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Water Supply & Sewerage Systems Preface

With earty dawn of civilizabon when people gave up the nomadic lfe and
invented agricuture and setsed down near water sources, the need for water supply
and sewerage systems were felt Remnants of structures of water suppty and
sewerage systems of ancient India were discovered. Engineers and scientists are
stil amazed at these ancient structures of water supply and sewerage projects. Ater
the Mahenjodaro period there was a wide gap of few thousand years of which we do
not find any remnants of struchures of those periods. Probably in this interim period
they used not so durable technologies. Remnants are again discovered for water
and sewer struchures, which were of comparabively recent origin. perhaps about a
thousand year ok. In India, the moguls had a fairty elaborated water and wastewater
conveyance systems.
In today's world, the safe and efficient provision of clean water and effective
wastewater conveyance systems are essential elements of progress. Today the
underground infrastructure consists of water mains, sewer line, storm drains, gas
lines, telephones, internal lines, video cables, electrical lines, metro railways etc.
work side
by side.
It is important that best of the engineering
sciences should be used to design these underground services so that each can
work efficiently since failure of one infrastructure can damage the other and can stop
the smooth running of the urban life.
The common man on the street takes the underground infrastructure systems
for granted, unaware of their existence until they fail. With the ever increasing
awareness about the water conveyance systems, people have started demanding
quality and quantity without any interruption in their services. To ensure this, the
quality of pipe in terms of performance, durability and cost for any particular service
has become critical.
In any design, economy is always the prime consideration. Most Government
and public agencies are now faced with shortage of funds and it is a dificult for
making their capital and operational costs affordable. The design and construction of
water supply and sanitary sewers are important areas óf engineering and like all
engineering project, decisions must be made regarding material selection. The
durability and long term economic aspects are generally not given proper
considerations. For many projects, pipe materials are selected on a first cost basis.
Lower first cost does not necessarily mean the most economical system. The initial
cost is probably a lesser important factor if there are high maintenance costs or if the
pipe network ever has to be replaced during the design life of the project. Thus we
felt that it is important to introduce the concept of Life Cycle Analysis and few other
direct or indirect cost considerations in the system cost calculation before taking a
In Europe, the minimum design life for such an infrastructure system is taken
as 50 years although many engineers feel that 50 years is not long enough to be
considered as project life. The Government and private agencies cannot afford to
replace all the buried pipe infrastructures on 50 years basis. A 100 years design life
could be considered more appropriate for a well planned urban area. While pipe
manufacturers warrant their products to be free from manufacturing defects, they
would not guarantee that the pipe will perform for a given length of time. This is
because the life of the pipe after it is installed does not depend on the pipe material
alone but also depends on the loading conditions and the environment to which it is
subjected. It is the design engineer's responsibility to assess these factors and
formulate a design with a predicted design life. Investments in laying pipelines for
water supply and sewerage warrants a long-tem commitment from the implementing
agency such as providing quality service and rational burden of operational &
maintenance cost to the consumer. Therefore, the technological options need critical
scrutiny particularly due to the availability of variety of pipe materials in the country to
The implementation of water supply and sewerage schemes ín India, even
today, faces dilemma in arriving at appropriate technological solutions for the lack of
appropriate accepted methodology and software. Methodology in vogue is based on
selection of a particular conventional pipe material and class for design and checking
the design arbitrarily for structural safety without much consideration for long-term
benefits such as reliability, environmental gain, public convenience and operational
and maintenance cost. With ever-increasing demand of this basic infrastructure in
this country with limited financial resources, it was felt necessary to review the
design methodology as well as the practices in other countries so as to draw
advantages of their experiences in our decision-making.
