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Research Variables, Claims, and Validity

A variable, as the word implies, is something that varies, so it must have at least two levels,
or values.
A constant is something that could potentially vary but that has only one level in the study in
Measured and Manipulated Variables
A measured variable(dependent variable) is one whose levels are simply observed and
Some variables, such as height and IQ, are measured using familiar tools (a ruler, a test).
Other variables, such as gender and hair color, are also said to be “measured.”
To measure variables such as depression and stress, researchers devise a special set of
questions to represent the various levels.
In each case, measuring a variable is a matter of recording an observation, a statement, or a
value as it occurs naturally.
a manipulated variable(independant variable) is a variable a researcher controls, usually
by assigning study participants to the different levels of that variable
Some variables cannot be manipulated—they can only be measured. Age can’t be
manipulated because researchers can’t assign people to be older or younger; they can only
measure what age people already are.
Some variables, however, can be either manipulated or measured,
depending on the goals of a study.
If childhood music lessons were your variable of interest, you could measure whether
children already taking music lessons, or you could manipulate this variable if you assigned
some children to take music lessons and others to take something else (such as drama
From Conceptual Variable to Operational Definition
Each variable in a study can be referred to in two ways.
When researchers are discussing their theories and when journalists write about their
research, they use more abstract names, called constructs or conceptual
When testing hypotheses with empirical research, they create operational
definitions of variables, also known as operational variables, or operationalizations.
To operationalize a concept of interest means to turn it into a measured or
manipulated variable.
For example, a researcher’s interest in the construct “coffee consumption” could be
operationalized as a structured question in which people tell an interviewer how often they
drink coffee.
Alternatively, the same construct might be operationalized by having people use an app in
which they record everything they eat or drink for a period of time
Sometimes this operationalization step is simple and obvious. For example, a researcher
interested in a conceptual variable such as “weight gain” in laboratory rats would probably
just weigh them.
A researcher who is interested in the conceptual variable “income” might operationalize this
variable by asking each person about their total income last year.
Other times, the concepts researchers wish to study are harder to operationalize because
they are difficult to see, touch, or feel.
Examples are personality traits, states such as “argumentativeness,” and behavior
A claim is an argument someone is trying to make.
Researchers make claims about theories based on data.
Journalists make claims when they report on studies they read in empirical journals
frequency claims - describe a particular rate or degree of a single variable.
These headlines claim how frequent or common something is
In the last example above, “most” refers to a proportion of students (presumably higher than
50%) who could not identify fake news.
association claims -claim argues that one level of a variable is likely to be associated with
a particular level of another variable.
Variables that are associated are sometimes said to correlate, or covary, meaning that
when one variable changes, the other variable tends to change, too.
More simply, they may be said to be related.
Notice that there are two variables in each example above.
In the second example, the variables are the amount of exercise and the income level: More
frequent exercise goes with higher levels of income
An association claim states a relationship between at least two variables.
To support an association claim, the researcher usually measures the two variables and
determines whether they’re associated. This type of study, in which the variables are
measured and the relationship between them is tested, is called a correlational study.
Therefore, when you read an association claim, you will usually find a correlational
study supporting it.
The headline “New study links exercise to higher pay” is an association in which high goes
with high and low goes with low; it’s called a positive association, or positive correlation.
Stated another way, high rates of exercise go with higher levels of pay, and low rates
of exercise go with lower levels of pay
One way to represent an association is to use a scatterplot, a graph in which one variable is
plotted on the y-axis and the other variable is plotted on the x-axis.
The study behind the claim “Coffee drinking linked to less depression in women” obtained a
negative association.
In a negative association (or negative correlation), high goes with low and low goes with
In other words, high rates of coffee go with less depression, and low rates of coffee go with
more depression.
The study behind the headline “A late dinner is not linked to childhood obesity, study shows”
is an example of a zero association, or no association between the variables
(zero correlation). In a scatterplot, both early and late levels of dinnertime are associated
with all levels of obesity
Some association claims are useful because they help us make predictions.
How much pay does this group of people get? How much coffee does that person drink?
With a positive or negative association, if we know the level of one variable, we can more
accurately guess, or predict, the level of the other variable.
the word predict, as used here, does not necessarily mean predicting into the future. It
means predicting in a mathematical sense—using the association to make our estimates
more accurate
Are these predictions going to be perfect?
No—they will usually be off by a certain margin. The stronger the relationship between the
two variables, the more accurate our prediction will be.
