ECON 345 TOPIC 7: THREE SECTOR MODEL WITH A BANKING SYSTEM AND A POSITIVELY SLOPED MONEY SUPPLY CURVE This section extends the 3-sector model to incorporate a banking system with commercial banks and a central bank that can control liquidity through the overnight bank rate ibank. The principal analytical result is that the money supply curve is now upward sloping with respect to the interest rate and is shifted by the overnight bank rate. 1. Banking is a profitable form of financial ‘intermediation’ insofar as a bank can offer the public a short-term liquid asset, ‘deposits’, that pays more than cash but less than what the bank can reap from longer-term investments (loans, mortgages) funded by the deposits. Thus, bank profits essentially emerge from an arbitrage process over different asset maturities. Commercial banks also serve a valuable matching function in bringing together borrowers and lenders in financing investment and capital projects. In traditional treatments, the most basic feature of banks is that, since they are not constrained to hold all their deposits, they can lend out much of the money deposited by the public, and create new money – bankcreated money. Thus, the activities of the banking sector give rise to a ‘money multiplier’. Measuring what the aggregate money supply actually can prove complicated when the money stock consists of both government-denominated fiat money and bankcreated money. But, even more important, there are currently so many financial assets available that are almost perfect substitutes for liquid cash, it is difficult to know which near-monies should be included in an aggregate measure. This has led to a proliferation of measures of aggregate ‘liquidity’, so many that the US Federal Reserve ultimately gave up on keeping statistics on them. Accordingly, the new tradition has emerged where the Central Bank does not attempt control the aggregate money supply directly; it uses the lever of the overnight bank rate to hopefully push aggregate liquidity (however measured) in the right direction. In the following exposition, we start from with the simplest traditional measure of the money supply to illustrate the basic concepts involved. The ‘basics’ of Canada’s system of banking and monetary control are covered later. 2. It is useful to define the Monetary Base (MB) and Money Supply in the simplest way, utilizing the narrowest measure of the money supply, M1. C is currency, D is 1 checkable deposits in banks and R is desired reserves by banks. Let the currency/deposit ratio c = C/D and the desired reserve ratio rd = R/D. Here, Monetary Base: MB = C + R [1] Money Supply: M1 = C + D [2] 3. The money multiplier: Now consider the general relation: M1 = m MB [3] where the objective is to find ‘m’, the money multiplier. The money multiplier indicates the extent to which bank-created money (‘inside money’) expands liquidity beyond the monetary base (‘outside money’). It follows that if there are no banks, D = R= 0: hence, M1 = MB = C, so m = 1. If there are banks, but no currency: M1 = D and MB = R, thus m = D/R, which by the above definition implies: m = 1/rd [4] Here the money multiplier ‘m’ is in general greater than 1, but approaches unity as rd approaches 1. If the reserve ratio was 0.1, then m = 10: $100 base money would yield a total money stock of $1000 once the base money was subjected to the continual redepositing and relending processes of the banking system. It follows that the lower the reserve ratio rd, the more money banks can lend out/ create, so the multiplier will be higher. At one extreme, if rd = 1, no new money can be created by banks, since every dollar of deposit must be fully held in reserves. The money multiplier is 1. On the other extreme, if rd = 0, then in principle even a monetary base of a penny can expand the money supply infinitely. 4. If there are both banks and currency, dividing all terms by D in the equations [1] and [2] for M1 and MB yields a more realistic multiplier: m = (1+c)/(c+rd) [5] As above, the currency/deposit ratio is c = C/D and the desired reserve ratio is rd = R/D. 2 The big difference here is that agents now have the option to hold currency, rather than having to fully redeposit any cheque in the bank. This must limit the extent to which money is subject to continuing expansion within the banking system, and lowers the money multiplier. This phenomenon is often referred to as ‘currency drain’. Here an agent can receive a $1000 cheque drawn on one bank but might only deposit $500 in their own checking account, keeping $500 in their pocket. Thus, only half the money continues to remain in the banking system for relending. Both increases in rd and c must lower the money multiplier. Increases in the former limit the extent to which banks can lend out money, while increases in the latter limit the extent to which money so created returns to the banking system. It is useful to note how strongly even a small amount of ‘currency drain’ can lower the money multiplier. Before, with rd = 0.1 and c = 0, the multiplier was 10. If c = 0.1 now, the multiplier drops to 1.1/0.2 = 5.5. If c = 0.2, it would drop further to 1.2/0.3 = 4. If an agent aimed to hold currency and deposits 50/50, then c = 1, and the multiplier is 2/1.1 = 1.82. The higher c is, the closer the multiplier is to 1. Note also that, in the extreme case where rd = 0, the money multiplier remains finite and is equal to (1 + c)/c. 5. Central bank lending and the bank rate: Traditionally, central