4. Games & Strategies Games and Strategies Simultaneous Games Sequential Games Repeated Games } } static omamicy } 2 Simultaneous Game Ex: Prisoner’s Dilemma 3 L R T 5, 5 3, 6 B 6, 3 4, 4 Prisoner’s Dilemma 4 Cooperate Defect Cooperate Win, Win Lose much, Win much Defect Win much, Lose much Lose, Lose Three Components of Game } Players } Strategies } Payoff 5 Illustration of Games } Normal form (strategic form) } Extensive form (game tree) 다 6 Dominant Strategy Dominant strategy: A strategy that is strictly better than any other strategy regardless of the other < players’ strategy choices. xefect , Dominated strategy: the strategy whose payoff is inferior to that of another strategy, regardless of what the other player does } } ccooperatey 7 Assumptions Rationality Common Knowledge } } } } } } 8 Players are rational. Each player believes that the other player is rational. Each player believes that the other player believes that the first player is rational. And so on… Iterated Elimination of Dominated Strategies 9 L C R T 1, 1 2, 0 1, 1 M 0, 0 0, 1 0, 0 B 2, 1 1, 0 2, 2 Iterated Elimination of Dominated Strategies 10 L C R T 1, 1 2, 0 1, 1 M 0, 0 0, 1 0, 0 B 2, 1 1, 0 2, 2 Iterated Elimination of Dominated Strategies 11 L C R T 1, 1 2, 0 1, 1 M 0, 0 0, 1 0, 0 B 2, 1 1, 0 2, 2 Iterated Elimination of Dominated Strategies 12 L C R T 1, 1 2, 0 1, 1 M 0, 0 0, 1 0, 0 B 2, 1 1, 0 2, 2 Iterated Elimination of Dominated Strategies 13 L C R T 1, 1 2, 0 1, 1 M 0, 0 0, 1 0, 0 B 2, 1 1, 0 2, 2 Dubious Application of Dominated Strategies 14 L R T 1, 0 1, 1 B -100, 0 2, 1 Dubious Application of Dominated Strategies 15 L R T 1, 0 1, 1 B -100, 0 2, 1 Dubious Application of Dominated Strategies 16 L R T 1, 0 1, 1 B -100, 0 2, 1 Neither Dominant nor Dominated 17 L C R T 2, 1 1, 3 0, 2 M 1, 2 5, 1 1, 1 B 0, 1 0, 0 2, 2 Nash Equilibrium Players choose an optimal strategy given their conjectures of what the other players do. Cexpe cfation) 2. Such conjectures are consistent with the other players’ strategy choices. à Nash equilibrium: if no player can unilaterally change its strategy in a way that improve its payoff. 1. 18 Nash Equilibrium } 19 A configuration of strategies, one for each player, such that each player’s strategy is best for her given that all the other players are playing their equilibrium strategies John Forbes Nash (1928 ~ 2015) Nobel Prize (1994) Mathematician @ Princeton U. 20 A Beautiful Mind (2002) 21 Russell Crowe (1964 ~) S= Nash Equilibrium TiSS = ( * 1 SL C , M , B3 , RS X 1비 * 2 ( s , s ) is a Nash equilibrium iff u1 ( s , s ) ³ u1 ( s1 , s ) for any s1 Î S1 * 1 * 2 * 1 * 2 * 2 [ u (s , s ) ³ u (s , s ) for any s . 2 22 2 * 1 2 2 Î S2 . * Nash Equilibrium ( s1* , s2* ) is a Nash equilibrium iff u1 ( s1* , s2e ) ³ u1 ( s1 , s2e ) for any s1 Î S1 u 2 ( s1e , s2* ) ³ u2 ( s1e , s2 ) for any s2 Î S 2 s2e = s2* , s1e = s1* 23 Dominant Strategy Equilibrium * 1 * 2 ( s , s ) is a D.S.E. iff u1 ( s , s2 ) ³ u1 ( s1 , s2 ) for any s1 Î S1 , s2 Î S 2 * 1 u2 ( s1 , s2* ) ³ u2 ( s1 , s2 ) for any s1 Î S1 , s2 Î S 2 24 Coordination Game - Multiple Nash Equilibria 25 L R T 1, 1 0, 0 B 0, 0 1, 1 Battle of the Sexes - Multiple Nash Equilibria X 26 L (Opera) R (Soccer) T (Opera) 1, 2 0, 0 B (Soccer) 0, 0 2, 1 Sequential Game Ex: Entry Game } A: Potential entrant } } Enter, Do not enter B: Incumbent } Retaliate, Do not