced by Engle and Sheppard in 2001 will be used. This type of model is a parsimonious option to model portfolios with a large number of assets since with the conditional correlations and the conditional volatility, the entire conditional matrix of variance and covariance of a particular portfolio can be estimated. The DCC-GARCH model is expressed in the following 1/2 way: 𝑟𝑡 = µ𝑡 + 𝑎𝑡 , 𝑎𝑡 = 𝐻𝑡 𝑧𝑡 , 𝑯𝒕 = 𝑫𝒕 𝑹𝒕 𝑫𝒕 , where, rt is the n x 1 vector of log returns of n assets at time t, 𝒂𝒕 the k x1 vector of mean-corrected returns of n assets at time t, i.e. E[𝒂𝒕 ] = 0. Cov[𝒂𝒕 ] = 𝐇t, µ𝐭 the k × 1 vector of the expected value of the conditional rt, 1/2 Ht the k × k matrix of conditional variances of 𝒂𝒕 at time t, Ht any k × k matrix at time t such that Ht is the conditional variance matrix of 𝒂𝒕 , 𝐃𝐭 the k × k, diagonal matrix of 29 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation conditional standard deviations of 𝒂𝒕 at time t, 𝐑 𝐭 the k × k conditional correlation matrix of 𝒂𝒕 at time t, and zt the k × 1 vector of IID errors such that E[𝐳𝐭 ] = 0 and E[𝐳𝐭 𝐳𝐭𝐓 ] = I. It is worth making a point, and remembering that the GARCH models have different orders, generally the simplest model is the GARCH (1,1) and it is usually the most appropriate. The 𝛼𝑖𝑞 represents the ARCH effect (short-term persistence of the “shock” in the profitability of asset 𝑖) and 𝛽𝑖𝑝 represents the GARCH effect (contribution of the “shock” of the profitability 𝑄 𝑃 𝑖 𝑖 of the asset 𝑖 to the long-term persistence [∑𝑞=1 𝛼𝑖𝑞 + ∑𝑝=1 𝛽𝑖𝑝 ]). 𝑅𝑡 is the matrix of conditional correlations of the standardized residuals 𝜖𝑡 , where: 𝜖𝑡 = 𝐷𝑡−1 𝑎𝑡 ~𝑁(0, 𝑅𝑡 ), being 𝑅𝑡 a symmetric matrix. 4.3 Third approach - VEC and VAR - Granger Causality tests First of all, in order to be able to apply any of the two models, I need to study whether the variables are stationary, or not. To do so, I will apply an Adjusted Dickey-Fuller test and the Phillips Pherron test. In the Adjusted Dickey-Fuller test, I can exclude the constant and include a linear trend. The ADF test consists of estimating the following model: 𝑚 △ 𝑥𝑡 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝑡 + 𝛿𝑥𝑡−1 + 𝛼𝑖 ∑ △ 𝑥𝑡−1 + 𝜔𝑡 𝑖=1 The contrast is similar to the Dickey-Fuller test case: 𝐻0: 𝛿 = 0 → There is a unit root, 𝑥𝑡 is not stationary. 𝐻1: 𝛿 ≠ 0 → There is no unit root, 𝑥𝑡 is stationary. If; 𝜏 -calculated in absolute value> 𝜏 -critical in absolute value: 𝐻0 is rejected. 𝜏 -calculated in absolute value <𝜏 -critical in absolute value: 𝐻0 is accepted. The Phillips Pherron test estimates a regression by correcting for the matrix of variances and covariances of the residuals. The correction is by means of a non-parametric method. In this the following regression is estimated: △ 𝑥𝑡 = △ 𝛽 + 𝑝𝑥𝑡 − 1 + 𝑤𝑡 30 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation Unlike the ADF test, there are no delayed difference terms. The null hypothesis 𝐻0 of the Phillips-Perron test is the path of unit root with trend and the alternative is stationarity with trend, if the value 𝑡 associated with the coefficient of 𝑥𝑡−1 is greater in absolute value than the MacKinnon statistic, the null hypothesis of the existence of a unit root. If variables are unit roots, I will apply first differences to the variables to turn them into stationary variables. Once this is done, I will identify the number of lags that I will use in the regression. Thus, to find the order of the model, I will examine the so-called Information criteria, which are certain corrections on the sample value of the logarithm of Likelihood function. The best known are: Akaike (AIC), Schwarz (SBC or BIC), and Hannan-Quinn. Having done so, I will proceed to study the existence or non-existence of co-integrated relationships. Thus, to study whether there is any co-integration relationship between Bitcoin and the S&P 500, VIX and the Covid-19 variables, will use a VEC model (or vector error correction models). The VEC model is a model that belongs to the context of multivariate time series, but is characterized by containing co-integrated variables; that is, variables that maintain a long-term equilibrium relationship between them. It includes both: the dynamics of adjustment of the variables in the short term, when an unexpected shock occurs that causes them to temporarily move away from their long-term equilibrium relationship, and the reestablishment of the relationship of equilibrium in the long term, the information it provides on the speed of adjustment towards such equilibrium is especially useful. Cointegration refers to linear combinations of stationary variables. Nonlinear combinations may exist, but these cannot be found using econometric methods at present. The cointegration vector is not unique. If (β1, β2,…, βn)’ is a cointegration vector then (λβ1, λβ2,…, λβn)' is also a cointegration vector. Generally, one of the variables is normalized to set its coefficient to unity, (λ = 1 / β1). All variables must be integrated in the same order. If xt has n components there 31 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation can be at most n-1 cointegration vectors. Clearly, if xt contains only 2 variables, there can be at most 1 cointegration vector. The existence of cointegration between the variables of a VAR model implies a long-term relationship between them. In order to build the model I will use Johansen's methodology which estimates in just one stage and deals with more than one co-integration relationship. Johansen's (1988) procedure is nothing more than a multivariate generalization of unit root tests. The equation to estimate is: ∆𝑥𝑡 = 𝜋𝑥𝑡−1 + 𝜀𝑡 . By analogy with the univariate case, if the range of π is zero all the variables in the system have unit roots. If the range of π is n, then all variables are stationary. In intermediate cases the range of π determines the number of co-integration relationships in the system. The number of co-integration relations can be contrasted by seeing what is the rank of the matrix. If no co-integrated relationships are found, I will proceed with a VAR model, using the functions varsoc to identify the lag order, based on the information criterion previously explained, followed by a varbasic function to estimate the VAR model with the selected amount of lags. Once the model is estimated a varlmar function, which is a diagnostic test to know whether the model is correct or not, whether there is autocorrelation or not, will be applied. Finally, the vargranger function, which is typically used to do the Granger causality Wald test to check whether one variable is explained by another variable, will be used. It is said that a variable z does not cause the variable y if adding the past of z to the previous equation does not add explanatory power. 5. PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS This section is composed of two sub-sections. In the first sub-section the data and the necessary descriptive statistics to proceed with the change point analysis results will be introduced. This change point analysis will be applied to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. The 32 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation second part of this section will be dedicate to introduce some descriptive statistics of Equity Indices, Gold, Fear Indices and Covid-19 variables to be able to further proceed with the relationship among the variables. 