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Resume Checklist: Formatting, Qualifications, Education, Experience

Resume Checklist
Does your resume (both pages, if applicable) use the same exact header as your cover letter?
Are the design and formatting elements consistent throughout your resume and cover letter?
Does your resume have an overall professional appearance that is appropriate for your profession?
Is it well organized? Is there enough white space? Are your qualifications clear within a 6-second scan?
Is it an appropriate length given your qualifications? (over 2 pages is not appropriate)
If columns are used, are they done so in a way that is easy for the eyes to follow/scan?
Is this section located directly under your header on page 1 of your resume?
Is it uniquely tailored to the job description? Does it use *keywords* and industry phrases?
Does it include 4-6 bullet points that explicitly show that you are qualified for the position?
Are your bullets organized in a way that prioritizes your hard/professional skills? Suggested organization:
 1st bullet point: details and quantifies your relevant experience (paid or unpaid)
 2nd & 3rd bullet points: details your relevant hard skills/professional abilities/relevant knowledge
 4th & 5th bullet points: details your relevant soft skills as they relate to the position
 6th bullet point: details your relevant technical skills as they relate to the position
Are your educational credentials formatted correctly and consistently (if you have multiple credentials)?
i.e., name of the full program in bold (no abbreviations), name of school and expected completion date?
Is only your most relevant/recent educational program(s) included (no high school)?
Are your credentials listed in reverse chronological order (i.e., most recent comes first)?
Is any additional professional development or training located in a separate section? Is it relevant?
If you do not have any relevant experience, have you included at least 2 academic projects?
Are the projects directly related to the job you are applying to? Does each include 3-5 bullet points that
describe what you did/accomplished in these projects/classes?
Are your experiences formatted correctly and consistently? (i.e., name of position (even if volunteer or
extra-curricular position), name of organization, location and start date - finish date)?
Are there 3-5 bullet points under each position that describe what you did/accomplished? Bullet points
focus on transferable skills and accomplishments if the position is not directly related to your job goal)
Does each statement include a CAR?
 Challenge (task)
 Action (what you did)
 Result (learning, transferable skill or accomplishment)
Does each bullet start with a verb (past tense for past jobs and present tense for present jobs)?
Is each bullet a full statement (i.e., more than 5 words but less than 2 lines)?
Are bullets prioritized in order of relevance?