banks operated as ‘lenders of last resort’ to deal with specific liquidity crises, etc. Since the 1980s, central bank lending has become a more normal and sometimes dominant part of daily banking activities. Open Market Operations has served as the traditional central bank instrument for adjusting the monetary base – buying government bonds to expand liquidity, and selling government bonds to reduce it. We designate this as the non-borrowed portion of the monetary base MBn. Now adding in direct central bank lending to the commercial banks, the monetary base becomes the sum of two components: MBn, plus the new item A (‘Advances’), where A is the level of central bank lending (commercial bank borrowing) undertaken. A may be regarded as the borrowed portion of the monetary base. The incentive for commercial banks to borrow from the central bank critically depends on the cost of borrowing, and this is the bank rate ibank; the lower is ibank, everything else constant, the more borrowing that takes place. The bank’s decisions also depend on what return they can get on their use of the borrowed funds in the market place (approximated by ib). Bank profits thus depend on the spread (ib – ibank), noting that the market return ib would typically be an expected 3 return, adjusted for risk. An increase in ib increases the above spread and encourages commercial bank borrowing; an increase in ibank lowers it. The bank rate has become the big-ticket monetary policy instrument for controlling the business cycle and signaling the future state of the economy: it can only be changed eight times a year. MBn has no such restriction and may be changed daily for smaller adjustments. Both instruments have been used together in ‘crisis’ situations: increases in MBn typically supplement previous reductions in ibank, and are typically referred to as ‘quantitative easing’. They involve large-scale government bond (asset) purchases. If one insists that ibank cannot be negative, then lowering the bank rate to zero must end its potential effectiveness as a monetary policy instrument and require that additional liquidity be provided through MBn. With both these components considered, the monetary base can now be written: MB = MBn + A (ib, ibank) [6] + Substituting into M1 = m MB, the money supply equation becomes: M1 = mMBn + mA (ib, ibank) + where m = 1+c/c+rd as above. [7] This formulation immediately implies a money supply curve that is upward-sloping in the market bond yield ib, since M1 is positive in ib through the Advances function A(ib …). As a different variable than ib in this equation, ibank can only shift this curve. The money supply curve is shifted right if ibank falls, and left if ibank rises. Application: Suppose a banking crisis situation where agents flee from banks, raising the currency/deposit ratio c. This immediately lowers the money multiplier m and lowers M1. Suppose the central bank wants to keep ‘liquidity’ up – to keep M1 roughly constant. What would it do? Answer: lower ibank or increase MBn or both. 6. Further dependencies of M1 on ib: Applying the idea that the opportunity cost of holding currency increases with ib allows the additional argument that both c and rd are negative in ib. The opportunity cost to holding cash for an individual, or holding reserves for a bank, increases with a higher return to market payoffs. 4 Since these two variables comprise the money multiplier, the money multiplier m also varies positively with ib. More formally, let c = c(ib) and rd = rd(ib), where both are negative relationships. This implies the positive relationship: m = m(ib) [8] + It follows that there are three reasons why the money supply is positively-sloped – because of A first, and now because of c and rd. If we removed all of these dependencies on ib, the money supply curve would be vertical as before. The additional relationships allow much of the money supply expression to be written in terms of ib alone and the two active policy parameters, MBn and ibank. Letting M1 be now be denoted as Ms: Ms = Ms (ib, MBn, ibank) [9] + + s M changes endogenously with the interest rate, while central bank monetary policies to expand (contract) the money supply can either be achieved through the two policy instruments: raising (lowering) MBn and/or lowering (raising) ibank. Linking to the business cycle: Note the importance of endogenous variations in ‘liquidity’ over the business cycle. In Phase I, ib is increasing, which raises the money multiplier, and expands Ms by inducing individuals to hold more bank deposits and banks to hold less reserves. This adds fuel to the early boom, and possibly explains why a central bank might want to raise ibank to offset this effect. In Phases II and III, i is falling, so we get the reverse effect. It is well documented that the money multiplier increases in expansions and declines in recessions. 