5.1 Data and Descriptive Statistics 5.1.1 Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple As previously mentioned, in this research daily log returns for cryptocurrencies from 01/11/2019 to 31/03/2021, will be used. There are several ways of calculating returns. However, one of the most common ways to do so when analyzing financial data is by applying the continuous compounding (Ruppert, 2014). The following equation shows the model used for converting daily prices into logarithmic returns for each cryptocurrency: 𝑟𝑡 = ln(𝑃𝑡 ) − ln(𝑃𝑡−1 ), where 𝑟𝑡 are the log returns at time t and 𝑃𝑡 is the price of cryptocurrency in USD at time t. thus, we are following an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) and normally distributed log returns as suggested by Ruppert (2014). In Figure 1, the logarithmic returns time series of the three cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple can be seen. From these three graphs, it is observed that the trend does not differ a lot, they have similar patterns and from a first sight, it is seen that all of them have a spike at the beginning of 2020 in March. However, this spike is less noticeable in the Ripple graph, which shows a higher spike at the end of 2020 in December. Bitcoin and Ethereum seem to have more movement over the period from 11/1/2019 to 11/1/2020 while Ripple returns have shown more stability. However, from November on, Ripple had more movement than Bitcoin and Ethereum. The spike in March for Bitcoin and Ethereum and the spike in December for Ripple, which is when the Covid-19 pandemic was announced and the third wave of the pandemic was about to start, respectively, is a first indicator that suggests that there will, or might, be a possible result once having implemented the change point analysis on this data. 33 Master of Science in Finance and Banking 0 -.1 -.3 -.2 log returns BTC .1 .2 Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation 11/1/2019 12/1/2019 1/1/2020 2/1/2020 3/1/2020 4/1/2020 5/1/2020 6/1/2020 7/1/2020 8/1/2020 9/1/2020 10/1/2020 11/1/2020 12/1/2020 1/1/2021 2/1/2021 3/1/2021 9/1/2020 10/1/2020 11/1/2020 12/1/2020 1/1/2021 2/1/2021 3/1/2021 -.2 -.4 log returns ETH 0 .2 Date 2/1/2020 3/1/2020 4/1/2020 5/1/2020 6/1/2020 7/1/2020 2/1/2020 3/1/2020 4/1/2020 5/1/2020 6/1/2020 7/1/2020 8/1/2020 Date -.4 -.2 0 log returns XRP .2 .4 11/1/2019 12/1/2019 1/1/2020 11/1/2019 12/1/2019 1/1/2020 8/1/2020 9/1/2020 10/1/2020 11/1/2020 12/1/2020 1/1/2021 2/1/2021 3/1/2021 Date Figure 1. Daily log returns of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple prices In Table 2 you will be able to identify the descriptive statistics of the logarithmic returns of the three cryptocurrencies. It can be observed that Ripple reached the largest minimum value of -.4289956 and the greatest maximum value of .2474847 over the period. However, the largest mean was of Ethereum (.005144) and the mean of Ripple was very close to 0 (.0004). Table 2. Logarithmic returns of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple – Summary statistics Cryptocurrency Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max Bitcoin (BTC) Ethereum (ETH) Ripple (XRP) 511 511 511 .0042564 .005144 .000399 .0378391 .0501878 .0558353 -.3159456 -.423604 -.4289956 .1510413 .1862117 .2474847 34 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation To summarize, it can clearly be observed that there abnormalities (outliers) in the data, especially during March of 2020 for Bitcoin and Ethereum, and December 2020 for Ripple, where all the cryptocurrencies faced minimum values. Thus, the usage of the change point analysis will help to identify whether this assumption is correct and if it can be related to Covid19 pandemic. 5.1.2 Equity Indices, Gold, Fear Indices and Covid-19 variables Equity indices play an important role in this paper as they will be included in the analysis. The Equity Indices were chosen taking into account findings of previous studies and the three ones selected were the S&P 500, MSCIWorld, and MSCIEM50. In order to be able to calculate the daily logarithmic return of each of the indices, the initial data on daily prices was taken from Yahoo Finance (2021). In Table 3 you will be able to observe the descriptive statistics results for each Equity Index. Table 3. Equity Indices – daily logarithmic returns. Descriptive Statistics Variable Observations Mean Std. Dev. Min Max Skewness Kurtosis S&P500 MSCIWorld MSCIEM50 511 .0005951 .0158372 -.1276522 .0896831 -1.128256 20.62947 511 .0012932 .0242616 -.1399031 .1658111 -.0148362 13.81482 511 .0005279 .0115443 -.0694251 .0557375 -1.262255 12.64785 Table 3 is showing the amount of observations that are considered and it is showing that, within those observations, there were fluctuations during the selected period as the minimum and maximum values of each of the equity indices significantly vary. However, the mean of the series and of each of the indices is close to zero and the standard deviation is low which indicates that most of the data in the sample tends to be clustered close to its mean. 35 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation Something else to look at is the Skewness and Kurtosis. Skewness measures whether the tail of the distribution is longer to the right or left. For the three indices the values are negative which indicates a distribution with an asymmetric tail extended toward negative values. However, the skewness of the MSCIWorld is (-0.015) which is very close to 0. If the skewness would be 0, this would imply a normally distributed data, which by definition exhibit relatively little skewness. Kurtosis on the other side, indicates how the tails of a distribution differ from the normal distribution. All of the three equity indices experience a large and positive kurtosis this means that for all of them the distribution has heavier tails than the normal distribution, hence we will have a leptokurtic distribution which is when it’s more pointed and with tails less wide than the usual curve. Another important variable to take into account is the Gold daily logarithmic returns. The price used to calculate the log returns was obtained from (Gold Hub, 2021). In this website, the gold price is normally calculated, by default, as a unit per troy ounce in USD. In Table 4 you can find the results obtained from the descriptive statistics. Table 4. Gold – daily logarithmic returns. Descriptive Statistics Variable Gold Observations Mean Std. Dev. Min Max Skewness Kurtosis 511 .0002286 .0096942 -.0526457 .0513344 -.5522391 9.964163 It is observable that during the selected period gold daily log returns were very close to 0 as of: mean and variance. Also, the minimum and maximum differ slightly from each other indicating a possible period of fluctuations. Skewness was negative indicating that the distribution with an asymmetric tail is extended toward negative values, and a positive Kurtosis 36 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation which shows that there is, again, a leptokurtic distribution. It is observable that the behaviour of gold is very similar to the behaviour of the Equity Indices. Furthermore, the Cboe Volatility Index (VIX) and the Financial Stress daily index (FSI) were also included. The data for the VIX index was obtained from (Indices – Volatility – S&P500 historical data) and the data for the FSI index was obtained from financial research page of the Government ( In terms of interpretation, a normal reading of the VIX is between 20 and 30, below 20 investors are not worried, there is complacency. Above 30 indicates that there is nervousness, that is, fear in the market. Similarly, in the case of the FSI, the index will be positive if the contribution of the weighted average stress of the indicator is positive, and the other way around, the index will be negative if such average is negative and, the index is zero if the average is zero which suggests that stress levels are normal. Table 5 shows the results. Table 5. Fear indices. Descriptive Statistics Variable Observations Mean Std. Dev. Min Max Skewness Kurtosis VIX FSI 511 26.2264 11.5148 11.54 82.69 1.874813 7.98666 511 -1.426869 3.221726 -4.36 10.27 1.738653 5.382647 Table 5 is indicating that during the selected period both indices were experiencing fluctuations, hence not being stable, since the minimum and maximum values significantly differ from each other. Also, it is observable that the mean of the VIX is around 26. Taking into account that this is the mean, which means that it is doing an average of all the values during the selected period, we can notice that to obtain this mean many huge values had to be encountered in the