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Environmental Science Field Work Case Study

ROLL NO.-211251015021
Field work:
• Visit to a local area to document environmental assetsriver/forest/grassland/hill/mountain.
• Visit to a local polluted siteUrban/Rural/Industrial/Agriculture.
• study of common plant, insect, birds.
Visit to a local polluted site
Pollution can be defined as the undesirable change in
natural system. It may also define as the unwanted change
in the characteristics of air, water, soil and other
environmental factors. Pollution adversely affects the
health, survival or other activities of the human and other
animals. It is the main problem at present both at local level
as well as at a global level. However, with the movement of
industrialisation and urbanisation the pollution situation
has become quite visible in some industrial location and
major urban centres.
Pollutants, the components of the pollution, can either
foreign substance/energies or naturally occurring
contaminants. Pollutants include solid, liquid or gases
substances presents in greater than natural abundance
produced due to human activity, which have detrimental
effect on our environment. Pollution can affect: air, water,
soil and biodiversity that directly affect the plant and animal
There are various types of pollution. Some are listed below:
air pollution, water pollution, land pollution and noise
Water pollution
Water pollution is defined as the contamination of water by
harmful substances which is detrimental to living beings.
Industrial wastes, household garbage, non-decomposable
materials from schools, chemicals, pesticides releasing from
agriculture are major cause to pollute water bodies. The
effects of water pollution include decreasing the quantity of
drinkable water available, lowering water supplies for crop
irrigation, and impacting fish and wildlife populations that
require water of a certain purity for survival. Consumption
of polluted water causes various water borne diseases
which are affecting the human health in long term and
short term.
Some polluted water bodies of local area(visited)
Land pollution
Soil or land pollution is contamination of the soil that
prevents natural growth and balance in the land. Many
micro and macro flora and fauna are affected by land
pollution since they obtain minerals, nutrition from soil
itself. Soil contamination can lead to poor growth and
reduced crop yield, loss of wildlife habitat, water and visual
pollution, soil erosion, and desertification.
Some of the polluted land(visited)
Air pollution
Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor
environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent
that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere.
Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial
facilities and forest fires are common sources of air
pollution. Pollutants of the major public health concern
include particular matter, carbon monoxide, ozone,
nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, outdoor and indoor air
pollution cause respiratory and other diseases and are
important sources of morbidity and mortality.
Air quality is closely linked to the earth’s climate and
ecosystems globally. Many of the drivers of the air pollution
(i.e. combustion of fossil fuels) are also sources of
greenhouse gas emissions. policies to reduce air pollution,
therefore, offer a win-win strategy for both climate and
health, lowering the burden of the disease attributable to
air pollution, as well as contributing to the near-and longterm mitigation of climate change.
Observation in polluted site
Most of the people the river are unaware and illiterate.
They are unknown about waste management practices so
they don’t care about biodegradable and nonbiodegradable substances.
During our visit we noticed some of the following material
and pollutants on the land, river, in air:
1. Plastic bags are thrown here and there in river, on land.
2. Damaged domestic wares.
3. Fuel materials from vehicles.
4. Plant materials.
5. Men and Animals excreta.
6. Waste food material.
7. Not proper drainage system.
8. Not proper sever system.
9. Industrial area drain waste in pond and fresh water
10. Clothes and other waste stuff is in the market street.
The main factors/causes that results the pollution was found are
as follows:
1. Different animals wallow in the river.
2. People disposing different waste material on the streets.
3. Lands are full of plastic bags
4. Household waste is thrown on empty land.
5. Eutrophication
6. Lack of awareness and activeness among the local people
for conducting sanitation campaign.
7. Lack of proper rules and regulations, program for removal
of heap of pollutants by the side village river by
municipality sector.
8. Lack of proper implementation of existing rules and
regulation on water resources management.
Remedial measures:
Here are some measures suggested to reduce the problems
faced by the villagers:
1. The major cause of pollution is human behaviour. It
should be changed.
2. Proper selection and management of dumping sites.
3. Use bio-degradable substances as compost manures.
4. Application of ‘3-R’ principle: Recycle, Reduce, Reuse.
5. Management of dustbins by household itself and
municipality in several places.
6. Development of new residential areas without
sanitation provision should be prohibited.
7. Cremation of the side of the river should be prohibited.
8. Establishment of toilet in every house for the safe
disposal and provision for reuse of disposed material in
field should be made to increase the fertility of soil.
