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Abortion: Reasons, Methods, and Function of MTP Kit

Abortion: Reasons, Methods, and Function of MTP Kit
Nowadays, abortion has become a common medical procedure. Many young
girls and women choose an MTP Kit and use it as directed. Some also undergo
surgical methods of abortion to end their pregnancies.
Reasons for Ending a Pregnancy
• There can be several reasons behind a person choosing to end their pregnancy. It is highly
unethical to question anyone’s decision based on one’s personal beliefs and opinions.
• There can be two broad categories of abortion, based on one’s reason to abort:
• Therapeutic Abortion: When abortion is conducted due to any medical condition.
• Elective Abortion: When abortion is done due to the personal choice of an individual.
Methods of Abortion:
• Based on the term of pregnancy of a person, one can choose between two broad categories of abortion methods:
• Medical Abortion • Using an MTP Kit to end a pregnancy that is between 5 to 12 weeks of gestation. People buy MTP Kit online USA, in
the quantity of one for under 12 weeks gestation and 2 Kits for more than 5 weeks till 12th week gestation.
• Surgical Abortion • Using surgical instruments like curettes, forceps, grasp, etc. to end a pregnancy. Vacuum aspiration can be used up to
14 weeks of pregnancy and the D&E method can be used till the end of the second pregnancy trimester.
• Functioning of Abortion Pills• The functioning of abortion pills like Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills that you get when you buy MTP Kit online
have the following dosage and mechanism -
Mifepristone pill:
• Dosage: 1 tablet of 200mg
• Function: To block the action of the progesterone hormone and cause the uterus lining to break.
• Misoprostol pill:
• Dosage: 4 tablets of 200mcg each
• Function: To flush out the pregnancy tissues from the uterus by loosening the cervix and creating
contractions in the uterus.
To know more please visit https://www.safeabortionpharma.com/product/mifepristone-andmisoprostol-kit-online