data set, thus we can deduce that during many days, the VIX value was 37 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation above 30, indicating that there was nervousness, that there was fear in the market, and given the selected period, this could be linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. Additionally, from the obtained results, we can also say that during the period under analysis, the average stress contribution of the indicators was negative as we encountered a negative mean of -1.43. Finally, two social factors were included in the model which were: new daily cases of Covid-19 (not cumulative) and new daily deaths due to Covid-19 pandemic (not cumulative), which will be used to study the long term relationship between these two variables, the S&P 500, and Bitcoin as we found out, using the change point detection analysis, that Covid-19 could possibly impact the volatility on cryptocurrencies, in this case Bitcoin. In Table 6 the results are shown. The data was obtained from (2021). Table 6 is indicating that during the selected period, the maximum number of cases due to Covid-19 was 248,724.9 a day and the maximum number of deaths a day was 4.409. The mean is indicating that, on average, there were 58,456.46 new daily cases of Covid-19 and 1,156.4 new daily deaths which are very huge numbers. Table 6. New daily Covid-19 Cases and New Daily Deaths due to Covid-19. Descriptive Statistics Variable Observations Mean Std. Dev. Min Max Variance Skewness Kurtosis New daily cases New daily deaths 511 58456.46 65480.63 0 248724.9 4.32e+09 1.32937 3.705002 511 1156.372 1066.478 0 4409 1124254 .9749288 3.393615 38 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation 6. RESULTS 6.1 Change Point Detection Results In the following sub-section, the results of the implementation of the change point detection on the variance using PELT and AMOC on Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple, and the presented data, which is presented separately, will be presented, analyzed, and compared. The default model penalty and the assumption of normal distribution were used to detect the changing points in both methods. 6.1.1 Bitcoin As it is observable in Figure 2, different methods lead to different outcomes. While using the PELT method, two change points were found, and while using the AMOC method, -.3 -.2 -.1 0 log returns BTC .1 .2 one unique change point was found. 500 700 800 Date 900 1000 -.3 -.2 -.1 0 log returns BTC .1 .2 600 500 600 700 800 Date 900 1000 Figure 2. Bitcoin change point detection using PELT and AMOC methods In Table 7 you will find the exact dates that were detected using both methods and, as it can be observed, the dates are between the 7th and 20th of March. 39 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation Table 7. Bitcoin Change Point detection - Results Change Point method PELT AMOC Change Point - Day number Change Point – Calendar date 649 11/03/2020 658 20/03/2020 645 07/03/2020 6.1.2 Ethereum Going further, the same change point detection procedure was applied. The PELT and AMOC technique were used, and it was found out that the PELT method was detecting two change points, while AMOC was just detecting one change point as previously happened. It is interesting to mention that the second change point found with PELT method is the same as 600 700 800 Date 900 1000 -.4 -.2 0 log returns ETH .2 500 .4 -.4 -.2 0 log returns ETH .2 .4 the one found with AMOC method (07/03/2020). Results are observed in Figure 3. 500 600 700 800 Date 900 1000 Figure 3. Ethereum Change Point detection using PELT and AMOC methods. From Table 8 it can be observed that 07/03/2020 day was detected by both methods. However, the most interesting part is that both dates coincide with the dates that were found for Bitcoin. Hence, comparing Ethereum results to Bitcoin results, it can be observed that the 40 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation dates are almost equal with both methods, except for the first change point on day 649 found for Bitcoin using PELT method. Table 8. Ethereum Change Point detection - Results Change Point method PELT AMOC Change Point - Day number Change Point – Calendar date 645 07/03/2020 658 20/03/2020 645 07/03/2020 6.1.3 Ripple Ripple seems to be the exception. The same change point detection procedure was applied and, interestingly, the results were different compared to those of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Using the PELT method two change points were found, while using the AMOC -.4 -.2 0 log returns XRP .2 method just one change point was observed. The change points can be observed in Figure 4. 600 700 600 700 800 Date 900 1000 -.4 -.2 0 log returns XRP .2 500 500 800 Date 900 1000 Figure 4. Ripple Change Point detection using PELT and AMOC methods 41 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation In the following table, the results of the Ripple were identified. It can be seen that both methods, PELT and AMOC, found a change point that was not detected on Bitcoin and Ethereum. We refer to date 17/12/2020, 20/12/2020 and 08/01/2020. However, as happened with Bitcoin, the result using AMOC method is between the dates found when using PELT method. Table 9. Ripple Change Point detection - Results Change Point method Change Point - Day number Change Point – Calendar date PELT 930 952 17/12/2020 08/01/2021 AMOC 933 20/12/2020 Once the change point analysis was done and we were able to identify at which point in time this was happening, we proceeded with the analysis of change in variance of each cryptocurrency using the logarithmic returns on prices. First of all, we excluded the period from 645 to 658 when analysing the variance for Bitcoin and Ethereum to be able to compare the variance difference before and after this excluded period, as it was the most common change point location of both models. And, to analyse the variance difference for Ripple, we excluded the period between 930 and 952. The results are shown in Table 10. It can be observed from Table 10 that the variance of the three cryptocurrencies’ logarithmic returns from period 01/11/2019 to 06/03/2020 and from period 21/03/2020 to 31/03/2021 were smaller compared to the variance of the whole dataset which goes from period 01/11/2019 to 31/03/2021. This result is telling us that the periods that we excluded to perform the variance analysis had a great impact on the overall variance, meaning that if we include the ‘excluded’ period, the variance increases, while the contrary was happening if we were not including them. Therefore, it can be concluded that these excluded periods are significant in the change point analysis as larger variance is indicating that the values in the set are far from the mean and from each other. 42 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation Table 10. Variance before and after change point’s location Variance until 07/03/02020 Variance after 20/03/2020 Variance using the whole dataset Bitcoin 0.0007271 0.0012258 0.0014318 Ethereum 0.0014604 0.0021804 0.0025188 Variance until 17/12/02020 Variance after 08/01/2021 Variance using the whole dataset 0.0024939 0.0032104 0.0034884 Cryptocurrency Ripple 6.1.4 The influence of COVID-19 pandemic One of the objectives of detecting the change point and studying the variance was to investigate whether the fluctuation in logarithmic returns of cryptocurrencies was being influenced by Covid-19. That was one of the reasons why, for this analysis, it was decided to take into account the periods from 01/11/2019 to 31/03/2021 as they were covering the Covid19 period. