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Urban Algae Biofuel Project Proposal: Philippines

Urban vertical algae farms: facilitating bio-fuel production in cities
Laoag bypass road
Possible financiers:
Department of agriculture
Department of energy
Statement of the problem:
Oil prices had always been high in the Philippines for we only have few natural oil line, and at present
the outbreak of war on Russia and Ukraine that distrupted oil chain of commerce keeps the price of
oil even higher, but technologies today are finding new ways of creating oil used in cars from
biodegradable resources, make it a sustainable resources that may solve the danger of one day the oil
that comes from under the ground would be exhausted
 Create a sustainable bio-fuel production that reduce biodegradable waste, and would reuse
them to produce bio-fuel that are widely used by automotive machines
 To create another source of oil that is closer to home and not to rely on imports from other