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Water Contamination & Access in India: WaterAid Project

Water Contamina,on and Improved Access to Water Facili,es
About WaterAid India:
WaterAid India (WAI) is part of the global WaterAid network, which seeks to improve access to clean water,
decent toilets and good hygiene for everyone, everywhere. WAI is a key development cum technical agency
working on sustainable access to water, sanita?on and hygiene since 1986 in India. WAI has nearly three
decades of grassroots experience in providing accessible safe water, adequate sanita?on and good hygiene
services to the poorest and most marginalised people. We work closely with several state governments and the
central government to ensure water access to disadvantaged communi?es.
Background of the work
Clean water in adequate quan?ty, improved sanita?on and hygiene are cri?cal to human health and survival,
and its absence can affect the health, food security, and livelihoods of families across the world. While India has
almost achieved universal coverage of drinking water at a basic level, it is far from achieving universal access to
piped water supply of the desired quality and quan?ty. Inadequate use of surface water and poor conserva?on
prac?ces has led to unsustainable exploita?on of ground water. India is currently the world’s largest consumer
of the groundwater and extracts more than USA and China combined. However, a third of the groundwater
extracted pan India is not fit for drinking as the concentra?on of chemicals like fluoride, iron, salinity, and
arsenic exceeds established tolerance levels.
Approximately 70% of drinking water available to them is contaminated as per the Composite Water
Management Index Report 2018. This is the challenge faced by approximately 600 million Indians face on a dayto-day basis, as they have no other op?on but to consume this contaminated water. Excessive chemical
contaminants in drinking water sources, such as fluoride, arsenic etc. pose a greater risk to the health of the
people in the community, especially school children. Unlike bacteriological contamina?on, which shows
immediate signs of ailment, chemical contamina?on shows the symptoms aWer a longer period. Constant intake
of excessive fluoride (more than 1.5 ppm as per WHO norms) can result in an incurable and crippling disease
named Fluorosis. WASH programmes in schools require an integrated approach including water quality
monitoring, access to alterna?ve safe drinking water, nutri?onal interven?ons, awareness building and
targe?ng the neighbourhood communi?es.
To address this stark issue, Sanchay’s priority for the next five years is on facilita?ng water secure communi?es
where all households have func?onal household tap connec?ons, and ensuring adequate and safe water
throughout the year. In addi?on, we focused on building capaci?es of Village Water and Sanita?on
Communi?es (VWSC) and establishing community-based and community-owned Opera?on and Maintenance
(O&M) systems. In such loca?ons, we have mobilised people through community wide mul?-stakeholder
consulta?ons, where all users of water assemble and discuss measures that can be taken to ensure availability
of drinking water. Such consulta?ons have triggered ac?ons to protect water bodies, catch rainwater and
recharge ground water.
Scope of this project
In our targeted projects, located across India, to provide access to clean and safe water, we aim to ensure
func?onal household tap connec?ons through pipe water supply schemes. We work with Village Water and
Sanita?on Communi?es (VWSCs), Gram Panchayats and community members to ensure sustainability and
regular Opera?on and Maintenance (O&M) of the water supply. Communi?es will be mobilised and made
aware of water conserva?on methods and source sustainability impacts.
In schools, we are working on improving WASH infrastructure and training of teachers, students and School
Managing Commi`ees (SMC) on WASH to ensure safe and adequate WASH facili?es.
Goal, Outcome, Output:
The project was a pilot to demonstrate integrated fluoride mi?ga?on measures at community and school levels
and the learning will help in replica?ng the ini?a?ve in future across the district. The project is helping in
strengthen Sanchay’s other WASH interven?ons in the programme area and contribute to the achievement of
other government flagship programmes like the Jal Jeevan Missio
We are transparent with all our efforts to improve the lives of the beneficiaries with the access to clean and
safe water. Sanchay proposes INR 25,54,700/-for suppor?ng the gap funding of the schools and communi?es
across India where WaterAid’s projects are present. The insight of the exis?ng project men?oned above is to
showcase the efforts required for suppor?ng the similar in different loca?ons across India.
Project reach (direct)
• Around 900 school-going children and 5000 community members are reached with fluoride awareness
• Around 600 school- going children are benefi`ed from improved access to safe drinking water
• Capaci?es of 150 SMC members, 30 school staff and 40 PRI members are built on fluoride.
Indirect reach
The project learning shared at block level is benefifng around 10,000 community members in the periphery of
the project area.
Implementa,on strategies to solve the crisis
Through this project, we are working in schools and communi?es. The purpose of this project is to ensure a safe
drinking water supply free of contaminants in schools and communi?es.
Objec,ve 1: Ensure safe drinking water supply in 15 schools and 4 communi,es
Objec,ve 2: Implementa,on of fluoride awareness communica,on programme in 15 schools and 4
Objec,ve 3: Building the capacity of the school management commiOee and Gram Panchayat to implement a
fluoride mi,ga,on programme
Contact for further informa,on:
The Sanchay Founda?on, TheSanchayFounda?on@gmail.com, 6350643105,98879777774
Ms. Aparajita Du`a, Strategic Alliances and Community Fundraising, AparajitaDu`a@WaterAid.Org, 9811804683