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2021), the first Covid case was detected in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. However, the worldwide pandemic was not declared until the 11th of March of 2020. This pandemic resulted in three waves. The first wave took place between 15th March and 30th June, the second wave took place between 1st July and 15th October, and the third wave took place from the very end of December 2020 to 8th January, 2021. Therefore, the objective was to search whether the World Wide pandemic could have had an influence on cryptocurrencies. To do so, the change point detection analysis was applied to Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple using the daily logarithmic returns on prices. After analysing the change point detection results, it was observed that the change point location dates were: 07/03/2020, 11/03/2020, 20/03/2020, 17/12/2020, 20/12/2020, and 08/01/2021, which indicate that at the beginning and at the middle-end of March the log returns of the studied cryptocurrencies, had a significant change on the variance as it was detected by both methods. 43 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation For that reason, we could possibly consider that the announcement of the pandemic could have had an impact on the change in variance and the specific dates in which both methods detected the change points. To conclude, both methods: PELT and AMOC, performed similarly and detected almost the same change points for Bitcoin and Ethereum, with the same change point for AMOC and only differing in the first point when using PELT method. It is worth mentioning that AMOC only detects one change point, while PELT detects several change points. However, in the analysis the cryptocurrency Ripple had a different result as it was the only cryptocurrency that had the change point location at the end of December 2020 and beginning of January 2021, this dates coincide with the third Covid-19 wave. Finally, after having analyzed the change point detection, I considered that it was worth to check the variance of the data. Once having checked and compared the variance of each cryptocurrency, before and after the location change points, it was found out that the variance, before and after the selected change point locations were smaller compared to the variance of the whole dataset. Meaning that the change points that both methods detected were correctly identified as the excluded periods were significantly increasing the overall variance of each cryptocurrency. 6.2 DCC MGARCH Model In the first part we detected the change points on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. In this second part, the main objective is to further study the relationship between cryptocurrencies and the relationship between Bitcoin, Equity Indices and Gold. To do so, a new variable called time that goes from 1 to n was generated, as well as a time series framework. As previously mentioned, a DCC-MGARCH model introduced by Engle and Sheppard in 2001 will be used, as this type of model will allow us to study the conditional on past history covariance matrix of the dependent variable which, in this case, is Bitcoin, to follow a dynamic conditional 44 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation correlation study. Daily logarithmic returns of cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple), Equity Indices (SP&500, MSCIWorld, and MSCIEM50), and Gold were used from November 1st, 2019 to March 31st, 2021. I will model the conditional mean of the logarithmic returns as a first order vector autoregressive process and the conditional covariance as a DCC MGARCH process, following a GARCH(1,1) process for the variance of each disturbance. 6.2.1 Stationarity In order to be able to explain the Granger causality, their predictability, the presence of dynamic correlations and the conditional volatility, the first step is to study whether the variables are stationary or not. Once this is done, the model will be built and tested. A time series is said to be stationary when its distribution and its parameters do not vary with time. In more concrete terms, the mean and variance of a stationary series do not change over time, nor do they follow a trend. This is something very important because a stationary series is much easier to predict. If it behaved in a way in the past (say with a certain mean and variance), we can assume that it will continue to behave in the same way in the future, or that it has a high probability of continuing to behave in the same way. Most models that describe and attempt to predict the behavior of time series work under the assumption that the series is stationary. However, there is a problem which is that when we talk about the stock market this almost never happens. Quotes, that is, the prices of financial assets, do not have a stationary behavior. In order to deal with this problem, we can transform and convert non-stationary series into stationary series. Nevertheless, since we were aware of this fact we calculated the log of returns of cryptocurrencies and equity indices before testing for stationarity. In the following table you will be able to identify the test for stationarity following and Adjusted Dickey-Fuller test. If any variable appears to be non-stationary a Phillips-Perron test will be done to double 45 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation check the outcome. If variables keep being non-stationary then we will apply first differences to the variable to convert it into a stationary variable. Table 11 shows the results using an Adjusted Dickey-Fuller test, under which the hypothesis is as follows: 𝐻0: 𝛿 = 0 → There is a unit root, 𝑥𝑡 is not stationary, 𝐻1: 𝛿 ≠ 0 → There is no unit root, 𝑥𝑡 is stationary. Similarly, the Phillips-Perron tests for the null hypothesis that 𝑥 has a unit root. From the results obtained we can observe that most of the variables are stationary at 5% of significance level by the ADF test. The variables that were not significant at 5% were the VIX, FSI and New daily cases of Covid-19. For these three variables we decided to double check if they were non-stationary using a Phillips Perron test and we can conclude, looking at Table 12, that the variables are non-stationary. In this case, first differences to convert them into stationary variables, will be applied. Table 11. Checking for stationarity – ADF test. Without trend Variable Tstatistic 1% Critical Value 5% Critical Value 10% Critical Value p-value Stationarity rBTC rXRP rETH rSP500 rMSCIWorld rMSCIEM50 VIX FSI New daily cases New daily deaths -22.76 -22.12 -22.05 -32.91 -28.34 -21.32 -2.74 -1.15 -0.95 -4.91 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.69 0.77 0.00 Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary Non-Stationary Non-Stationary Non-Stationary Stationary Table 12. Checking for stationarity – Phillips–Perron test, for non-stationary variables. Variable Z(rho) Z(t) p-value Stationarity VIX FSI New daily cases -11.822 -3.624 -1.117 -2.489 -1.319 -1.136 0.1182 0.6203 0.7083 Non-Stationary Non-Stationary Non-Stationary 46 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation After doing first differences to non-stationary variables, that is: VIS, FSI and New daily cases, the stationarity test was implemented and the results were the following: Table 13. Checking for stationarity – ADF test. Without trend Variable rBTC rXRP rETH rSP500 rMSCIWorld rMSCIEM50 dVIX dFSI dNew daily cases New daily deaths TStatistic 1% Critical Value 5% Critical Value 10% Critical Value pvalue Stationarity -22.76 -22.12 -22.05 -32.91 -28.34 -21.32 -29.56 -24.74 -18.80 -4.95 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.43 -3.44 -3.44 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.86 -2.87 -2.87 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 -2.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary Table 14. Checking for stationarity – Phillips–Perron test, for non-stationary variables. Variable Z(rho) Z(t) p-value Stationarity dVIX dFSI dNew daily cases -684.80 -679.42 -545.39 -29.040 -24.77 -19.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 Stationary Stationary Stationary As it can be observed from Table 13 and 14, after having applied first differences (dVIX, dFSI, and dNew daily cases) to the variables and running the stationarity test, it can be concluded that the variables are stationary at a 5% of significance level with both: ADF and PP tests. 