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Resume & Cover Letter Assignment: ECS 3390 Instructions

Resume and Cover Letter
ECS 3390
University of Texas at Dallas
All resumes are not created equal.
Different job postings may have specific
requirements for your resume.
Some may have you fill out a prepared online
Some may want you to submit a resume as a
Follow the instructions for this specific
assignment to create a resume and cover
ECS 3390
University of Texas at Dallas
Resume and Cover Letter Writing
The following two slides offer two
fictitious internship postings.
Customize your cover letter and
resume for the posting that aligns
with your major. Do not address
your letter to me. Address your
letter for the firm you choose to:
Chris Ryan, Director of Recruiting.
ECS 3390
University of Texas at Dallas
Resume and Cover Letter Writing
Posting for Engineering Majors
Engineering Intern
Comet Energy Company, 1234 Dallas North Tollway, Dallas, TX 75244
Position Description
Provide assistance with engineering projects and activities related to electric distribution systems. Intern will be
exposed to a variety of projects and activities that occur within the utility business. The intern will have the opportunity
to apply knowledge and skills learned in engineering courses and demonstrate abilities in the work place.
Primary Job Duties and Responsibilities (Essential Job Functions)
Perform various tasks to support the substation supervisory and substation engineer
Conduct quality reviews of operating systems
Perform project management under the direction of others
Carry out miscellaneous clerical duties
Do any additional responsibilities as requested or assigned
Applicant Requirements
College student, sophomore or higher standing, currently enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program in electrical
Software skills needed to be used in extracting information from various sources, conducting analysis and
assisting workforce to achieve goals
Effective project management skills
Effective verbal and written communication skills
Effective analytical and problem-solving skills
Ability to prioritize and handle multiple tasks and projects concurrently
Start/End of Internship
Spring 2023
ECS 3390
(Computer Science majors, continue to slide 4.)
University of Texas at Dallas
Resume and Cover Letter Writing
Posting for Computer Science Majors
Computer Science Intern
Big D Software Corporation, 1234 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, TX 75244
Position Description
Provide assistance with computer software-related projects and activities related to the development of software
systems. Intern will be exposed to a variety of projects and activities. The intern will have the opportunity
to apply knowledge and skills learned in computer science courses and demonstrate abilities in the work place.
Primary Job Duties and Responsibilities (Essential Job Functions)
Perform various tasks to support the software development supervisor
Conduct quality reviews of software development products
Perform project management under the direction of others
Carry out miscellaneous clerical duties
Do additional responsibilities as requested or assigned
Applicant Requirements
College student, sophomore or higher standing, currently enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program in computer
Software skills needed to be used in extracting information from various sources, conducting analysis and
assisting workforce to achieve goals
Effective project management skills
Effective verbal and written communication skills
Effective analytical and problem-solving skills
Ability to prioritize and handle multiple tasks and projects concurrently
Start/End of Internship
Spring 2023
ECS 3390
University of Texas at Dallas
Resume and Cover Letter Writing
Other Possible Choices
If you have an actual job opening for which
you wish to apply, you may tailor your
cover letter and resume for that posting. At
the end of your assignment submission,
you must provide a copy of the job posting
so that I may see how well your
documents are tailored to the job posting.
Failure to provide the posting will cost 10
ECS 3390
University of Texas at Dallas
Resume Instructions
Resume must not exceed one page
Use clear, readable fonts. Depending on
content, your font size and style will vary
Name should be in larger font, contact
information beneath it in smaller font
Sections should be clearly defined.
Use action verbs to describe your
accomplishments, not duties.
ECS 3390
University of Texas at Dallas
Instructions, ctd
Align margins left and right
Avoid using bright colors or large blocks of
color/black/gray space
Add transferrable skills if appropriate, even if
they don’t directly align with the job posting
Proofread before uploading. You can’t do it
ECS 3390
University of Texas at Dallas
Instructions for Cover Letter
Use business letter format as demonstrated
on instructions PPT.
Keep to the three-paragraph format. Your
letter should fit on one page.
You may single space if you need to but, put
a break between paragraphs.
E-signature is acceptable.
Letter should align left only.
ECS 3390
University of Texas at Dallas
Submit your completed assignment to
eLearning on the date specified in the
Submit as ONE document with a page break
between resume and letter. You lose 5 points
if you don’t.
Submit .docx ONLY. All other file
submissions will lose 5 points.
ECS 3390
University of Texas at Dallas
I will grade you on the basis of how well you
follow directions and on the quality of your
resume and letter. I will view it from the
position of an employer considering your
All work should be original.
ECS 3390
University of Texas at Dallas