9. Planning ground cover and stabilizing erosion prone
Study of common plant, insects, birds
Birds are ready visitors that visit frequently from place to
place even from continent to continent. A good number of
birds visit different sites due to change of environment
particularly for their feed and reproduction. As the site is
not homogenous for their easy life period so they need
movement from one place to other. A good example is birds
of migratory kind.
B. Insects
Insects, are a class in the phylum arthropoda. They are
small terrestrial invertebrates which have a hard
exoskeleton. Insects are the largest group of animals on
earth by far: about 926,400 different species have been
described. They are more than half of all known living
species. They may be over 90% of the animal species range
from 2 million to 30 million. Insects have six legs and most
have wings. Insects were the first animals capable of flight.
As they develop from eggs, insects undergo
metamorphosis. Insects live all over the planet. Almost all
are terrestrial (live on land). Few insects live in the ocean or
in very cold places, such as antarctica. The most specieslive
in tropical areas.
C. Plants
Plants are critical to other life on this planet because they
form the basis of all food webs.
Most plants are autotrophic, creating their own food using
water, carbon dioxide, and light through a process called
photosynthesis. Some plant of the earliest fossils found
have been aged at 3.8 billion years. These fossil fuels
deposits show evidence of photosynthesis, so plant, or the
plant like ancestors of plants, have lived on this planet
longer than most other groups of organisms. At one time,
anything that was green and that wasn’t an animal was
considered to be a plant. Now, what were once considered
“plant” are divided into several kingdoms: protista, fungi,
and plantae? Most aquatic plants occur in the kingdom
plantae and protista.
1. Birds
1. Baya weaver:
Common English name: Baya weaver
Scientific name: Ploceus Philippinus
➢ Distribution:
In plain with low altitude, found India
➢ Characters:
Chirping and roosting more time, movement
very shift
Common bulbul
Common English Name: common bulbul
Scientific Name: pycnonotus barbatus
➢ Distribution:
In all parts of plain and even in low attitude of
hilly area.
➢ Characters:
Clever and very intelligent.
Blue Magpie-Robin
Common English Name: Blue Magpie-Robin
Scientific Name: copsychus saularis
➢ Distribution:
In all parts of plain
➢ Characters:
Quiet and calm a bird-chirps during dawn or
Indian ring-necked parrot:
Common English Name: Indian ring-necked parrot
Scientific Name: psittacula kamerii manillensis
➢ Distribution:
Indian sub-continent. All parts of plain.
➢ Characters:
very punctual about them.
Rock Dove
Common English Name: Rock dove (male and female)
Scientific Name: columba livia
➢ Distribution:
Indian sub-continent. All parts of the plain.
➢ Characters:
Can be used as pets.
b) Insects
1) Indian Meal Moth:
The Indian meal moth was given its name
after an insect scientist found it feeding on
corn meal, also known as Indian meal. They
typically live from two to six months.
• Size:5/8”
• Shape: Elongated, oval
• Color: Copper reddish
• Legs: 6
• Wings: yes
• Antenna: yes
• Common name: Indian meal moth
• Kingdom: Animalla
• Phylum: Arthropoda
• Class: Insecta
• Order: Lepidotera
• Family: Pyralidae
• Species: Plodiainterpuctella
➢ Diet:
Indian meal moths feed on dried fruits, grains,
seeds, nuts, chocolate, candies, bird seed, dog
food, powdered milk, dried peppers and
➢ Habitat:
Attracted to the light, these bugs are found in
bright places where food is stored like
restaurants and grocery stores.
➢ Impact:
Moths infest foods and can contaminate food
product by leaving skin and waste behind.
➢ Prevention:
• Store food in sealed container.
• Discard infested foods in outdoor trash
• Clean infested cupboards thoroughly with
a vacuum and soap and water.
2) Mosquito
There are about 170 different kinds of
mosquitoes in north America alone. These
pests are part of the same family as houseflies
and fruit flies, because they all have two clear,
veined wings. Best known as a summer pest,
mosquitoes can develop from egg to adult in
10 14 days.
• Size: 1/4” to 3/8”
• Shape: Narrow, oval
• Color: pale brown with whitish stripes
across abdomen.
• Legs: 6
• Wings: yes
• Antenna: yes
• Common name: Mosquito
• Kingdom: Animalia
• Phylum: Anthropoda
• Class: Insecta
• Order: Diptera
• Family: Culicidae
• Species: Varies
➢ Diet:
We usually say, “I have been bitten by a
mosquito”, but this is not completely true.