6.2.2 DCC MGARCH results Table 15 shows the results of the estimation of the multivariate DCC MGARCH model using cryptocurrencies. The parameter 𝛾2 of the equation of the mean is not significant and represents the zero influence and effect that the Bitcoin has on the other two cryptocurrencies. Regarding the lag order, there are multiple information criteria, including LL, LR, FPE, AIC, 47 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation HQIC and SBIC, which confirm the inclusion of a maximum of 1 to 2 lags for the mean equation. The ARCH and GARCH coefficients of the variance equation are highly significant, which corroborates the specification of the model in which the variance of each error follows a GARCH (1,1) type process. This last equation yields the coefficients 𝛼 and 𝛽, which show that the persistence of volatility is 0.853 for Ethereum, 0.11 for Ripple and 0.92 for Bitcoin. Being the persistence of volatility high for Ethereum and Bitcoin. Regarding the DCC conditional dynamic correlation equation, both coefficients 𝜆1 𝑦 𝜆2 are statistically significant at 1%, so it is concluded that the co-movement of the currencies is changing over time. In fact, these coefficients show that they are different from zero, but their sum is less than unity, which rules out the presence of unit roots, exhibiting a high persistence in the correlations with values for the sum of the coefficients that oscillate between 0.853 and 0.956. Table 15. DCC MGARCH Model Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple Ethereum Ripple Bitcoin 𝛾2 -0.098 (-0.09) -0.04 (-0.35) 𝜇 0.004 (1.86) -0.000 (-0.03) 0.002 (1.54) 𝛼 0.096 (4.01)** 0.188 (3.11)** 0.086 (4.07)** 𝛽 0.757 (10.97)** -0.078 (-2.31)* 0.834 (19.11)** 𝜔 0.000 (2.82)** 0.000 (5.71)** 0.000 (2.84)** 𝜆1 0.055 (4.09)** 𝜆2 0.901 (36.28)** Equation of the mean Equation of the variance DCC equation ∗ 𝑝 < 0.05; ∗∗ 𝑝 < 0.01 48 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation Table 16 summarizes the conditional correlations between the standardized residuals of the Bitcoin and the Ethereum and Ripple, observing a high and positive correlation between Ethereum and Bitcoin with a value of 0.831, followed by a positive correlation between Ethereum and Ripple of 0.559 and a very low positive correlation between Bitcoin and Ripple of 0.384, all of them statistically significant at 1% level. Table 16. Correlations Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple Ethereum Ripple Bitcoin 1 0.559 0.831 Ripple 0.559 1 0.384 Bitcoin 0.831 0.384 1 Ethereum Following the same methodology described above, the results of the DCC MGARCH model for the Bitcoin, the three Equity Indices (S&P 500, MSCIWorld, and MSCIEM50) and the Gold are summarized in Table 17. The results of the following model significantly differ from the previous model. The model presents one significant value of the parameter 𝛾2, that is: MSCIEM50, being statistically significant at 5%, which represents the influence and effect that the Bitcoin has on the MSCIEM50. Additionally, the equation of the variance yields the coefficients 𝛼 and 𝛽, which, added together, show that the persistence of volatility is on average 0.94 for each of the specifications. Regarding the DCC conditional dynamic correlation equation, both coefficients 𝜆1 𝑦 𝜆2 are statistically significant at 1%, so it is concluded that the co-movement of the variables is changing over time. Additionally, in Table 18, when analyzing the conditional correlations between the standardized residuals of Bitcoin, the Equity Indices and Gold, a lower correlation is observed between them. In fact, we only observed two statistically significant correlations at 1% level which were Gold and S&P 500, and Gold and the MSCIWorld, both having a statistically significant negative correlation with Gold at 1% level. Also, it can be deduced that the degree 49 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation of influence of the Bitcoin on these variables is less than that observed with cryptocurrencies (Table 16). Table 17. DCC MGARCH Model Bitcoin, Equity Indices and Gold S&P 500 MSCIWorld MSCIEM50 Gold Bitcoin Equation of the mean 𝛾2 -0.001 (-0.18) 𝜇 0.001 (3.72)** Equation of the variance -0.020 (-0.95) 0.021 (2.16)* -0.002 (-0.25) 0.001 (2.47)* 0.000 (2.36)* 0.000 (0.48) 0.002 (1.94)* 𝛼 0.292 (5.32)** 0.280 (4.56)** 0.211 (4.90)** 0.148 (3.58)** 0.139 (4.15)** 𝛽 0.676 (14.68)** 0.626 (9.29)** 0.717 (14.14)** 0.799 (16.44)** 0.809 (19.17)** 𝜔 0.000 (3.54)** 0.000 (3.53)** 0.000 (3.19)** 0.000 (2.78)** 0.000 (2.88)** 𝜆1 0.182 (6.55)** 𝜆2 0.240 (2.29)** DCC equation ∗ 𝑝 < 0.05; ∗∗ 𝑝 < 0.01 Table 18. Correlations Bitcoin, Equity Indices and Gold S&P 500 MSCIWorld MSCIEM50 Gold Bitcoin 1 0.014 -0.020 -0.108 0.018 MSCIWorld 0.014 1 -0.071 -0.149 0.008 MSCIEM50 -0.020 -0.071 1 0.080 -0.039 Gold -0.108 -0.149 0.080 1 0.042 Bitcoin 0.018 0.008 -0.039 0.042 1 S&P 500 50 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation 6.3 VEC, VAR and Granger Causality tests model Once having studied the effects, persistence, volatility and correlation between Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, Equity Indices, and Gold. We could observe that Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple were correlated, while Bitcoin and the Equity Indices were not correlated, nor Gold was correlated to Bitcoin, we rather observed a negative correlation between Gold and S&P500, and Gold and MSCIWorld. In this third part, we will study whether a co-integration between Bitcoin and the different selected variables: Equity Indices, Fear Indices and Covid-19, exists. We will do so by using the Johansen VEC model as it finds several co-integration relationships. 6.3.1 Co-integration analysis between Bitcoin and S&P 500, VXI, and FSI One of the important parts of the model is to make sure that variables are stationary. If recall from the previous stationary test, where we performed an Adjusted Dickey Fuller test and a Phillips’ Perron test, we observed that the logarithmic return of Bitcoin and the S&P 500 was stationary, while the VIX and the FSI were non stationary. As it is important that we consider stationary variables to avoid any spurious result, we applied first difference to both variables to turn them into stationary variables. After having turned all necessary variables into stationary variables, we studied how many lags had to be included in the model. To do so, we used the varsoc function as it is the most common function used to determine the number of lags to be used in this type of models. As mentioned in Section 3 we will decide the lag order based on the information criterion (AIC, HQIC and SBIC). As you can observe in Table 19, results suggested 1 lag using the HQIC and SBIC information criterion method as both have an (*). 51 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation Table 19. Lag order identification Selection-order criteria Included observations: 511 Lags LL LR df 0 949.864 1 1194.1 488.47 16 2 1220.65 53.107 3 1236.18 4 1277.11 p FPE AIC HQIC SBIC 2.8e-07 -3.73 -3.72 -3.70 0.000 1.1e-07 -4.64 -4.57* -4.47* 16 0.000 1.1e-07 -4.68 -4.56 -4.38 31.048 16 0.013 1.1e-07 -4.68 -4.51 -4.24 81.864* 16 0.000 9.9e-08* -4.77* -4.55 -4.21 The next step before being able to build the model is to determine if there is any cointegrating relationship. If there are no co-integrated relationships we will not be able to reject the null hypothesis of no co-integration and we will proceed to study if at least, one of the variables helps to predict the other variable using the Egranger model. To do so, we will implemented the vecrank function which can be observed in the following table. Table 20. Number of Co-integrated relationships Johansen tests for cointegration Included observations: 511 Trend assumption: Linear deterministic trend Series: Bitcoin, S&P 500, VIX and FSI Lags interval: 1 Unrestricted Co-integration Rank Test (Trace) Maximum rank Parms LL Eigenvalue Trace statistic 5% critical value 0 4 397.71 . 