retaliate redatory 1 27 priciag Entry Game -10, -10 B r e Not r 10, 20 A Not e 0, 50 28 by cell Entry Game in Normal Form inspencfion cell 29 - - r Not r e -10, -10 10, 20 Not e 0, 50 0, 50 Nash Equilibrium } Two N.E. } } 30 (e, Not r) (Not e, r) Rollback Equilibrium (backward induction) -10, -10 B r e Not r 10, 20 A Not e 0, 50 31 Rollback Equilibrium (backward induction) -10, -10 B r e Not r 10, 20 A Not e 0, 50 32 Incredible Threat } Consider a N.E. (Not e, r) } r: incredible threat } Once player A enters the market, “Not r” is the optimal strategy in that situation. Playing “r” is not good even for player B. … 33 Subgame } A subgame in an extensive-form game 3 Begins in at a decision node n that is a singleton information set. } Includes all the decision and terminal nodes following n in the game (but no nodes that do not follow n). } Does not cut any information set (i.e., if a decision " node n’ follows n in the game tree, then all other nodes in the information set containing n’ must also follow n, and so must be included in the subgame). } fn 1. 2 x 2 simultaneous game 2. Signaling game 34 setfbset DOIM A = y Kiz sis 3 S"용 … Subgame_simultaneous game 5, 5 B L U R 3, 6 A 6, 3 D T R 35 4, 4 SPNE } Definition } 36 A Nash equilibrium is subgame-perfect if the players’ strategies constitute a Nash equilibrium in every subgame. Rollback Equilibrium (backward induction) -10, -10 B r e Not r 10, 20 A Not e 0, 50 32 Value of Commitment (Figure 7_p.57) } Commitment } Player B commits to choose r if player A chooses e. } } } } } If player B choose Not r, penalty = 40. This commitment is credible.(-20 < -10) Payoff (commitment) = 50 Payoff (No commitment) = 20 Value of commitment = 30 37 38 } } A commitment device is a way to lock yourself into following a plan of action that you might not want to do but you know is good for you. Chinese military general Han Xin purportedly created a commitment device for his soldiers: he placed them with their backs to a river to make sure they would fight. 39 Examples of Commitment } } } Large advertising Purchase of inputs in advance Take large orders in advance 40 cf. Sequential Version of P.D. } Game Tree? 41 Action F Sequenfial C Gome 정 - sfrafegy 5 . T R ~ A B - 3 0 6 . . 3 R ~> * Normal Form (S, A , SA) 2 LL LR RL RR T 5,5 5,5 3,6 3,6 B 6,3 4,4 6,3 4,4 1 42 에 Repeated Games } } One-shot game Repeated game } A one-shot game (or stage game) is repeated a number of times } } 43 Finitely repeated game Infinitely repeated game Stage Game Actious = 44 Strategies L C R T 5, 5 3, 6 0, 0 M 6, 3 4, 4 0, 0 B 0, 0 0, 0 1, 1 Strategy in Twice Repeated Games } Strategy (vs. action) } } A player’s complete contingent plan of action for all possible occurrences in the game Player 1(2)’s strategy } } What to choose in period 1: 3 What to choose in period 2 as a function of the actions that were taken in period: 39 T 10 8 # of strategies = 3 history ㅡ - } ~ " # of strategies = mn m = # of actions n = # of decision nodes 45 [ TA BY = , , three decision ⑧ @ @ T T T T B B T B B B T T T B B T B B F # sfrafegies of 3 = 2 = 8 nodes Game Tree? K비들들를 : ㅡ 0 , 46 Nash Equilibrium } Two N.E. in the stage game } } } (M,C), (B, R) cf. best outcome (T, L) à Dilemma N.E. in the twice repeated game } } } } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. } } 47 (M, C) in both periods: (M, all