Mosquitoes do not bite. Female mosquitoes
feed on plant nectar and blood. They need the
protein to reproduce. To get to the blood, they
pierce our skin with their “proboscis” and suck
our blood. Male mosquitoes feed exclusively
on plant nectars. Mosquitoes are busiest at
night and will fly up to 14 miles for a blood
meal. They hunt for food by detecting body
heat and carbon dioxide, they gas we breathe
➢ Habitat:
Mosquitoes breed in soft, moist soil or
stagnant water sources such as storm drains,
old tries, children’s wading pools and
➢ Impacts:
Mosquitoes spread diseases such as west nile
virus, malaria and dengue fever.
➢ Prevention:
• Replace all stagnant water at least once a
• Remove trash from around any standing
• When sleeping outdoors or in areas
where mosquito’s populations are heavy,
surround your bed with “mosquito”
3) Dust mite
The dust mite is nearly impossible to see
without magnification. A typical matterss can
contain tens of thousands of dust mites nearly
100,00 mites can live in single square yard of
• Size:1/75”
• Shape: flat, broad, oval
• Color: Off white to tan
• Legs: 8
• Wings: no
• Antenna: no
• Common name: Dust Mite
• Kingdom: Animalia
• Phylum: Arthopoda
• Class: Arachnida
• Order: Acariformes
• Family: Pyroglyphidae
• Species: Dermatophagodesfarina
➢ Diet:
Dust mites primarily feed on dead skin shed by
human and other animals. They can also
absorb moisture from the air.
➢ Habitat:
Dust mites are most often found in beds. They
may also be found living in carpet, furniture,
and clothing.
➢ Impact:
Dust mites are harmless to most people, they
carry small foreigns proteions, often referred
to as “allegrens”. They don’t carry diseases,
but these proteins can cause allergic reaction
in people by triggering the immune system to
over react.
➢ Preventation:
• Change your sheet often.
• Vacuum frequently.
• Use a vacuum cleaner eith a HEPA filter.
• If dust mites are real problem in your
home, call a pest management
4) Pill Bug
the pill bug is the only crustacean that can
spent its entire life on the land. Their shells
look like armor and they are known for their
ability to roll into a ball. Sometimes children
call them rollie-pollies. Most pill bugs live for
up to twoyears, they are most active at nights.
• Size: ¾”
• Shape: Oval
• Color: Dark brown to black
• Wings:no
• Antenna: yes
• Common name: Pill bug
• Kingdom: Animalia
• Phylum: Anthropoda
• Class: Malascostraca
• Order: Isopoda
• Family:Armadillidiidae
• Species: Armadilliliumvulgare
➢ Diet:
Pill bugs mostly eat rotting vegetation like
➢ Habitat:
Pill bugs live in wet locations, they are found
under damp objects or in organic garbage, if
pill bugs enter a building, they will often dry
out and die.
➢ Impact:
Pill bugs do not spread diseases or
contaminate food.
➢ Prevention:
• Keep your homes and areas around your
home clean and dry.
• Eliminate food such as vegetable or plant
5) Earwigs
Earwigs get their name from the myth that
they crawl into sleeping people’s ears and
tunnel into the brain. They do not really do
that! There are 22 types of earwigs in the
unites states and there are over a 1,000
different species all over the world.
• Size: 1”
• Shape: Long, narrow
• Color: Dark brown
• Legs: 6
• Wings: no
• Antenna: yes
• Common name: Earwigs
• Kingdom: Animalia
• Phylum: Arthropoda
• Class: Insecta
• Order: Dermaptera
• Family: Forficulidae
• Species: Forficulaauricularia
➢ Diet:
Earwigs feed on leaves, flower, fruits, mold
and insects.
➢ Habitat:
Earwigs hide during the day and live outdoors
in large number. They can be found under
piles of lawn clippings, compost or in tree
holes. They enter buildings through cracks in
the walls.
➢ Impact:
They do not spread disease, but they can be
scary to look at.
➢ Prevention:
• Remove leaf piles, compost piles or other
vegetation from around your home.
• Seal cracks and crevices in the walls of
your house.
c) Plants
1) Margosa tree
Scientific name: Azadirachtaindicajuss
Vernacular name: neem, kadu-limb
➢ Source:
The leaves, bark, flower, fruits and seeds are
used as a drug.
➢ Family & distribution:
Meliaceae, it is native of Burma but grown all
over India. In sangola taluka neem is found in
large scale in rural and urban places. Some
important places like narale, sangola, spinning
mill, hatid, walegaon, andhalgaon, wasteland,
it is recorded in garden, school and colleges,
akola and mangewadi etc.