1618.56 47.21 1 11 854.42 0.833 705.14 29.68 2 16 1004.76 0.446 404.45 15.41 3 19 1119.22 0.362 175.54 3.76 4 20 1206.99 0.291 Trace test indicates no co-integration at the 0.05 level * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level 52 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation As it is observable from Table 20, the Johansen test in levels was carried out for Bitcoin and the S&P500, the VIX and FSI index, in order to identify any possible presence of cointegration between the different variables. The results rule out the presence of co-integration between the variables used in this analysis. From this results we could suggest that during the selected period, which covers the Covid-19 pandemic, the variables were not co-integrated, meaning that there is not a strong long-term relationship between the variables. This implies that whether one variable falls or grows, the other variable does not behave in a synchronized way. Thus, we can conclude that Bitcoin, S&P 500, the VIX and the FSI do not maintain any relationship over time. Only after this correction could the Granger test be implemented to establish possible causal relationships between Bitcoin and the S&P 500, VIX and FSI. Granger causality test results Since we found out that there are no co-integration relationships among the variables, we will further study whether one variable helps to predict another variable. To do so, we will apply the Granger-causality Wald test. It is important to mention that for this part of the paper, the FSI variable will be excluded as we tested whether the model was correct, or not, and we found out that the model with FSI was not correct. Thus, we will only consider the following variables: Bitcoin, S&P 500 and VIX. First of all, we identified the number of lags to be included in the model using the information criterion (AIC, HQIC and SBIC). According to the results it has been determined that the optimal lag is 2, therefore a restriction is established and the command (varbasic) is used. That is to say that it is a model of VAR (2) it is interpreted as a model of autoregressive vectors of three variables and two lags. Furthermore, the varlmar function was used to identify whether the model was correct, or not. According to the results our model was correct at lag 2 53 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation (p-value>0.05; 0.171), meaning that there was no presence of autocorrelation at lag 2. Therefore, the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation at lag order two is accepted. Finally, we performed the Granger causality Wald test using the Vargranger function. In Table 21 you can find the results. As we can observe in Table 21 the p-value is below 0.05 in the row ‘rSP500 excluded’ for the ‘rBTC equation’. This strongly rejects the null hypothesis that the S&P 500 does not cause Bitcoin. In the jargon: ‘S&P 500 Granger causes Bitcoin’, that is: the S&P 500 daily log returns Granger cause the Bitcoin daily log returns as we have rejected the null hypothesis of no Granger cause relationship. This findings, of the relationship between Bitcoin and the S&P 500, was also found by other authors such as: Georgoula et al. (2015); Kjærland et al. (2018); and Sovbetov and Sovbetov (2018). To see how a one-time-only oneunit increase in rSP500 (the ‘impulse’) affects the log return of Bitcoin (rBTC) (‘the response’), consult the lower-left panel of the impulse response function plots in Annex 2. On the contrary, we could identify that the VIX index, which was the one that had to be differentiated in order to turn the variable into a stationary variable, does not Granger cause the Bitcoin daily log returns as the p-value is bigger than 0.05, meaning that we do not reject the null hypothesis, hence VIX does not Granger causes Bitcoin. Something interesting to observe is that the S&P 500 Granger causes Bitcoin, however Bitcoin does not Granger cause the S&P 500 as it can be observed by its high p-value, indicating that we do not reject the null hypothesis, hence Bitcoin does not Granger cause the S&P 500. Another interesting observation is the fact that the VIX index does not Granger causes the S&P 500 as it can, again, be observed by its high p-value, meaning that we do not reject the null hypothesis. However, it can be observed that the S&P 500 does Granger causes the VIX index as the p-value is equal to 0.000 which shows that we strongly reject the null hypothesis that S&P 500 does not cause VIX. In other words, S&P 500 Granger causes the 54 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation VIX. In Figure 5 you will find the daily log returns of Bitcoin plotted together with the daily log returns of the S&P500, as well as, a two-way plot of the Bitcoin and VIX, and the S&P 500 and the VIX. Table 21. Granger causality Wald tests Equation Excluded chi2 df Prob > chi2 rBTC rSP500 10.58 2 0.005* rBTC dVIX 1.62 2 0.445 rBTC ALL 10.59 4 0.031 rSP500 rBTC 1.23 2 0.540 rSP500 dVIX 4.66 2 0.097 rSP500 ALL 5.60 4 0.231 dVIX rBTC 1.62 2 0.443 dVIX rSP500 210.47 2 0.000* dVIX ALL 213.26 4 0.000 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Date log returns BTC log returns SP500 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -20 -.3 -10 -.2 0 -.1 10 0 20 .1 .2 30 Figure 5. Bitcoin and S&P 500 daily log returns, and the VIX differentiated daily index 500 600 700 800 Date log returns BTC 1000 dVIX 55 Master of Science in Finance and Banking 900 500 600 700 800 Date log returns SP500 900 1000 dVIX Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation 6.3.2 Co-integration analysis between Bitcoin and S&P 500, and Covid-19 variables Lastly, the Bitcoin and the S&P 500 daily log returns are paired with two COVID-19 variables which are: new daily deaths due to Covid-19 (not accumulative) and new daily cases of Covid-19 (not cumulative). As previously mentioned, all variables need to be stationary. Applying the Adjusted Dickey Fuller test and a Phillips’ Perron test, results suggested that the Covid-19 variable: new daily cases was non-stationary. To turn this variable into a stationary variable we applied first differences. After having turned all necessary variables into stationary variables, we studied how many lags had to be included in the model. To do so, we used the varsoc function and, based on the information criterion (AIC, HQIC and SBIC), we selected the lag order. As you can observe in Table 22, results suggested 2 lags using the SBIC, 3 lags using HQIC, and 4 lags using AIC, this can be observed as the corresponding value has an asterisk on the right side (*). Since every information criterion has a different outcome, we decided to go for the AIC method as it coincides with the LR and FPE. Table 22. Lag order identification Selection-order criteria Included observations: 511 Lags LL LR df 0 -6995 1 -6483 1024.6 16 2 -6431 104.32 3 -6399 4 -6373 p FPE AIC HQIC SBIC 1.2e+07 27.61 27.62 27.64 0.000 1.4e+06 25.65 25.72 25.82 16 0.000 1.4e+06 25.51 25.63 25.81* 63.833 16 0.000 1.3e+06 25.45 25.62* 25.88 51.792* 16 0.000 1.3e+06* 25.41* 25.63 25.97 The next step before being able to build the model is to determine if there is any cointegrating relationship. If there are no co-integrated relationships we will not be able to reject the null hypothesis of no co-integration and we will proceed to study if at least, one of the 56 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation variables helps to predict the other variable using the Egranger model. To do so, we will implemented the vecrank function which can be observed in the following table. As it is observable from Table 23, the Johansen test was carried out for Bitcoin, the S&P500, and two Covid-19 variables, in order to identify any possible presence of cointegration between the different variables. The results rule out the presence of co-integration between the variables used in this analysis. No rank is being selected and the trace statistics is indicating that there are no co-integration relationships at 5% significance level. For that reason, from these results we could suggest that during the selected period, which covers the Covid-19 pandemic, the variables were not co-integrated, meaning that there is not a strong long-term relationship between the variables. This implies that whether one variable falls or grows, the other variable does not behave in a synchronized way. Thus, we can conclude that Bitcoin, the S&P 500, and the Covid-19 variables do not maintain any relationship over time. It is important to mention that given the proximity of rank 3 to being statistically significant, the number of lags were increased to test whether any co-integration relationship could be find and, indeed, we found at lag order 6 three co-integration relationships. However, at the time of building the model and check if the model was correct, it was found out that the model was not correct, proving the previous assumption of no co-integration relationships. Only after this correction could the Granger test be implemented to establish possible causal relationships between Bitcoin, the S&P 500, and the two Covid-19 variables. 