August, 2023 Dear Parent’s, I hope this note nds you well and that you are all enjoying your summer break. I’m currently putting together a timetable for tuition commencing the week beginning, Monday 4th September, 2023 or earlier, if required. Initially I will be available on weekday evening’s and Saturday’s for all pupils and day time for Alevel pupils when they are o timetable. Lessons will be allocated on a rst come, rst served basis. Please specify your start date, time and frequency of the tuition you require or if you no longer require my services. Having been involved in meetings with other educational professionals, it is important to remind pupils, that they will need to work consistently hard throughout the academic year. This means all classroom assessments, coursework and practical work is to be taken seriously as marking practices of public examinations revert to pre-COVID levels. I have had a lot of interest and some slots are already lled by current and new clients, so please con rm your slots, which may have already been discussed. Thank you in advance for your co-operation and I’m looking forward to fully supporting all my students in their academic studies when the autumn term commences this September. Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you require any additional information or would like to discuss any of the above in more detail. Best wishes, fi fi fi ff fi fi Ms Samantha Harding