CDC Excercise Question 1: What makes the first study a case-control study? Case-control studies have two groups. Cases are groups of individuals with the disease. Controls are a group of individuals without the disease. The first study is a case-control because patients with lung cancer (cases) are compared to patients with other disorders (controls). Compared to a cohort study, case-control studies compare groups of people with the disease to people without the disease. Question 2: What makes the second study a cohort study? In a cohort study there are two groups. The exposed group has been exposed to the factor that could potentially cause the disease. The unexposed group has not bee exposed to the factor that could cause the disease. The two groups are examined over time to observe if the disease manifests in either groups. The second study is a cohort study because among a population is divided into physicians that smoked (exposed) to physicians that did not smoke (unexposed). Question 3: Why might hospitals have been chosen as the setting for this study? Hospitals have been chosen for the setting of this study because researchers are looking for individuals that have already developed lung cancer; patients with this disease are more likely to found in a healthcare setting. Question 4: What other sources of cases and controls might have been used? Other sources of cases could be physicians’ practices, clinics or cancer registries. Controls could be selected from non-hospitalized patients living in the community. Question 5: What are the advantages of selecting controls from the same hospitals as cases? The advantage of selecting controls that are from the same hospital as the cases is that there are not other factors/exposures different between the cases and the control that could lead to the disease. The advantages of using controls for patients from the same facility are: They are easier to identify. They are more likely to participate than general population controls. They minimize selection bias because they generally come from the same source population (provided referral patterns are similar). Question 6: How representative of all persons with lung cancer are hospitalized patients with lung cancer? The hospitalized patients with lung cancer does not take into account the people with lung cancer who have not been hospitalized as yet or may not ever be hospitalized. Additionally, it does not factor in the patients who have had lung cancer and have already died. By focusing only on hospitalized patients there are only looking at cases of lung cancer that have progressed to the point where they are hospitalized. Question 7: How representative of the general population without lung cancer are hospitalized patients without lung cancer? The hospitalized patients are not very representative of the general population because they are a group of individuals with other diseases/disorders. Comparably, the general population considers of people with/without disorders and diseases Question 8: How may these representativeness issues affect the interpretation of the study's results? The proportion of individuals who have the disease and have been exposed may not be representative of the proportion of the general population that could manifest the disease if they have been exposed to the exposure. Question 9: From this table, calculate the proportion of cases and controls who smoked. Proportion smoked, cases: 1350/1357=0.99 Proportion smoked, control: 1296/1357=0.96 Question 10: What do you infer from these proportions? The proportion of cigarette smokers between cases and controls is similar, but larger in the cases group. Question 11a: Calculate the odds of smoking among the cases. Odds that a case was exposed = 1350/7 Question 11b: Calculate the odds of smoking among the controls. Odds that a control was exposed = 1296/61 Question 12: Calculate the ratio of these odds. How does this compare with the cross-product ratio? Ratio of odds= (1350/7)/ (1296/61) = 192.85/ 21.26= 9.07 Cross-Product = (1350x61)/(1296x7)=9.08 Ratio of odds=Cross-Product Question 13: What do you infer from the odds ratio about the relationship between smoking and lung cancer? The odds ratio is greater than 1, indicating that smoking is positively related to lung cancer. This suggests that there is some association between smoking and lung cancer. The smoker has nine times the odds of having lung cancer than a non-smoker. Table 2. Most recent amount of cigarettes smoked daily before onset of the present illness, lung cancer cases and matched controls with other diseases, Great Britain, 1948-1952. Daily number of cigarettes # Cases # Controls Odds Ratio 0 7 61 referent 1-14 565 706 6.97 15-24 445 408 9.48 25+ 340 182 16.3 All smokers 1350 1,296 9.45 Total 1357 1,357 Question 14: Compute the odds ratio by category of daily cigarette consumption, comparing each smoking category to nonsmokers. Odds ratio by category of daily cigarette consumption: (cases/control)/(cases of referent/control of referent) 1-14- (565/706)/ (7/61)= (.800)/(.115)=6.97 15-24- (445/408)/ (7/61)=(1.091)/(.115) = 9.48 25+(340/182)/ (7/61)=1.87/0.115=16.3 All smokers- (1350/1296)/ (7/61)= (1.04/0.11)=9.45 Question 15: Interpret these results. Because all the odds ratios are greater than one, it is inferred that there is a clear association between smoking and lung cancer. The highest association is amongst the 25+ daily number of cigarettes group, and the lowest is in the 1-14 daily number of cigarettes group. Question 16: Although the study demonstrates a clear association between smoking and lung cancer, cause-and-effect is not the only explanation. What are the other possible explanations for the apparent association? The occurrence of lung cancer is also associated with indoor and outdoor air pollution, Secondhand smoke – like smoke from other person cig, pipes Family history of lung cancer Chest radiation therapy Diet habits, example- radon and arsenic in water Radon- Radon is a naturally occurring gas that forms in rocks, soil, and water. It cannot be seen, tasted, or smelled. When radon gets into homes or buildings through cracks or holes, it can get trapped and build up in the air inside. People who live or work in these homes and buildings breathe in high radon levels. hazardous substances- found at some workplaces that increase risk include asbestos, arsenic, diesel exhaust, and some forms of silica and chromium. alcohol drinking Air quality Immunocompromisation Smoking method The use of other substances Diet and lack of exercise Occupation (mainly doctors were surveyed) SES factors Question 17: How might the response rate of 68% affect the study's results? The results of the study may not be fully representative of the population, but it could still offer valid study results, and gives a good idea of the correlation between smoking and lung cancer mortality in physicians. Specifically, if only a certain demographic of the physicians responded. 