57 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation Table 23. Number of Co-integrated relationships Johansen tests for cointegration Included observations: 507 Trend assumption: Linear deterministic trend Series: Bitcoin, S&P 500, New daily deaths due to Covid-19 and new daily cases of Covid19 Lags interval: 4 Unrestricted Co-integration Rank Test (Trace) Maximum rank Parms LL Eigenvalue Trace statistic 5% critical value 0 52 -6494.3 . 241.2 47.21 1 59 -6446.2 0.172 145.0 29.68 2 64 -6401.9 0.160 56.5 15.41 3 67 -6376.8 0.094 6.37 3.76 4 68 -6373.6 0.012 Trace test indicates no co-integration at the 0.05 level * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level Granger causality test results Since it was found out that there are no co-integration relationships among the variables, I will further study whether one variable helps to predict another variable. To do so, we will apply the Granger-causality Wald test. First of all, the number of lags to be included in the model were identified using the information criterion: AIC, HQIC and SBIC. According to the results, it has been determined that the optimal lag is 3, therefore a restriction is established and the command (varbasic) is used. That is to say that it is a model of VAR (3) which is interpreted as a model of autoregressive vectors of four variables and three lags. Finally, the Granger causality test was performed using the vargranger function. In Table 24 you can find the results. As we can observe in Table 24 the p-value is below 0.05 in the row ‘COVIDnewdeaths excluded’ for the ‘rBTC equation’. This strongly rejects the null hypothesis that new daily 58 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation Covid-19 deaths does not cause a rise in Bitcoin log returns. In the jargon: ‘New daily Covid19 deaths Granger causes Bitcoin’. This findings, of the relationship between New daily deaths due to Covid-19 and Bitcoin, was also found by Goodell and Goutte (2021). The author found that for the period that oscillates between April 5th, 2020 and April 20th, 2020 the deaths levels due to Covid-19 caused an increase in Bitcoin prices. To see how a one-time-only one-unit increase in COVIDnewdeaths (the ‘impulse’) affects the log return of Bitcoin (rBTC) (‘the response’), consult the lower-left panel of the impulse response function plots in Annex 3. On the contrary, it was observable that any of the Covid-19 variables was Granger causing a change in the S&P 500. Finally, it was also observable that new daily deaths due to Covid-19 Granger cause new daily cases due to Covid-19, as we strongly reject the null hypothesis since the p-value is 0.000, meaning that an increase in new daily deaths due to Covid-19 implies a negative effect of -0.53 on new daily cases. To end up, new daily cases of Covid-19 also Granger cause new daily deaths due to Covid-19. Indeed, a rise (fall) in new daily cases implies a negative (positive) effect on new daily deaths. In Figure 6 you will find the daily log returns of Bitcoin plotted together with the daily log returns of the S&P500, as well as, a two-way plot of the Bitcoin and VIX, and the S&P 500 and the VIX. 59 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation Table 24. Granger causality Wald tests Equation Excluded chi2 df Prob > chi2 rBTC rSP500 0.01 1 0.916 rBTC dCOVIDnewcases 2.32 1 0.127 rBTC COVIDnewdeaths 13.05 1 0.000* rBTC ALL 14.79 3 0.002 rSP500 rBTC 0.58 1 0.443 rSP500 dCOVIDnewcases 0.32 1 0.571 rSP500 COVIDnewdeaths 2.17 1 0.140 rSP500 ALL 2.67 3 0.444 dCOVIDnewcases rBTC 1.65 1 0.198 dCOVIDnewcases rSP500 0.05 1 0.821 dCOVIDnewcases COVIDnewdeaths 12.27 1 0.000* dCOVIDnewcases ALL 12.88 3 0.005 COVIDnewdeaths rBTC 5.04 1 0.055 COVIDnewdeaths rSP500 0.09 1 0.760 COVIDnewdeaths dCOVIDnewcases 7.38 1 0.007* COVIDnewdeaths ALL 12.73 3 0.005 60 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation Figure 6. Bitcoin daily log returns, S&P 500 daily log returns and the Covid-19 new daily .1 -.05 0 log returns SP500 -.15 -.3 -.1 -.2 -.1 0 log returns BTC .1 .05 .2 cases and deaths 500 600 700 800 900 500 1000 600 700 900 1000 20000 0 -20000 -10000 0 dCOVIDnewcases 10000 20000 10000 -10000 -20000 dCOVIDnewcases 500 600 700 800 900 500 1000 600 700 800 900 1000 800 900 1000 Date 4000 3000 2000 0 1000 0 1000 2000 COVIDnewdeaths 3000 4000 Date COVIDnewdeaths 800 Date Date 500 600 700 800 900 1000 500 Date 700 Date 61 Master of Science in Finance and Banking 600 Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation 7. CONCLUSION AND FURTHER RESEARCH The aim of the paper was to use daily data from Bitcoin and selected variables including: Ethereum, Rippler, Equity Indices (S&P 500, MSCIWorld, and MSCIEM50), Gold and Covid19 variables to explain and model the dynamics of Bitcoin. For such purpose we divided the study into three parts. The first part, consisted of studying the Change Point Detection analysis in variance of daily logarithmic returns of Bitcoin together with two other cryptocurrencies: Ethereum and Ripple. To do so, we applied the PELT and AMOC techniques from which we obtained similar results. In the case of the AMOC method, one unique change point was detected and it was the same change point for Bitcoin and Ethereum: March 7th, 2020, and PELT found two change points which were between the 07/03/2020 and the 20/03/2020, however just one coincide for both: Bitcoin and Ethereum (March 20th, 2020). Ripple was the exception as using both techniques, different change points were detected. Using the PELT technique, we found two changing points: 7/12/2020 and 08/01/202, while using AMOC we just detected one: 20/12/2020. As it is observable Ethereum is the one that behaves very similarly to Bitcoin as of change point, while Ripple significantly differ from both: Bitcoin and Ethereum. To sum up, the change point detection analysis in variance results suggest that there is a possibility that the change point in March and the change point in December/January, occurred due to the current Covid-19 pandemic situation as it was announced as the 11th of March of 2020, the World Health Organization declared the Covid-19 virus as a pandemic, and according to the WHO the third wave of Covid-19 pandemic appeared during December 2020 and January 2021, which coincides with the change point detected for Ripple. Once the change point was detected, we studied the change in variance by excluding the periods from 07/03/2020 to 20/03/2020 and studying the change before and after this period. The obtained 62 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation results were showing that the variance was smaller before and after the excluded dates while the variance for the whole data set was significantly higher. This is telling us that the periods that were excluded to perform the variance analysis had a great impact on the overall variance, meaning that by including the ‘excluded’ period the variance was