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Wearable Fitness Tech: Are They Valid?

Wearable Fitness Technology: Are They Valid?
Modern-day society and the increased use of social media have led to a surge in the
popularity of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. With the rapid advancement of technology and a
constantly growing market of consumers, many companies are jumping on the train in order to
give these consumers easy access to an extensive range of devices and applications that claim to
assist them in tracking their nutrition status, physical activity, and other health-related factors.
The question that arises is whether these devices and applications are improving the quality of
life for individuals or do they present risks of misleading individuals and causing damage to their
physical and mental well-being. This article will examine the pros and cons of current
technologies regarding nutrition status, physical activity, and other health-related factors.
Investigating the potential benefits and disadvantages based on two factors, The health and
society implications as well as the economic implications. The research found will determine
whether these technologies are valuable tools for enhancing an individual’s health, or whether
they are just another source of confusion and misinformation.
Using the technologies available to track food consumption as well as physical activity is
relatively new, so one could wonder how useful and valid is it really? The implementation of
technology for health and physical well-being is constantly studied. Let’s talk about the benefits
that are found to come with these devices and applications. Erin C. Standen, a Doctoral
Candidate, asked this question for calorie-tracking apps. She stated The evidence indicates that
calorie- and activity-tracking apps have the potential to support behavior change1. Great, a
behavior change is a great benefit as good eating and exercise habits can promote the betterment
of health. She also found in a synthesis of 138 studies that monitor goal attainment found that 68
digital health interventions for weight loss found that higher engagement in digital
self-monitoring was associated with greater weight loss in 74% of studies1. Weight loss is
another great benefit that comes with tracking apps however, do monitoring devices do the
same? Jessica M Wade, a Nurse Practitioner, also found in her research that assessing the validity
of different monitoring devices showed Results of this study demonstrate inaccurate assessment
of EE by all wearable devices2. These devices are showing inconsistent results making it harder
for individuals to know if they have actually met a quota for physical activity and they can prove
to hurt themselves if it is under their needed goal. Along with this tracking food intake poses to
be problematic as well. Courtney Simpson, a Clinical Psychologist, found in her research that
Individuals who reported using calorie trackers manifested higher levels of earring concern and
dietary restraint3. One must really weigh the potential risks and benefits of using these tracking
apps, the devices have already been shown to be inaccurate and invalid. However, the results
shown in tracking calories could potentially benefit physical health however it could harm
mental health.
A different lens that should be looked at could be the economic impacts of these devices
and applications. One major pro of these devices is that they are in extremely high demand and
are growing rapidly. Dr. Md Shamim Talukder, who studied Management Science and
Engineering found The global wearable technology market is expected to grow from $750m in
2012 to $5.8bn in 20184. Not only that but Anthony D. Pizzo, Assistant professor in management
also found that the global wearable device market is projected to generate over US$51 billion in
20225. This is great for the economy as the profit margins of wearable devices can lead to
advancements in them as well to fight the inaccuracy they have today. Wearable fitness
technology could also be used to collect data for personal fitness needs giving room for fitness
clubs to better their services By integrating wearable fitness trackers, health and fitness clubs
can develop strategies to enhance the service experience of their members and reach their
business goals5. Overall the demand for wearable fitness trackers and the benefits that they could
have for fitness services can really be positively impacting when looking at an economic
The issue of using current technologies to monitor nutrition status, physical activity, and
other health-related factors is a complex one that requires far more research and advancements.
While devices and applications provide some insight into our health and fitness, they also carry
some risks physical and mental. With this in mind, these technologies must be approached with a
degree of critical thinking and weighing the potential benefits against the potential risks.
Ultimately, it is up to individuals to decide whether these technologies are valuable tools for
improving their health or whether they pose harm to them.
1. Standen EC, Rothman AJ. Capitalizing on the potential of mobile health applications as
behavioral interventions: A research agenda for calorie‐tracking and activity‐tracking
applications. Social and personality psychology compass. 2023;17(3):n/a-n/a.
2. Wade JM, Kowalczyk KM, Lynch V, De Lucia B, Hudak J, Stannard AB. Tracking Calories:
Validity Of Wearable Activity Monitors: 1907 May 28 1:30 PM - 1:40 PM. Medicine and science
in sports and exercise. 2020;52(7 Suppl):517-517. doi:10.1249/01.mss.0000679784.35651.e9
3. Simpson CC, Mazzeo SE. Calorie counting and fitness tracking technology: Associations with
eating disorder symptomatology. Eating behaviors : an international journal. 2017;26:89-92.
4. Talukder MS, Chiong R, Bao Y, Hayat Malik B. Acceptance and use predictors of fitness
wearable technology and intention to recommend: An empirical study. Industrial management +
data systems. 2019;119(1):170-188. doi:10.1108/IMDS-01-2018-0009
5. Pizzo AD, Baker BJ, Jones GJ, Funk DC. Sport Experience Design: Wearable Fitness
Technology in the Health and Fitness Industry. Journal of Sport Management.
2021;35(2):130-143. doi:10.1123/jsm.2020-0150