40,637 (68%) physicians, of whom 34,445 were males and 6,192 were females. Other occupations, and identities (race and SES) were not accounted for. Question 18: Compute lung cancer mortality rates, rate ratios, and rate differences for each smoking category. What do each of these measures mean? (pg. 242 in Epi textbook) Mortality rate: (death from lung cancer/person years at risk) x 1000 Rate Ratio: Mortality Rate / Referent Mortality Rate Rate Difference: Mortality Rate - Referent Mortality Rate What do each of these measures mean: The rate ratio shows how much more likely the exposed group is to die from lung cancer in comparison to the unexposed group. The rate difference shows if the mortality rate for the exposed group is greater than the mortality rate for the unexposed group and by how much. Question 24: What do these data imply for the practice of public health and preventive medicine? The rate of mortality from lung cancer reduces as the amount of time that the person has quit increases. This means that it is important to encourage people to quit smoking as it would reduce their risk for lung cancer. The rate is lowest for nonsmokers, and this tells us that it is important to encourage people not to start smoking at all! PREVENTION IS CURE!!! As we can see in the Table.5, the number of lung cancer deaths occurred in ex-smokers who fall in the category of years <5 and 5-9 years compared to smokers in more no of years. One of the reasons is that during the early years after quitting, they may have severe side effects and damage due to smoking that leads to more deaths even after quitting. Question 25: Compare the results of the two studies. Comment on the similarities and differences in the computed measures of association Both the cohort and the case-control study show a positive correlation between smoking and lung cancer, but the cohort study shows a stronger correlation than the case-control study. Based on Table.6, if we compared the two study groups based on daily number of cig smoked, we can clearly see a difference in the group 3 (15-24), 4 (25+) and All smokers. The rate ratio values were higher in cohort study group compared to the case-control study. The odds ratios in the case-control studies are consistently smaller than the rate ratios. An explanation for this discrepancy is related to the use of hospitalized controls in the case-control study. As discussed earlier, use of hospitalized controls was likely to result in a bias that tended to underestimate the risk associated with smoking. Question 26: What are the advantages and disadvantages of case-control vs. cohort studies? (pg 195 in epi textbook, chapter 9) Case Control Cohort Sample Size Allow for Smaller sample size Large sample size Costs Less expensive Expensive Study Time Shorter study time Long study time Rare Disease Better suited to study when disease is rare Better when disease is frequent Rare Exposure Harder with rare exposure Better suited for rare exposure Multiple Exposures Convenient to study multiple exposures Can study multiple exposures Multiple Outcomes Does not study multiple outcomes Convenient to study multiple outcomes Progression, spectrum of illness Lower spectrum of illness Greater spectrum of illness Disease Rate Odds ratio, Attributable risk Absolute risk, Relative risk, Odds ratio Recall Bias High recall bias Less prone Recall bias Factors contributing to this bias -age of the participants -participants memory affected due to alcohol od drug or any other similar factors. -The length of time between when event occurred and when it was reported. But this bias is common in retrospective cohort studies. Loss to Follow Up High participant drop out Loss to follow up bias Selection Bias High selection bias Less prone to Selection bias, it occurs in this study group if rate of participation or the rate of loss to follow-up differ by both exposure and health-outcome status. Selection bias is introduced in controls when there is lack of correspondence between source of cases and selected controls with respect to calendar time, health care seeking behavior and other attributes. The primary source of selection bias are loss to follow up, withdrawal and non-response. Question 27: Which type of study (cohort or case-control) would you have done first? Why? Why do a second study? Why do the other type of study? The case-control study was quicker, easier, and less expensive. The cohort study was more difficult and expensive to complete, and was slower to yield results. However, completion of the cohort study provided confirmation of the findings from the case–control study and allowed for direct calculation of rates and more intuitive interpretation of results. Case control first because it is less expensive and has a shorter study time. After finding some incidence or evidence, I'd then conduct a cohort study to verify and expand on the case control study. Question 28: Which of the following criteria for causality are met by the evidence presented from these two studies? YES Strong Association NO Consistency among studies Exposure precedes disease Dose-response effect (relationship between amount of exposure and the outcome) Biological plausibility