In order to provide useful basic information to the practicing engineers
involved in water supply and sewerage systems in India, a study was initiated at
NEERI involving extensive literature and field surveys which were partially supported
by M/s Electro Steel Casting Lid. If the methodology as presented in this handbook is
accepted by techinical people and decision makers, the Govenment and in turn the
public at large, would be benefited technically and economically since the
government is the primary providers of water supply and sewerage facilities. In this
book we have tried to compile all the information on piping material and their
methods of design, their advantages and disadvantages as well as the precautions
has been given to
necessary to make them work for longer period. Emphasis
as per relevant
delineate reliable design methods and available materials in India
Indian Standards
The Volume
provides comprehensive description
of technical
parameters and pinciples for the design of pumping main,
distribution and wastewater collection systems while the Volume I l provides the
basic theory, methodology and the software with manual and solved examples
developed for their
practicing engineers will find
varying field
two volumes
useful for
It is felt that the
their engineering
endeavours. In order to assist the practicing engineers, we have also developed the
user friendly software for the design of pressure main, water distribution and
wastewater collection systems (available in a CD) which has been Copyrighted at
the Registrar of Copyright, Copyright Office, Kasturba Gandhi Marg. New Delhi 110
001 Those who like to purchase the software may contact Director NEERI, Nagpur
for further details. We hope user will appreciate the effort and approach. There may
be comments of various users on application of the software for typical reallife
cases. We solicit their views to improve the software and the manual in near future.
Apurba Gupta
Indrani Gupta
J. K. Bassin
NEERI, Nagpur
October, 2002
The work went behind this Handbook was truly a team effort spread over
several years when some of the components of the sotware coded and used for
designing number of systems by the authors
Invaluable suggestions.
perceptions and down to earth views were conveyed by soveral practicing
working hand in hand with us and deserve our sincere
acknowledgement for enriching us in so many respects. Towards the completion
of this Handbook and giving a comprehensive holistic shape, first of all we
gratefully acknowledge Dr. RN. Singh, Director, NEERI for providing constant
encouragement and kind permission for publishing the handbook.
we wish to
Director, NEERI for introducing
conveyance system design and giving
gratitude to
subject of
water and wastewater
to cary out several real
Prol. P. Khanna, fomer
cannot be
His teachings, guidance and encouragement
indebtness to Dr.
in words. One of the authors expresses his
and Er
Deepak C. Kantawala (fomer Chaiman, Research Council. NEERI)
Mahendra Shah for providing opportunities and guidance in designing severa
conveyance systems and Dr. A.V.Chiplunkar and Dr. V.S. Kulkami for their past
assocletion in developing system design algorithms. At NEERI, the authors were
intensely invoved
with Dr. A.w Deshpande
(Retd. Scientist. NEERI)
designing such systems. We express our deep appreciation for his pioneering
work on Unaccounted Flow for Waler (UFW) aong with his team members Er. S.
N. Dhone, Mr. S.K. Palhak and Mr. RP Pillewan, part of which hes been
included in this handbook.
Several practicing engineers who desired to camy out the design of their
systems at NEERI deserve recognition
user point of view.
us on
We express our sincere acknowledgement to Er. DP
Shama, Er. M.M. Shrivasteva, Er. Mahendra Kumar, Er. Mahendra Singh. Er
Ravi Rastogi, Er. Anand Mohan, and others from UP Jal Nigam; Er. P.C. Rath.
Er. A. Pattanaik, Er. P.c. Shyamal, E. S.C Mohanty, Er. M.R. Das, Er. P.K. Das
and others from PHED, Ornisse: Er. O.P. Doraia, Er. AK. Jain, Er. H.S. Lodha
from UIT, Udaipur, and Er. R.s Yadav of Slum &
Dept., Municipal
Corporation of Delhi.
We express our sincere thanks to Er. R.M.
Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran (MJP) for kindly providing us some of the
critical guidelines adopted for system design in the state of Maharashtra and
Prol. S.M. Dhabadgaonkar for enriching us on pipe material selection issues.
We recall very infomative and fruitul discussions with Er. S. V.Dahasahasra, CE,
MJP, Nagpur during this study and express our sincere acknowledgement.
We also thankfully acknowledge the services provided by several project
this volume. Er.
directly or indirectly contributed in writing
and Er.
M. Bhaskar, Er. P.S. Thakur, Er. Balbirsingh Ruprai, Er. Jaishree Lohiya
NEERI camied out
Mangesh Deshmukh deserve recognition. Mr. D.A. Lingote,
fellows of NEERI who
the CD and software installation effort.
de Snepscheut, who said "In
there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice,
We shall
like to quote from Jan L.A.
wait to receive those invaluable
tips, suggestions and
theories and practices related to the content of this handbook from
in future
practicing engineers all over the country to acknowledge them
our next improved edition of this handbook.
Apurba Gupta
Indrani Gupta
J.K. Bassin
NEERI, Nagpur
October, 2002