The weaker the relationship between the two variables, the less accurate our prediction will
Both positive and negative associations can help us make predictions, but zero
associations cannot.
Causal Claims
Whereas an association claim merely notes a relationship between two variables, a causal
claim goes even further, arguing that one of the variables is responsible for changing the
each of the causal claims above has two variables, just like association claims:
Causal claims, however, go beyond a simple association between the two variables.
They use language suggesting that one variable causes the other —verbs such as
cause, enhance, affect, decrease, and change.
In contrast, association claims use verbs such as
link, associate, correlate, predict, tie to, and be at risk for.
important point:
A causal claim may contain tentative language—could, may, seem, suggest, sometimes,
If a headline read “Music lessons may enhance IQ,” it would be more tentative, but would
still be still considered a causal claim.
The verb enhance makes it a causal claim, regardless of any softening or qualifying
Advice is also a causal claim; it implies that if you do X, then Y will happen.
For example: “Best way to deal with jerks? Give them the cold shoulder.” “Boost your salary
by hitting the gym.”
To move from the simple language of association to the language of causality, a study has to
satisfy three criteria.
1) it must establish that the two variables (the causal variable and the outcome variable)
are correlated; the relationship cannot be zero.
2) it must show that the causal variable came first and the outcome variable came
3) it must establish that no other explanations exist for the relationship.
Therefore when we encounter a causal claim, we must be sure the study can support
Validity refers to the appropriateness of a conclusion or decision and in general,
a valid claim is reasonable, accurate, and justifiable.
In psychological research, however, we do not say a claim is simply “valid.”
Instead, psychologists specify which of the validities they are applying
Interrogating Frequency Claims
To evaluate frequency claims we use
a) Construct Validity
b) external validity c)
Statistical Validity
Construct validity refers to how well a conceptual variable is operationalized.
When you ask how well a study measured or manipulated a variable, you are interrogating
the construct validity—be it smiling, smoking, texting, gender identity, food insecurity, or
knowing when news is fake.
For example, when evaluating the construct validity of a frequency claim, the question is
how well the researchers measured their variable of interest.
Consider this claim: “39% of teens text while driving.” There are several ways to measure
this variable, though some are better than others.
You could ask teenagers to tell you on an online survey how often they engage in text
messaging while they’re behind the wheel.
You could stand near an intersection and record the behaviors of teenage drivers.
You could even use cell phone records to see if a text was sent at the same time a person
was known to be driving. You would expect the study behind this claim to use an accurate
measure of texting among teenagers, and observing behavior is probably a better way than
casually asking, “Have you ever texted while driving?”
To ensure construct validity, researchers must establish that each variable has been
measured reliably (meaning the measure yields similar scores on repeated testings) and that
different levels of a variable accurately correspond to true differences in, say, texting or
The next important questions to ask about frequency claims concern generalizability:
How did the researchers choose the study’s participants, and how well do those participants
represent the intended population?
Such questions address the study’s external validity—how well the results of a study
generalize to, or represent, people or contexts besides those in the original study
Researchers use statistics to analyze their data.
Statistical validity, also called statistical conclusion validity, is the extent to which a
study’s statistical conclusions are precise, reasonable and replicable.
How well do the numbers support the claim?
To understand statistical validity, it helps to know that the value we get from a single study is
not an objective truth. Instead, it’s an estimate of that value in some population.
For example, for the report claiming that “39% of teenagers text while driving,” researchers
interviewed a sample of about 9,000 teen drivers to estimate the behavior of the population
of all U.S. teenage drivers
To evaluate statistical validity, we start with the point estimate.
In a frequency claim, the point estimate is usually a percentage.
Next we ask about the precision of that estimate. For a frequency claim precision is
captured by the confidence interval, or margin of error of the estimate.
The confidence interval is a range designed to include the true population value a high
proportion of the time.
In the report about how many teenagers text while driving, the 39.2% point estimate was
accompanied by the confidence interval, 37.0–41.4. This means that the true number of
teens who text while driving may be as low as 37% or as high as 41.4%,
An analogy for the confidence interval is a contractor who estimates your home repair will
cost “between $1,000 and $1,500.” The repair will probably cost something in that range (but
might cost less or cost more).
Finally, statistical validity improves with multiple estimates. Researchers ideally conduct
studies more than once and then consider the results of all investigations of the same topic.
Combining many estimates is better than using a single one
Interrogating Association Claims
To support an association claim, a researcher measures two variables, so you
have to assess the construct validity of each variable.