M) & (C, all C) (B, R) in both periods: (B, all B) & (R, all R) (M, C) & (B, R): (M, all B) & (C, all R) (B, R) & (M, C): (B, all M) & (R, all C) (T, L) & (M, C) Player 1: T in period 1; In period 2, play M if period 1 actions were (T, L); otherwise play B à (T, M after TL and otherwise B) Player 2: L in period 1; In period 2, play C if period 1 actions were (T, L); otherwise play R à (L, C after TL and otherwise R) Check Optimality } Player 1 (against (L, C after TL and otherwise R)) } } } } No discounting If choose M in period 1 à get 6 + 1 = 7 If choose T in period 1 à get 5 + 4 = 9 So, he will choose T in period 1, and choose M in period 2. Player 2 (against (T, M after TL and otherwise B)) } } } 48 If choose C in period 1 à get 6 + 1 = 7 If choose L in period 1 à get 5 + 4 = 9 So, he will choose L in period 1, and choose C in period 2. Cooperation in Repeated Games } } Because players can react to other players’ past actions, repeated games allow for equilibrium outcomes that would not be an equilibrium in the corresponding one-shot game. 2 x 2 game } } 49 Finitely repeated à No cooperation Infinitely repeated à Cooperation is possible if players’ discount factor is sufficiently high. Prisoner’s Dilemma 50 C D C 5, 5 3, 6 D 6, 3 4, 4 Twice Repeated } 2nd period } } Uinque NE: (D, D) - oinal period 1st period } } 51 The play in the 1st period cannot affect the players’ behavior in the 2nd period. So each player chooses the dominant strategy for the stage game. à (D,D) Infinitely Repeated } Trigger strategy } } C as long as the opponent chooses C D for specific times once the opponent chooses D } } 52 Grim(=cruel) strategy: permanent punishment Tit-for-tat: One time punishment Grim Strategy } grim(=harsh) strategy } } t=1: Play C in the first period t>1: Play C if the outcomes in the all previous periods were (C, C); otherwise, play D. cixic . 53 c , Check Optimality 다 ziGrim T, ㅡ - - } Follow the grim strategy 5 2 PV = 5 + 5d + 5d + ! = 1- d 8 [ G ~iom e peviate x } Deviate to D in the first period and follow the grim strategy from the second period. 4d 5 1 PV = 6 + 4d + 4d + ! = 6 + < iff d > 1- d 1- d 2 2 54 A Experiment (1984) by Robert Axelrod } Invite to submit computer programs that specified a strategy for playing a PD repeated a finite but large number (200) of times } The number of repetition was not announced to applicants. } League tournament Winner: Tit-For-Tat by Anatol Rapoport } http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tit_for_tat } 55 Robert Axelrod (1943-) Political Sicence & Public Policy @ U. of Michigan Evolution of Cooperation 56 Anatol Rapoport (1911-2007) a Russian-born American Jewish, mathematical psychologist 57 Properties of Tit For Tat } Nice } } Provokable } } } Don’t be the first to defect. Retaliate D Forgiving Clear (Simple) } 58 Don’t be too clever. Pricing Game K-Mart TOYS “R”US 59 Low High Low 2000, 2000 4000,0 High 0, 4000 3000,3000 Price Matching – Lowest Price Guarantee K-Mart L Toys H R us M 60 L H M 2000,2000 4000,0 2000,2000 0,4000 3000,3000 3000,3000 2000,2000 3000,3000 3000,3000 } Match: } } Charge H But match if the rival charge L Two NE = (L, L) & (M, M) à Matching strategy is a kind of punishment mechanism } 61 } Match: } } Charge H But match if the rival charge L Two NE = (L, L) & (M, M) à Matching strategy is a kind of punishment mechanism } 61