7. The expanded money market equation: Equilibrium in the money market now requires: Ms (ib, MBn, ibank) = P x Md(ib, W,…) + + - + [10] 8. Changes in the 3-sector model results: In many ways, the proceeds of the above analysis do not lead to a major change in thinking. All effects are contained in the money market, and all we have changed is the previous vertical slope of the money supply curve to an intermediate slope. For any 3-sector shock, it is therefore easy to refer to the results we got with the vertical Ms by itself, and add a small adjustment. Under flexible prices, the 5 adjustment will only affect the size of the change in the price level P. The new baseline rules are as follows: Any time a real shock raises ib, it now expands the money supply, and puts additional upward pressure on P. Any time a real shock lowers ib, it now contracts the money supply, and puts additional downward pressure on P. This will be true for all the 3-sector cases you have done. Here are two examples: (1) Consider the standard Y1 increase, Y2 constant case where r (ib) necessarily falls. The interest rate decrease lowers Advances, raises c and raises rd – all of which lower Ms. By the above rule, there is less money out there, so prices should fall more than before. In Diagram 7.1 below, the movement away from point A is no longer to B; one now moves down the positively-sloped Ms-curve to settle at C. Ms (ib, MBn, ibank) = P x Md(ib, W,…) Before: 0% -5%. +5% Now: -1%. -6%. +5% P decreases by 6% to match the 1% fall in Ms. Suppose P was fixed in the short run. Then you would have to raise MBn or lower ibank to raise Ms by a total of 6%. This would offset the 1% fall in endogenous money, so the increase nets to 5%. Diagram 7.1 Price adjustment with upward-sloping Ms-curve 6 In the diagram, we initially feed the implied lower interest rate from the goods/bonds market into the money market. Money demand shifts out by the standard wealth effect. The equilibrium adjustment in the money market with the vertical Ms- curve requires a fall in P to take the market from A to B. Now the equilibrium movement is from A to C: P has to fall by more since it has to offset both the increased demand for money and its falling supply. In the case where P is assumed fixed, we would be stuck at E, and the only option for maintaining equilibrium would be to shift the Ms-curve right by raising MBn or lowering ibank. (2) Now consider the standard Y1 constant, Y2 increase case where interest rates necessarily increase. The ib increase raises Advances, lowers c and lowers rd, all of which raise Ms. By the above rule, there is more money out there, so prices should rise more than before. Again, the equilibrium movement is not simply a vertical displacement from A to B; one moves up the Ms curve to C. Now, prices are in principle ambiguous in this backloaded case, but in all of the possible movements, there is new price pressure upwards. If P rises, it will rise more than in the vertical Ms case; if P fell before, it now falls by less: if P was constant before, it will now rise. To illustrate, consider this last case where the net change in Md (…) is 0. Ms (ib, MBn, ibank) = P x Md(ib, W,…) Before: 0% 0% 0% Now: +1% +1% 0% P has to increase by 1% to match the 1% increase in Ms. If P was fixed here, the change in Ms must be 0 if P doesn’t change, so one would have to lower MBn or raise ibank to offset the 1% endogenous increase in Ms. Diagram 7.2 Backloaded Case 7 In the above diagram, we feed the higher interest rate determined in the goods/bonds market into the money market. We consider the simplest case where the wealth effect on money demand is just big enough to offset the negative interest rate effect, so the net change in Md (…) = 0. The equilibrium adjustment in the money market with the vertical Ms curve would be from A to B, with no change in P. Now, the equilibrium movement is from A to C; P has to rise to absorb the increased money supply induced by higher interest rates. If P was assumed fixed for the short-run problem, then we would have to achieve B again, and the only option would be to shift the full Ms-curve left (from D through B) by lowering MBn or raising ibank. The generics of all the cases are fairly simple once you get the basic logic down. You should work out a variety of 3-sector cases with both Y1 and Y2 changing. **While bank rate changes get all the headline attention these days (and are presumed to be the most important monetary instrument from an implementation, efficiency and signaling standpoint), it should be noted that openmarket policies altering MBn could potentially achieve the same effects through the bond market rather than a bank lending channel. If the objective was a monetary ‘tightening’, raising ibank would achieve this, but so would a ‘large’ open market sale of government bonds. The latter would lead to a rightward shift in the Bs-curve, creating excess supply of bonds, lowering bond prices and raising bond yields. In the money market, the Ms-curve would shift left, as MBn and currency in circulation have declined. This is the same qualitative effect on the Ms-curve as the increase in ibank. 9. New approaches to understanding the banking system have emerged from detailed studies of the 2007/8 financial crisis in the US. The ‘traditional’ banking model presented above would suggest that the funds that financed the lending/real estate boom before 2007 naturally came from large increases in commercial bank deposits. Except that the data shows that deposits (of the big US banks in particular) did not increase in the years of the lending boom. So where did all the funds come from? From transient financiers – which comprise a ‘shadow’ banking system – who entered the market to realize quick arbitrage profits. Shadow banks are organizations that (selectively) perform the same borrowing/ lending functions as standard banks, but are not subject to banking regulations. Accordingly, they have a natural tendency to take on greater risk. A key explanation for their existence in the housing boom prior to 2007 involves credit market ‘distortions’: namely, if credit markets are imperfect, there can be a wedge between borrowing and lending rates, so (arbitrage) profits can be made by borrowing cheaply from one credit source and lending to other individuals at a higher rate. This becomes particularly relevant in the case of high-risk individuals who do not qualify for conventional mortgage finance. Here there is a central role for shadow banks in the creation of high-risk ‘subprime’ mortgages – a defining 8 component of the ‘toxic’ mortgage-backed securities that played such a role in the 2007/8 Financial Crisis and which underlay serious instances of bank failure. There is now strong interest in modeling how a shadow banking system can interact with a formal banking system, adding to the pool of loanable funds during boom periods, yet largely disappearing at other points in the business cycle. 10. The Collapse of SVB: In early March 2023, we had our memories taken back to the bank failures of the 2007/8 Financial Crisis (Lehmann Bros. and Washington Mutual being among the most significant) as Silicon Valley Bank closed its doors in 48 hours. It was America’s 16th largest bank. Here the bank’s potential balance sheet problem emerged from the boom-bust nature of the technology sector itself. Over the earlier pandemic years, technology startups did very well, and deposited ample amounts into SVB. However, given a quick deterioration of circumstances thereafter, the bank was able to find relatively few borrowers for new venture capital projects or mortgages, and their large excess of funds had to be invested elsewhere. The funds went mainly into low-yield Treasuries and other long-term bonds, with the intention of holding them to maturity. The Federal Reserve’s sequence of interest rate hikes over 2022 systematically lowered the value of these long-term bonds, which in turn created pressure on the asset side of the bank’s balance sheet. (If Total Assets – Total Liabilities < 0, the bank is deemed insolvent.) While the problem was acknowledged by SVB by September 2022, it did not (or could not) re-position its asset mix to sell the low yield bonds and pick up higher yield bonds that reflected the new expected inflation. So, the basic problem remained. However, more factors were at play here. In the technology downturn of this period, many startups needed liquidity simply to keep going – to meet payroll, etc. – so an abnormal number needed to withdraw money from their accounts at SVB. This was unrelated to any balance sheet problem the bank might have faced. Also unrelated is the fact that many depositors were corporate depositors that held vastly bigger accounts than would be covered by the FDIC’s deposit insurance limit of 250k (in Canada, it is 100k per account): in fact, only around 10% of the deposits were so insured. Clearly, if one combines the large ongoing volume of withdrawals with even a hint that the bank’s liquidity position was vulnerable, then the many corporate depositors with large uninsured balances would panic and want to exit too. This is in fact what created a classic bank run: even if these depositors did not need the money for immediate purposes, they would run to withdraw their funds for fear of losing their uninsured balances if the bank actually failed – that they would end up as ‘residual claimants’. This implied a ‘race’ to withdraw. SVB 9 could not successfully sell assets to fend off this bank run. It sold $21 billion in bonds the week before its closure, taking a $1.8 billion loss, and seeking money from investors to offset that loss. But the capital call failed, and that is basically the end of the story. SVB’s demise likely would not have occurred in a precipitate fashion if more depositors were retail, so perhaps 80% of their deposits were insured, or in a sector which was less boom/bust in the first place. Nonetheless, there would be little reason to expect a ‘contagion’ of bank failures outside of the immediate technology/finance sector. The situation was fairly unique. © Geoffrey Newman 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED These notes and study problems are for personal use only, and are not to be used for a business purpose or uploaded to any external website. Study Problems: 1. After the financial crisis, regulators put more pressure on banks to hold greater reserves. What would be the effect on the money multiplier and money supply? Suppose that, in this regulatory setting, the central bank also wanted to keep the money supply (liquidity) constant. What policies would the central bank use? 2. In our model with a banking sector, suppose that neither the currency-deposit ratio nor the reserve ratio are sensitive to i. Would the upward-sloping Mscurve be steeper or flatter as compared to a model where they were sensitive? 3. Suppose c = 0.2 and rd = .05. Let both values increase by 0.1 in the middle of the financial crisis. Does the money multiplier rise or fall? 4. Consider a Y1 negative shock, Y2 constant. In the endogenous money supply model, how does the change in P differ from the result in the model without banks. 5. Consider a Y2 negative shock, Y1 constant in the model with the upward sloping Ms curve. How does the change in P differ from the change in the model with the vertical Ms? Suppose the effect of wealth on money demand is very small for this problem. 6. For #5 above, assume now that P was fixed in the short run? What change in the overnight bank rate might be advocated by the central bank? 10