For the headline “Study links coffee consumption to lower depression in women,” you
should ask how well the researchers measured coffee consumption and how well
they measured depression.
The first variable, coffee consumption, could be measured by asking people to
document their food and drink intake every day for some period of time. The second
variable, depression, could be measured using a series of questions developed by
clinical psychologists that ask about depression symptoms
In any study, measuring variables is a fundamental strength or weakness— and
construct validity questions assess how well such measurements were conducted.
If you conclude that one of the variables was measured poorly, you would not be able to trust
the study’s conclusions.
However, if you conclude that the construct validity of both variables was excellent, you can
have more confidence in the association claim being reported
You might also interrogate the external validity of an association claim by asking
whether it can generalize to other populations, as well as to other contexts, times, or
For example, the association between coffee consumption and depression came
from a study of women. Will the association generalize to men?
You can also evaluate generalizability to other contexts by asking, for example,
whether the link between coffee consumption and depression might be generalizable
to other forms of caffeine (such as tea or cola).
When applied to an association claim, statistical validity considers how strong
the estimated association is and how precise that estimate is, and it considers
other estimates of the same association
Aspects of statistical validity
1) Strength- : How strong is the estimated association?
Some associations—such as the association between education and
income—are quite strong. People with bachelor’s degrees usually earn much
more money than those with high school degrees—about 66% more income
over a 40-year career
2) Precision- We can also ask about the precision of the estimated association.
(e.g., 9% higher income for frequent exercisers)
The estimate of an association can be accompanied by a confidence interval,
just as it can for frequency claims.
We might read for example, that frequent exercisers earn “between 6% and
12%” more income than others.
The confidence interval is designed to capture the true relationship between
exercising and income in a high proportion of cases.
Studies with smaller samples have wider, less precise intervals that reflect
uncertainty (e.g., 1% to 25%).
Studies with larger samples have narrower, more precise intervals
3) Number of times a study has been conducted
Finally, we ask whether the study has been conducted more than once,
because multiple estimates of the association are better than one.
Interrogating Causal Claims
When you interrogate such a claim, your first step will be to make sure it is
backed up by research that fulfills the three criteria for causation:
1) Covariance, the extent to which two variables are observed to go
together, is established by the results of a study. It is the first criterion
a study must satisfy in order to establish a causal claim
2) temporal precedence means that the method was designed so that
the causal variable clearly comes first in time, before the effect
To make the claim “Pretending to be Batman helps kids stay on task,”
a study must show that “pretending to be Batman” came first and
staying on task came later. Although this statement might seem
obvious, it is not always so.
3) Internal Validity or the third-variable criterion, refers to a study’s
ability to eliminate alternative explanations for the association. For
example, to say “Pretending to be Batman helps kids stay on task” is
to claim that pretending to be a hardworking hero like Batman causes
increased persistence.
But an alternative explanation could be that older kids are more likely to pretend to be
hardworking heroes and are better able to stay on task. In other words, there could be an
internal validity problem. The maturity of the child, not pretending to be Batman, leads
children to persist longer.
Usually, to support a causal claim, researchers must conduct a well designed experiment, in
which one variable is manipulated and the other is measured.
Experiments are considered the gold standard of psychological research because of their
potential to support causal claims. I
When psychologists conduct an experiment, they manipulate the variable they think is the
cause and measure the variable they think is the effect (or outcome). In the context of an
experiment, the manipulated variable is called the independent variable and the measured
variable is called the dependent variable (Basic)
A Study’s Method Can Establish Temporal Precedence and Internal Validity.
Why does the method of manipulating one variable and measuring the other help scientists
make causal claims?
For one thing, manipulating the independent variable—the causal variable—ensures that it
comes first.
In addition, when researchers manipulate a variable, they have the potential to control for
alternative explanations; that is, they can ensure internal validity
Random assignment ensures to take away individual differences by randomly assigning
participants into the group
1) External Validity of Causal Claims. We could ask, in addition, about external
validity. The study tested 6-year-old children from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Can this
sample generalize to children from other states or other countries? Would it
generalize to younger kids? What about generalization to other situations—could the
results generalize to other targets, such as pretending to be an admired teacher?
2) Statistical Validity of Causal Claims. We can also interrogate statistical validity.
We can also ask whether a study has been repeated—whether we can consider
estimates from multiple studies over time
Which of the four validities is the most important?
It depends. When researchers plan studies, they usually find it impossible to conduct a
study that satisfies all four validities at once. Depending on their goals, sometimes
researchers place a lower priority on certain validities. They decide where their emphasis