➢ Chemical composition:
The alkaloids are the main active principles.
They are nimbin, nimbinin, nimbidine,
nimbosterine and nimbectin etc. fatty acid
present acid present in the plant and seed
contain 40 to 45 % fixed oil.
➢ Uses:
The leaves are carminative, expectorant,
anthelmintic, diurectic and insecticidial
properties. Fresh leaf juice with salt given dor
intestinal worms, jaundice, skin disease and
malarial fever, the leaves are applied for boils,
chronic ulcers, swelling a wound. Bark is used
for liver complaint, remove round worms, gum
is stimulant, demulcent tonic and used in
Scientific name: Aloe barbadensesmills
Vernacular name: korphad, gritakumari
➢ Source:
Thick fleshy leaves (pulp, dried, juice) are used
as a drug
➢ Family & distribution:
Liliaceae, it is native of West Indies or
Mediterranean region. It grows wild in hot dry
valleys of western Himalayas and southern,
northern part of the India.
➢ Chemical composition:
The main active principles present in Aloe is
crystalline glucoside known as barbaloin,
other constituent like resin and derivatives like
emodin, chrysophanic acid, anthroquinones,
emoclin, also it contain glucose, galactose,
mannose and galacturonic acid with protein.
The plant contains aloesone and aloesin.
➢ Uses:
Aloe is chiefly used as purgative, abortifacient,
anthelmintic, blood purifier, cathartic, cooling,
digestive and diuretic, inflammation, painful
parts of the body. It is useful in burn, cold
cough, jaundice, worms and piles. Aloe is used
in preparation of vegetables, pickles,
cosmetics, skin blemisars, help to grow new
healthy tissue. It is used as hair tonic as it
stimulates the growth of hair.
3) Periwinkle
Scientific name: Catharanthus roseus don.
Vernacular name: sadaphuli, sadabahar
The dried leaves and roots of this plant
used as a drug.
➢Family & distribution:
Apocynaceae, the plant is probably
indigenous to Madagascar. It is cultivated
in South Africa, West indies, Srilanka,
India, USA, Europe and Australia as an
ornamental plant. It is also cultivated for
its medicinal properties, in the garden. In
India, it grown in nilgiri, Kanyakumari and
Kottayam etc.
➢Chemical composition:
Catharanthus mainly consists of glycosides
and alkaloids, the alkaloids are presents in
entire plant but they are found in more
proportion in leaves and root, some
important alkaloids are vinblastine,
vincristine, other alkaloids present in the
plant and ajmalcine, serpentine,
lochnerine, tetrahydroalstonine,
vindolinine and catharanthine.
It is used in hypotensive, antidiabetic
action, other dimer indole-indoline used
for curing the anticancer activity. The
alkaloids vincristine is highly active in
treatment of childhood leukaemia.
Vincristine provers effective in breast
cancer and the leaves are used in
4) Indian Gooseberry
Scientific name: Emblicaofficinalesgaertn
Vernacular name: Avala, Dongri Avala, Amla
➢ Source:
Fresh and dried fruit.
➢ Family & distribution:
Euphorbiaceae, Emblica is a small genus tree,
native of India, Sri Lanka, Malaya and China.
➢ Chemical composition:
The fruit is the richest source of vitamin c. the
other important constituents are gallic acid,
Tannic acid, gum, sugar, fat, phyllemblin,
minerals Fe, p, ca. Bark contain tannin and
seeds contain fixed oil and essential oil.
➢ Uses:
Amla fruit which is acrid, cooling, refrigerant,
diuretic and mild laxative. Fresh fruit used in
intestine worms, pulp of fruits used in to cure
the jaundice, anaemia, dyspepsia and scurvy.
From this fruit famous ayurvedic tonic
“chvanprash” and “triphala churn” is
prepared. Dried fruit are used in haemorrhage
(bleeding), diarrhea, dysentery, cough. It is
used as laxative, headache, piles, liver. Seed
applied in scabies and itching, fruit juice is
used in hair dye and seed oil and fruit juice is
used in the preparation of hair oils and
Conclusion: Here is the end of the visits. There are some plants
insects and birds we saw in our visit. And enchances our
knowledge during this visit. The supervision is under Mr. Ashish
sir who gave us knowledge about everythings in our visit. Having
a visit of knowledge and a good experience by our institution.