Dated: October 31st, 2022 REF: SUPERVISION REPORT FOR THE ON-GOING CONSTRUCTION WORK OF A COMMERCIAL ON PLOT NO. 221.NTULELE TRADING CENTER-NAROK FOR PERIS WANJIKU The following are the main substructure works activities recorded as at 31st October -Blinding (PCC 1:4:8) of minimum 50mm to strip trenches and column bases was poured and allowed to set -Spacer blocks (selected hardcore) of minimum 2inches provided under all bases reinforcement bars to allow for minimum cover -placing in position of reinforcements cages to bases followed to respective pits while maintaining square, supervised and approved ok. -Placing and fixing in position of all axially and eccentric placed column reinforcements followed while maintaining plumbline to all faces, supervised and approved ok. -All Column reinforcement bars were fixed in position by tying with binding wire to base reinforcement and braced by poles to restrain movement or tipping. -All bases were well swept clean and water poured before pouring of concrete -ratio preparation of cement: sand: barrast and water and mixing until a consistent, workable mix was achieved. This was closely supervised and was approved -Mixing was done by a drum mixer -Vibrated reinforced concrete class 20 (1:2:4) to bases (400mm depth) was poured filled to strip level, subsequently vibrated by poker vibrator and allowed to set, supervised and approved to be ok. Instructions for subsequent works -Placing of strip reinforcement to all trenches of foundation carrying main load bearing walls to follow -all strip reinforcement to pass through the column reinforcements -form work to strip foundation at cross point with column bases to control concrete spreading all over the base. -Spacer blocks of minimum 2inches to be provided under all reinforcement bars -trenches to be swept clean and water poured before pouring of concrete. -Vibrated reinforced concrete class 20 (1:2:4) to bases strip trenches (200mm depth) to follow Placing of bases reinforcement in position Tying of column reinforcement in position Base reinforcement and spacer blocks placement fixing and bracing of column reinforcement in position A fixed column reinforcement ,well braced and fixed to plumbline Concreted base left to set Pouring and vibrating concrete to bases Column stalks reinforcement PREPARED BY____CLEMENT MWANGI__ (CONSTRUCTION SITE SUPERVISOR AND CLERK OF WORKS) SIGN_____________ DATE_____28/10/2022________ APPROVED BY_______________________ SIGN_____________DATE_____________ (Client) CC: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The National Construction Authority-Narok Liaison office Narok county Building inspectorate Architect-Samuel Mwangi (A1825) Engineer-Sospeter Muiruri (A3480) Qs Bernard Murimi (Q1049) Jd Righteye Contractors Limited