increasing, while the contrary was happening if we were not included the dates from the 07/03/2020 to the 20/03/2020. Therefore, we can conclude that these excluded periods are significant in the change point analysis as larger variance is indicating that the values in the set are far from the mean and from each other. The second part of the analysis consisted of the implementation of a DCC-MGARCH model. By applying the DCC MGARCH methodology, the cross correlations between cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple), and between Bitcoin, Gold and different financial assets were estimated. In the first DCC-MGARCH model we studied the cross correlation between cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple). The results of the model suggested that the Bitcoin had no influence and effect on Ethereum and Ripple. However, the persistence of volatility was very high for Ethereum (0.853) and Bitcoin (0.92), while for Ripple it was very low (0.11). Regarding the DCC conditional dynamic correlation equation, we observed that both coefficients 𝜆1 𝑦 𝜆2 were statistically significant at 1% level, which implies that the co-movement of the currencies is changing over time. Finally, we observed a high and positive correlation between Ethereum and Bitcoin with a value of 0.831, followed by a positive correlation between Ethereum and Ripple of 0.559 and a very low positive correlation between Bitcoin and Ripple of 0.384, all of them statistically significant at 1% level. In the second DCC-MGARCH model we studied the cross correlation between Bitcoin and the Equity Indices (S&P 500, MSCIWorld, and MSCIEM50) and Gold. In this case we could observe that the model was presenting one significant value of the parameter 𝛾2, that is: 63 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation MSCIEM50, being statistically significant at 5%, which represents the influence and effect that the Bitcoin has on the MSCIEM50. Additionally, the equation of the variance yielded the coefficients 𝛼 and 𝛽, which, added together, show that the persistence of volatility is on average 0.94 for each of the specifications. Regarding the DCC conditional dynamic correlation equation, both coefficients 𝜆1 𝑦 𝜆2 were statistically significant at 1%, so it is concluded that the co-movement of the variables is changing over time. When analyzing the conditional correlations between the standardized residuals of Bitcoin, the Equity Indices and Gold, a lower correlation is observed between them. In fact, we only observed two statistically significant correlations at 1% level which were: Gold and S&P 500 (-0.108), and Gold and the MSCIWorld (-0.149), both having a statistically significant negative correlation with Gold at 1% level. Also, it can be deduced that the degree of influence of the Bitcoin on these variables is less than that observed with cryptocurrencies. Regarding the third part, the possible causal relationships, and through the use of Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models and the application of the Granger test, the existence of causal relationships between the movements of the Bitcoin and the S&P 500 and VIX index was determined. Indeed, a rise of the S&P 500 implies a negative effect of -0.36 on Bitcoin. This finding, which shows a relationship between Bitcoin and the S&P 500, was also found by other authors such as: Georgoula et al. (2015); Kjærland et al. (2018); and Sovbetov and Sovbetov (2018). On the contrary, Bitcoin was not Granger causing S&P 500. Additionally, we observed that the VIX index was not Granger causing Bitcoin daily log returns nor the S&P 500 daily log returns. However, we found out that the S&P 500 does Granger causes the VIX index. Indeed, a rise of the S&P 500 implies a negative effect of -83.28 on the first difference of the VIX index. 64 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation In relation to Bitcoin, the S&P 500 and the Covid-19 variables, it was observed that new daily deaths due to Covid-19 Granger causes Bitcoin. This finding was also found by Goodell and Goutte (2021). The author found that for the period that oscillates between April 5th, 2020 and April 20th, 2020 the deaths levels due to Covid-19 caused an increase in Bitcoin prices. Indeed, in our analysis, an increase in the number of deaths due to Covid-19 implies a positive effect of 7.19e-06. On the contrary, we could observe that any of the Covid-19 variables Granger causes S&P 500. Finally, it was also observable that new daily deaths due to Covid-19 Granger cause new daily cases due to Covid-19, meaning that an increase in new daily deaths due to Covid-19 implies a negative effect of -0.53 on new daily cases. To end up, new daily cases of Covid-19 also Granger cause new daily deaths due to Covid-19. Indeed, a rise (fall) in new daily cases implies a negative (positive) effect on new daily deaths. It is worth adding that before the implementation and use of VAR models in this study, the Johansen test in levels was carried out for all the models, in order to study the possible presence of co-integration between the different assets. The results rule out the presence of cointegration between the assets used in this analysis. Only after this correction could the Granger test be implemented to establish possible causal relationships between Bitcoin and the S&P500, VIX index, and Covid-19 variables. 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Cryptocurrencies comparison Launch date Circulation supply Bitcoin (BTC) 2009 18,693,393 BTC Ethereum (ETH) 2015 115,653,049 ETH Max supply 21,000,000 BTC - $54,334.53 $1,016,842,275,217 49.4% $46,598,770,068 $2,622.24 $302,566,753,372 14.7% $31,638,864,762 Ripple (XRP) 2017 45,404,028,640 XRP 100,000,000,000 XRP $1.33 $60,516,181,416 2.53% $10,845,052,610 0.04602 0.1045 0.1793 7 20 1500 10-30 minutes 15 seconds 4 seconds PoW Low Yes PoW Low Yes Strength Largest and most popular Smart contracts Downside Slow and expensive transactions Slow and energyhungry Consensus Low No Fast and multicurrency transactions It is not decentralized enough Price Market cap Dominance 24h volume trade Volume/Market cap Max transactions per second Approx. transaction time Proof type Anonymity Mineable Table 1. Cryptocurrencies comparison. Data retrieved from Latest review: April 28th, 2021. 71 Master of Science in Finance and Banking Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation ANNEX 2. IMPULSE RESPONSE FUNCTION PLOTS BITCOIN, S&P 500 AND VIX Figure 7. Impulse response function plot: Bitcoin, S&P 500 and VIX varbasic, dVIX, dVIX varbasic, dVIX, rBTC varbasic, dVIX, rSP500 varbasic, rBTC, dVIX varbasic, rBTC, rBTC varbasic, rBTC, rSP500 varbasic, rSP500, dVIX varbasic, rSP500, rBTC varbasic, rSP500, rSP500 50 0 -50 -100 50 0 -50 -100 50 0 -50 -100 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 step 95% CI impulse-response function (irf) Graphs by irfname, impulse variable, and response variable 72 Master of Science in Finance and Banking 6 8 Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation ANNEX 3. IMPULSE RESPONSE FUNCTION PLOTS BITCOIN, S&P 500 AND COVID-19 VARIABLES Figure 8. Impulse response function plot: Bitcoin, S&P 500 and Covid-19 variables varbasic, COVIDnewdeaths, COVIDnewdeaths varbasic, COVIDnewdeaths, dCOVIDnewcasesvarbasic, COVIDnewdeaths, rBTC varbasic, COVIDnewdeaths, rSP500 20000 10000 0 -10000 -20000 varbasic, dCOVIDnewcases, COVIDnewdeaths varbasic, dCOVIDnewcases, dCOVIDnewcasesvarbasic, dCOVIDnewcases, rBTC varbasic, dCOVIDnewcases, rSP500 20000 10000 0 -10000 -20000 varbasic, rBTC, COVIDnewdeaths varbasic, rBTC, dCOVIDnewcases varbasic, rBTC, rBTC varbasic, rBTC, rSP500 varbasic, rSP500, COVIDnewdeaths varbasic, rSP500, dCOVIDnewcases varbasic, rSP500, rBTC varbasic, rSP500, rSP500 20000 10000 0 -10000 -20000 20000 10000 0 -10000 -20000 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 step 95% CI impulse-response function (irf) Graphs by irfname, impulse variable, and response variable 73 Master of Science in Finance and Banking 4 6 8